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Re: For Graffiti Artists in Jersey City -- Texting Replaces Tagging
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2004/9/15 19:03
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Mural painted on side of building in Downtown Jersey City may give a smile to those who pass by
Saturday, November 13, 2010
A Jersey City art lover has teamed up with a Downtown landlord to brighten up a Newark Avenue alley.

At the urging of resident Dylan Evans, landlord Jerry Blankman approved the aquatic-themed mural for the side of his building and agreed to pay for the supplies.

"My family has owned this building since 1925. . This was a way for me to beautify my building and at the same time support local arts," said Blankman.

The mural, a life-sized blue whale filed with an underwater scene, is part of a crusade of sorts for 35-year-old Evans, a longtime resident, television location scout and aspiring art photographer.

"It felt like there was a lack of color in the physical landscape of Jersey City. It felt kind of drab," he said during an interview at the alley.

Since Evans created the Jersey City Mural Arts Program two years ago, he's arranged for a mural on the side of Hudson County Art Supply at First and Coles streets, a series of murals (called "Raw Power") on the Morgan Building at 350 Warren St. in the Powerhouse Arts District, a bulldog mural in the YMCA courtyard on Monticello Avenue between Fairview and Jewett avenues, and a rooster mural at the corner of Stuyvesant Avenue and Kennedy Boulevard.

"I feel like having murals, it adds texture . maybe someone walking to the train in the morning, they're having a bad day and they can look up and see a mural and have a free smile," he said.

The newest mural was painted by three artists from the Trenton-based S.A.G.E. (Stylez Advancing Graffiti's Evolution) Collective: Lank Williams Jr., Justin Crosby (aka DELVE) and James Lelewae (aka Luv1), of Trenton, who donated their time.

As the three men were working last Saturday afternoon, Greg Brickey, Jersey City's art coordinator, came by to see how it was going.

"I've worked with Dylan on a couple of projects. They're fabulous for the city," he said.

As the artists continued working, several passersby stopped to watch.

"I love it. I love this style of art," said Nicole Slota, 30, a teacher who lives in the Bergen Hill section of the city. She said she has books of graffiti art at home. "But I've never witnessed a mural in the process of being made."

But not everyone was so enthusiastic.

"I don't really see the point of it," said one area resident who passed by with his 3-year-old daughter. "But," he added, "this does look better than the average mural. Most murals generally have a bunch of kids happily playing. At least this has artistic merit."

Posted on: 2010/11/14 5:19

Re: For Graffiti Artists in Jersey City -- Texting Replaces Tagging
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2010/1/5 2:28
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If you're into graffiti, I highly recommend seeing Exit Through the Gift Shop, a film by Banksy. There's a lot about the evolution of contemporary street art, as well as a bit of a treatise on art and authenticity. Even if you don't like street art, it's a really fun film - the first time in a long time that I wanted to watch a movie again right after it ended. It's currently playing at Sunshine theater on Houston in Manhattan. I wrote about it on my blog too.....

Do you know where i can see this? Is it available on dvd?

Posted on: 2010/11/13 20:44

Re: For Graffiti Artists in Jersey City -- Texting Replaces Tagging

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2010/4/22 12:48
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If you're into graffiti, I highly recommend seeing Exit Through the Gift Shop, a film by Banksy. There's a lot about the evolution of contemporary street art, as well as a bit of a treatise on art and authenticity. Even if you don't like street art, it's a really fun film - the first time in a long time that I wanted to watch a movie again right after it ended.

It's currently playing at Sunshine theater on Houston in Manhattan.

I wrote about it on my blog too.....

Posted on: 2010/5/7 20:54

Re: For Graffiti Artists in Jersey City -- Texting Replaces Tagging
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2007/11/29 18:19
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Hi All.

Does anybody know who "The Professor" is?

This "Jerk Off" has been running around downtown recently tagging everything in site.

They even tagged my building which I am not happy about as a home owner.

Their mark is a big X in sky blue. Is sky blue a gang color?

You can see more of their handy-work on our brand new planters along Newark ave from Jersey Ave to Grove Street.

Hello Jersey City govt. Get these taggers.

Police. Start patrolling. Get out of the cars and get on foot. Bring back the bicycles.

And every cop should be on duty from 2:30 - 5:30 when all these kids are running about in packs.

JCIA... get on the ball and remove all these tags downtown. We don't want to see another 1970s here.

Thank you.


Posted on: 2010/5/5 22:59

Re: For Graffiti Artists in Jersey City -- Texting Replaces Tagging

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2009/12/19 10:37
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wow i found something on the internet about this pluder guy.. i chased him off one night while he was writing on some old building down montgomery hes like black and really tall im about 6'1 and he was just a bit taller or the same hieght with i dont remember much this was quite a while ago.. is this aidds thing a crew i was speaking about this with somefriends that are hip they said that this guy aids died years ago when graffiti started to show up in town so these kids that tag just pay respect or something im like clueless butt i thought was kinda nice imv at the point in my life where i can care less i have debt to worry about i should of been a lawyer the economy sucks.. put a sticker over it and call it a day these guys arent going to stop obviously i asked myself why would someone be so stupid and do something of such nature and said hey as long they dont write on my car then whatever aha ill mind my own buisness because if they are that dumb to risk going to prison then who knows what this harmless act can lead to.. let karma deal with.. jersey city gangsters should be delt with all these shootings this year are sad , wow i wrote much

Posted on: 2009/12/19 11:15

Re: For Graffiti Artists in Jersey City -- Texting Replaces Tagging
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2004/9/15 19:03
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Thanks for all the help, but I think I'll let the cops take care of him.

By the way -- I know very well how to remove graffiti -- you can use dry gas -- yes, like you add to a car's gas tank -- or you can also use rubbing alcohol -- the problem with what this "artist" does is that he uses "acid etching spray paint" which ruins the plate glass -- already hit many windows all down Newark Avenue and elsewhere around town -- and just to be clear he mostly tags little Mom and Pop shops, not fancy new places.

I can see from the web who he is and also who is in the "aids crew" and I see a lot are from Jersey City -- some are even friends with KAWS who is known in the Downtown gallery scene.

Just so you know for future reference --- acid etching spray paint use is on the rise -- click this link to read about it: ... +etching+graffiti&spell=1

And here is what it looks like -- it never comes off -- the glass must all be replaced and it can be big bucks -- so it is a real crime. ... um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi


aoao wrote:
also fyi there's a spray that removes graffiti. look into it. i came across it month's ago.

it makes things disappear fast.

Posted on: 2009/11/19 23:45

Re: For Graffiti Artists in Jersey City -- Texting Replaces Tagging
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2004/9/15 19:03
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This is one wall Shepard Fairey wants to keep free of self-expression

After pleading guilty to vandalism charges in Boston over his guerrilla art tactics, artist Shepard Fairey had to deal with acts of vandalism closer to home. A few days ago workers sandblasted the brick exterior of his Echo Park studio, gallery and ad agency - called Studio Number One - and applied a shiny layer of anti-graffiti coating to the walls. Frequent tagging and graffiti had apparently taken a toll on the Sunset Boulevard building and Fairey, who rose to fame by employing the same hit-and-run tactics of graffiti artists and taggers.

"When graff seeped into the raw brick it was very difficult to clean," said Fairey, creator of the Obama "Hope" poster, in an email forwarded by one of his employees. "The building is historic and I love and want to protect the brick. The city was never any help with removal. Graffiti is par for the course."

The expensive layer of anti-graffiti coating won't prevent tagging. But it will make removing spray paint much easier and faster and perhaps make Fairey's big brick wall a less inviting canvas for taggers.

"Obviously I have experience with graff," said Fairey, "and there is not much point hitting a spot that will be cleaned immediately." ... shepard-fairey-wants.html

Shepard Fairey tags The Eastsider as "obnoxious"
The Eastsider posted a story earlier this week about artist Shepard Fairey protecting his Echo Park studio and office building from taggers and vandals a few weeks after he plead guilty to vandalism charges for his street art tactics. He is obviously not pleased with the story and wanted an opportunity to respond:

"Your post about the sealer on our building was very obnoxious. Do you just not give a shit about objectivity? My practice as a street artist has NEVER included putting my work on pristine or operational buildings unless asked to do so. I'm not mad at the graff artists who have hit our building, I just like the brick unadorned. I've always been a champion of street art and graffiti in the same way I'm a champion of free speech. I think it is important for people to be able to speak freely, but if I'm watching a channel whose content is not my cup of tea I may choose to change the channel. It does not make me an opponent of free speech. Preferring my brick unadorned does not make me anti-graffiti. Every time I put a piece of art on the street I know it may be cleaned. That is the nature of the art form. Our building houses a #OOPS#ing gallery and we show street artist's work there and on banners on the side of the building. For you to portray me as anti-street art is very revealing about YOU and YOUR agenda. Are you pro-street art or graffiti? If the answer is yes, then I'd assume based on your portrayal of me, that you'd welcome graffiti on your house or business lest you be revealed to be an anti-art hypocrite. If you have any integrity you will post my response along with your home and office address as an invitation for people to display their art there. Your attempt to portray me as hypocrite was thinly veiled incitement for people to tag our building. I have been arrested 15 times and know the risks of street art. Do you know the risks of being an irresponsible journalist? I responded to your inquiry very politely and you disrespected my candor by taking a cheap shot... writing something irresponsible and sensational to get people to your site. You could have written something more sophisticated and balanced that could have created a worthwhile discussion about public art. Instead you were lazy and obnoxious. Maybe the economy has made you desperate, or maybe you are always slime. Either way, you should be ashamed." ... ey-tags-eastsider-as.html

Posted on: 2009/8/21 16:04

Re: For Graffiti Artists in Jersey City -- Texting Replaces Tagging
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2007/8/11 4:06
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I have a storefront in NYC. Graffiti was never a problem till the store across the street from us closed down. Over time it got covered with graffiti, then tags, then it moved to the neighboring stores. Our glass front got etched three times. Now that the space has been reopened and cleaned up we have not been touched.

my $0.02

Posted on: 2009/8/21 5:35

Re: For Graffiti Artists in Jersey City -- Texting Replaces Tagging

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2009/8/20 19:23
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This is not an absurd thread. As a homeowner whose house has been tagged multiple times, I can't tell you just how angry it makes me to have to clean this crap off my walls. Next time, I'm going to tag one of these artists with my own mark, a red paintball. See how they like it.
It all comes down to respect, and these so called artists have none.

Posted on: 2009/8/20 19:27

Re: For Graffiti Artists in Jersey City -- Texting Replaces Tagging
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2006/7/14 19:34
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This pretty much sums up our conversation:

Resized Image

Posted on: 2009/8/19 21:16

Re: For Graffiti Artists in Jersey City -- Texting Replaces Tagging
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Posted on: 2009/8/19 20:49
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Re: For Graffiti Artists in Jersey City -- Texting Replaces Tagging

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2009/5/9 2:35
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haha, this just keeps going in circles.

Yes, graffiti is a crime.
No, Flying_ doesn't care.

Posted on: 2009/8/19 20:47

Re: For Graffiti Artists in Jersey City -- Texting Replaces Tagging
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2005/7/27 20:36
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flying_the_flannel wrote:
Because despite my lack of faith in them, schools and churches should still be treated with respect.

Roll gates on stores, and the walls of an alleyway, who cares?

Oh I don't know, maybe Shepard Fairey? ... shepard-fairey-wants.html

This is one wall Shepard Fairey wants to keep free of self-expression

After pleading guilty to vandalism charges in Boston over his guerrilla art tactics, artist Shepard Fairey had to deal with acts of vandalism closer to home. A few days ago workers sandblasted the brick exterior of his Echo Park studio, gallery and ad agency - called Studio Number One - and applied a shiny layer of anti-graffiti coating to the walls. Frequent tagging and graffiti had apparently taken a toll on the Sunset Boulevard building and Fairey, who rose to fame by employing the same hit-and-run tactics of graffiti artists and taggers.

Posted on: 2009/8/19 20:18

Re: For Graffiti Artists in Jersey City -- Texting Replaces Tagging
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2006/7/14 19:34
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2C:17-3 Criminal mischief.
a. Offense defined. A person is guilty of criminal mischief if he:

(1)Purposely or knowingly damages tangible property of another or damages tangible property of another

d. As used in this section:

(1)"Act of graffiti" means the drawing, painting or making of any mark or inscription on public or private real or personal property without the permission of the owner.

(2)"Spray paint" means any paint or pigmented substance that is in an aerosol or similar spray container.

Posted on: 2009/8/19 20:13

Re: For Graffiti Artists in Jersey City -- Texting Replaces Tagging
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2009/8/7 0:05
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I really hope, in my heart, that no one involved in this thread was so petty to just call the JCIA and file a complaint that graffiti is being done on the walls of the gallery I am at (I had posted the information in the arts & entertainment forum).

There's no GRAFFITI being done back there. It's just a use of spray paint as a medium. However, now who ever made the complaint is wasting my time (I have to come back down here tomorrow to meet with the director), the city workers' time (two of them just came down, and they now have to come back tomorrow), as well as now there is the chance that either the curator of the art show, the man running the gallery, or the owner of the building could get a summons.

The murals are being painted on a wall made of wood in the back yard, with permission. I am not vandalizing anything, so I don't understand why this is an issue.

Posted on: 2009/8/19 16:28
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Re: For Graffiti Artists in Jersey City -- Texting Replaces Tagging
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I've hardly even been TRYING to make a point this entire time.

I was just sitting out in the yard with a good friend of mine that's painting, and we were talking about this entire thread and where it's (unfortunately) headed.

Folks like he and I, we got into graffiti at an early age (he was painting in NYC back in the 80's). I didn't really have much interest in anything else kids had interest in, just graffiti. I bombed along highways, and freight trains. Those tags and throw-ups (bubble letters and the what not) eventually sparked an interest in art. This is how it ends up happening.

There are a lot of things I don't condone that I see kids do when they do graffiti: Painting houses/churches/schools/etc., I have always hated when people use glass etch bath on store front windows, too.

Street bombing is something I limit to store front roll gates (like I said, they're only down after hours when no one is around anyways), underpasses and what not. I never really did much on the streets cuz I preferred trains, the walls along train tracks, and highways. Not to say I haven't painted a roll gate, cuz I have, but in my old age I'm not as agile as I was once upon a time.

I implore you to please watch this video, as I think the first artist explains why tags and what not are important, and as a bonus the second artist gives you a little insight on the Philadelphia hand style, a style that has been all its own for years. Watch what he's doing, I consider it to be a skill.

YouTube-Infamy tagging

Posted on: 2009/8/19 15:58
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Re: For Graffiti Artists in Jersey City -- Texting Replaces Tagging
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I learned it from our government.

Posted on: 2009/8/19 14:35
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Re: For Graffiti Artists in Jersey City -- Texting Replaces Tagging
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flying_the_flannel wrote:
You're really something.

I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.

If one can't refute what was said -- deflect, deflect, deflect.

Posted on: 2009/8/19 14:32

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You're really something.

I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Posted on: 2009/8/19 14:11
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Re: For Graffiti Artists in Jersey City -- Texting Replaces Tagging
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flying_the_flannel wrote:
That's cuz I never said it's OK. It's just something I like and don't care whether or not it's OK.

Some people think it's not OK to drink alcohol, or smoke cigarettes.

That is not an apt comparison because simply drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes does not infrine upon another. Tagging their property clearly does. I find it interesting how taggers twist logic and ethics in order to justify their authoritarian behavior on others.

Posted on: 2009/8/19 14:07

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That's cuz I never said it's OK. It's just something I like and don't care whether or not it's OK.

Some people think it's not OK to drink alcohol, or smoke cigarettes.

Posted on: 2009/8/19 13:53
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Re: For Graffiti Artists in Jersey City -- Texting Replaces Tagging
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flying_the_flannel wrote:
It's not a matter of "making it". I don't care about making it, in any way shape or form. I just started doing it as a kid, and have done it on and off for years.

Like I said way earlier, to each his own. I'm not gonna get all heated about any of this, but I will voice my opinion, cuz, well, one of my worst character flaws is being too opinionated.

You sure do dance around the issue of why it's okay to tag other people's property. But I know why you're doing it, so it's cool.

Posted on: 2009/8/19 4:30

Re: For Graffiti Artists in Jersey City -- Texting Replaces Tagging
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Whatever. They're still criminals. Thanks for all the useless research.

It's a crime for a reason.

Posted on: 2009/8/19 2:04

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PBW wrote:
Yea. Wow. They got to paint on the side of a building in Jersey City. They really made it. Now they can quit their day jobs.

Ummmmmm. OK, sarcasm will get you nowhere, bubba.


Jason Maloney:

Ron English:

Looks like they already quit their day jobs! LOL ROFLMAO!!!

Wait, unless their day jobs are traveling around painting murals, designing clothing, etc.

Posted on: 2009/8/19 1:59
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Re: For Graffiti Artists in Jersey City -- Texting Replaces Tagging
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Yea. Wow. They got to paint on the side of a building in Jersey City. They really made it. Now they can quit their day jobs.

Posted on: 2009/8/19 1:33

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Of course it is. Plenty of graffiti artists do.

And they didn't HAVE to, you're right, but they WANTED to, and look where it got them? Not that this is everyone's goal.

Posted on: 2009/8/19 0:50
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flying_the_flannel wrote:

PBW wrote:

CommanderKeen wrote:
To the anti-graffiti people: what's your opinion of the mural on the side of Hudson County Art Supply? Do you think it looks nice and makes the neighborhood more lively and beautiful? If so, is there much difference between that and a mural painted on an unused wall across town?

Also, I completely understand the desire to have your property protected. My entire block once (in Newark) was defaced by some scumbags with no talent. But there's a difference, I think, between wanton destruction of personal property like that, and creating art in otherwise unused spaces.

re: HCAS. I like the mural and I welcome it. But it was done with permission. I would like more building owners letting the artist use their space.

Just want to point out that 2/3s of the team responsible for the mural got where they are by straight vandalizing billboards and freight trains. Everything has a beginning and an end.

Who cares? They didn't have to. At least you recognize that it's vandalism.

Posted on: 2009/8/19 0:25

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PBW wrote:

CommanderKeen wrote:
To the anti-graffiti people: what's your opinion of the mural on the side of Hudson County Art Supply? Do you think it looks nice and makes the neighborhood more lively and beautiful? If so, is there much difference between that and a mural painted on an unused wall across town?

Also, I completely understand the desire to have your property protected. My entire block once (in Newark) was defaced by some scumbags with no talent. But there's a difference, I think, between wanton destruction of personal property like that, and creating art in otherwise unused spaces.

re: HCAS. I like the mural and I welcome it. But it was done with permission. I would like more building owners letting the artist use their space.

Just want to point out that 2/3s of the team responsible for the mural got where they are by straight vandalizing billboards and freight trains. Everything has a beginning and an end.

Posted on: 2009/8/19 0:00
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GnomeGeneral wrote:

flying_the_flannel wrote:
If you have a problem with graffiti on your store front and it being an eyesore, hire a local artist to paint the thing. A guy like me would probably do it just for the cost of paint and a little extra for my time.

And also...


GnomeGeneral wrote:

I don't care if you have to show me that "you exist" by putting a shitty throwup on my property. ESPECIALLY, if you are from the burbs, had a college education and are over 25.

Get real.

Alright - so on the real now...can I have your address? I'll expand your horizons with spray painted kittens and unicorns wearing roller skates. What shall it be? Your window, door, walls? But I bet its cool with you, because your landlord will be cleaning it up. You know, I'm an artist. I went to art school...and I exist. Dammit.

You're insinuating that I am some sort of an idiot that would go around writing on people's homes and what not. And honestly, not only do I doubt my landlord would remove the graffiti (he doesn't really clean up or fix anything else around the place), but I'm 100% sure I'd be OK with graffiti on my house, as long as it WASN'T kittens and unicorns wearing roller skates.

I don't see the big deal with graffiti on a roll gate, they aren't down during the day, only at night, and the only people who see them are drunks walking around, homeless people, and probably other people spray painting things.

And CHLAMYDIA is way too long, what about just CLAP?

Posted on: 2009/8/18 23:59
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flying_the_flannel wrote:
If you have a problem with graffiti on your store front and it being an eyesore, hire a local artist to paint the thing. A guy like me would probably do it just for the cost of paint and a little extra for my time.

And also...


GnomeGeneral wrote:

I don't care if you have to show me that "you exist" by putting a shitty throwup on my property. ESPECIALLY, if you are from the burbs, had a college education and are over 25.

Get real.

Alright - so on the real now...can I have your address? I'll expand your horizons with spray painted kittens and unicorns wearing roller skates. What shall it be? Your window, door, walls? But I bet its cool with you, because your landlord will be cleaning it up. You know, I'm an artist. I went to art school...and I exist. Dammit.

Posted on: 2009/8/18 23:49

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