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Re: Fulop hire Paul Bellan-Boyer has a $55,000 lien on his condo
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

This is the translation of the Comment written in Spanish in the Reporter:

Be very careful with Paul. He acts like an activist for the community when all he is is a brown noser (ass kisser). Like someone doing whatever it takes to fit in and be accepted. Like those that voted for Fulop because they have privileges with him and get what they want.
For Fulop, its important that his people have that high title and all those that helped his campaign. Those are the people (worms or snakes) like Bellan-Boyer. That liar doesn't help in nothing with Christ Hospital. Yes he helped sell it quickly and exposed those against it. In every moment, he infiltrated in different groups posing to help but he had other plans .
Let's see what he brings to the health department. I can imagine its extreme ideas and punishment for the city. His intentions are to trample/punish the city. He is the number one enemy of the residents of Jersey City. Let's keep a close watch.

"Mucho cuidado con este se?or Paul Bellan-Boyer, se disfraza de activista comunitario, cuando en realidad lo que el e un lamb?n o un busc?n. Que busca? Los que lambones que votaron por S. Fulop saben que el tiene para ellos, polvo. Eso es lo que le va a dar a todos los lambones sin educaci?n. Para Fulop es muy importante que su gente tenga un t?tulo universitario, y todos los lambones que lo ayudaron en la campa?a, que no se vistan que no van para ning?n lado. Esto es lo que el quer?a acomodar a gusanos como Bellan-Boyer. Ese traicionero, no ayudo en nada Christ Hoptial. Si, ayudo a venderlo mas r?pido y a entregar las personas que se opon?an a que se vendiera el hospital. En todo momento el se infiltro en los diferentes grupos pretendiendo ayudar, pero sus intensiones eran otras. Vamos a ver que el ineptito va a traer al departamento de salud, me imagino que ideas extremas y mas castigo para el pueblo. Las intenciones de este individuo son claramente que seguir castigando y trampeando al pueblo. Este se?or es el enemigo p?blico numero 1 de los residentes de Jersey City. Vamos a vigilarlo de cerca."

Posted on: 2013/9/3 18:08

Fulop hire Paul Bellan-Boyer has a $55,000 lien on his condo
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk ... aign-worker-at-City-Hall-

Mayor Fulop hires campaign worker at City Hall

07.19.13 - 11:37 am

JERSEY CITY -- Another loyalist to Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop has been hired at City Hall.

Longtime activist and affordable housing advocate Paul Bellan-Boyer has been hired to work in the City?s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). He began his new job this week.

Bellan-Boyer, who lives in Ward B, helped run Fulop?s campaign on the West Side and campaigned heavily for Khemraj ?Chico? Ramchal, the current Ward B City Councilman who ran on Fulop?s slate. He previously helped get votes for Board of Education candidates who had been endorsed by Fulop. Bellan-Boyer was a vocal supporter of the Fulop-allied school board?s decision to hire Dr. Marcia Lyles as the superintendent of schools over Franklin Walker last year.

He was also part of Fulop?s transition committee, which was an unpaid volunteer post.

Bellan-Boyer has a background in social service work. He was the director of the Jersey City Episcopal Community Development Corporation, a nonprofit developer of affordable housing. The organization has created approximately 200 affordable housing units in the city.

Bellan-Boyer also co-founded the grassroots Save Christ Hospital campaign after the hospital declared bankruptcy and was on the verge of being sold to a California-based for-profit company that had a questionable record in its home state. After that deal fell through, and the for-profit owners of Bayonne Medical Center stepped in to buy Christ, Bellan-Boyer continued to work through the Save Christ Hospital campaign to ensure that community and staff concerns were addressed by the state during the sale.

Several longtime Fulop allies and campaign workers have been hired at City Hall since July 1, when the mayor took office, including Pam Andes, Althea Bernheim, and now Bellan-Boyer.

These hires exclude Fulop?s senior-level, department director picks. Elected officials who serve in an executive branch position like mayor are generally given a lot of leeway in whom they hire for senior-level politically appointed posts. Fulop has hired a number of associates and supporters to director-level positions within his administration. But such hires were to be expected.

Hiring for non-senior jobs is another matter.

As a city councilman for Ward E, Fulop was often critical of nepotism within the administration of his predecessor, Mayor Jerramiah T. Healy.

City spokeswoman Jennifer Morrill did not respond to two e-mails seeking information regarding Bellan-Boyer?s title or job function at HHS.



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|July 22, 2013

Mucho cuidado con este se?or Paul Bellan-Boyer, se disfraza de activista comunitario, cuando en realidad lo que el e un lamb?n o un busc?n. Que busca? Los que lambones que votaron por S. Fulop saben que el tiene para ellos, polvo. Eso es lo que le va a dar a todos los lambones sin educaci?n. Para Fulop es muy importante que su gente tenga un t?tulo universitario, y todos los lambones que lo ayudaron en la campa?a, que no se vistan que no van para ning?n lado. Esto es lo que el quer?a acomodar a gusanos como Bellan-Boyer. Ese traicionero, no ayudo en nada Christ Hoptial. Si, ayudo a venderlo mas r?pido y a entregar las personas que se opon?an a que se vendiera el hospital. En todo momento el se infiltro en los diferentes grupos pretendiendo ayudar, pero sus intensiones eran otras. Vamos a ver que el ineptito va a traer al departamento de salud, me imagino que ideas extremas y mas castigo para el pueblo. Las intenciones de este individuo son claramente que seguir castigando y trampeando al pueblo. Este se?or es el enemigo p?blico numero 1 de los residentes de Jersey City. Vamos a vigilarlo de cerca.


|July 26, 2013

Yes, Paul Bellan-Boyer is a hustler and a cheat. Yes, he is up to no good. The weird thing is why Fulop doesn't see this without taking into consideration this person's character. No community activist could have such reckless disregard for his own neighbors. Bellan-Boyer and his wife haven't paid their condo maintenance in years. The below judgment is a matter of public record, which you can find the "Judgment Lien Search" (Last button on the menu on left hand side) on the


Judgment Status: Open Status Date: 03/20/2012

Debt Information

Debt Amount: $55731.19 Debt Status: Open Party Debt Status: Open Party Debt Status Date: 03/20/2012

canco lofts

can you translate?

canco lofts

That was for the above post



July 22, 2013

His Majesty Stevie?s belly boy Paul has done good for himself. Campaigned very hard for His Majesty, and was the front man for Billy and his boy Cheeko. Paulie belly boy looked the other way when news hit that Cheeko lied about graduating high school from Bayonne and knew to keep his mouth shut to get rewarded. Walked the streets with convicted felon Philly shamelessly calling himself activist. Belly-boy has done good for himself and his belly to gulp tax payers blood.

The lollipop guild sings, we are change, fa la la.

Posted on: 2013/9/2 22:27

Re: Cracks in Fulop facade as Jersey City council votes down City Hall revamp
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

And Althea Bernheim, Steve Fulop's former council aid, has the experience and skills to run the RRC? Sounds like a patronage job to me.


dtjcview wrote:

OneSkirt wrote:

dtjcview wrote:

OneSkirt wrote:
Has anyone heard why on earth they would propose to put Cultural Affairs & Senior Services under the Resident Response Center?? I don't get that at all!

What functions did they provide? If all they did was handle street festival permits, and senior transport requests, it would make perfect sense.

The mission outlined in the transition plan was to expand Cultural affairs into a dept. handling Arts, Culture and Tourism and making it more of a true driver for promoting JC and spuring economic growth. Moving it to the RRC is big step away from this mission, it would seem.

And the people in the existing department had the skillset to fulfill that mission? Sometimes it's easier to create a new department, than give an impossible task to an old one.

Posted on: 2013/8/31 23:06

Re: Jack Kelly works for JC 3 years, retires with a $94k JC pension and benefits for life
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Yes he did. And Steve Fulop allowed it to happen by not firing him as soon as he took office. Thanks Steve.

Posted on: 2013/8/6 12:17

Grilling on public sidewalks and uncovered trash cans
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Does anyone know if the following is illegal in JC:

1) Barbecue grilling on public sidewalks

2) Uncovered trash cans

What does the municipal code state in these two situations?

Posted on: 2013/7/9 0:22

Re: Keeping a Civil Cybertongue
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

+1 It's about time. The list has become sophomoric and has put off a lot of genuinely good people from posting. It's no different that the Animal House food fight. No adult in sight.


G_Elkind wrote:
As we approach the New Year, we should take some time to reflect about our civility in the online world, and how we treat our fellow JClisters.

All the Best Wishes for the New Year!


Keep a Civil Cybertongue

Rude and abusive online behavior should not be met with silence.


In less than 20 years, the World Wide Web has irrevocably expanded the number of ways we connect and communicate with others. This radical transformation has been almost universally praised.

What hasn't kept pace with the technical innovation is the recognition that people need to engage in civil dialogue. What we see regularly on social networking sites, blogs and other online forums is behavior that ranges from the carelessly rude to the intentionally abusive.

Flare-ups occur on social networking sites because of the ease by which thoughts can be shared through the simple press of a button. Ordinary people, celebrities, members of the media and even legal professionals have shown insufficient restraint before clicking send. There is no shortage of examples?from the recent Twitter heckling at a Web 2.0 Expo in New York, to a Facebook poll asking whether President Obama should be killed.

The comments sections of online gossip sites, as well as some national media outlets, often reflect semi-literate, vitriolic remarks that appear to serve no purpose besides disparaging their intended target. Some sites exist solely as a place for mean-spirited individuals to congregate and spew their venomous verbiage.

Online hostility targeting adults is vastly underreported. The reasons victims fail to come forward include the belief that online hostility is an unavoidable and even acceptable mode of behavior; the pervasive notion that hostile online speech is a tolerable form of free expression; the perceived social stigma of speaking out against attacks; and the absence of readily available support infrastructure to assist victims.

The problem of online hostility, in short, shows no sign of abating on its own. Establishing cybercivility will take a concerted effort. We can start by taking the following steps:

First, and most importantly, we need to create an online culture in which every person can participate in an open and rational exchange of ideas and information without fear of being the target of unwarranted abuse, harassment or lies. Everyone who is online should have a sense of accountability and responsibility.

Too frequently, we hear the argument that being online includes the right to be nasty?and that those who chose to participate on the Web should develop thicker skin. This gives transgressors an out for immoral behavior.

Just as we've learned what is deemed appropriate face-to-face communication, we need to learn what is appropriate behavior in an environment that frequently deals with purely written modes of communication and an inherent absence of nonverbal cues.

Second, individuals appalled at the degeneration of online civility need to speak out, to show that this type of behavior will no longer be tolerated. Targets of online hostility should also consider coming forward to show that attacks can have serious consequences. There are already several documented cases of teens taking their own lives because of cyberbullying.

A third step has to do with media literacy. People need to know how to differentiate between information that is published on legitimate sites that follow defined standards and also possibly a professional code of ethics, and information published in places like gossip sites whose only goal is to post the most outrageous headlines and stories in order to increase traffic. People can and will learn to shun and avoid such sites over time, particularly with education about why they are unethical.

Fourth, adult targets of online hostility deserve a national support network. This should be a safe place where they can congregate online to receive emotional support, practical advice on how to deal with transgressors, and information on whom to contact for legal advice when appropriate.

Finally, it's time to re-examine the current legal system. Online hostility is cross-jurisdictional. We might need laws that directly address this challenge. There is currently no uniformity of definition among states in the definition of cyberbullying and cyberharassment. Perhaps federal input is needed.

The Internet is bringing about a revolution in human knowledge and communication, and we have an unprecedented opportunity to make the global conversation more reasonable and productive. But we can only do so if we prevent the worst among us from silencing the best among us with hostility and incivility.

Mr. Wales is the founder of Wikipedia and sits on the board of CiviliNation, a nonprofit. Ms. Weckerle is the founder and president of CiviliNation.

Copyright 2009 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights ... ewsreel_opinion#printMode

Posted on: 2009/12/29 18:37

Re: Van Vorst Shooting on Wayne Street
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Would not recommned anyone to live downtown. Not a safe place.

Posted on: 2009/9/16 10:07

Plans to reform Animal Control are unlikely to end controversy
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Not too shy to talk

Plans to reform Animal Control are unlikely to end controversy

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Prompted in part by the case of Daisy the cat being dumped in Lincoln Park, the Jersey City Department of Health and Human Services has a new plan for improving its troubled Division of Animal Control.

In a three-page memo issued Aug. 5, Harry Melendez, the department's director, said he plans to create an advisory committee to include some animal activists, and that he will extend the division's hours of operations from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m., Monday through Friday, beginning in the middle of the month. Currently the office is open 8 to 4.

Animal activists have complained for years that the Division of Animal Control - which is supposed to be on call 24 hours a day - frequently fails to answer emergency calls on nights and weekends.

Residents also complain of alleged rude behavior from dispatchers and about a failure to follow departmental guidelines.

For example, last winter, two Division employees were caught dumping Daisy, a cat, in Lincoln Park, instead of taking her to a shelter - contrary to division policy, according to a city spokeswoman.

Downtown Councilman Steven Fulop persuaded the City Council to consider his proposal to create an Animal Control Committee to oversee the division. But Melendez argued that the committee would usurp his authority, and in June the council scrapped the idea and directed Melendez to come up with his own plan.

Melendez's "Animal Welfare and Population Control Committee" is to include animal activists, division employees, representatives from the Liberty Humane Society and the New Jersey Department of Health, and a veterinarian.

It will meet monthly, beginning this month. There is also a new subcommittee on feral cats, which has already met twice, Melendez said.

The director said he is contemplating adding weekend shifts, has hired a new employee to evaluate Animal Control services, and is looking into adding a phone menu to the division's phone system.

Fulop has complained Melendez's plan doesn't specify how employees would be held accountable for mistakes and doesn't address the problem of unanswered emergency calls.

David Norman, president of the nonprofit Hudson Animal Advocates, has called the plan "woefully inadequate" and agreed that creating a second shift wouldn't address Animal Control's lack of response, saying that daytime calls to the office are sometimes not returned.

Fulop and Norman both raised questions about the Liberty Humane Society's ability to act independently on the committee since the shelter is largely funded by the city.

Janet Russell, director of development for Liberty Humane, dismissed those concerns, saying her group has always acted in the best interest of animals.

Melendez didn't return phone calls or e-mails asking for a response to these criticisms.

AMY SARA CLARK can be reached at

?2009 Jersey Journal
? 2009 All Rights Reserved.

Posted on: 2009/9/3 12:28

Re: Plane from Hudson River crash in Jersey City today
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Good video.

Posted on: 2009/2/2 13:12

Re: Smoldering Fire?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

It's back. My house is filled with the smell of something burning and it has to be Reliable Recyling.

Does anyone have an update on this situation?

Posted on: 2009/2/2 13:11

Re: Lafayette Community -Not taking it anymore!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

What street do you live on?


LoKo498 wrote:
Who is in charge of these meetings? I need to go to some in my neighborhood if there are any.
If anyone is in charge or can steer me in the direction, PM me. I live close to Communipaw Avenue but not up by the Lafayette area if that helps.

Posted on: 2009/1/14 2:35

Re: Healy sings on TV tomorrow - Listen here!
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Not too shy to talk

Oh hell.

Posted on: 2008/12/25 17:09

Re: One iguana lives, the other perishes in Jersey City fire
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Not too shy to talk

Why would the JJ include Roman's statement that the homeowner is "apparently a immigrant". Isn't this profiling? Is it supposed to make the homeowner look stupid or careless because he is not American born. It is very possible this homeowner is an American citizen.

Why would Roman make that statement at all?

Posted on: 2008/12/25 17:01

Where to get a Tattoo
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Not too shy to talk

Can you recommend a licensed, clean place to get a tattoo in Jersey City?

Posted on: 2008/11/24 21:10

Re: Any one else see that B-17?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Yes. I saw it and watched. It actually made me a little nervous as it was turning and heading a little bit toward NYC before it headed up the Hudson River.

It was surreal seeing a propeller plane.

Posted on: 2008/9/21 14:59

Re: Morning Murder at LSP Light Rail Station
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Not too shy to talk

I wonder if the victim was running away from the attacker or if he just collasped in the middle of the street.

Terrible tradegy.

Senseless crimes happen any time any where that is why we have to be alert of our surroundings at all times. I learned it the hard way having been mugged a few times in NYC in the past.

Posted on: 2008/9/4 18:54

Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Finally an organized effort to get that place to change and start treating the animals better. I am writing my letters tomorrow. I hope others are doing the same.

Posted on: 2008/3/17 22:05

Re: ooooo that smell! can't you smell that smell? Grove St. path/downtown...
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

The Liberty Science Center does not smell. There is a sewage treatment plant across the street from it and that is what you are smelling.


Eleanor_A wrote:
Jersey City stinks all over. I work near the Liberty Science Center by exit 14B and sometimes that facility smells like, well, dirty sanitary products. I walk outside and it's even worse. Some nights I walk outside and I instinctually look at the bottom of my shoe!

And I'd say 4 nights out of 5 nights it smells like driving through a giant fart when I pass the Science Center on my way home (I'm will to give that one a pass as it's most likely swamp gas).

Posted on: 2008/2/26 23:12

Healy Tricking Us About Taxes?
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Not too shy to talk

Jersey Journal
Saturday, January 19, 2008

Healy tricking us about taxes

Is Mayor Jerry Healy playing a shell game with the taxpayers of Jersey City? The answer is yes. Healy sent out a tax bill increasing taxes for this quarter $200 to $300 on an estimated city budget. As a former councilman, the mayor does not have to raise taxes.

Healy could have used the same tax rate as last year, as our council did. Later in the year, the tax rate could have been adjusted when the final budget is adopted. Healy, in his tax letter, blamed the schools and county for the increase. Healy increases taxes in order to create a surplus for next year to lower taxes in his re-election bid.

The mayor has $39 million from Honeywell for development of the west side of Jersey City, which could be use to lower taxes. Healy believes in spending, spending, spending. If this increase stays for the next three quarters, taxes would increase over 33 percent since Healy became mayor.

The bottom line is taxes are not stable and we are paying higher taxes than last year.



? 2008 The Jersey Journal

? 2008 All Rights Reserved.

Posted on: 2008/1/23 1:36

A Letter to Mayor Healy (Jersey Journal)
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Not too shy to talk

Focus on crime, not tickets
Wednesday, January 09, 2008

D ear Mayor Healy:

I am writing to you in great distress and misery. I have been living in Jersey City since August 2006. In the 16 months of being a resident of this town, I have been subjected to fines and tickets of all sorts; parking violations, moving violations, street cleaning days, etc. I have given at least a $100 in fines every month. I see police cars parked in different corners of Jersey City waiting to give out a ticket of some sort to the citizens of Jersey City.

The favorite spot for these police cars is Lincoln Park. I know this because I live right across from it. People living in nearby streets usually go through this park to get to the highway. I am sure everyone has received at least one ticket in this park.

I work in Manhattan and commute via the PATH train. I have been searched many times by the police standing in the station. It is not a comfortable thing being subjected to these searches and have strangers look in to your bags and purses. My husband drives a limousine and works a 12-hour shift every day. We barely meet ends and the burden of all the fines that I just spoke about is unwelcome and strenuous.

All of the above are OK and I was putting up with everything until now. On Dec. 30, Sunday, we woke up to the sound of fire alarms. Our building on Bentley Avenue was evacuated due to smoke. After everything was cleared out by the very brave firemen we went back into our apartment. We had barely stepped in when one of the tenants from our building knocked on our door and informed us that our car had been broken into. We rushed to my husband's car, the Lincoln he drives to make a living, and found the side window smashed!

We duly called the same police who have been very harsh with us over the 16 months and subjecting us to all kinds of fines. We were told by the officer, who arrived after 11/2 hours and two phone calls, that it happened all the time and there wasn't much that they could do. He wrote a report and after giving some empty advice, left. My husband couldn't get the car fixed that day because we had to wait for the police until 4 p.m. and by the time we got to the showroom, everything was closed. He spent half of Monday getting the car fixed and missed work. He spent about $100 and one day's worth of work due to this incident.

Today Jan. 2, my husband and I got ready to go to work. We stepped out and found that our car was broken into again. Same window, same street, same car, and same parking spot! My husband and I started crying because we felt so helpless, insecure, unprotected and let down! I took the bus to the station because I didn't want to miss work. My husband called the police again and got the same empty words of how it was unfortunate! My husband will spend another $100 and lose one more day of work!

Mayor Healy, I have two questions to ask:

1. How far will these people who broke into our car go until the police take some action? If they didn't find anything in the car, maybe next they will break into our home, rape me, murder my husband and steal my car. Will the police do something when the water has gone over the bridge?

2. Who should I hold responsible for this and who should I bill for my loss? The Jersey City law enforcement agencies only have departments where we can submit payment for tickets and fines. They don't have any department where we can submit claims for such loss and damage.

I wish the Police Department would focus more on catching these people than issuing tickets. I wish you would exert more energy on making Jersey City a safe and secure place to live in. I wish someone would step forward and help people like my husband and myself who live paycheck to paycheck, who have to pay you, who have NO security, NO justice, NO law on their side. I wish I could feel secure and safe and not feel as though I live in a Third World country or a police state! I wish I didn't have to feel so disappointed and miserable on a new year that didn't start in a very happy manner.



? 2008 The Jersey Journal

? 2008 All Rights Reserved.

Posted on: 2008/1/10 1:57

Re: Phillip Flood II - Got PTI after benefits fraud case, prior to drug bust
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

This is an outrage and one of the worst cases of nepotism I have ever seen. He's nothing but a thug and my tax dollars are paying his GD salary!!!!

We have to protest this to the highest level.

Posted on: 2007/11/30 17:02

The Smell
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Not too shy to talk

The smell is back with vengeance. Reliable Recycling is sending out a horendous smell tonight. It is ghastly. My windows are shut but it is permeating my house.

Anyone else notice it?

Posted on: 2007/10/31 0:44

Bike signs all over town
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Not too shy to talk

What is with all the bike signs going up all around town. It seems odd since there are no bike lanes why the bike signs? Maybe they are directing riders to the better newly paved roads instead of the horrible ones that I don't even want to drive my car on.

Posted on: 2007/8/17 1:51

Re: Fight over closed area of Washington Street, now includes claim of racism by Paulus Hook Associa
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Now there is no need to be insulting Fat-Ass-Bile. You sound like a very angry person. You might want to see a professional about that.

Is Sesame Street the best you can do?


fat-ass-bike wrote:
CRV2, Park your car nearby and walk you lazy ass.
We should be doing everything to reclaim our streets for pedestrian use. I'm off Communipaw Ave - the crap and crime infested end. I wish they would close off a dead-end near me and install basket-ball hoops on the road for kids to use.
My understanding is that this section of dispute is a dead end with NO through traffic.
Bunch of morons who are against a dead end being shut off for PUBLIC NON-VEHICLE use - build some basket-ball hoops and throw in a PUBLIC tennis court, paint some hop-scotch courts on the road or something.

Better still build a mini road network with mini lights, pedestrian crossing and other road hazards and uses for kids on their trikes and bikes to practice on and to learn the road rules on. I recall seeing one on Sesame Street.

The only advantage if its to be opened is parking. Have the first 3 closest parking spots reserved for the handicapped and that's it. As for the rest of you bleeding hearts and lazy people, drag your fat-ass to the park or monument.

Posted on: 2007/1/7 17:22

Re: Fight over closed area of Washington Street, now includes claim of racism by Paulus Hook Associa
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I moved to JC in 1994 where I rented in the Heights. First thing I did was explore the city. I remember drivnig down Washington St and being very frustrated that I could not go to the end of the street. At that time, there was a lot of construction going on as they were putting up those highrises. But I wanted to know what was at the end of the street.

Years passed and if I found myself down on Washington I still could not get to the end of the street because now it was blocked by bollards.

I never knew that it was an entrance to LIberty State Park and that you could walk to the edge of the water. All these years it was hidden in plain sight.

Well guess what? Today I drove to the end of the street and parked. I looked at the wonderful Korean War Memorial, I walked down to the water and along the paths. It was marvelous.

My impression is the street was closed for the benefit of the local residents only and for no other reason. The street should now remain open to vehicular traffic as it was originally built for. I do not know Sonia nor do I know Steve Fulop (I live in a different Ward) so there is no nepotisim here.

To those who say the area needs open space, that's a crock. The walkways along the river and canal afford PLENTY of OPEN space and there is quite a bit of grass areas. In fact people were playing vollyeball and there was a ton of dogs romping around off leash.

Posted on: 2007/1/7 1:48

Re: Smoldering Fire?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I am at work during those hours but will do anything needed to help rid us of this problem. I smell it at 6 am in my kitchen when I get up in the mornings.

Do we need to get a petition going? I think Reliable is in Ward F - Bergen Lafayette. It is on Pacific Avenue just south of Bramhall. That means its Viola Richardson.

Posted on: 2007/1/4 0:56

Re: Smoldering Fire?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I agree with Publicius that this cannot be good air for us to breath. It certainly causes one to feel nauseated.

Is there a lawyer on the List that would care to investigate our options? Class action? Or do we just barrage the City Council with complaints?

Posted on: 2006/12/23 1:09

Re: Smoldering Fire?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I had a conversation today with the County Health office and they told me that because Reliable was closed for 4 days over Thanksgiving the interior heated up and all the mulch heated up and started to burn. So yes, it was in fact a smoldering fire. Idiots.

Though I was assured that the wood they pound down to mulch is not toxic, treated or painted I am not convinced that the general bad smell of vinegar that covers the area on a damp low cloud day is good for us.

I left a complaint with the NJDEP as well. I also alerted the Jersey Journal to see if they could do a (followup) story on the problem.

I think it might be time to address this to the city council.

Posted on: 2006/12/1 1:53

Re: Smoldering Fire?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Yes. It has been quite bad. You can smell and taste it. It permeates the house so there is no where to hide from it. It seems to happen when there is a weather inversion like we had this weekend.

I think it could be the Reliable Recyling place on Pacific Street. When the sky cover is low and the wind blows from the SE it is most noticeable.

I lived in the Heights for 10 years and never smelled this before.

What exactly does Reliable recyle? Do they burn?

Posted on: 2006/11/28 1:35

Re: Need Pet Sitter This Weekend
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

You can't do better than Home Sweet Home Animal Care. 201 988 6931.

Posted on: 2006/9/28 0:42

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