Re: Jersey City mulls law targeting puppy mill pet stores
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Jersey City council rejects anti-puppy mill measureJERSEY CITY -- The City Council last night unanimously rejected a measure that would have banned the retail sale of dogs and cats, stunning backers of the ordinance. The council's initial plan was to postpone a vote on the measure so it could be rewritten but it went ahead with a vote and it was defeated unanimously, including by its sponsor, Ward D Councilman Michael Yun. Brian Hackett, state director of the Humane Society of the United States, urged the council last night not to reject the ordinance, which he said would increase consumer protections and promote animal welfare. The purpose of the law, he said, would be to ban pet stores from selling animals they get from puppy mills. ... ti-puppy_mill_measur.html
Posted on: 2017/5/26 2:08
Re: Jersey City mulls law targeting puppy mill pet stores
Have you all gone mad? A city without puppies ?!?!
If I was mayor, I'd sign an immediate executive order offering city funding to all ice cream shops with a mandatory policy for puppies. All ice cream shops must also own a puppy store within 50ft of the ice cream. Hearts and the dream... puppies and ice cream.
Posted on: 2017/5/15 21:20
Re: Jersey City mulls law targeting puppy mill pet stores
Home away from home
I remember there being a place not Downtown that did years ago but thinking they went out of business. Thankfully if this passes we know no new ones will open though. You are right about where the really bad mills are. Also Missouri is notorious for puppy mills. One issue is that the mills now use "brokers" who will be local to the store and act as middle person. This does obviously still leave those determined to purchase a certain brand of dog the option of a backyard breeder, but at least it narrows their options a bit.
Posted on: 2017/5/11 17:53
Re: Jersey City mulls law targeting puppy mill pet stores
Home away from home
The one in the mall used to. I'm still waiting for a definition for discerning a puppy mill from a legitimate breeder. I'd accept volume, but I'm certain that could be gamed with multiple LLCs etc.
Posted on: 2017/5/11 17:40
Re: Jersey City mulls law targeting puppy mill pet stores
Home away from home
I don't discount the possibility you are right, particularly about #3 (increasing awareness, and perhaps deriving some other benefits as a result of that) but with regards to #2, my impression has always been that most of the puppy mills from which animals originate were usually found in PA (that was until some state laws curtailed those operations) and from OH and some Southern states (KY, TN). In any case, I am now genuinely curious as to whether we even have pet stores in town that sell dogs, or cats.
Posted on: 2017/5/11 17:16
Re: Jersey City mulls law targeting puppy mill pet stores
Home away from home
There are a few real-life impacts from this I can immediately think of: 1. Prevents new puppy mill stores from opening up in JC. As development expands greatly throughout the city, it is not inconceivable that a puppy mill store would have opened. Now they won't. 2. As more municipalities adopt laws like this, soon the state will have a majority of municipalities with the same law, at which point the statewide effort starts to gain momentum. There are about 100 towns now with similar ordinances, and if not for Gov Christie a comparable state law would have been signed already. This then prevents puppy mill sales statewide which is a huge achievement. 3. Cosmetically/topically, it's good press. Maybe someone didn't know what a puppy mill is, but then they see Jersey City has banned their sales, and in turn they end up rescuing a dog.
Posted on: 2017/5/11 16:52
Re: Jersey City mulls law targeting puppy mill pet stores
Home away from home
Definitely all show, no substance. Most people buying a purebred dog will continue to do exactly what they do today: get one from a breeder. For those who want to adopt a dog, go deal with the rescue groups, or Liberty Humane. Do we even have pet stores in town selling dogs or cats? Fussy Friends has adoption events for cats, but those are not animals for sale. Canis Minor, before it closed, would also have adoption events from time to time, but no animals for sale. Serious question: do we have pet stores in town selling cats or dogs?
Posted on: 2017/5/11 16:30
Re: Jersey City mulls law targeting puppy mill pet stores
Just can't stay away
Yay! Great job Councilman Michael Yun
Posted on: 2017/5/11 16:05
Re: Jersey City mulls law targeting puppy mill pet stores
Home away from home
Not getting how they determine what's a kennel and what's a breeder. I thought they were one in the same. Outlawing buying a purebred animal is not going to fly. Not that I've ever done that. People who want purebreds will go directly to a breeder, which is what they should do anyway I suppose. What idiot buys a purebred at a pet store?
Posted on: 2017/5/11 0:46
Re: Jersey City mulls law targeting puppy mill pet stores
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2015/5/28 0:34 Last Login : 2024/8/5 12:48 From Jersey City
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Posted on: 2017/5/10 22:07
Re: Jersey City mulls law targeting puppy mill pet stores
Home away from home
Posted on: 2017/5/10 3:12
Jersey City mulls law targeting puppy mill pet stores
Home away from home
Jersey City mulls law targeting puppy mill pet storesBy JERSEY CITY -- Pet stores would be banned from selling dogs and cats they obtain from breeders under a measure the City Council is considering tomorrow night. The ordinance (Ord. 17-056) would require pet shops selling cats or dogs to get them from only four sources: shelters, pounds, kennels or animal rescue organizations. The measure is being pushed by Councilman Michael Yun, who called pet mills a "major problem" that need to be addressed. "They're not healthy," Yun said of these dogs and cats. "People spend $2,000, $3,000 for a pet but it's not healthy." ... egulating_pet_stores.html
Posted on: 2017/5/10 2:33