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Re: NJ state taxes when you work in NY
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2005/7/19 15:35
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From heights
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thats it! thanks!

Posted on: 2009/2/13 18:55

Re: NJ state taxes when you work in NY
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2005/3/31 1:24
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ErinMaiden wrote:
I know we talked about this last year, but i can't find it when i search for taxes.

Does anyone know the form you're supposed to do when you work in NY/ live in NJ? i did it last year b/c my company pays nyc taxes and while turbo tax loves to tell me i owe a crap load, i end up doing a form that takes the nyc taxes and credits them to nj.

next time i'll leave myself a note so i don't have to freak out every year figuring this out over and over again!

thanks for any help..

I think it's the Nonresident and Part Year Resident Income Tax Return form (New York State Form IT-203).

Posted on: 2009/2/13 18:52

NJ state taxes when you work in NY
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2005/7/19 15:35
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2010/11/18 14:49
From heights
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I know we talked about this last year, but i can't find it when i search for taxes.

Does anyone know the form you're supposed to do when you work in NY/ live in NJ? i did it last year b/c my company pays nyc taxes and while turbo tax loves to tell me i owe a crap load, i end up doing a form that takes the nyc taxes and credits them to nj.

next time i'll leave myself a note so i don't have to freak out every year figuring this out over and over again!

thanks for any help..

Posted on: 2009/2/13 17:58

Re: Payroll taxes for Jc resident working in NYC
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2004/8/24 15:08
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One nice thing about living in JC is not paying that 3.5% income tax.

Posted on: 2007/12/13 1:41

Re: Payroll taxes for Jc resident working in NYC
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2004/3/11 23:46
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2011/10/29 16:00
From Hamilton Park
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Ansky / Xtine... I blew it... double checked and confirmed that Shakatah is correct and so are you about the repeal of the NYC non-resident tax.

Notwithstanding that, if the original poster moved from NYC to NJ during the tax year, there could be NYC tax implications... but for the rest of us full-year NJ residents, there is no NYC income tax... Yeah!

All the best.


Posted on: 2007/12/13 1:19

Re: Payroll taxes for Jc resident working in NYC
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2006/11/13 18:42
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property sales tax, payroll tax - somebody has to pay for all the tax abatements for developers and corporations and guess who are the 'easy' targets with the least resistance?

Posted on: 2007/12/12 23:40
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Re: Payroll taxes for Jc resident working in NYC
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2005/12/18 3:58
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ansky wrote:

G_Elkind wrote:
I2. There will also be a very small component of withholding for NYC \"non-resident\" income tax.

I have never heard of this. I never saw it on my pay stub over the last 3 years. Unless it is somehow absorbed into the NY state tax.

There used to be a so-called "commuter tax" for non-NYC residents but that was repealed several years ago. Is that what you're referring to, GE?

Posted on: 2007/12/12 20:49

Re: Payroll taxes for Jc resident working in NYC
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2005/1/24 19:00
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G_Elkind wrote:
I2. There will also be a very small component of withholding for NYC \"non-resident\" income tax.

I have never heard of this. I never saw it on my pay stub over the last 3 years. Unless it is somehow absorbed into the NY state tax.

Posted on: 2007/12/12 20:09

Re: Payroll taxes for Jc resident working in NYC
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2004/3/11 23:46
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2011/10/29 16:00
From Hamilton Park
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I\'ve been living in NJ and working in NYC for more than 25 years.

Shakatah is almost correct but for one small item... NYC Income Tax.

Basically, in broad brush strokes, the NY / NJ State tax component works out like this:

1. You withhold 100% to NYS at regular NYS rates.

2. There will also be a very small component of withholding for NYC \"non-resident\" income tax.

3. You complete and file a non-resident NYS tax return.

4. The bulk of your actual tax payments will be paid to NY

5. You complete and file a resident NJ return, for which you receive a credit for taxes paid to NY.

6. If you have no other tax complexities (e.g. no other income generated or performed in NJ), this typically will generate a small NJ refund. Even though there is a differential between NY (higher) and NJ (lower) state tax tables, my experience has been that the real result is essentially a wash. Some years I get a small refund from NY and other years from NJ.

For an accurate read on your actual or predicted outcome, you do need to consult a tax accountant.

All the best.


Posted on: 2007/12/12 19:52

Re: Payroll taxes for Jc resident working in NYC
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2005/12/18 3:58
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ansky wrote:
When I file I usually get a refund from NY and end up owing a bit to NJ. So it basically balances out. It's just annoying that you have to do two state returns - NJ, and NY Non-Resident.

Me too. Although sometimes I end up owing New York even more whihc is weird.

Posted on: 2007/12/12 19:34

Re: Payroll taxes for Jc resident working in NYC
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2005/1/24 19:00
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When I file I usually get a refund from NY and end up owing a bit to NJ. So it basically balances out. It's just annoying that you have to do two state returns - NJ, and NY Non-Resident.

Posted on: 2007/12/12 18:57

Re: Payroll taxes for Jc resident working in NYC
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2006/1/18 14:10
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Consult a tax accountant...

People I know in your situation get NYS taxes and all the Fed related stuff taken out, basically all the mandatory stuff for anyone working in NYS. Withhold nothing for Jersey as your jersey taxes owed will most likely be less than what NYS withholds. You def. should not be paying NYC taxes.

Credit your NYS taxes paid against your NJ taxes owed when you file your return. Will most likely end up owing nothing to NJ since NYS income tax rates are generally higher then NJs.

In the end if your tax situation is straightforward and simple and that company isn't helping you to get end up paying "only" all the federal stuff and NYS income tax.

Also, I believe you should be able to get the NYC income tax paid back. You may have to wait till you file your return, but you should be able to get it back. to a tax accountant or at minimum search the web for posts on "Live in NJ work in NY".

Posted on: 2007/12/12 15:53

Re: Payroll taxes for Jc resident working in NYC
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2006/2/9 14:51
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2014/3/19 13:54
From Hamilton Park
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I work in the city & I just have NY State taxes taken out of my paycheck (in additional to fed, ss, & med of course). It balances out & I usually don't end up owing anything to NJ (or if I do, it's very little). It may depend on your tax bracket whether or not you owe NJ anything, but you should only have NY state being taken out of your check.

I think there's another thread on this somwhere.

Not sure about the $100 resident tax, you should probably be refunded but not sure how.

Posted on: 2007/12/12 15:45

Payroll taxes for Jc resident working in NYC
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2005/6/3 17:39
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2009/8/27 13:32
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I just started working for a small company in NYC, and the owner was completely flummoxed by my being a NJ resident. As their first out-of-state employee, he totally f-up'ed my first paycheck, deducting *both* NJ and NY state tax, NY disability and NYC resident. Yeah, I wasn't planning on giving 40% of my paycheck away.

Can someone clarify exactly what taxes need to be dedcuted for a NJ resident working in NYC? (Besides Federal, SS and Medicare.) I need to get this straightened out today for my next paycheck.

And do I have anyway of getting back the $100 I gave to NYC for the resident tax, or is that gone forever?

Posted on: 2007/12/12 15:20

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