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Re: Pet Death
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2006/12/5 15:53
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From Belmont Ave.
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It's actually not legal to bury animals in Jersey City, especially on public land. A lot of people still do it though. You can have a veterinarian or other licensed agency cremate the pet for you, though this can be pricey, especially if you want the ashes returned to you. Liberty Humane Society can also have the body disposed for you and it's pretty cheap (not sure what they'd charge for a bird). The cheapest, easiest way would be to dispose of the body with your regular trash pick up. It's certainly not nice to think about, but it is acceptable. Just make sure you bag up the body well so as to not encourage other animals from scavenging.

Sorry for your loss.

Posted on: 2010/1/17 19:43

Re: Pet Death
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2007/9/24 22:26
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A friend of mine found a little burial spot near the embankments at Monmouth and 10th. Also, there are some spots deep into LSP that may be appropriate.

Posted on: 2010/1/17 18:39

Re: Pet Death
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
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Any Vet should be able to dispose of the remains for a fee. Not sure if they can do the same for birds but they can usually return cremated remains to owners.

Posted on: 2010/1/17 18:38

Pet Death
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2009/3/9 16:41
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2011/5/2 7:31
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I've lived in Jersey City for about 4 years and for the first time since moving had a small pet pass away, my parakeet. It has always been my family's custom to place small pets that have passed away in a box and bury them in the backyard. Now I don't have a backyard or any place to bury anything. What do I do? What do you guys do for this?

Posted on: 2010/1/17 18:34

Re: Where are our pets buried?

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2007/12/21 3:25
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2010/1/2 16:24
From journal square
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I'm sorry about your cat. It's a terrible time - having to say goodbye. I am reading these posts about animals not being as important when humans need help too. I disagree, there is enough love and caring to go around humans and animals. And thank goodness for those of us who care for animals - they deserve it.

Anyway, I have used Abbingdon Hill pet cemetary to cremate my animals. It's a very peaceful place. I actually took my pets there and I waited for them to be cremated and took them home the same day. That was my decision, I think there are many options for you to choose from. They are lovely people who take care of you and your pet with the same respect as we would get in many human funeral parlours. Here is the information on them:

Another place that I haven't used is this one, but it looks very nice:

Posted on: 2009/3/27 17:09

Re: Where are our pets buried?
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2006/7/14 19:34
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Thanks to everyone who responded.

Liberty Humane Society only does group cremations with no ashes back. I want to spread them in my yard.
I will probably just go to Downtown Vets, which will be $245, which is a little pricey I think, but it's close and I won't have to worry about it anymore. Some people may consider it extravagant, but it's important to me to have him in a place he enjoyed life.

The little bugger is hanging on; got a one week estimated death sentence 3 weeks ago but still is hanging out like nothing's going on.
As Petty sang, the waiting is the hardest part.

Posted on: 2009/2/26 19:14

Re: Where are our pets buried?
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2006/12/5 15:53
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2012/9/30 0:28
From Belmont Ave.
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This is good too:

You're not supposed to bury animals in Jersey City, the Health Dept. would have more information on that. You can however dispose of a body in the normal trash, provided it's in a tied bag.

Posted on: 2009/2/26 2:13

Re: Where are our pets buried?
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2006/5/15 20:39
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2012/8/17 14:33
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My cat passed away Monday morning. The vet took care of the cremation - about $250 dollars. We pick up her ashes on Friday. We were originally going to bury her upstate, in the Catskills, but with the ground so frozen, we opted for cremation.

Posted on: 2009/2/25 14:38

Re: Where are our pets buried?
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2004/9/14 17:44
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From McGinley Square
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PBW wrote:
Besides the Humane society's group cremation listed here, has anyone used a service for a individual cremation they can recommend? My cat is going any moment now, and I'm not sure who to call when he does. I can ask my vet, but I get more practical advice here.

I would bury him, but I think the ground might be too cold to dig.

I had the same problem. My cat died in the dead of winter and there was no way I was going to be able to dig a hole.

Fast Eddie, you're joking but I wanted to float my cat out onto the Hudson, I swear.

In the end, I lay on the floor with him the whole last night he was alive, waking up every couple of hours. I'm glad he knew I was with him the whole time. He was dead when I woke up around 5:00am. I cried my eyes out for a couple of hours while I wrote a eulogy, which I emailed out to some friends right away.

Then I made some coffee and wrapped him in a couple of towels and a big Whole Foods bag, called a cab and took him to the vet. Cab driver was a little freaked out when he realized what my package was. I think it cost $120, but I didn't get his ashes back. I did get a little certificate in the mail though.


Posted on: 2009/2/25 4:17

Re: Where are our pets buried?
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
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I know someone who used this service and they said they were very thoughtful and professional.

Posted on: 2009/2/25 2:41

Re: Where are our pets buried?
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2006/9/1 11:45
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2014/9/3 23:20
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i had my cat put to sleep and a private cremation for him back in 2004. it cost me over 600 bux at garden state animal hospital (north bergen)

i'd recommend going through LHS if you really can't afford a private cremation.

Posted on: 2009/2/25 2:37

Re: Where are our pets buried?
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
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PBW wrote:
Besides the Humane society's group cremation listed here, has anyone used a service for a individual cremation they can recommend? My cat is going any moment now, and I'm not sure who to call when he does. I can ask my vet, but I get more practical advice here.

I would bury him, but I think the ground might be too cold to dig.

Usually a Vet will send out the deceased pet to a crematorium. The cost is about $100.00 and the ashes will be returned to the vet a few days later so you can pick them up. Sorry to hear about your cat.

Posted on: 2009/2/24 19:36

Re: Where are our pets buried?
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2006/7/14 19:34
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2013/11/1 17:27
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Besides the Humane society's group cremation listed here, has anyone used a service for a individual cremation they can recommend? My cat is going any moment now, and I'm not sure who to call when he does. I can ask my vet, but I get more practical advice here.

I would bury him, but I think the ground might be too cold to dig.

Posted on: 2009/2/24 18:21

Re: Where are our pets buried?
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2005/12/30 0:21
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2017/6/13 23:12
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In urban areas, it has been a long standing tradition to send our pets off with a dignified "burial at sea" ceremony. This , of course, is only suitable for smaller animals and fish (use your judgement). The deceased is lovingly placed in the ceremonial vessel and family and friends gather round in a semicircle. It is customary to say a few words, a short eulogy perhaps. Sometimes, the animal's favorite song will be played on a boombox during the ceremony. You can play Taps on a kazoo or harmonica and fire off a gun salute with cap guns if appropriate. After the eulogy and prayers, the lid is closed in solemn fashion and the flush handle gently but firmly depressed. The mourners file out one by one, pausing at the vessel to pay their final respects before joining the repast at the local pizza place or McDonalds.

Posted on: 2008/4/1 14:40

Re: Where are our pets buried?
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2005/10/7 15:05
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2019/5/4 1:14
From Hamilton Park
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I paid for the cremation of my bird. They gave me a nice wooden box with an engraved name plate. Who knows if it's actually my bird in there, but it's nice, and kind of comforting to have. We don't have a yard, so I wouldn't have been able to bury him. And when we move he can come with us.

Sorry about your pet. :(

Posted on: 2008/4/1 4:16

Re: Where are our pets buried?
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2006/12/5 15:53
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2012/9/30 0:28
From Belmont Ave.
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I have no info on where you could bury your pet, but Liberty Humane Society offers group cremation services for animals. The ashes cannot be returned to you however. The fees are $15 for a cat, $30 for a dog.

Posted on: 2008/3/31 19:03

Re: Where are our pets buried?

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2005/3/14 21:20
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2009/7/24 13:43
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My first dog died about ten years ago. Since it was in the middle of winter, we were able to have the hospital release her body to us and we kept her in an ice cold garage for a couple of days while I made arrangements.
We drove her and the family up to the Hartsdale Pet Cemetery where I had scheduled a same day individual cremation. They had a small room where they laid her out and let us spend some time with her before they took her away. We had a long lunch at a local restaurant where we sat around and reminisced about our favorite memories with our dog. In under three hours we returned to the Cemetery and her ashes were given back to us in an urn I had chosen from their selection. I believe in total, I spent about $300. The staff was very professional and efficient. I was extremely satisfied with the service. I was glad to have found a Pet Cemetery with historical significance and an impeccable reputation. I honestly wouldn't hesitate to enlist their services again.
The whole ordeal provided my family with a sense of comfort and closure that I think would be lacking had I simply opted to have the vet to dispose of the remains.

Posted on: 2008/3/31 18:08

Re: Where are our pets buried?
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2005/9/22 15:12
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mensabitch wrote:
Dear all, I have a question: Where does a responsible pet owner find a resting place for his/her beloved animals when their time has come?

My vet wanted to charge me $265 for cremation with a ceremony (would I be there at the ceremony? - no, they said). I declined, saying that I had a backyard, a shovel, and knew how to use it.

But what would someone without a backyard do? Thank you for your input on this question.

You've got a bad vet there. He or she is playing on your emotions, and is deliberately not telling you about the much cheaper group cremation option.

Posted on: 2008/3/31 14:43

Where are our pets buried?
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2008/3/15 10:41
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2013/7/24 3:13
From Wayne Wayne Wayne
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Dear all, I have a question: Where does a responsible pet owner find a resting place for his/her beloved animals when their time has come?

My vet wanted to charge me $265 for cremation with a ceremony (would I be there at the ceremony? - no, they said). I declined, saying that I had a backyard, a shovel, and knew how to use it.

But what would someone without a backyard do? Thank you for your input on this question.

Posted on: 2008/3/31 4:46

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