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Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning

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2008/2/1 21:30
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What the heck is a person owning 2 huge dogs in JC anyway. Does she need them for protection, or own a chop shop or a garage or something. Why have vicious dogs in a confined apartment????? Animals are not like a disney movie. They need space and when the owners think, "well im a good person i can take care of them", then the animals flip because they have morans not training them and giving these large creatures space to roam. Im an animal lover and I know my Lab can turn and I give her a huge backyard. Morans, they have to get those dogs out of there and 3x's your our. By law the dogs have to be put down. they should have been put down the first time.

Posted on: 2009/1/22 21:45

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2008/6/24 14:51
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Jonathan (the man who was attacked) will be on the news tonight channel 5 at 6pm and channel 9 at 10pm

Posted on: 2009/1/22 21:27

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2007/10/11 3:28
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I'm guessing deep cover CIA operative.

Posted on: 2009/1/22 20:24

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning

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2008/4/30 14:38
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not surprising, really. the maltese have never cared for the french.

Posted on: 2009/1/22 20:22

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2008/9/10 13:57
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From Paulus Hook
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I saw that too!! And a Maltese, nonetheless.

Didn't say where he was bit but I'm guessing it was in a lower area of his body? Ouch!

Posted on: 2009/1/22 20:21

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2008/6/25 23:54
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Along the lines of this discussion, I stumbled across this story today, which is so crazy I could not have made it up.

The Article Says:

Former French president Jacques Chirac was rushed to hospital after being mauled by his own 'clinically depressed' pet dog. The 76-year-old statesman was savaged by his white Maltese dog - which suffers from frenzied fits and is being treated with anti-depressants. ... s-dog-bites_n_159763.html

Apparently dogs can be clinically depressed and go nuts attacking someone. WTF?

Posted on: 2009/1/22 20:17

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning

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2009/1/21 14:39
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This will be on the news tonight Channel 5 at 6pm and channel 9 at 10pm

Posted on: 2009/1/22 20:00

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2007/11/30 16:55
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GrovePath wrote:

trp3 wrote:
3 days, 136 replies.

it never ceases to amaze me how much people can post about dog attacks, and rehash the same exact points and opinions every time.

i can't imagine the number of posts the next Pitbull attack will result in.

It is foolish to argue whether it is the "owner" or the "breed" - in cases like these it is clearly BOTH!'s clearly the owner. In some cases the DOG may have a medical problem that influences behavior, but the owner is the problem almost all of the time.

Posted on: 2009/1/22 19:49

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2008/6/25 23:54
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trp wrote: i can't imagine the number of posts the next Pitbull attack will result in.

There is something about the prospect of being mauled by large beasts in the middle of the city that gets people all HYSTERICAL!

I wonder why...

Posted on: 2009/1/22 18:30

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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trp3 wrote:
3 days, 136 replies.

it never ceases to amaze me how much people can post about dog attacks, and rehash the same exact points and opinions every time.

i can't imagine the number of posts the next Pitbull attack will result in.

It is foolish to argue whether it is the "owner" or the "breed" - in cases like these it is clearly BOTH!

Posted on: 2009/1/22 18:25

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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3 days, 136 replies.

it never ceases to amaze me how much people can post about dog attacks, and rehash the same exact points and opinions every time.

i can't imagine the number of posts the next Pitbull attack will result in.

Posted on: 2009/1/22 18:06

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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Vigilante wrote:
I like the inference that because the baby was "big" it might have been able to defend itself.

I took the inference to be that the little Chinese lady was way overmatched by the baby.

Posted on: 2009/1/22 18:01

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning

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2009/1/21 14:39
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Posted on: 2009/1/22 17:44

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2008/6/25 23:54
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Hey LoveAnimals,

I'm very sorry to hear about this incident. I could not agree more with you that justice should be served. It looks like it will be served judging by the media reaction.

This should not be allowed to happen ever, to anyone.

If you are interested in a larger community approach to dog bite prevention Here is study done by the American Veterinary Medical Association called "A Community Approach to Dog Bite Prevention."

It is just something to keep in mind during this debate about how to make sure this does not happen again.

Posted on: 2009/1/22 17:33

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning

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2009/1/21 14:39
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Posted on: 2009/1/22 17:26

Unleashed Mastiff Attacks

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2009/1/21 14:39
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I cannot believe it took 3 attempts to get these dogs taken away. Had they been taken away the first time these last two attacks would have never happened. These dogs are VICIOUS!!!!! Jonathan got both of his legs and his arm severly bitten. Had he not had on his (new) coat, which is very thick he would have had no arm. He tried to get away and the lady tried to get her dogs off of Jonathan but she fell to the ground as well. She couldn't even handle her dogs!! This could have been another child these dogs were after...good thing it wasn't because the way they came at Jonathan a child would not have survived it. The way his arm is he will have to have plastic surgery. I hope they put these dogs to sleep!.....I'm going to start a blog I hope you all will read....I will keep you updated on the lastest news in this case! Justice needs to be served!!!!

Posted on: 2009/1/22 16:32

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2004/11/6 21:13
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GeorgeWBush wrote:
Such an arrogant idiot. Too stupid to know that when you're being looked at for a felony, the LAST thing you want to do is go telling stories in the newspaper.

It's a learned response. Our society has trained the arrogant idiots that they'll get away with murder 'almost' all the time. Witness the crowd recently departed from DC or the farce in the Illinois statehouse. She's learned on TV to NEVER admit you've made a mistake, and to go out there and make up farfetched stories to cover up your wrongdoing.

Posted on: 2009/1/22 16:31

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning

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2009/1/21 14:39
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If you wanna know the truth his arms and both legs were severly bitten or if you wanna see pictures of Jonathans attack contact me this is his girlfriend or email me at am also going to start a blog because justice needs to be served I will send the link to the blog as soon as I am done.

Posted on: 2009/1/22 16:21

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2005/5/11 19:17
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GeorgeWBush wrote:
Holy crap. Forget the dogs for a moment- that battle's not going to be won or lost on this thread. THIS LADY IS NUTS! 3 incidents, and she tries to explain them all away.

"My dog would have bitten right through his arm". Real nutjob comment. "She dropped the baby". Nutcase comment.

The best part of all of this? Her idiot statements are going to be thrown in her face by DeFazio, with the "little chinese lady", the reporter, the young Rodriguez guy & the first guy, along with other witnesses. They're going to take her statements & pick them apart. When the find that any little fact doesn't line up with what the witnesses are saying (assuming she chooses not to testify in front of a grand jury) she is going to be SCREWED.

All it takes is ONE person who saw that the "little chinese lady" wasn't "jumping around" and "dropped the baby" and DeFazio's office is going to get her indicted, no problem at all.

Such an arrogant idiot. Too stupid to know that when you're being looked at for a felony, the LAST thing you want to do is go telling stories in the newspaper.

If you're reading this, lady.... WAY TO HANG YOURSELF. You're toast. You may have had a shot before, but you waved the cape in front of the bull (mastiff?).


+1, GWB!

Posted on: 2009/1/22 15:37

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2008/9/10 13:57
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skepticalhook wrote:

When they attacked the woman and her baby she says she unleashed them "at the park at Greene and Essex streets". There is no park. It is a small private lot and she trespasses there (not that anyone would stop her with those dogs). She uses it like her own playpen. And they have gotten out other times, including attacking someone I know.

This lot that she uses as her own play pen is located next to a private parking lot with a remote-access only gate. I parked there one night and as I walked away and the gate was shutting, I heard a commotion. Those "sweet and kind" animals that she has no control over, broke free from her and ran into the parking lot. Her and her son followed and then found themselves locked in the lot. Luckily I heard this and turned around and went back to open the gate and essentially let them out [since it's remote access only] otherwise who knows what they would've done. Another example of the lack of control they have over these dogs.

Posted on: 2009/1/22 15:12

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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I like the inference that because the baby was "big" it might have been able to defend itself.

Posted on: 2009/1/22 14:55

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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philasurfer wrote:
JennyMayla wrote: Ok. I'm cool with that. As are my battery of attorneys. And my good karma. See you at the dog park! (I actually think that my homeowners insurance covers it as long as it happens in my home. Fingers crossed.)

I think homeowners covers you even if it is off your property in many cases. Anyway, I apologize for saying you were irresponsible personally. You probably are a highly responsible person, my point was to say we should make insurance mandatory and it is irresponsible for our society to allow dog bite victims to go uncompensated.

No worries. My battery of attorneys told me I shouldn't be such a wise-ass on the internet anyway.

And yes, I am highly responsible. Thanks for noticing!

Posted on: 2009/1/22 14:53

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2008/6/24 14:51
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Another lie:
She says: "I thought the park was empty and I turned to close the door and there was a tiny little Chinese woman with a big baby," Kolb said in her defense. "She became frightened. She began jumping up and down and she dropped the baby. The dogs never touched her."

When they attacked the woman and her baby she says she unleashed them "at the park at Greene and Essex streets". There is no park. It is a small private lot and she trespasses there (not that anyone would stop her with those dogs). She uses it like her own playpen. And they have gotten out other times, including attacking someone I know. The woman and baby ran into Fulton's Landing to escape from these dogs. When the doorman went out to look, the dogs were gone. If the dogs did nothing wrong, why'd she leave immediately?

Also, anyone want to tell me the significance of this bigot pointing out that the woman was Chinese?

Posted on: 2009/1/22 14:50

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2004/11/5 22:57
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Holy crap. Forget the dogs for a moment- that battle's not going to be won or lost on this thread. THIS LADY IS NUTS! 3 incidents, and she tries to explain them all away.

"My dog would have bitten right through his arm". Real nutjob comment. "She dropped the baby". Nutcase comment.

The best part of all of this? Her idiot statements are going to be thrown in her face by DeFazio, with the "little chinese lady", the reporter, the young Rodriguez guy & the first guy, along with other witnesses. They're going to take her statements & pick them apart. When the find that any little fact doesn't line up with what the witnesses are saying (assuming she chooses not to testify in front of a grand jury) she is going to be SCREWED.

All it takes is ONE person who saw that the "little chinese lady" wasn't "jumping around" and "dropped the baby" and DeFazio's office is going to get her indicted, no problem at all.

Such an arrogant idiot. Too stupid to know that when you're being looked at for a felony, the LAST thing you want to do is go telling stories in the newspaper.

If you're reading this, lady.... WAY TO HANG YOURSELF. You're toast. You may have had a shot before, but you waved the cape in front of the bull (mastiff?).


Posted on: 2009/1/22 14:49

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2004/9/15 19:03
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It is foolish to argue whether it is the "owner" or the "breed" - in cases like these it is clearly BOTH!

Resized Image
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dog owner may face charges

Jersey City Animal Control yesterday seized two Bullmastiffs involved in incidents that have sent at least three people to hospitals.

Meanwhile, the dogs' Downtown owner insists the pooches are gentle.

Hudson County Prosecutor Edward DeFazio said yesterday his office is looking into the possibility of pressing criminal charges against the dogs' owner, Susan Kolb of Dudley Street.

"This is a case where it appears a reasonable person should have known that the dogs had a vicious propensity," DeFazio said. "This could be an aggravated assault based on reckless conduct."

James Joyce, 24, said he needed six stitches after being attacked on Jan. 9 by the dogs at Warren and Morris streets.

"I was horrified," Joyce said. "I felt it (one dog) was trying to get my neck and the other dog bit me."

By the time he got to work, Joyce said, "My groin had blood on it, my face had blood on it from touching it, I had blood all over my pants."

Kolb said Joyce is exaggerating.

The owner said she was walking Jumba and Imani, her male and female dogs, when Joyce walked up to the dogs with open arms. They are trained to jump up and give a kiss when approached that way, she said.

"They jumped up and he got upset and I grabbed the dogs and he moved away," Kolb said in an interview with the Journal. "I said 'Are you OK?' and he said 'I'm fine.' There were no marks or stains or blood on him."

In another incident, on Sept. 21 at the park at Greene and Essex streets, police said the two dogs, reportedly unleashed, knocked down a woman in her 60s and the 6-month-old child she was carrying.

Both were taken to the Jersey City Medical Center. The baby suffered scrapes to her face, and the woman to her knee, elbow and hip, reports said.

Kolb's version of the event differed.

"I thought the park was empty and I turned to close the door and there was a tiny little Chinese woman with a big baby," Kolb said in her defense. "She became frightened. She began jumping up and down and she dropped the baby. The dogs never touched her."

Jonathan L. Rodriguez, 24, of Brunswick Street, was injured in yet another incident on Monday at 7 a.m., at Washington Street and Christopher Columbus Drive.

Rodriguez said Kolb unleashed the dogs and they ran across the street and tore into his arm. A witness drove his car at the dogs to try and scare them off and construction workers from a nearby work site banged their helmets on the ground to distract the dogs, reports said.

Rodriguez finally broke free and ran into a nearby building lobby and from there was rushed to the Jersey City Medical Center, reports said.

Kolb was issued two summonses for having the dogs off their leashes.

Kolb said about the incident yesterday that there were a lot of snow plows on the streets that day, which might have put the dogs on edge.

"All of a sudden this guy appears and Jumba latched on, they got off the leash," Kolb said. "He wasn't attacking him.

"I'm such a kind person, I try to be a good citizen," Kolb added. "But if my dog was vicious, it would have bitten right through his arm."

DeFazio asks that anyone who may have been attacked by these dogs to call his office at (201) 795-6959.

Posted on: 2009/1/22 14:38

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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Yes, like I stated earlier, this woman was way over-matched by these dogs. It's probably the end for them.

Posted on: 2009/1/22 14:32

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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skepticalhook wrote:
Fyi-The story is front page jersey journal this morning. ... 32609228147250.xml&coll=3

I think it is laughable that she says the dogs are trained to do anything, much less give a kiss when someone walks up to them. She is a liar liar liar. These dogs are fully untrained, and the male owner admitted as much months ago.

Her quote is a complete fabrication: "They jumped up and he got upset and I grabbed the dogs and he moved away," Kolb said in an interview with the Journal. "I said 'Are you OK?' and he said 'I'm fine.' There were no marks or stains or blood on him."

In reality, he ran into portside immediately to get away from them and asked the doorman for assistance. No way he said he was "fine".

This woman has got to be a sociopath!!! Her lies and disreguard for others makes me sick. She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent. Hopefully she will do us all a favor and move far away from Jersey City..piece of trash!

Posted on: 2009/1/22 14:30

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning

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2009/1/21 14:39
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I cannot believe this lady said her dogs did not attack and are not vicious. The wounds are very serious and if he had not had a coat on he probably would have lost his arm.

Posted on: 2009/1/22 14:06

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2008/6/24 14:51
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Fyi-The story is front page jersey journal this morning. ... 32609228147250.xml&coll=3

I think it is laughable that she says the dogs are trained to do anything, much less give a kiss when someone walks up to them. She is a liar liar liar. These dogs are fully untrained, and the male owner admitted as much months ago.

Her quote is a complete fabrication: "They jumped up and he got upset and I grabbed the dogs and he moved away," Kolb said in an interview with the Journal. "I said 'Are you OK?' and he said 'I'm fine.' There were no marks or stains or blood on him."

In reality, he ran into portside immediately to get away from them and asked the doorman for assistance. No way he said he was "fine".

Posted on: 2009/1/22 13:55

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2008/9/10 13:57
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From Paulus Hook
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The commentQuote:

jennymayla wrote:

lindsbinz22 wrote:
Rumor has it they were about to be evicted... Not just for the size of the dogs but apparently also because it stunk outside their apartment? Not sure the truth to that since I don't live there, I just like to gossip ;)

I think it's wicked shady to talk about these people outside the actual incident itself. To speculate on their living situation and other specific things is tacky. Bitch about their dogs all you want but to talk about the son, the address, and other personal information is uncool.

Let's concentrate on bashing each other instead!

I wasn't bitching about anything person. The comment was an inference into the living environment those dogs were in.

Posted on: 2009/1/22 13:20

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