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Re: Fulop to solicit proposals from for-profit companies to replace FOL in running the Loew’s theater
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Frank_M wrote:

DanL wrote:
I could be wrong, but we will be paying for this.

Deferring responsibility to a large, for-profit business is exactly how we don?t pay for it... until we want to buy tickets for something that is.

?That?ll be $25 for the ticket... plus a $10 a surcharge for administrative feather tickling... plus $5 for lack-of-accountability insurance... plus $6.66 for our pact with Satan...?

That's not true though. We are paying for it. If Livenation were coming in and paying for the millions in reno I would pat them on the back and be totally fine with it. The city is fronting the money to rebuild this thing.

Has there even been a public hearing about this?

Don't they have to get any approval from the community to go ahead with this?

Millions of dollars are going to go into rebuilding the Loews and those are taxpayer dollars. This isn't just another developer coming in that is paying for this stuff out of their own pockets, its OUR money.

I don't understand how city hall can get away with this without putting it out for the public to have their say in a public forum or a vote or something.

It's as though what we want or don't want doesn't matter. It's not even about FOL or not FOL, are we prepared to sink MILLIONS OF TAXPAYER DOLLARS into a theater?

Is this really the best use of our money? Couldn't that money go towards improving the schools or building parks? Neighborhood associations and PTO's work so hard to raise money for improvements that really change the lives of people IN THIS CITY. Couldn't that money be invested by the city elsewhere?

I really don't understand how the city sinking millions into this one project will ever be worth it.

Posted on: 2014/6/12 13:47

Re: Jersey City Sees Stardom for Loew's
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VA2015 wrote: ... lan-for-the-loew-s-jersey

If they want it to be a resource, and so does Fulop, it seems in their best interests to work together. Complaining about "The City" holding you back for 20 years, and then also complaining about the same city's mayor wanting to push you forward, leaves you no direction in which to move IMO.

In this article by WSJ they directly reference talks of bringing in management companies such as Barclay's or Livenation. ... 4644104579194303485873312

Of course FOL are pissed- I would be too. After years of scraping by and doing the best they could do with the building the city is talking about bringing in someone else to run it and reap the benefits.
FOL worked their asses off to keep the building from being torn down, preserving and restoring the building as they could with few resources and volunteer labor for almost 30 years, and now JC wants to hand it over to a for-profit management company?

This is disturbing.

I've also never heard of a city running a theater before. Does it bother anyone else that they are prepared to spend millions on this project, when they could be spending taxpayer money elsewhere?

Ideally, FOL should have bought the building from the city long ago and worked on getting their own grants to restore the place without funds getting held up by the city. What a mess.

Posted on: 2014/2/17 18:19

Re: Jersey City Sees Stardom for Loew's
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Not too shy to talk

I don't understand where all the money for these things are coming from. I dunno, I would like to see something finally happen with the embankment.

Posted on: 2014/2/5 16:10

Re: Jersey City Sees Stardom for Loew's
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Not too shy to talk

Has there been an open Jersey City meeting regarding this plan to invest in this? Did I miss it? I feel like a little while ago it was a suggestion and now they are already asking for bids.

Seriously, has there been a meeting that I missed, because I feel people need to voice their concerns before this goes ahead. We don't want a micro-unit situation all over again.

Posted on: 2014/2/4 15:30

Re: Things to do in Jersey City
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If they want to see the statue of liberty and ellis island, I believe that getting a ferry from the Jersey side is preferable.. However, if they want to go inside the Statue they need to reserve special tickets like two weeks in advance.

I also suggest taking a walk down to the Colgate clock, or checking out little India.
There is also a russian museum somewhere near the big post office.

Posted on: 2014/2/4 15:02

Re: Who can recommend an accountant for a freelancer?
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rosember wrote:

Trivia wrote:
There is a guy on Newark, Surach. Never used him, but I walk by that office every day.

Surach Peter G CPA
282 Newark Ave, Jersey City, NJ ?
(201) 432-5400

He is looking for recommendations, Just seeing a shingle in the street? Why not just tell him to look it up in the yellow pages. It would actually be more useful!

He is my friend's father. Great people, been in downtown forever. I have an accountant that I have been going to for years and don't want to switch, but if I did I would go to him. There. You happy? No need to be snippy and altogether unhelpful. He is a local guy and has a very convenient central office.

Posted on: 2014/1/10 19:11

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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Not too shy to talk


Thanks, but no thanks - I prefer not to give people a reason to come here. I like it just fine without tourists. Hell, I don't want a Trader Joe's or even high capacity restaurants that bring in people, usually by car, from other nabes or surrounding towns. I like the fact that we now have some nice restaurants, but couldn't care less about galleries and theatres. If God had wanted galleries, theatres, museums, etc. in JC she wouldn't have created Manhattan and the public transit to get there (this may be the work of the devil, but I'll leave that to the more theologically inclined).

I couldn't disagree more. I would rather my hard earned money go toward the community I live in. Hasn't Jersey paid more than enough for the WTC project which is going to be giving countless tax dollars and tourism to NYC? If I can spend my money here it will contribute to my state. I don't even care if Hoboken becomes one big nightclub, I would rather spend my money here.

Jersey has such a bad rap, is known for nothingness, and we are so much their bitches to NY that how many sports teams in NJ are called "New York" this or that?

Posted on: 2014/1/10 15:18

Re: Who can recommend an accountant for a freelancer?
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Not too shy to talk

There is a guy on Newark, Surach. Never used him, but I walk by that office every day.

Surach Peter G CPA
282 Newark Ave, Jersey City, NJ ?
(201) 432-5400

Posted on: 2014/1/10 15:02

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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Not too shy to talk


user1111 wrote:

nyrgravey9 wrote:
Oh please, you do it on every thread. Don't play stupid here (I don't think you're playing). Enough already.


user1111 wrote:
No I am not kidding, I never mentioned white, my keywords were Beige, and sterile. I love how you read.

A person that is normal to the point of being bland. No style, works a 9-5 job, does not express their individuality. These people can be found in Starbucks, often wearing neutral color clothes, perhaps from the GAP, while sipping a latte and discussing last nights t.v. shows as if the characters were their friends. In group settings it can be difficult to tell them apart. Beige people often never stray from their path or pack. These people commonly experience more eccentric life through others.
Lacking imagination, creativity, or vitality.

Just to be clear what I mean, I have lived in white, Latino, black and Asians areas around the states and did not grow up in JC and never left unlike some... get a clue before you start spitting out I hate white people, damn idiot.

I think you need to get off the internets every once in a while and come down to Newark Ave. I would agree, Paulus hook is indeed kind of beige but certainly not Newport- which is mostly Indian, or Grove. In the heart of downtown there are several hispanic bars such as Latin Lounge and Music box and Roland's Keyhole and Jordan's is not beige, not to mention the Latin clubhouse on columbus, the Caribbean restaurant on Jersey and when school lets out, there is a very huge variety of colors of children. Perhaps you are getting confused because there is a large Polish community here as well as Russians (they even have the Russian museum), and though they might look beige colored they have distinct ethnic backgrounds and are a minority of sorts in their own right.

Posted on: 2014/1/9 14:42

Re: Taco Bell coming soon to Jsq!
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Not too shy to talk

Is it going to be a combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell?

Posted on: 2014/1/8 20:46

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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Not too shy to talk


user1111 wrote:
The waterfront in JC sucks it should have gone all the way around the city, it should not cut off... in BK and even Hoboken you can walk around the entire water front which we cannot. As far as clubs, I don't think a club here would be very interesting too many peeps here are on different pages.

I'm ok with something like QXT's or Latin Lounge. Can someone explain Jordan's to me? My friends tried to go inside there once, and were quickly turned away. They seem to be closed all of the time as well. Has anyone ever been in there?

Posted on: 2014/1/8 20:05

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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Not too shy to talk


We have MORE than enough bars and restaurants and places to hang out. There seem to be an endless supply of people who want places built to their specs. Ain't happening. What do clubs bring? Crime and stupidity. Have you ever been in Hoboken on a weekend night around the PATH station? It's a joke. Jersey City doesn't "need" that. The last thing we need is a Welcome Mat for idiots. And if you think "well we just need a club that's fun but kind of chill and no troublemakers and blah, blah, blah.." then you are blowing smoke up your own ass.

I dunno, JC was the ghetto for a long time, and still is in most parts. Its seems like arts and culture attracts the right people, at least that's what I've seen in Brooklyn. I don't think JC will ever be like Hoboken, for one it is a lot bigger, and it is not a college town. Believe you me, I do not like the idea of anything Hoboken-like. But they don't really have much in the way of places to go if you are not getting shwasted. I have never been to a gallery there, and the only venue was Maxwells. Its known for its sports bars with huge TV's and drunk yuppies who pretend they live in NY and tell people they just "sleep" in NJ. Egh Hoboken.

Posted on: 2014/1/8 19:58

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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Not too shy to talk


Prismatic wrote:

Vigilante wrote:

Prismatic wrote:
The only thing he actually got 100% right is #6 but honestly it wouldn't hurt if the city allowed a few clubs here. It wouldn't turn in Hoboken if clubs were scattered around the city. Problem with Hoboken is most of the clubs are centered around one small location.

But yea he really only got #6 right.

What about Surf City and that Beer Hall? Why the #OOPS# would we want clubs? Doesn't anyone remember when they had that club under the TPK/1-9 Ramp? Just brought dangerous drivers and drunks making their way through quiet, residential streets. Jersey City has everything in the way of bars, restaurants and clubs. Just use them and stop thinking that more of the same is helpful to this city or just move to Hoboken, NYC or New Orleans.

Uh uh uh... to have fun. This city lacks any real night life even smaller cities have a better night life than JC and whether you like it or not nightlife is an integral part of living in a city even if the city bills itself as being "chill". People like to go and have fun something I doubt you know anything about. People would rather spend a night out in their own city rather than have to take a train or bus, into another city, which stop operating long before the typical closing hours for most clubs. Restaurants and a few bars won't do. If you want people to be as bored with life as you are then I highly suggest you move to West Bubble Fuk, Indiana.

Well, there's always the opening of the White Eagle Hall. I've got my eggs in that basket for amusement and entertainment. JC has been very anti all of that with its live music ordinances for a long time, it looks like that is changing. ... 4507404578592060891000092 ... y_allowing_late-nigh.html

Posted on: 2014/1/8 19:40

Re: Event Space in Downtown JC
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Not too shy to talk


JohnnieWalker wrote:
I am looking for a place to do a birthday party for about 350-400 ppl on march 23rd 2013 flexible to up to two weeks after or one week before.

Place can be just an open shell were I can bring my own food and liquor, a place were I can bring my own liquor, or full service dependent on pricing.

Looking for a great place for the best price.

Parlay is huge, I would try JC Arts School. I think they have a smaller space along 3rd street.

Posted on: 2014/1/6 21:31

Re: Del Forno - good faith deposit?
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Not too shy to talk


jcneighbor wrote:
JoeGee nailed this reply. If you put your check on hold and it's declined, well, you just lost your lease opportunity.

DelForno has been around a long time. Generally OK, but apartments that they also MANAGE (and sometimes own outright) have had TONS of renter complaints about repairs, etc. And they play hardball if you bitch. Personally, I'd work with another realtor...

From what I heard from my realtor as to why I could not see any Del Forno listings with them when I was looking around is that they do not post anything of theirs on the MLS. They get listings and hold on to them until you go to their office so that they don't ever have to split commission with any other office. That seems wrong to me, I would never list with them.

Posted on: 2013/12/31 16:45

Re: Boarding house neighbor partially blocks my driveway. What are my options?
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Not too shy to talk


luvHomeMyJC wrote:
Hey fellow residents:

My neighbor has tenants that partially block my driveway. There are ample of street parking yet seem like purely driven by convenience they block their driveway and in process partially block me. I have complained to the landlord and the tenants but every so often the tenants change and gotta start all over again.

I can wiggle and pull my car out but that means that during rush hr my vision is potentially blocked on both sides while pulling out my car.


From what I've heard, boarding houses are illegal in JC. I would anonymously call the housing department and report them. You might feel like a jerk, but it would probably solve your problem.

Posted on: 2013/12/31 16:36

Re: Design Competition for reuse of large commercial spaces
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Not too shy to talk


moobycow wrote:
Isn't there already something before the planning board to divide one of those spaces?

I like the idea of a competition, but I bet those spaces get divided up all by themselves. You can probably fit 4 pizzerias and 3 nail salons in each ;)

Hah. Every time I walk down Newark I wonder how all of these nail salons and hair dressers get enough business to stay open. Another one is opening up near grove next to the yogurt place. How? Why?

Posted on: 2013/12/31 16:24

Re: America’s Most Popular Bars In 2013
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jcman420 wrote:

rycor wrote:
Really? Im not sure I would rank that place the best in NJ. I am doubtful they even clean their tap lines regularly. All the beer tastes off to me.

+1. Never ceases to amaze me how bars make the effort of having a huge selection of beers and then serve it all out of filthy taps. Same goes for Iron Monkey. No point in priding yourself on all the beers you have on tap when they all have a piss aftertaste.

MMmm.. I'm pretty sure its not the taps. The beers taste off because they now serve in plastic mugs that get washed and scratched up. The plastic totally interferes with the taste of the beer. You can ask them for glass when you go there, they will give it to you.
From what I understand, when they first opened their really great glasses were constantly stolen and broken and a few months in they switched entirely to plastic. Its gross, after much complaining from people they now have the glass but by default give people plastic unless you ask for it.

Posted on: 2013/12/30 19:57

Re: Del Forno - good faith deposit?
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tommyc_37 wrote:

I am about to make an offer on an apartment that is listed through Del Forno. They are telling me that before they present the offer to the property owner, I need to leave a "good faith deposit" of one month's rent, as well as getting a credit report and filling out a rental agreement.

If you do give them a check, I would put it on hold with the bank until you have a signed agreement, also get it from them in writing either by letter or e-mail as to why you need to give them a deposit before they present the offer to the property holder. What happens to the money if the property owner does not accept, or if someone else swoops in?

Posted on: 2013/12/30 17:47

Re: The Thirsty Quaker is coming to Downtown Jersey City!
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Not too shy to talk


Just out of curiosity... How fast is delivery? Say I order today, when should I expect it to arrive?

Same day delivery- if you order by 10pm I've been told.

Posted on: 2013/12/21 0:40

Re: The Thirsty Quaker is coming to Downtown Jersey City!
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Not too shy to talk

That is an impressive beer list. I might have to make a gift order for Christmas. I wish my family got me booze rather than more sweaters I'll never wear. I've got a lot of freaking sweaters.

Posted on: 2013/12/20 19:12

Re: Heat requirements for rented property
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Not too shy to talk


YouniqPilates wrote:
I wasn't as angry as I am now:) You know..we just moved in - trying to be good tenants..bubble wrapping the place so we feel a bit like a FedEx package.
getting a heaters to prevent frostbites.

It is electric air fan heater. One says 59 as temperature reached and the other is on 43 now.

The air-conditioning is cranked up to 90 but it blows freakishly cold air so we keep it off.

I am telling you (stiff upper lip and joking about it) but toilet is the worst. I could keep groceries in

This makes me so upset, if I knew where you were I'd bring you some hot cocoa.

Posted on: 2013/12/18 16:22

Re: Heat requirements for rented property
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Not too shy to talk


YouniqPilates wrote:
Thank you! We read it and since we did not get any reply from management we contacted Health Dept.

Problem with that law is that it is applied to landlords who provide heat that is included in the bill. We pay our own heating - so landlord does not actually surlily the heat - but it does supply the appliances for the heat, which are - in this case - cold.

As they shrugged shoulders when we asked it to be "cranked up" or ANYTHING really, we do not expect an action except - waiting for the spring. In a meantime, our heating bill may be a disaster.

I highly suggest you seek legal advice. There is obviously something wrong with the building or the unit that is supposed to deliver heat to your apartment. Call city hall and ask to speak to someone 201-547-500. It really makes me upset to think that you are living this way and someone is continuing to collect money from you as though everything is okey-dokey.

There is a group in jersey city of just professionals that hang out and do events, volunteer and such. Many of them are lawyers, I would suggest reaching out to them on Facebook- Jersey City Ties.

Posted on: 2013/12/18 15:59

Re: salting/sanding sidewalks. snow removal.
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Not too shy to talk

I was thinking about that walking around this morning. I almost tripped 3 times. I really want to print up little flyers that say, "Hey asshole, salt your sidewalk before some trips and sues your ass." And put them on the doors of those people that haven't bothered to take care of their sidewalk.
Even better might be to get stickers, they would be annoying to get off and might consider that next time. Guerrilla ticketing!

Posted on: 2013/12/18 15:48

Re: Heat requirements for rented property
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Not too shy to talk

Here is a NJ handbook for these things: ... Manuals/TenantsRights.pdf

Check pages 30 and 36. I think if it is under 60 degrees on a regular basis in you need to send your landlord a letter right away just for the record if you have any disputes later.

Some landlords can be a nightmare. I had an issue years ago where the water was shut off to my apartment because the landlord was negligent and only found out later that from that day I should not have been paying rent for each day if was off. In my experience, if it is not a matter that gets solved in a timely manner, seek legal advice.

Don't just put up with these things and suffer quietly, people will walk all over you given the chance. I hope this helps. Good Luck.

Posted on: 2013/12/18 15:37

Re: Union Republic -- Impressive New Place on Newark Ave @ Third Street
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Not too shy to talk

Went here the other day for lunch. The ramen is somewhat overpriced, but good tasting. The only thing that I really, really, really do not like is the setting. It feels like a cafeteria rather than a restaurant, they need some color up in there. Even the outside with the circles being done is so much nicer than the stark walls inside.

And my #1 peeve is the windows. I walk by every day and I can see everything from the outside. Its like a fish bowl. I can see up skirts and into purses, its not pretty or pleasant. They need to frost the windows from the floor to table level, please!

Posted on: 2013/12/18 15:03

Re: Low water pressure 8th & Erie?
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Not too shy to talk

I guess Fulop forgot to pay the water bill this month. Seriously though, I feel gross.

Posted on: 2013/12/18 14:53

Re: JC Schools
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Monroe wrote:
Involved parenting is the best approach for improving children's education. It sure isn't a funding issue in JC. Uninvolved or absent parents crushes the chances of kids learning as the should.

This may be true, but I would have to grant there is a great influence from teachers and other staff. My parents were immigrants, they could never help me with my studies and were hands off and I still got A's through school. Then again, they did bribe me with $10 for every A on my report card.

Posted on: 2013/12/16 21:52

JC Schools
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Not too shy to talk

I happened to be looking into schools around the neighborhood and I am kind of appalled. ... 82®ionId=25320&zoom=13

I am noticing a distinct trend across people I have known in Jersey City over the years. As soon as people have children they move away. I love JC, but it the educational system around here seems to be falling behind. A family friend moved away not long ago and his children did very well in school. As soon as he moved to the suburbs in the summer his children took placement exams for public school in his new town. When the tests came back, it was determined that the kids were about a year behind everyone else in their grade and would have to be left back. He hired tutors right away and the kids spent two months catching up, but I thought- geez that's awful.

What's being done about this?

I'm young, but I would like to have children some time this decade and would hate to move away. I love JC, but I feel like there are not too many choices. I doubt I could ever afford Montessori.

Posted on: 2013/12/16 21:36

Re: Residents welcome plan to increase cabs on Jersey City streets; taxi owners less enthusiastic
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Not too shy to talk

I can never get a cab around here when I really need it. I was coming home this past saturday and wanted a cab to take me the final exhausting half-mile home, and there was no one in sight.

Posted on: 2013/12/16 21:09




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