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Re: Car broken into - Mercer @ Jersey
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2005/9/21 13:53
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2015/8/5 3:20
From Jersey City Heights
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15 years ago i was stopping by my brother's place on Stanton Street in NYC (should be in the NOT JERSEY CITY column), and had everything i own in my car for a move... i took one load up to his place (4th floor walk up) and by the time i dumped it, and came back down with him for a second load - probably no more than 60 seconds, everything i own was GONE.

serves me right. the cops said it was probably a van full of people driving around looking for targets...

Posted on: 2007/8/30 22:35

Re: Car broken into - Mercer @ Jersey
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2007/1/26 2:25
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2010/11/3 12:12
From van Vorst
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I got hit this sat on York between varick and Monmouth. Didnt touch anything in the car ripped out the door key cylinder and tore up the key cylinder on the steering column. Looks like they just wanted the car but either got startled or gave up. 800 in damages.

Posted on: 2007/8/30 19:44

Re: Car broken into - Mercer @ Jersey

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2007/1/19 21:43
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2018/6/22 19:02
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I was running yesterday morning at about 7:30 and passed a police cruiser at the scene. Looked like the officer was filling out a report.

But when I read that the incident happened the night before at about 8, I was kinda' ticked that it took nearly 12 hours for the police to take notice.

Posted on: 2007/8/30 14:59

Re: Car broken into - Mercer @ Jersey
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2007/1/24 15:28
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2013/11/15 12:18
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lithyem, did you file a police report? the more that gets reported the greater chance we can get more police watch in the area.

Posted on: 2007/8/30 14:06

Re: Car broken into - Mercer @ Jersey
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2004/8/24 15:08
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2013/12/15 2:25
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I think these kids know exactly what they're stealing and how it works, its not rocket science. They just don't give a f**k about other people, pretty simple.

If there is little or no risk in getting caught, and if they get caught very little that the justice system does, what is the incentive NOT to break the window?

Posted on: 2007/8/30 12:15

Re: Car broken into - Mercer @ Jersey
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2006/11/13 16:04
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2015/6/20 2:38
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Actually, I am thinking based on my XM receiver that the radio might work for a day or two after it's reported stolen (since it takes a bit of time for the satellite to beam the "stolen/lock/cancel" signal. So maybe the crooks don't realize that it will stop working. I don't think a lot of them know the ins and outs of satellite radio.

I think with some cell phones they can be sent overseass and used on other networks even if they're blocked on the US networks.

Posted on: 2007/8/29 19:24

Re: Car broken into - Mercer @ Jersey
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2007/6/25 17:33
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2017/11/7 17:24
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sorry to hear about your Sirius. I would go nuts without mine!

I don't think crooks like that reaise or care about things being linked to an account (even cell phones) because its still a peice of electronics and apparently they all have some kind of value (for whatever purpose, ten bucks for crack?) after you cut them off from their service when its stolen.

Posted on: 2007/8/29 18:22

Re: Car broken into - Mercer @ Jersey
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2006/11/13 16:04
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2015/6/20 2:38
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That's really awful. At least it will hopefully be instructive to others -- leave NOTHING of any value whatsoever visible in your car. No CDs. No tapes. No mugs.

Some people will break into your car to steal 27 cents in change.

And remember, logic doesn't enter into many thieves' minds. There are people who are mugged for their cellphone despite the phone being worthless as soon as its reported stolen, so stealing a Sirius out of a car (while stupid) wouldn't surprise me all that much.

Posted on: 2007/8/29 18:01

Re: My Car!
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2006/4/10 13:29
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2024/5/15 1:51
From Mars
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That sucks.

Posted on: 2007/8/29 17:35

My Car!

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2007/8/27 19:30
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2007/11/16 3:28
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Hi Folks,
So that Silver Accord was mine.. and yes it was the same one broken into on FRIDAY night! This time I had taken the faceplate off the radio and the only thing in the car was the Sirius radio which was mounted to the window. I assumed (stupidly, no flames please) that nobody would want that since it's tied to my account and I'd disable it...

I kinda feel like a target now though. Was thinking that I'm going to take the roof racks off so it's not as conspicuous. Right now it draws a lot of attention because of the racks which are a bit extreme looking.

let me catch these bastards...

Posted on: 2007/8/29 17:30

Re: Car broken into - Mercer @ Jersey
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2005/3/21 20:01
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2020/9/5 14:18
From Exchange Place
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My new Mastercard came in the mail a few days ago. But it has to be activated from my home telephone, and I have to talk to some fake American half the world away who was trying to sell me credit monitoring.

There will always be out-of-towners and newcomers who will leave things in the car.

Posted on: 2007/8/29 1:58

Re: Car broken into - Mercer @ Jersey
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2006/5/31 3:28
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2011/10/10 16:29
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oh lordy, if they so much as left a lens for a 35mm format on my stoop, i'd go apeshit... $20k cameras? i definitely wouldn't be happy.

Posted on: 2007/8/29 1:52

Re: Car broken into - Mercer @ Jersey
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2007/6/25 17:33
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2017/11/7 17:24
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identity theft, yeah. but i mean if its just some teenage punk what will they do with it? are there people who will buy info from them or something?

and i have no idea why a UPS would leave a package out anywhere in an urban area. stupid.

but i once had a DHL guy leave a very expensive medium format camera, packing slip containing the price of it, in front of my door in my apartment building when i lived on staten island. i never even asked for it to be delivered but the store screwed up. needless to say i was infuriated because of how much it was worth. thankfully, it was still there when i got back.

Posted on: 2007/8/29 1:34

Re: Car broken into - Mercer @ Jersey
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2007/1/19 3:33
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2010/9/24 18:01
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yea, I know we have had a few small packages taken from our mailbox area. Easy grab when the USPS leaves packages out that they cant fit in the box.

Posted on: 2007/8/29 1:24

Re: Car broken into - Mercer @ Jersey
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2006/4/10 13:29
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2024/5/15 1:51
From Mars
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mjcbklyn wrote:
what the #OOPS#! why would someone try to get in a mailbox? you think there is just cash sitting in there? jesus, break into my mailbox and you can have my god damn bills. please. that is just so annoying. i don't care who you are, you must have something better to do with your time. #OOPS#ing scumbags.


Identity theft in mailboxes.

Posted on: 2007/8/29 1:24

Re: Car broken into - Mercer @ Jersey
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2007/6/25 17:33
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2017/11/7 17:24
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what the #OOPS#! why would someone try to get in a mailbox? you think there is just cash sitting in there? jesus, break into my mailbox and you can have my god damn bills. please. that is just so annoying. i don't care who you are, you must have something better to do with your time. #OOPS#ing scumbags.


Posted on: 2007/8/29 1:13

Re: Car broken into - Mercer @ Jersey
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2007/1/19 3:33
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2010/9/24 18:01
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that sucks, I was just there with my dog around that time and didn't see a thing. On the other hand, I did see some kid on a bike trying to get in my neighbors mailboxes around the Van Vorst area until he took off when I saw him. I wish I was closer so I could of seen his face or say something.

Posted on: 2007/8/29 1:10

Re: Car broken into - Mercer @ Jersey
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2006/11/13 16:04
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2015/6/20 2:38
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Wow, that is brazen.

Too bad no one threw a rock at the kid. Bet a gash in the head would stop him from pulling this crap.

Again, though, don't leave anything in your car unless its locked in the trunk.

Posted on: 2007/8/29 1:06

Re: Car broken into - Mercer @ Jersey
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2007/6/25 17:33
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2017/11/7 17:24
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i hate stupid young people! ban them.

Posted on: 2007/8/29 1:02

Car broken into - Mercer @ Jersey
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2006/4/10 13:29
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2024/5/15 1:51
From Mars
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At approximately 8:15 this evening the front driver's side of a silver accord (NJ KMA ---) had its window smashed in. According to a woman at the dog park, "a black boy on a black bike" hurled a rock through the window before grabbing something and pedaling off. Note this is a separate incident from yesterday's post, Mercer at Varick.

Posted on: 2007/8/29 0:40

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