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Re: Smoldering Fire?
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2006/1/18 14:10
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anyone else got a nose-full of stink (smelt like burning oil) while walking downtown this morning?

Posted on: 2009/2/2 14:51

Re: Smoldering Fire?
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2006/8/18 16:28
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I passed by on the light rail at around the same time and I saw them mulching and the pile was smoldering.

Posted on: 2009/2/2 14:31

Re: Smoldering Fire?
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2006/3/8 1:30
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It's back. My house is filled with the smell of something burning and it has to be Reliable Recyling.

Does anyone have an update on this situation?

Posted on: 2009/2/2 13:11

Re: Smoldering Fire?
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2006/2/18 5:53
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2011/1/9 18:02
From The Little Italy Section (Back Then)
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Tonight there is a large fire in the rear area north of Caven Point Ave. and Pacific Ave. It's described as a large pile of mulch chips burning 400' wide X 30' wide and 20' high. It's causing embers to land on all the local buildings and is a 2 nd alarm as of 11:30pm.

My guess is it's a location the the recycle plant is storing the wood chips you have been talking about in the past. I guess I could be wrong but... where there is smoke there's fire.

Posted on: 2007/2/19 4:56

Re: Smoldering Fire?
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2006/11/17 21:06
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Reliable does not have a permit to operate after 7pm, I was told, and the DEP guessed that maybe we smell it at night and in the wee morning because of a westerly wind off the water. This doesn't jibe with Publius' account of the underworld, and I suspect FAB's scenario is also a possibility. Reliable only started mulching their wood pallets a few years ago, which is the source of this smell. I am also told there is some kind of fermenting and combustion that naturally occurs in these wood piles whether Reliable is processing the wood at that time or not. However, I am thinking of putting up fliers around the neighborhood with the number and instructions because I am at work during the day also, and this stench really has to stop.

Posted on: 2007/1/4 14:39

Re: Smoldering Fire?
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PubliusIII wrote:
Anybody notice the smell of a smoldering fire in the Lafayette Section over the last month or so? It smells like it is a fire that is just about out, but I keep smelling it. Saturday night it was so strong that it permeated my whole house. I hope this is nothing like the underground fire that burned at the foot of the Pulaski for more than 20 years.

I smell this every night at around 4 a.m., when
I get awakened by the kitty, who wants to go out
back to make a tinkle. I open the backdoor for her
and get hit in the face with a smell of burning
that is so strong that it seems like it must be a
fire closeby. Really nasty, like a cardboard
squatters' village is going up in smoke, and
the fresh raccoon and opposum meat is
roasting, too. Even the pussycat hurries
inside after she modestly does her business.

Posted on: 2007/1/4 1:54

Re: Smoldering Fire?
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2006/3/8 1:30
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I am at work during those hours but will do anything needed to help rid us of this problem. I smell it at 6 am in my kitchen when I get up in the mornings.

Do we need to get a petition going? I think Reliable is in Ward F - Bergen Lafayette. It is on Pacific Avenue just south of Bramhall. That means its Viola Richardson.

Posted on: 2007/1/4 0:56

Re: Smoldering Fire?
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2006/11/13 18:42
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From 280 Grove Street
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That is soooooo funny. If I was at Reliable, I'd pay some guys overtime to do the 'burn offs' after 4pm. I'd get my smelly work out of the way and its cheaper then a fine.

What a screwy system DEP have in place that is without an emergency number after hours.
The fines they could issue, would cover any overtime or expenses - do it often enough and you could buy a new truck and gadgets to track the source of other smelly stuff.

They must have the same system or business plan of generating income and issueing fines as the JCPA.

Posted on: 2007/1/4 0:11
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Re: Smoldering Fire?
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2006/11/17 21:06
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If we want to try and stop this, here is one way. John Demjanick from the NJDEP called me back and said they have issued various fines to Reliable Recycling and Reliable is now at a $15k per incident rate. The DEP will fine them every time there is an "unreasonable interference with the enjoyment of one's home," i.e. this rank smell, if we call from our home and stay home as a "witness" until John comes out from Secaucus (20 minutes he said) and identifies the smell, tracing it to Reliable. John said Reliable can be fined every day of the week, if this happens. In fact, he said they fined Reliable the last time we all called back in December. However, the rub is that the DEP hotline is only operational from 9am to 4pm. So if the smell wafts outside that window, we are out of luck. DEP hotline: 1-877-WARNDEP.

Also, Michael Sottelano from Ward A called me back and said he is also going to look into the situation down there.

Posted on: 2007/1/3 20:28

Re: Smoldering Fire?
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2005/1/3 6:06
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Order your nose plugs now,
mes amis.

I must find an opportunity to steal that line from you, ECH.

Posted on: 2007/1/3 15:14
"Contemplate this upon the Tree of Woe."

Re: Smoldering Fire?
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2006/11/17 21:06
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The stench continues. I left a message with Michael Sottolano this morning--he is the Ward A rep, I am not sure if the source is in his ward, but I think it is. I also called the numbers Publius provided (again) and an inspector is supposed to "get back to me." The smell is so bad--even lingers in the clothing. And this is winter; how will it be when we feel like cracking open our windows in the spring?

Posted on: 2007/1/3 14:19

Re: Smoldering Fire?
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2006/3/8 1:30
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I agree with Publicius that this cannot be good air for us to breath. It certainly causes one to feel nauseated.

Is there a lawyer on the List that would care to investigate our options? Class action? Or do we just barrage the City Council with complaints?

Posted on: 2006/12/23 1:09

Re: Smoldering Fire?
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2004/11/15 1:35
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petey8 wrote:
I called when it was so bad last time and have no idea what happened after the call. Clearly nothing of any significance. I didn't notice it for about a week, then this morning at around 8am it started. I would like to get an air quality/composition test done when that junk is floating in the air. It is unbelievable that it continues---I don't know how workers in the turnpike tollbooths can tolerate it hour after hour either.

Nice description, Publius, by the way.

It was I, grilling fresh raccoon.
I guess the wind was in your direction.
My apologies.

Posted on: 2006/12/23 0:46

Re: Smoldering Fire?
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2006/11/17 21:06
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I called when it was so bad last time and have no idea what happened after the call. Clearly nothing of any significance. I didn't notice it for about a week, then this morning at around 8am it started. I would like to get an air quality/composition test done when that junk is floating in the air. It is unbelievable that it continues---I don't know how workers in the turnpike tollbooths can tolerate it hour after hour either.

Nice description, Publius, by the way.

Posted on: 2006/12/22 17:13

Re: Smoldering Fire?
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2006/9/13 14:54
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So a month goes by and I make several complaints to very nice inspectors who tell me they dutifully go down and make an inspection, and nothing happens. I was driving by last night so I made a quick detour into the facility to take a look and see. It's like a vision of the underworld, Charon like figures dumping on a huge (two block long by three stories smoldering mountain of mulch from wooden pallets. There is no way that this is an appropriate use in the middle of a City. I have also noticed that the smoke gets worse on weekends and in the evening after the local inspector go home. Call the state hotline if you notice this. Their number is

Posted on: 2006/12/22 17:02

Re: Smoldering Fire?
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2004/11/15 1:35
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In last nite's balmy air, the smell of sewers, as I
was walking up Dr'erie St. was tres pronounced.
By the time I got to Third St., the stink wafting
from the corner catchbasins was so strong, it
was like what one imagines inhaling from the cloaca of
hell to be like. Makes a person's eyes water.
I wonder how people manage to live in houses
located on corners, since the catchbasins are
right there close by, pumping out that
foetid perfume day and nite. Even the rats
are wearing clothespins on their little noses.

If the City of Jersey City can't manage to flush
away it current modest amount of waste, what's gonna happen
when the ten trillion new condos start pumping
out crap into the system. It is gonna get
positively science fictiony around here in
pretty short order. Order your nose plugs now,
mes amis.

Posted on: 2006/12/13 17:54

Re: Smoldering Fire?
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2006/11/17 21:06
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The smell was gaggingly strong last night and this morning. I am going to ask Santa for lots of air purifiers in addition to calling and complaining today.

Posted on: 2006/12/13 13:24

Re: Smoldering Fire?
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2006/11/17 21:06
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Thanks for the advice, I will call. The smell is like a straight pin left in a shirt --persistent, annoying, difficult to locate, and likely to cause eventual tissue damage.

Posted on: 2006/12/6 15:03

Re: Smoldering Fire? CALL NOW!
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2006/9/13 14:54
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In my neighborhood, the smoke smell was back last night stronger than ever. I called the county number which is listed above. Please call today if you smell it because they, reportedly, need several complaints to write up a violation.

Posted on: 2006/12/6 14:22

Re: Smoldering Fire?
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2006/2/9 14:13
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ECH wrote:

I stuck my head out the door last nite and almost
fainted from the olfactory thrill.
Smells like folks are burning their garbage and
damp petfur dust-bunnies for warmth. And maybe
roasting the oppossums on the backyard grill, too.
This is eau de toilette de downtown.

p.s. It is so delightful to watch the condo shoppers
on the weekends get out of their air conditioned
Nissan Altimas and fairly retch when they get
a good lungful of our famous Jersey City maisma.
No realtors' hard sell is gonna overcome the effect
of such a pervasive stink. It keeps the yuppies
away, at least.

ECH, by far your posts are my favorite to read on JCList.

The above is, in my opinion, "Howl - 2006 - Jersey City"

Posted on: 2006/12/5 1:28

Re: Smoldering Fire?
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2004/11/15 1:35
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ratslayer wrote:
The smell is back -- a combination of burning, wet mattresses and B.O.

I stuck my head out the door last nite and almost
fainted from the olfactory thrill.
Smells like folks are burning their garbage and
damp petfur dust-bunnies for warmth. And maybe
roasting the oppossums on the backyard grill, too.
This is eau de toilette de downtown.

p.s. It is so delightful to watch the condo shoppers
on the weekends get out of their air conditioned
Nissan Altimas and fairly retch when they get
a good lungful of our famous Jersey City maisma.
No realtors' hard sell is gonna overcome the effect
of such a pervasive stink. It keeps the yuppies
away, at least.

Posted on: 2006/12/5 1:26

Re: Smoldering Fire?
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2006/4/13 19:57
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The smell is back -- a combination of burning, wet mattresses and B.O.

Posted on: 2006/12/4 21:40

Re: Smoldering Fire?
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2006/4/18 0:04
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Last night the smell was bad, it smells like sulfur.

Posted on: 2006/12/1 3:23

Re: Smoldering Fire?
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2006/3/8 1:30
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I had a conversation today with the County Health office and they told me that because Reliable was closed for 4 days over Thanksgiving the interior heated up and all the mulch heated up and started to burn. So yes, it was in fact a smoldering fire. Idiots.

Though I was assured that the wood they pound down to mulch is not toxic, treated or painted I am not convinced that the general bad smell of vinegar that covers the area on a damp low cloud day is good for us.

I left a complaint with the NJDEP as well. I also alerted the Jersey Journal to see if they could do a (followup) story on the problem.

I think it might be time to address this to the city council.

Posted on: 2006/12/1 1:53

Re: Smoldering Fire?
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2006/11/17 21:06
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Thanks for the update, Pub. The smell has abated somewhat the last few days and hopefully they won't try that again.

Posted on: 2006/11/30 20:56

Re: Smoldering Fire?. It REALLY IS.
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2006/9/13 14:54
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Not that there seems to be too much interest in this issue, but I got a call today from DEP and was told that, in fact, there is a stubborn fire at Reliable Recyling but that it is in its terminal stage. This was somewhat comforting since it suggests that the permit for the recylcing of pallets did not envision this by product. I was also told that Freeholder- mad dog- Manzo is on it.

Posted on: 2006/11/30 20:54

Re: Smoldering Fire? CALL THESE NUMBERS
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2006/9/13 14:54
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Smoldering Smoke Source Revealed !

Yes, you are right, it is the recyling place. Per the City, the source of the smell is Reliable Recyling at the foot of Pacific Ave and Caven Pt. Rd. NJDEP gave them a permit to recycle wood pallets into mulch. The process generates the burning smell. Call the county and the state to complain since it will take a lot to get anyting accomplished since it was already permitted. The County number is 201 223 1133; the State number is 877 927 6337, case #061129 0849 33.

Posted on: 2006/11/29 13:56

Re: Smoldering Fire?
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2006/3/22 3:51
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From John Wilkes Park
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It could be worse - you could live in Centralia, PA.


I keep meaning to take a day trip out there but have never made it yet. Has anyone been there?

Posted on: 2006/11/28 2:38

Re: Smoldering Fire?
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2006/3/8 1:30
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Yes. It has been quite bad. You can smell and taste it. It permeates the house so there is no where to hide from it. It seems to happen when there is a weather inversion like we had this weekend.

I think it could be the Reliable Recyling place on Pacific Street. When the sky cover is low and the wind blows from the SE it is most noticeable.

I lived in the Heights for 10 years and never smelled this before.

What exactly does Reliable recyle? Do they burn?

Posted on: 2006/11/28 1:35

Re: Smoldering Fire?
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2006/11/13 18:42
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2022/2/28 7:31
From 280 Grove Street
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smoldering fire?

Sorry about that, it was my cigar smoldering my mattress foam.

Posted on: 2006/11/28 1:21

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