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Re: Coffee beans...
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Try Legal Grounds on Grand St -

Most whole beans are around $10/lb - some more, some less.

Posted on: 2013/1/4 20:39

Re: Pilates Specific recommendations
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Not too shy to talk

I've taken classes at both Pilates Haus (currently) and Project Pilates.

I stopped going to Project Pilates when they moved to the Hamilton Park area and joined up with the gym. It's not public transit accessible and parking in the area is hard to find. I feel like joining up with the gym lost some of the true Pilates-ness of Project Pilates.

Pilates Haus is within walking distance from both home and the PATH. The instructors are fabulous! Yes, I agree, there could be more classes or a different variety of them. But the instructors are among the best!

Posted on: 2012/9/22 17:59

Re: Microdermabrasion recommendation?
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Thanks PathH8Tr! I looked at Experience Day Spa's website because it's walking distance to me but didn't know much about it. I might have to give Maria a shot!

Posted on: 2012/8/14 16:46

Microdermabrasion recommendation?
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Not too shy to talk

I've gone to two places in the area for microdermabrasion treatments.

One was in Hoboken. I used a Groupon for it and hated it/the owner. She recommended wrinkle treatments to me, which would have been fine if I wasn't 25 at the time.

The other one was in Jersey City. I loved it and they always had website specials. There seemed to be a bit of staff turnover which was annoying because I rarely got the same esthetician. Unforunately they've since closed.

I'm hesitant to use a random Groupon since this is my face we're talking about... And sometimes you get what you pay for...

Can anyone recommend a good spa/salon that does microdermabrasion in the Jersey City/Hoboken area?

Posted on: 2012/8/14 14:53

Re: CrossFit
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Here is pricing for the Jersey City location:
https://crossfitjerseycity.zenplanner. ... er/portal/sign-up-now.cfm

Here's pricing for the Crossfit Hoboken location: ... ssFitPrices2012_Final.pdf

Relatively similar pricing. Biggest difference is that Jersey City location will be right near public transportation whereas the Hoboken location isn't.

Posted on: 2012/7/19 16:23

Re: Geese
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MDM wrote:

brewster wrote:
I can imagine a decent sized terrier doing a pretty good job.

Those dinosaur decedents are pretty aggressive (and damn strong). A gaggle of geese vs. a domestic dog.. I might put my money on the birds.

My husband and I were walking our dog (a pug - hardly ferocious) and passed by a family of them just before the Newport Path one day. The adult geese started hissing at and charging us. Meanwhile, my dog hadn't even noticed them and was looking everywhere but at the geese.

They are NOT friendly at all!

Posted on: 2012/7/16 16:06

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Not too shy to talk

Has anyone else noticed a significant increase in the geese population in the waterfront areas of Jersey City (Newport, Paulus Hook)? I've seen a lot of adult geese with babies all over the place. This morning they were down near The Pier apartments by Exchange Place. There's poop ALL over!

Posted on: 2012/7/12 14:53

Re: Wedding
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Not too shy to talk

She's not in Jersey City but still local in NJ...

Tricia at Ten Hair and Makeup -

Best prices I came across for professional hair/makeup!

Posted on: 2012/5/3 19:16

Re: Jersey City Sanitation
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Not too shy to talk

Ugh, I LOATHE Waste Management and it's employees. My issue isn't so much with how much they do or don't pick up (although they don't exactly do a stellar job) but the amount of noise they make! It's as though they hate working overnight and will make as much noise as humanly possible when they pick up garbage. Unfortunately, I live on the 2nd floor of my building and pickup is done right outside my bedroom window. I do my best to deal with it the two mornings a week but when I'm woken up by their noise ACROSS the street, that's where I draw the line. Whoever thought overnight pickup would be a great idea is a moron.

Posted on: 2012/4/2 16:28

Re: Dentist Recommendation
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Not too shy to talk

Found Dr. Zazzaro at Newport Dental Arts ( ) after needing an emergency dental appointment. I can't say enough good things about him! He has evening and weekend hours, answered all million of my questions, and is located right next to the Newport PATH station.

For what it's worth, I tried making an appointment with Dr. Lustiger. Despite it being an emergency, they told me they couldn't take me at all that day (I called first thing in the morning). AND the receptionist decided to take it upon herself to diagnose me, telling me I'd need my tooth extracted. WTF?! Hardly necessary. I still have all my teeth. She had NO clue what she was talking about.

Posted on: 2011/4/25 20:58

Re: Free Rabies shots will be available to both dogs and cats.... *save the date*
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AnimalControl wrote:
Jersey City Pet Owner's Day is hitting the road?Free Rabies shots will be available to both dogs and cats.

1 Year License (Expires 04/30/2012)
*Neutered dogs: $8.00
Unneutered dogs: $12.00 per dog
*Must have proof that dog is spayed/neutered

3 Year License (Expires 04/30/2014)
*Neutered dogs: $20.00
Unneutered dogs: $30.00 per dog
*Must have proof that dog is spayed/neutered

Are the rabies shots free and the above costs are for Jersey City Dog Licenses? Can you get a rabies shot and NOT a license?

Posted on: 2011/4/4 17:07

Re: Suggestions for alterations in JC
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Not too shy to talk


gothamshe wrote:
i just had 2 pairs of jeans hemmed at Alterations To Go - 211 Washington. (201) 451-8100. They charged $15 a pair for my 7s (I asked for the original hem - it might be less otherwise). I dropped em on a sat and they were ready weds. I thought they did a really nice job.


I LOVE this place! She does phenomenal work. I've had the waist of skirts taken in whole sizes, pants hemmed, an entire suit taken in (sleeves shortened, pants hemmed, jacket taken in at the back). Never had a problem!

Posted on: 2010/5/12 1:21

Re: Teppan Bar and Grill
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Not too shy to talk


tamard wrote:

lindsbinz22 wrote:
I had dinner here Friday night... We arrived just before 7:30 and there was about a 30 minute wait for the hibachi for a party of 4. Sat at the bar and had some drinks (highly recommend the Dragon Bite!!) before dinner. The food was fantastic. Service was a bit slow at times - usually a bit of a wait for a new drink. BUT, I noticed the same thing on my receipt - the "Rounding Fee". I called and asked about it... According to the gentleman I spoke with, their computer system isn't recognizing pennies. He said if it's 1 or 2, it rounds down, 3 or 4 rounds up. Okay, but my bill ended in 2 and it rounded up? He said they have someone coming in on Tuesday (5/11) to take a look at it and fix it. He was apologetic so I want to believe him but I'm curious if this will continue to happen?

Really, you actually called inquiring about 3 cents? People who are worried about < nickle should not allowed to go out to dinner and enjoy themselves.

That's my 2 cents...

I only called after reading the comments here about the Rounding Fee. Honestly, normally, I doubt I'd even notice it on the bill. I was just curious if they knew about it or if it was intentional. Would it keep me away? Probably not but I might adjust my tip accordingly. If they take 3 cents from EVERY bill, imagine how much free, unearned money they're stealing from customers??

Posted on: 2010/5/12 1:18

Re: Teppan Bar and Grill
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Not too shy to talk

I had dinner here Friday night... We arrived just before 7:30 and there was about a 30 minute wait for the hibachi for a party of 4. Sat at the bar and had some drinks (highly recommend the Dragon Bite!!) before dinner. The food was fantastic. Service was a bit slow at times - usually a bit of a wait for a new drink. BUT, I noticed the same thing on my receipt - the "Rounding Fee". I called and asked about it... According to the gentleman I spoke with, their computer system isn't recognizing pennies. He said if it's 1 or 2, it rounds down, 3 or 4 rounds up. Okay, but my bill ended in 2 and it rounded up? He said they have someone coming in on Tuesday (5/11) to take a look at it and fix it. He was apologetic so I want to believe him but I'm curious if this will continue to happen?

Posted on: 2010/5/9 20:51

Re: Dogs' owner may be charged with assault - pair of bullmastiffs involved in three alleged attacks
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Not too shy to talk


GeorgeWBush wrote:
I guess comments to a reporter are hearsay....any lawyers here? But that doesn't matter in grand jury proceedings.

Hearsay is admissible in grand jury proceedings, so anything she said to reporters or anyone else would be allowed. Like K-Lo said, it becomes an issue during trial proceedings. To obtain an indictment though, anything goes.


I will tell you how, and hope DeFazio goes this route, because it's easy. She ways about 100lbs. The dogs weigh about 400lbs. My understanding is that a dog can pull more than 4 times its weight. We in the neighborhood have all seen her brought down by these dogs. She's been dragged on her stomach and back by them. She clearly could not control them.

Agreed. My 20 lb. dog growing up pulled my grown mother down on ice twice and broke her wrist each time. Those dogs were far too large for her [or the husband] to control.

I'm curious why he hasn't been at any of the court proceedings?...

Posted on: 2009/1/30 17:49

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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Not too shy to talk

I didn't take it to mean anything about renters, I too rent. Most people who rent tend not to have much in assets to their name. Based on what we know of/about them, I doubt they have any sort of renter's insurance either.

Repossessing a car isn't the easiest, but garnishing wages isn't as difficult as you'd think [that use to be my job]. Once you have an unsatisfied judgment, you can move the court to have their employer attach a portion of their wages. I just don't want Jonathan or Gina to give up on the system.

Posted on: 2009/1/28 19:53

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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Not too shy to talk

I had heard Ohio as well.

Just because they rent doesn't necessarily make them judgment proof... There are lots of ways to collect on a judgment if someone doesn't own property - take/sell their car [if they have one], attach their wages [I know the husband works]. Don't give up on that Gina! And please, keep us posted on how Jonathan is doing.

Posted on: 2009/1/28 17:50

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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Not too shy to talk

I saw that too!! And a Maltese, nonetheless.

Didn't say where he was bit but I'm guessing it was in a lower area of his body? Ouch!

Posted on: 2009/1/22 20:21

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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Not too shy to talk


skepticalhook wrote:

When they attacked the woman and her baby she says she unleashed them "at the park at Greene and Essex streets". There is no park. It is a small private lot and she trespasses there (not that anyone would stop her with those dogs). She uses it like her own playpen. And they have gotten out other times, including attacking someone I know.

This lot that she uses as her own play pen is located next to a private parking lot with a remote-access only gate. I parked there one night and as I walked away and the gate was shutting, I heard a commotion. Those "sweet and kind" animals that she has no control over, broke free from her and ran into the parking lot. Her and her son followed and then found themselves locked in the lot. Luckily I heard this and turned around and went back to open the gate and essentially let them out [since it's remote access only] otherwise who knows what they would've done. Another example of the lack of control they have over these dogs.

Posted on: 2009/1/22 15:12

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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Not too shy to talk

The commentQuote:

jennymayla wrote:

lindsbinz22 wrote:
Rumor has it they were about to be evicted... Not just for the size of the dogs but apparently also because it stunk outside their apartment? Not sure the truth to that since I don't live there, I just like to gossip ;)

I think it's wicked shady to talk about these people outside the actual incident itself. To speculate on their living situation and other specific things is tacky. Bitch about their dogs all you want but to talk about the son, the address, and other personal information is uncool.

Let's concentrate on bashing each other instead!

I wasn't bitching about anything person. The comment was an inference into the living environment those dogs were in.

Posted on: 2009/1/22 13:20

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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Not too shy to talk

Rumor has it they were about to be evicted... Not just for the size of the dogs but apparently also because it stunk outside their apartment? Not sure the truth to that since I don't live there, I just like to gossip ;)

Posted on: 2009/1/21 19:26

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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Not too shy to talk

Having these dogs on a leash would not have prevented the attack. These dogs have attacked other dogs while on leashes. The owners cannot control them, leash or no leash. A simple summons to the owner is not enough!

Posted on: 2009/1/21 13:45




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