Re: Top Fulop allies on tape trying to steer city bid, court depositions say
Home away from home
Because again, you're more concerned with watering your lawn while your house is on fire. And you all complain of corruption, but stand by idly when tasks with fighting. Morons. Complete morons. The lot of you.
Posted on: 2017/10/12 16:46
Re: Top Fulop allies on tape trying to steer city bid, court depositions say
Home away from home
300 people in a city with a population approaching 300,000 isn't saying a whole lot. Hell, you could probably even find 300 people who think it would be a good idea if Donald Trump was President...
Posted on: 2017/10/12 16:30
Re: Top Fulop allies on tape trying to steer city bid, court depositions say
Home away from home
Oh're really outdoing yourself. It doesn't matter who is asking for it. The petition has 300 signatures. Your idol and dreamboat Steve Fulop is dirty and needs to release the tapes NOW.
Posted on: 2017/10/12 14:24
Re: Top Fulop allies on tape trying to steer city bid, court depositions say
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2009/10/7 15:46 Last Login : 2024/7/1 0:32 From jersey city
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Is that the same Barbara Camacho (a friend of Matsikoudis) who tried to stop the election move? Hmmm 11/20/15 JJ: ?In addition to Camacho, the committee includes Rampaul Guyadeen, 55; April Kuzas, 36, a business consultant and local political player; Joan Terrell, an ex-council aide; and former Councilwoman Viola Richardson, a frequent Fulop foe when they sat on the council together. It is led by Bill Matsikoudis, a longtime Fulop rival who lost his job as corporation counsel when Fulop unseated Jerramiah Healy in 2013.? .
Posted on: 2017/10/12 13:28
Re: Top Fulop allies on tape trying to steer city bid, court depositions say
Home away from home
Posted on: 2017/10/12 12:32
Re: Top Fulop allies on tape trying to steer city bid, court depositions say
Home away from home
So it's grandstanding to demand transparency from elected officials? Are you really this stupid? Or just a plant from the administration? Either way, your poorly written post (lease of their problems? is exactly why these corrupt schmucks get away with this garbage. Then, in the next breathe you all complain it's corrupt and nothing changes. Get your heads out of your rear ends already. If there is nothing to hide - release the tapes. Steve will delay this until after the election. And you morons will suck it up as per usual.
Posted on: 2017/10/12 12:23
Re: Top Fulop allies on tape trying to steer city bid, court depositions say
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2015/5/28 0:34 Last Login : 2024/8/5 12:48 From Jersey City
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CivicJC is grandstanding and playing politics. They should instead write to the state's attorney general asking them to investigate if any laws were broken.
IF Jersey City is still super currupt, hired goons would be cracking some heads. Lobbying council would be the lease of their problems.
Posted on: 2017/10/12 8:31
Re: Top Fulop allies on tape trying to steer city bid, court depositions say
2017/10/12 4:28 Last Login : 2017/10/20 21:27 From South Side JC
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Mayor Fulop Must Release the Tape Civic JC is a non-partisan, Jersey City community-based initiative advocating for strong government practices through neighborhood information sharing and the helping to create strong discourse of progressive initiatives. ?Since its founding in 2007, Civic JC?s objective has been to develop a more open, honest and transparent municipal government. ?Civic JC has worked on those issues across administrations since its inception. ? Last night, Civic JC requested the?Jersey City Council pass a resolution to?release?a tape which captured a scheme by senior officials within the Fulop Administration to subvert the Jersey City?s fair bidding process. ? The following is a statement read at Wednesday night?s Council meeting by Barbara Camacho, Acting President, of Civic JC: ?Good evening Council President and members of the Council. ?My name is Barbara Camacho and I live in Greenville. Council President, I?d like to read a statement into the record and follow with a question to the Council when I conclude. ?In an unseemly reminder of the Healy Administration shenanigans, Jersey City has been in national headlines: according to the sworn testimony of two career civil service employees ? former Chief of Staff, Muhammed Akil, Department Director Anthony Cruz, and city employee Shawn Thomas- schemed to circumvent the proper bidding process by influencing a member of the bid scoring committee to chose a particular consultant, contrary to procedure. A corroborating discussion of the scheme was captured in a voicemail by Akil left on Kakoleski?s work phone. After hearing the recording and speaking with the employees who objected to interference with the bidding process, Mayor Fulop deemed the conduct described so seriously offensive to the process that he ultimately cancelled the bid. ?The scheme described is a far-reaching betrayal of the public trust. Senior level employees violating procurement rules is precisely the kind of unsupervised impropriety that breeds corruption. Putting a thumb on the scale for one bidder, while ignoring the value of another has a chilling effect on future bidders. It also demoralizes the conscientious career civil service employees who just want to do the right thing. ?Government works best when its activities are well-known to the public it serves. The public has an interest in hearing what was sufficiently improper to cancel an RFP permanently but not odious enough to impose discipline. Without disclosure of the tape, how can the public be confident that the actions described under oath, are not representative of a broader lack of integrity in the bidding process? ?Civic JC requests that the Jersey City Council increase public confidence in the integrity of public bidding by adopting a resolution that urges Mayor Fulop to ensure the transparency and accountability he promised years ago by releasing the tape now. ?The question before the Council is: Will you introduce or support a resolution introduced by another Councilperson, seeking the release of the tape?? # # #
Posted on: 2017/10/12 4:32
Re: Top Fulop allies on tape trying to steer city bid, court depositions say
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2010/7/7 17:29 Last Login : 2023/11/10 14:36 From Downtown Jersey City
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Really? Did you even read the story? I like Fulop and voted for him. And I'd probably vote for him again. But you sound as blind as a Trumpster. No hearsay. Just someone trying to stand up to politics as usual in JC. Fulop's not implicated in the story except for his reaction afterwards. The fact that someone worked for Healy has nothing to do with the story. Do you know how many people in the current government worked for Healy?
Posted on: 2017/10/2 23:55
Re: Top Fulop allies on tape trying to steer city bid, court depositions say
Home away from home
People aren't talking about it, because it's hearsay on top of hearsay and most of it doesn't even make sense. It's a total hype article that one cares about because it's too convoluted of a story. Also, Pandolofo was a Healey aide. The entire thing stinks.
Posted on: 2017/10/2 1:02
Re: Top Fulop allies on tape trying to steer city bid, court depositions say
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2010/7/7 17:29 Last Login : 2023/11/10 14:36 From Downtown Jersey City
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I have to say that I'm surprised that more folks aren't talking about this. It's pretty serious. But maybe not in the scheme of JC politics.
Posted on: 2017/10/1 23:18
Re: Top Fulop allies on tape trying to steer city bid, court depositions say
Home away from home
Jersey City officials allege Fulop aides tried to steer contract to energy companyJERSEY CITY -- Top aides to Mayor Steve Fulop attempted to steer a city contract to an energy consultant three years ago, and a conversation about the effort was recorded accidentally in a voicemail left for the city's business administrator, two city employees say in court depositions. The depositions, of Business Administrator Bob Kakoleski and one of his aides, Dominick Pandolfo, were given on Sept. 12 as part of a harassment case filed against the city by an employee of the planning office. The details of the depositions were first reported by Politico New Jersey this morning. ... _tried_to_steer_cont.html
Posted on: 2017/9/29 3:29
Re: Top Fulop allies on tape trying to steer city bid, court depositions say
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2004/2/6 23:13 Last Login : 2021/7/30 1:08 From Jersey City
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| ... n&utm_term=share_petition
Petitioning Mayor of Jersey City Steve Fulop
Mayor Fulop: Release the Tape Now.
According to an article today in, several senior members of Mayor Steven Fulop's administration are alleged to have engaged in a scheme to rig a bid by the company "Good Energy" to perform "energy aggregation consulting" to Jersey City.
Under oath, two city employees have testified that administration members Anthony Cruz, Sean "Sully" Thomas, and Muhammad Akil took part in the scheme to circumvent the proper bidding process. According to the city employees, an undisclosed tape recording captures Akil and Thomas discussing the scheme to steer business to Good Energy. A lawsuit has now been brought under the Open Public Records Act seeking disclosure of the recording, as the city has refused to release it.
In order to ensure that the public is fully informed going into the upcoming mayoral election, it is essential that the Fulop administration immediately release the recording along with any and all other materials, including, but not limited to, emails, memoranda and reports that relate to the scheme. Accordingly, Civic JC calls upon the administration to release these vital materials without further delay.
This petition will be delivered to:
Mayor of Jersey City
Steve Fulop
Stringer wrote:
Posted on: 2017/9/28 11:52
Re: Top Fulop allies on tape trying to steer city bid, court depositions say
Quite a regular
2013/10/13 3:09 Last Login : 2018/6/14 20:50 From jersey city
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WOW. That is absolutely shocking!
Posted on: 2017/9/28 3:18
Top Fulop allies on tape trying to steer city bid, court depositions say
Home away from home
Top Fulop allies on tape trying to steer city bid, court depositions sayJERSEY CITY — The top aide to Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop accidentally recorded himself and another Fulop ally discussing their efforts to steer a city contract to an energy consulting company in 2014, according to depositions of two city employees. In the depositions, taken earlier this month, both city Business Administrator Robert Kakoleski and Dominick Pandolfo, who works under Kakoleski, allege that the Fulop allies pressured city officials to circumvent the open bidding process and pick the company. ... rt-depositions-say-114713
Posted on: 2017/9/27 16:24