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Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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2006/4/17 14:14
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From Carolina's Lavanderia
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JC_DowntownRegular wrote:

AmyJCNJ wrote:
I don't have a problem with the law either as long as it's clear which it's not.

It is clear. You just don't know the law.

You misunderstood my comment which I probably didn't write clearly enough. What I meant to say is for me it is hard to tell where 25 and 50 is. Half of my childhood was with the metric system. And I don't carry a measuring tape with me. Painted curbs would make it clear for those of us who don't know how far 25 ft is.

Posted on: 2009/11/6 15:58

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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2007/10/20 17:38
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Boken2JC wrote:
I wasn't aware of the law, and tried to fight the ticket because the curb wasn't yellow and there was no "no parking here to corner" sign.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse. There does not need to be a painted curb or a sign. As someone stated in another thread, there is no regulation in JC requiring no parking zones to be painted any color (and btw, JC has been using red in some spots, and striped boxes painted on the street in other spots).

But, just to make you happy, they have put up some new "No parking" signs on Jersey Avenue next to the striped boxes. Now my block lacks trees and has signage to replace them.


AmyJCNJ wrote:
I don't have a problem with the law either as long as it's clear which it's not.

It is clear. You just don't know the law.

As jklm posted on this thread, and I posted on another thread, parking is prohibited

? Within 25 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection, or side line of a street
? Within 50 feet of a stop sign

And as for for this one:

simulcga wrote
Drivers simply have no place to park other than close to an intersection or fire hydrant.

Drivers do have a choice - do not park there. If someone parks too close to a fire hydrant or blocks a fire hydrant, they deserve to get ticketed, towed, and impounded.

Hmmm, I wonder why I have this personal bias towards hydrant blockers......

Posted on: 2009/11/6 1:05
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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2006/4/10 13:29
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Or we could let the free market figure it out, and people can either pay for parking or get rid of their cars.

Posted on: 2009/11/6 0:01

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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2008/1/22 23:07
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2020/7/5 20:55
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Just like everything else in this world - we need to get to the root of the problem in order to solve it - which means that Jersey City needs affordable off-street parking options and more parking, in general. Drivers simply have no place to park other than close to an intersection or fire hydrant. I believe that the Parking Authority people are cognizant of the lack of parking and thus are a little more lenient with respect to those offenders.

One easy way to accomplish adding more parking spots during the day is to GET RID OF THE STREET SWEEPERS - they are a joke. If you have never done so, I suggest walking behind a sweeper one day and see how ineffective they really are - they accomplish absolutely nothing more than leaving a little streak of water on one side of the street - nothing gets picked up!

Another option would to limit the amount of resident parking passes issued to a household or a particular address. There are at least several single-family households on my block that have more than one car - not to mention, most of them do not have a job - so they are able to move their cars right before the sweepers come and move it right back once they finish. As a result, someone who works until late comes home to no available parking.

Stricter regulation on the taxis in JC would also help keep the need for cars down. If it didn't cost $12 to go a little more than a mile to the market - it would be a little easier to live without a car.

Posted on: 2009/11/5 23:16

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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gt2220 wrote:

If you are turning left onto a one-way street, there is no reason a car can't park flush against the crosswalk to the driver's left. I would hate to see parking spaces eliminated due to lazy law enforcement; obviously I would hate to see a car accident even more but I think there is some grey area that can be intelligently evaluated.

The reasons for parking farther from the corner are not just sightlines, though.
Part of the concern is that firetrucks and other emergency vehicles need to negotiate those turns, and sometimes in the wrong direction.

Posted on: 2009/11/5 22:56

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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2008/1/29 2:54
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IMAGINE if the JC Parking Authority actually followed the law written out in the NJ Driver Manual!! SO many more tickets would be given out.

50 feet for a Stop sign!
Does the Light Rail fall into "railroad" rules?

New Jersey Driver MaNual

Do not PArK (N.J.S.A. 39:4-138)
Unless directed to do so by a police officer or to avoid an accident, a motorist should never stop or park at any of the following places:
? On a crosswalk
? Between a safety zone for pedestrians and the adjacent curb or within 20 feet of the end of the safety zone
? Near properly marked street construction
? In a space on public or private property marked for vehicle parking for the handicapped (unless legally authorized)
? On an interstate highway
? On a sidewalk
? In a bus stop zone
? In front of a public or private driveway
? Within an intersection
? Within 10 feet of a fire hydrant
? Within 25 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection, or side line of a street
or intersection highway, except at alleys
? Within 50 feet of a railroad crossing
? Within 50 feet of a stop sign
? Within 20 feet of the driveway entrance to any fire station and within 75 feet on the street opposite a fire station entrance
? On any bridge or elevated roadway or in any tunnel
? Next to another vehicle parked at the curb (double parking)
? In an area where parking is prohibited by municipal ordinance
In case of mechanical trouble or other emergency, a motorist should stop on the right highway shoulder and turn on emergency flashers.

Posted on: 2009/11/5 21:46

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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2007/10/25 12:38
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gumbo wrote:
PBW--you'll be pleased to hear that i was recently ticketed for parking within 25 feet of a crosswalk in downtown jersey city. a farce of an infraction, given that i was at least 15 feet from the crosswalk line, and located on the east side of a 4 way stop, where the traffic flows one way from west-east (so you look west for oncoming traffic and east for pedestrians--not blocking any views).

I agree with gumbo, I'm all for ticketing people who are blocking sightlines for drivers and pedestrians, but don't eliminate parking spots with a blanket policy when those spots aren't causing anyone trouble. If you are turning left onto a one-way street, there is no reason a car can't park flush against the crosswalk to the driver's left. I would hate to see parking spaces eliminated due to lazy law enforcement; obviously I would hate to see a car accident even more but I think there is some grey area that can be intelligently evaluated.

Posted on: 2009/11/5 20:02

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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2008/7/16 15:19
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2023/4/12 19:35
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i hear you amy. my boyfriend got one in a space where we always park and there are ALWAYS cars parked there. the curb is not painted and there are no signs. randomly one day he got a ticket for it. the ticket said you have to be 15 ft away from a crosswalk, but a painted curb could have easily prevented it.

Posted on: 2009/11/5 19:30

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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2006/4/17 14:14
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2015/1/22 21:37
From Carolina's Lavanderia
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Boken2JC wrote:
I have no problem with the law and won't be parking anywhere near a crosswalk again but they should paint the curbs because not everyone knows about the law or what the distance is. If the curb was yellow, I wouldn't have parked there!

I agree. I don't have a problem with the law either as long as it's clear which it's not. That other stuff was just me venting about parking on the street.

Posted on: 2009/11/5 18:09

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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2007/10/26 13:42
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I have no problem with the law and won't be parking anywhere near a crosswalk again but they should paint the curbs because not everyone knows about the law or what the distance is. If the curb was yellow, I wouldn't have parked there!

Parking has been getting much worse, and I'm sure they are going to start turning more resident spots into metered parking like they did in Hoboken. What they should do is do away with the "restricted" street areas that are $125 a month and turn those areas into regular resident parking areas.

Posted on: 2009/11/5 18:00

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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2006/4/17 14:14
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2015/1/22 21:37
From Carolina's Lavanderia
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It would be more productive if the parking authority painted the curbs where parking is prohibited. I've gotten that ticket a few times this year for parking spaces on my block that I always thought were legal. I've been parking in those spaces for many years (at least 10) and never got tickets before this year. I admit it, I'm guilty and paid the tickets.

When you're driving around late at night looking for parking on the street, you make all sorts of justifications to yourself "you're not blocking the crosswalk, you've been driving around for 20 minutes, there's nothing left, I have a small car and it looks far enough away from the intersection". Folks, it's only going to get worse when they take the parking away from Christopher Columbus and people start moving into the new condos. The city should never have made the decision to make Columbus a 3 lane highway. At some point I feel I will have to make a decision either to sell the car or move because renting a garage is out of my budget. That is a really sad choice for me because I love having a car and I love Jersey City but the two just don't seem compatible unless you make a lot of money or have a driveway/garage.

Posted on: 2009/11/5 17:08

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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2009/6/11 13:44
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2017/4/10 23:12
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Wasn't this exact violation that a lot of people speculated was the cause of the accident at Jersey and 4th? Whether or not that was the case, it seems like a legitimate violation - and a real hazard. Use better discretion next time, I'm sure being from Hoboken has skewed what you find to be an acceptable distance from the corner.

Posted on: 2009/11/5 16:51

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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2006/4/10 13:29
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About time they started writing tickets.

Posted on: 2009/11/5 16:47

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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2007/10/26 13:42
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I know this is an old thread but wanted to let everyone know I got one of these tickets - and it was $54! I wasn't aware of the law, and tried to fight the ticket because the curb wasn't yellow and there was no "no parking here to corner" sign. Anyway, don't bother trying to fight these tickets because all they will do is knock it down to "prohibited parking", which is $42. Unless you think saving $12 is worth leaving work early for... oh well, keeping a measuring tape in my car from now on and writing off the $42 as a learning experience.

Posted on: 2009/11/5 16:34

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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2006/6/18 19:49
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Regardless of the parking-to-close issue (which should be considered blocking the intersection and result in a towing, not a ticketing), driving down certain streets is a hazard.

For example, try taking Erie up from Newark Ave to Hamilton Park at night. You have to treat every intersection as a 4 way stop because you can't see if you have a stop sign, you can't see if the cross street has a stop sign, and you know the driver on the cross street can't see his sign. (this is in addition to the general disrespect for the signs).

The signs are inconsistent, for example often a do not enter on the back of a stop sign so that you can't recognize a stop sign on a cross-street. Sometimes the road is painted STOP, not other times.

Posted on: 2009/7/22 15:40

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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2008/4/20 15:31
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It's annoying to pedestrians as well, who take our lives into our hands just trying to get across a crosswalk in this town.

Next time you see this, take a pic and post it on here, I will.

Now, having vented on this, what's the best dry cleaners in the Paulus Hook area?!?

Posted on: 2009/7/22 14:35

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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2007/4/17 14:28
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2011/12/2 23:19
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PBW--you'll be pleased to hear that i was recently ticketed for parking within 25 feet of a crosswalk in downtown jersey city. a farce of an infraction, given that i was at least 15 feet from the crosswalk line, and located on the east side of a 4 way stop, where the traffic flows one way from west-east (so you look west for oncoming traffic and east for pedestrians--not blocking any views).

i'm sympathetic to the general sentiment when one's view is blocked for oncoming traffic, but the jcpa's random/unequal enforcement is seriously frustrating.

Posted on: 2009/7/22 12:09

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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2006/7/14 19:34
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I live close to there. It is a serious problem in the whole area.
In New Jersey you cannot park:

-Within 25 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection, or side line of a street or intersection highway, except at alleys

-Within 50 feet of a stop sign

yet they never ticket for it.

While painted curbs may mark an illegal parking spot or deter parking, it is not officially illegal to park at a painted curb. Otherwise I could just go out and paint the curb in front of my house.

Posted on: 2009/7/21 21:45

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks

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2009/7/21 15:56
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you're so right. blindspots are totally ridic. I see way too many accidents. they should just get rid of the cars and make the whole city car free. bicycles and pedestrians. they can let the trucks in to deliver the food. gypsy buses and public trans would be allowed too. healey would totally buy into this. healey loves radical thinking. he's so progressive it's ridic. he wants to start a jersey city commune and get rid of currency, just have jersey city be based on a barter system. revolutionary.

Posted on: 2009/7/21 19:53

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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2007/11/30 16:55
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weinish wrote:
It's amazing how many people get ticketed for all kinds of crap in Jersey City, but I consistently notice cars parking WAAAY too close to crosswalks, which impedes drivers who want to cross over streets, or make turns on a one way street, from seeing oncoming cars.

Who can do something about this?

Consistently on Erie, there are cars parked right up to the walk, often larger SUVs, and you cannot see cars headed North. When you finally do get a break, you step on the gas, and nearly kill someone crossing the street!

This is a serious problem that is getting way too rampant. Cars are either parking too close to the crosswalk, causing a blindspot for cars driving through an intersection OR the cars are parking IN the crosswalks forcing pedestrians to veer out into oncoming traffic to cross a street. People with baby strollers and pedestrians in wheelchairs shouldn't have to endure these dangerous situations!!

Posted on: 2009/7/21 19:47

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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2006/4/10 13:29
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weinish wrote:
Who can do something about this?

The city could have installed curb extensions at the corners on Erie Street when they happened to replace the sidewalks and curbs. Or at the very least they could paint the no parking zones now that there are new corners. But many of the streets don't even have their new crosswalks yet, so I wouldn't hold my breath, especially since now the election is over.

Posted on: 2009/7/21 18:54

Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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2009/5/20 16:18
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2009/8/25 23:38
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It's amazing how many people get ticketed for all kinds of crap in Jersey City, but I consistently notice cars parking WAAAY too close to crosswalks, which impedes drivers who want to cross over streets, or make turns on a one way street, from seeing oncoming cars.

Who can do something about this?

Consistently on Erie, there are cars parked right up to the walk, often larger SUVs, and you cannot see cars headed North. When you finally do get a break, you step on the gas, and nearly kill someone crossing the street!

Posted on: 2009/7/21 18:16

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