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Re: Liberty Humane Society & Animal Control
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2004/9/15 19:03
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croft wrote:

There are people in this city who actually WANT to work for animal control.

You would be great!

Posted on: 2010/2/10 21:41

Re: Liberty Humane Society & Animal Control
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CatsnDogs wrote:
I would think anyone learning to be an animal control officer in 2010 would be up on the very latest and most humane efficient ways of managing strays etc vs. training from 32 years ago without state required certification renewal.

I took the ACO certification course in October 2009 and to be quite honest, the instructors themselves said that the material has changed very little since 1983, and only again in 1997 (when the Animal Cruelty Investigator certification came out.) The only updated information we got was amendments to statutes (very few of those) and statistics based on year to year. Other than that, it was all the same.

They obviously teach you humane methods of picking up animals, but there is nothing revolutionary in the past 10+ years about picking up animals whether it be on snare poles or have a heart traps. The same methods have been used for years and continue to be used. Most of the equipment used is for the humane entrapment of animals and for the safety of the ACO and the facility the animal is being taken to.

The other important thing they teach at the course is being professional, courteous, and responsible in handling matters. If JC Animal Control were to add to their staff some newly certified officers with animal handling experience and compassion for the field who really want the job, they could then work on rebuilding their credibility.

There are people in this city who actually WANT to work for animal control.

Posted on: 2010/2/10 21:38

Re: Liberty Humane Society & Animal Control

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2009/12/19 14:46
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Thanks PHDOG, I never read that one in the papers. The only law suit that I read in the newspapers was the one about the former employee of LHS and their lawyer who sued the city.

CATSNDOGS. that's terrible what happened to that cat last night. If it is true the city should fire the AC who neglected to do his job. Head should spin on this one. How can we find out more about this?

Posted on: 2010/2/10 17:05

Re: Liberty Humane Society & Animal Control
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PBW, the 6 months of experience i was referring to was a reference to the assistant manager there who has been in that position for 6 months. he has the most experience managing the shelter of the current team. the Exec director and Dir of ops only started in Nov and had not worked in a shelter environment before.

they did not have a larger operation.

sorry i was not clear.

catsndogs- thats a terrible situation you dealt with and i know you will make it knownin city hall. however i am a bit confused that a whistleblower like yourself is willing to overlook obvious flaws with the management team there. I suspect it is because you finally have some influence with them.

Also, as far as Diana Jeffries goes it is unfair to say that she is on one side or another since she has sued LHS in the past on behalf of a former employee and attained a settlement.

Posted on: 2010/2/10 15:34

Re: Liberty Humane Society & Animal Control
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purplepuppy wrote:
PBW just because you have a history of responding on this site doesn?t make you any better than me or any other newbie, nor does it mean that I don?t have a right to point out faults of AC and LHS or the truth about animal advocates acting up in this city. .

I didn't say you didn't. Certainly you are entitled and if LHS expects to take this over, they should be be scrutinized for their capabilities and not painted the picture of sainthood.
I said IF you are a troll. and I said I was CURIOUS about your seemingly personal VENDETTA. Which you still didn't answer. As opposed to myself, who is more even tempered and not one-sided, as my post shows. And I didn't like how you downplay AC's "problems."

The truth is AC dumped cats. Didn't get back to me (i.e. DO THEIR JOBS). As the cat incident from last night shows, in so many words, they suck. And if LHS doesn't get it (I'm not convinced they should) AC need some sort of shake up, if not personnel, then in work ethic and procedures. Hopefully that came across as my main point.

I wouldn't worry too much. Since Fulop introduced it the rest of the council won't vote for it.

Posted on: 2010/2/10 15:25

Re: Liberty Humane Society & Animal Control

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2009/12/19 14:46
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PBW just because you have a history of responding on this site doesn?t make you any better than me or any other newbie, nor does it mean that I don?t have a right to point out faults of AC and LHS or the truth about animal advocates acting up in this city.

And as far as PHDOG goes, he or she is absolutely right about those 6 months; this is a new group of board members and manager/workers at the facility that has less than 6 months of doing it.

Posted on: 2010/2/10 15:03

Re: Liberty Humane Society & Animal Control
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2004/2/18 20:20
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A feral cat was hit by a car last night at 5:45pm on Park Street. My friend called animal control at 6pm. I got there about 7pm. The cat not able to move the rear end of its body and it was apparently suffering and dying. We would have picked the cat up but it was feral and was still able to hiss and potentially strike out. We kept waiting for AC and called the police a second time to page AC. 9pm the cat died. No Animal Control.

Animal control is supposed to be available 24/7. The self correction Harry Melendez promised the council has not materialized. No one paid AC employee appears to be self correcting. Self correction = fail.

We will be contacting Melendez and Fulop on Thursday. How long do we have to accept this.

Liberty Humane has all the right reasons to make it work and do a good job at animal control. You or I can get certified by the state and become an ACO in two weeks. It all comes down to work ethic and compassion for animals.

I have always found that most of what we do in our jobs we learn on the job. Bringing fresh new untainted mindsets can make great things happen. You cannot fix a problem by using the original thinking that created the problem.

Posted on: 2010/2/10 13:44

Re: Liberty Humane Society & Animal Control

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2010/2/10 13:26
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purplepuppy wrote:
I can't believe it, that Diana Jeffrey is still going after Joe Frank, wow, since 2002 they been at it. It?s like in the movies ?Fatal Attraction.?

However, I see double standards here; didn't Diana Jeffrey and the Hudson Animal Advocates not too long ago, also went after the Hudson County SPCA? Why after all of these years (not once) have I ever heard anyone from these animal advocates go after Liberty Humane Society for failing years of State and local shelter inspections. Not once have I ever heard them speak up against LHS deployable conditions at the shelter like the way they go after animal control? Why?s that? LHS has been failing state and local inspections for most of the years that they have been in business (request an OPRA report from the State Health Dept. Office of Animal Welfare and from the city to see it for yourself). Anyone belonging to this organization or is associated to it shouldn't be pointing their fingers at anyone in animal control until they get their own house in order. What makes LHS any better than AC? Sure there was a few incidents here and there with animal control over the years but nothing could ever compare to the numerous of violations that were found year after years by the State and local officials at LHS (that affects all of the animals at the facility throughout the years). And they want to do animal control services for the city, yea right. They are just looking to monopolize the operation and milk more money out of the city.

Hi, Joe

Posted on: 2010/2/10 13:28

Re: Liberty Humane Society & Animal Control
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2006/7/14 19:34
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First, I am curious of phDog's comment that LHS "has only about 6 months of experience running a shelter only operation."
I saw on the LHS website that they took over management of the Jersey Animal Shelter. Was that 6 months ago? What were they doing before? Or did they have a bigger operation and downsize to a "shelter only operation?" Important questions.

PurplePuppy. You have only 2 posts and they are both bashing the LHS. If you are a troll I suggest jumping on another tread, like, say, what your favorite local pizza is. Makes you look more legit. If not, I'm curious why the personal vendetta against LHS.

Also, you write "Sure there was a few incidents here and there with animal control over the years...." Dude. Dumping cats in the park is HUUUUGE. Not to mention a National joke. Frank should not have a job right now.

Now, some defense for AC. First, on principal, I believe that every city should have AC. If there's a problem from within, fix it, (i.e. new person in charge) rather than give responsibilities to someone else.
Someone asked about what AC does 24/7? My guess is that someone is not necessarily working at 4AM, but on call. What if a dog goes berzerk at 1am? Will LHS have someone available? For that matter, what is their experience with trapping out of control animals out side their facilities? There are lot of questions that would need to be addressed for them to take it over. It's not just about adopting and euthanasia.

Also, I know if LHS does take it over, a part of deal will be they will have to take some AC employees. I say why. If these are the same lazy jokers that aren't doing their jobs correctly now I don't want 'em continuing their jobs. LHS would have to hire more and their experience should put them on top of the pile.

Lastly, I want to say a personal story. I called AC a few years back cause I had an opossum in my backyard. (funny tread. search for it). I was afraid that it would get in a fight with my dog or cat (for all their sakes). I set up THREE times for AC to stop by my place to drop off a trap, which they would then pick up and take the animal to a "safer" location. All THREE times they did not show up. There is no accountability and AC is obviously misrun.

I wrote quick today. Apologies for any misspells. I know some people freak out about that.

Posted on: 2010/2/10 13:22

Re: Liberty Humane Society & Animal Control

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2009/12/19 14:46
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I can't believe it, that Diana Jeffrey is still going after Joe Frank, wow, since 2002 they been at it. It?s like in the movies ?Fatal Attraction.?

However, I see double standards here; didn't Diana Jeffrey and the Hudson Animal Advocates not too long ago, also went after the Hudson County SPCA? Why after all of these years (not once) have I ever heard anyone from these animal advocates go after Liberty Humane Society for failing years of State and local shelter inspections. Not once have I ever heard them speak up against LHS deployable conditions at the shelter like the way they go after animal control? Why?s that? LHS has been failing state and local inspections for most of the years that they have been in business (request an OPRA report from the State Health Dept. Office of Animal Welfare and from the city to see it for yourself). Anyone belonging to this organization or is associated to it shouldn't be pointing their fingers at anyone in animal control until they get their own house in order. What makes LHS any better than AC? Sure there was a few incidents here and there with animal control over the years but nothing could ever compare to the numerous of violations that were found year after years by the State and local officials at LHS (that affects all of the animals at the facility throughout the years). And they want to do animal control services for the city, yea right. They are just looking to monopolize the operation and milk more money out of the city.

Posted on: 2010/2/10 12:23

Re: Liberty Humane Society & Animal Control
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2009/2/18 15:08
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my point is that they are not just animal taxi drivers. they issue complaints and summonses and follow up on them throughout the day. State law requires written reports for all animal related responses they make. I am most certainly not in love with Joe Frank or the way he runs his dept. let me make that clear.

catsndogs, i too think he is outdated and should be replaced by someone with relevant experience. There is no one currently @ LHS that fits this bill. In fact there is no one there that has even been an ACO, nevermind manage a team of ACOs for a large city.

The current ACOs in Jersey City are NOT capable of managing themselves. I dont think thats even an argument.

Posted on: 2010/2/9 16:01

Re: Liberty Humane Society & Animal Control

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2008/1/17 19:10
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I asked for a breakdown of exactly what AC does and all you can say is that I don't have a "strong grasp on the job responsibilities"? Answer the question without being so vague.

Yes, LHS takes in over 2000 animals year but you have to also keep in mind that they are not all brought in by animal control.

And we can go round and round about how much work they are doing - you say they can bring in 10 dogs a dog, requiring 10 different trips to LHS, I can say that they brought in 2 cats, 8 kittens that only required 2 trips to LHS/day. That is why it would be useful to see actual daily figures.

The inspection report is important it just isn't relevant to this particular discussion. LHS needs to make improvements (and they are) but you are confusing me by continually bringing up the inspection report. Do you want to see the JCAC contract with LHS terminated because of this inspection report? That may be a valid argument but if that's the case then that needs to be discussed in a different post. This particular LHS/AC issue has to do with a city in a financial crisis and a shelter that needs funding.

Posted on: 2010/2/9 15:54

Re: Liberty Humane Society & Animal Control
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phdog I would be curious what what other things animal control officers do when they are not responding to public calls about lost, injured or stray animals.

Bottom line is the same amount of animals end up at the shelter whether the City does it or the funciton is outsourced.

I would think anyone learning to be an animal control officer in 2010 would be up on the very latest and most humane efficient ways of managing strays etc vs. training from 32 years ago without state required certification renewal.

It is also clear that LHS has said it will hire the currect ACOs so what's your concern exactly?


pudge wrote:
Right now, AC picks up stray, abandoned, landlord lockout, etc. animals and brings them to LHS. LHS then takes over the rest. I don't see JC getting a city pound and I don't see them going with another shelter to handle their animal control issues so this isn't going to change (although, they could always go with Associated Humane in Newark - I'm sure those animal conditions would go over well with the residents of JC). Because LHS is contractually obligated to accept animals from JCAC, LHS provides a service to the residents of Jersey City and Jersey City needs LHS.

This is a case of really just needing to look at the numbers, there is no need to get emotional.

I've heard that the JC AC annual budget is around 1 million dollars. I would love to see the breakdown of exactly where that money goes. Seven animal control employees? What exactly do they do 24/7, 365 days a year? I just know that from the time I spend at LHS that AC is not dropping off animals 24/7, 365 days a year. If I see them dropping off animals once a week that would be a lot. Now to be fair, I am not there often during the day, Monday-Friday, so maybe that is when they are dropping off animals, but if that is the case, then why are they working 24/7 and what exactly are they doing in all that time? They aren't issuing dog licenses in the middle of the night. It also should be noted that if the animal control operations are absorbed by LHS then when the officers aren't out on calls they could actually be WORKING within the shelter. That just seems like a win-win to me. And much more efficient.

With all that being said, do those of you opposing LHS taking over AC operations really think that an LHS employed Animal Control Officer can't handle picking up a stray, abandoned, etc. animal and bringing it back to LHS? Again, you really just need to look at the numbers and this just seems all around more efficient to me.

You can sit here and whine and complain about such things as the inspection report (which has absolutely nothing to do with this situation) or you can be part of the solution. LHS needs more funding, Jersey City needs to cut its budget - I think that this could be great for both.

Posted on: 2010/2/9 15:42

Re: Liberty Humane Society & Animal Control
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Wow, that is a lot of stuff wrong!

Click the link to read the full report:

LHS inspection report NJDHSS

Posted on: 2010/2/9 15:21

Re: Liberty Humane Society & Animal Control
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AC does a lot more than pick up stray animals and bring them to the shelter. your post implies that you dont have a strong grasp on the job responsibilities. LHS takes in over 2000 animals per year, AC has had days where they brought in 10+ dogs.

personally, I see major relevance in a report that is only 3 months old.

maybe you'd like to decide for yourselves..

LHS inspection report NJDHSS

Posted on: 2010/2/9 15:04

Re: Liberty Humane Society & Animal Control

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Right now, AC picks up stray, abandoned, landlord lockout, etc. animals and brings them to LHS. LHS then takes over the rest. I don't see JC getting a city pound and I don't see them going with another shelter to handle their animal control issues so this isn't going to change (although, they could always go with Associated Humane in Newark - I'm sure those animal conditions would go over well with the residents of JC). Because LHS is contractually obligated to accept animals from JCAC, LHS provides a service to the residents of Jersey City and Jersey City needs LHS.

This is a case of really just needing to look at the numbers, there is no need to get emotional.

I've heard that the JC AC annual budget is around 1 million dollars. I would love to see the breakdown of exactly where that money goes. Seven animal control employees? What exactly do they do 24/7, 365 days a year? I just know that from the time I spend at LHS that AC is not dropping off animals 24/7, 365 days a year. If I see them dropping off animals once a week that would be a lot. Now to be fair, I am not there often during the day, Monday-Friday, so maybe that is when they are dropping off animals, but if that is the case, then why are they working 24/7 and what exactly are they doing in all that time? They aren't issuing dog licenses in the middle of the night. It also should be noted that if the animal control operations are absorbed by LHS then when the officers aren't out on calls they could actually be WORKING within the shelter. That just seems like a win-win to me. And much more efficient.

With all that being said, do those of you opposing LHS taking over AC operations really think that an LHS employed Animal Control Officer can't handle picking up a stray, abandoned, etc. animal and bringing it back to LHS? Again, you really just need to look at the numbers and this just seems all around more efficient to me.

You can sit here and whine and complain about such things as the inspection report (which has absolutely nothing to do with this situation) or you can be part of the solution. LHS needs more funding, Jersey City needs to cut its budget - I think that this could be great for both.

Posted on: 2010/2/9 14:46

Re: Liberty Humane Society & Animal Control
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I, for one. support LHS. It is an underfunded non profit. When I had to go into the hospital for three weeks they took my cats; no questions asked. They even gave them free shots. For that, I give them what I can.

The staff is very attentive to the animals' needs. Please keep in mind that they are a non-profit agency. I got my cat Alice from the JC SPCA. I am so happy she didn't suffer cruelty at the hands of the JC SPCA staff.

That said, I really think LHS should be given a shot at animal control. I think they'd do wonders if they are given city funds.

Edit: if not LHS then who else? The JC SPCA was a travesty. LHS could do such a better job if given the proper funding!

Posted on: 2010/2/9 8:00

Re: Liberty Humane Society & Animal Control
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We got our cat from there. was she in the best of health when we got her? no. was the experience the best it could have been? no. but she was an older cat that apparently they held her for several months before we got her. And she is a great pet, doesnt scratch things up, always goes in the litter box, and doesnt get up on the counters (that we have ever seen) I dont know How LHS would handle the job overall, but it is obvious they really try. We appreciate their services so far to date.

Posted on: 2010/2/9 3:56

Re: Liberty Humane Society & Animal Control
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so people actually think its a good idea to give animal control responsibilities to a group that not only has never done it before but has only about 6 months of experience running a shelter only operation?

maybe people should look into the state inspection report that LHS got in November. They are a long way from being able to handle AC operations.

Posted on: 2010/2/8 14:35

Re: Liberty Humane Society & Animal Control
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KoKo wrote:
... However, if the animals are like those 2 dogs in Hoboken that attacked and mauled the owners, than they would be humanely destroyed. I hope that this sheds some light on the article.


Incidentally, those dogs in Hoboken were regularly beaten.

Posted on: 2010/2/8 5:18

Re: Liberty Humane Society & Animal Control

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2009/12/17 5:12
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An animal pound deals with stray animals, abandoned animals, and animals that are impounded as a result of law enforcement action. An animal pound is similar to the same principles that applies to a police car pound which deals with abandoned vehicles, stolen vehicles, and vehicles impounded as a result of law enforcement action; it is limited to its use, so therefore the overhead cost of running and operating a police car pound or an animal pound is far less costly than the cost of running and operating a dealership or an animal shelter.

The animals that are impounded at an animal pound are treated the same way as they are treated in an animal shelter. If the animals are good for adoption they are adopted out or sent out to a rescue group. However, if the animals are like those 2 dogs in Hoboken that attacked and mauled the owners, than they would be humanely destroyed. I hope that this sheds some light on the article.

Posted on: 2010/2/8 4:39

Re: Liberty Humane Society & Animal Control
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According to the article, "Liberty Humane keeps animals seven days and then makes a determination about their adoptability as well. However, Frank said that they also do too much beyond their basic responsibilities."

Beyond their basic responsibilities? The euthanasia rates in this country are obscene. LHS does what they can after the seven days to prepare animals for adoption.

I would like Joe Frank to elaborate. His comment implies that LHS should euthanize more animals to save money.

I must commend Joe Frank in his efforts to help volunteers at the old Hudson County SPCA close that horrible facility. He took a proactive role when volunteers were ready to go on record to report graft and abuse.

However, the concept of a "city pound" as he said and assembly line euthanasia practices are outdated and out of touch with the wishes of most residents.

Many programs are volunteer efforts and cost LHS nothing.

Posted on: 2010/2/8 2:20

Re: Liberty Humane Society & Animal Control
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Anyone know the background on this?

" ...animal advocate and attorney Diana Jeffrey recently filed a lawsuit against the city?s animal control officer, Joe Frank, claiming he incorrectly seized a woman?s pit bull dog back in 2005..."

Posted on: 2010/2/7 22:50

Liberty Humane Society & Animal Control

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2009/11/6 22:45
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The Liberty Humane Society is in talks to take over animal control for Jersey City but facing opposition from long time animal control officer Joe Frank.. Please see the article link below and share your thoughts.. ... ndary_stories_left_column

Posted on: 2010/2/7 22:12

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