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Re: John McCain at the Liberty Science Center
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2004/9/15 19:03
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alb wrote:
To me, the worst thing about McCain, really, is that he hangs out with Lieberman...

Yeah Lieberman is a real drag but so is McCain - what is McCain saying now? "We can get out of Iraq by 2013", NO THANKS! I am glad I can vote for Obama -- because Hillary also turns my stomach!

Posted on: 2008/5/16 16:18

Re: John McCain at the Liberty Science Center
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I don't mind McCain. If he were a Democrat, and I knew he weren't going to bring the same people who've been wrecking the country for 8 years back to the White House, I'd probably like him fine. But Lieberman is pretty annoying.

To me, the worst thing about McCain, really, is that he hangs out with Lieberman. I don't mind Lieberman's politics, so much, but the fact that he ran as a Democrat in the primary, then ran as an independent when he didn't like the primary vote, is really annoying.

Posted on: 2008/5/16 15:57

Re: John McCain at the Liberty Science Center

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Posted on: 2008/5/16 14:12

Re: John McCain at the Liberty Science Center
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Sabrin4Senate wrote:
Part of Murray's platform is bringing combat troops home by 2010. He told Joe Lieberman that he should be working for that.

And how did Joe respond?

Posted on: 2008/5/12 16:44

Re: John McCain at the Liberty Science Center

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2008/4/25 16:06
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Part of Murray's platform is bringing combat troops home by 2010. He told Joe Lieberman that he should be working for that.

Posted on: 2008/5/12 14:20

Re: John McCain at the Liberty Science Center
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Sabrin4Senate wrote:
No, Murray didn't speak. But, he did have a word with Joe Lieberman.

You seem to be part of the campaign, do you know what they spoke about?

Posted on: 2008/5/12 3:10

Re: Today, John McCain will be in Jersey City - one of the largest Democratic strongholds in the cou
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we are doomed! They are all useless TOOLS!

Posted on: 2008/5/10 7:29

Re: John McCain at the Liberty Science Center
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Sabrin4Senate wrote:
No, Murray didn't speak. But, he did have a word with Joe Lieberman.

A couple of years ago I was thinking about moving back to Connecticut just for the sole purpose of voting against Joe Lieberman. Self centered egotistical biastard.

Posted on: 2008/5/10 1:50

Re: John McCain at the Liberty Science Center
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devbeep wrote:
Wouldn't it be funny if he won the election?

No. Unless you loved 8 years of Bush Wack.

Posted on: 2008/5/9 21:17
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Re: John McCain at the Liberty Science Center

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2008/4/25 16:06
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No, Murray didn't speak. But, he did have a word with Joe Lieberman.

Posted on: 2008/5/9 20:45

Re: John McCain at the Liberty Science Center
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2005/7/19 15:35
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give me a break OP. i know how everyone loves to bash a republican, but they all travel like this, even (gasp) democrats. want to talk about hypocrite do some reserch on al gores footprint. that what makes me say jeesh.

Posted on: 2008/5/9 19:02

Re: John McCain at the Liberty Science Center
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Did Murray get to speak? I assume probably not.

Posted on: 2008/5/9 18:29

Re: John McCain at the Liberty Science Center

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2008/4/25 16:06
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Murray Sabrin was there too.

Sabrin to McCain: Enough War Talk

An open message to Senator John McCain:

As it is most likely you will be the Republican nominee for President and I will be the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in New Jersey, I have one really big favor to ask of you: STOP trying to convince the American people you are right on our involvement in Iraq's Civil War. I have made it abundantly clear when I am elected to the United States Senate I will do everything within my powers to bring all the combat troops home from Iraq by September 2010 (2 ? years from now), irrespective of who occupies the Oval Office. I will agree to disagree with you on this very important issue.

Let's have some straight talk my friend: I am not going to convince you that your position is wrong and you are not going to convince 75% of New Jersey voters you are right. One rule of thumb my parents taught me was the first thing to do when you are digging a hole for yourself - stop digging. I am sure you will continue to be asked about your position on Iraq and I am not suggesting for you to not answer the question. But instead of giving platitudes like you "want to win the war" or if we exit now "we are retreating", try offering to the American people YOUR exit strategy and the tactics to accomplish that strategy. As a great military hero you know all successful military plans have an exit strategy - that is what Americans want to hear, not gaffes like your infamous "100 years in Iraq" statement.

I am still confused how Senator Barack Obama has a more traditional Republican foreign policy than you do (i.e., no nation-building, no pre-emptive attacks) but I will leave that for another conversation.

As recent polls in New Jersey and across America show you are dragging down the rest of the Republican ticket. In New Jersey you are now trailing the presumptive Democratic-nominee, Senator Obama 56% to 32% (Monmouth University poll) and 48% to 40% (Bergen Record poll). The Monmouth University poll gave you a 39% favorable to 45% unfavorable opinion - I am no political scientist, but those are not good numbers. Nationally, the picture looks equally weak.

As the likely Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate in New Jersey, part of my responsibility will be to lead the Republican Party in New Jersey and protect the Congressional and local candidates from a Democratic rout come November. Hence, my message to you today.

In order to win back those "Reagan Democrats" you must focus your campaign on kitchen table issues. This is why I have proposed The Sabrin Solution which is a simple three point plan to communicate: 1) secure our borders from foreign terrorists and illegal immigrants, 2) secure our economic well-being by getting government off our backs and out of our wallets, and 3) secure our children's well-being by increasing choice in education and increasing our liberties and freedoms. This was Ronald Reagan's message, this is my message to New Jersey voters and I strongly believe this can be a winning message for your campaign. My message to Legalize Freedom is resonating with voters which is why I am the frontrunner to take on the extremely liberal Frank Lautenberg in November.

Stop with the silly gimmicks like eliminating the gas tax for three months - you don't need to be a Ph.D. in economics (I have a Ph.D. in economic geography from Rutgers) to know this will have little, if any positive impact on the economy. As a matter of fact, a very good argument can be made your plan will have a negative impact because it will have a minimal positive impact on working Americans while increasing the deficit without offsetting spending (I think I heard that from you back during the first Bush tax cuts). You lose credibility with the American voters when you offer such economic gimmicks.

The American tax-payer wants you to fight for them and when they see the Federal Reserve give a $30 billion bail out to Wall Street and you remain silent they become suspect. Silence is approval and a good fiscal conservative would never approve such a transaction. Fight for Main Street, fight for the middle class, and fight for our freedoms - those are the qualities Americans are looking for in their next President. You can see more about my efforts to correct our failed monetary policy by visiting my website

If you don't heed my advice, not only will you lose in November, but you will take the Republican Party down with you. It will be my job to make sure the "Obama Tsunami" doesn't wash ashore the Jersey coast in November.

In Liberty,
Murray Sabrin, Ph.D.
Republican candidate for United States Senate in New Jersey

Posted on: 2008/5/9 17:45

Re: John McCain at the Liberty Science Center
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2005/11/3 19:44
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Wouldn't it be funny if he won the election?

Posted on: 2008/5/9 17:40

John McCain at the Liberty Science Center

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2008/5/9 15:49
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2008/5/13 17:55
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We live in the Paulus Hook waterfront. Our apartment is on the 20th floor and we have a great view - we can see the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, New York Harbor, and the Liberty Science Center in Liberty State Park.

John McCain is giving a talk at the Liberty Science Center today.

Saw the whole thing out our window - - Two ambulances, two fire trucks (ladders extended, with a big flag hanging between them), an Emergency Response truck, a motorcycle escort, a dozen police cars, and four buses (I can only assume that three were decoys).

Oh yeah ... the topic of his talk? "Environmental Consciousness."


Posted on: 2008/5/9 15:56

Today, John McCain will be in Jersey City - one of the largest Democratic strongholds in the country
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2004/9/15 19:03
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McCain Spends Day in Jersey City
Today, John McCain will be in Jersey City - one of the largest Democratic strongholds in the country.

by Bob Hennelly
WNYC 820AM / 93.9FM

NEW YORK, NY May 09, 2008 ?WNYC's Bob Hennelly says the campaign stop is a preview of the presumptive Republican nominee's unconventional fall strategy.

Today, as Senator McCain tours the Liberty Science Center, he'll be flanked by Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman - now an independent - and former Governor Tom Kean. Kean served as chairman of the 9/11 Commission and was constantly at odds with the Bush White House, assigning it "F's" for 9/11 follow through.

New Jersey may be blue but by the numbers, independents outnumber both Republicans and Democrats combined. A Republican has not carried the state in decades. Yet, McCain strategists think here the very things that got him in hot water with conservatives, like his leadership on campaign finance reform, will make him attractive to Jersey independents and disaffected Democrats.

Also, Jersey McCain boosters think the senator's stand on global warming shades him just green enough for a state allergic to off-shore drilling.

For WNYC, I'm Bob Hennelly.


McCain switches campaign stop from Sandy Hook to Jersey City


Former New Jersey Gov. Tom Kean says a presidential candidate's religious beliefs are personal and should be off-limits during a campaign ? except when they give insight into the candidate's character.

"I don't think religion has a place. I never have, really," said Kean, who spoke with The Associated Press before a today's campaign stop in New Jersey by Sen. John McCain, whom he has endorsed.

"I think people believe what they believe," said Kean, who was elected governor in 1982 and served for two terms before serving on the 9/11 Commission. "That's different in my mind from character."

McCain was due in New Jersey this morning to give an environmental address. Kean and Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman were scheduled to join him.

The event had been planned for Sandy Hook, a barrier peninsula at the Jersey Shore, but was moved to Liberty Science Center in Jersey City because stormy weather was forecast.

McCain was also in New Jersey Thursday for a private afternoon fundraiser.

The comments by Kean, an early McCain backer, come days after Illinois Sen. Barack Obama won the North Carolina primary and came close in Indiana, propelling him closer to the Democratic nomination despite a recent flap over his association with a controversial clergyman.

Obama last week denounced incendiary comments made by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, his former pastor, who has suggested that the federal government may have developed the AIDS virus to infect blacks and that the U.S. invited the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

As Obama and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton continued to slug it out for the party's nomination this week, McCain maintained a moderate campaign schedule that included a mix of private fundraisers and public addresses in the Carolinas, Michigan, New York, New Jersey and Texas.

"(The Democratic battle has) given him some time to go around and give the kind of appearances he's going to give (in New Jersey)," said Kean. "It's easier to run for a while before you have a real opponent."

Patrick Murray, director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute, predicted that the natural advantage McCain is now enjoying will evaporate once the Democrats coalesce behind a nominee.

"It's a Democratic year nationwide, and (New Jersey is) a Democratic state because of what's going on with the economy," said Murray. "Everything is lining up here for either Clinton or Obama."

A recent Monmouth University/Gannett New Jersey poll indicated that voters here preferred Obama or Clinton over McCain, though more were gravitating toward Obama.

Posted on: 2008/5/9 14:39

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