Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
Quite a regular
I don't think there was ever a mask.
Posted on: 2015/10/12 13:10
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
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Fulop stumbles again, damaging his shot at governor's job | Moran
Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop wants to be governor, and on paper, he is one hot property. He quit his job at Goldman Sachs after September 11 to join the Marines. He knocked off a corrupt machine in Jersey City, relying on an army of fired-up volunteers. He's driven down crime, expanded parks, and pushed a menu of progressive causes, from sick pay to transgender rights. He is articulate and persuasive. But I'm here to make a prediction: He won't be our next governor. ... overnor.html#incart_river
Posted on: 2015/10/12 0:54
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
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(So what's the big secret thing all about?) "I wanted to ask the mayor if he felt men have a duty to control their wives. Some young men have that illusion, which is usually cured by an actual marriage. The mayor didn't want to talk. Instead his spokesman, Ryan Jacobs, did the dance that his job requires: He lied for the boss. The mayor, he said, was not concerned about the wife's job. He was mad because Balmir revealed a secret to Sweeney. Hmmm. He wouldn't say what the secret was, even though the damage is presumably done. And both Sweeney and Balmir say the charge is a flat-out lie."
Posted on: 2015/10/11 14:36
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
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Honestly, I find it a very sad state of affairs when Fulop tried to whore out the residents of JC, switching the emergency EMS contract from JCMC to Carepoint/McCabe (not covered by any insurance), because of campaign contribution connections, and that got him pretty much no bad press.
But something stupid like this gets blown up and this is what could cost him the governor spot.
Posted on: 2015/10/11 13:44
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
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Posted on: 2015/10/11 12:58
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
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2005/6/8 3:24 Last Login : 2022/11/28 0:04 From New Urbanist Area
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I wonder how many people that are calling the mayor racist for this were also the ones deriding Balmir as "the Haitian" when he was running with Fulop's support.
Posted on: 2015/10/11 3:57
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
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Did the Jersey City mayor overreact? | Political InsiderBy Did Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop overreact when he expressed anger with Freeholder Gerard Balmir? As we all know this has to do with Balmir's wife getting a job with a Fulop rival, Senate President Steve Sweeney. Sorry, but despite all the PC talk about a wife's independence, it was pure chutzpah by the couple. It will be interesting to see the interaction they will have with others at the Hudson County Democratic Organization's annual fall gala on Oct. 29 at Casino in the Park, Jersey City – if they go. I'm amazed by the legs this story has and how people keep talking about it. What do you think Balmir does now, I'm asked by people? The ethnicity and race of the curious is as diverse as the city itself. All this commotion is over a person who is a political nonentity. The freeholder has no pull or punch. Balmir is a civil enough gentleman but no one has heard a brilliant thing come out of his mouth in all the time he has been on the county panel. He's the cellophane man at any Democratic Party function until you're reminded of his presence when the elected are introduced by a master of ceremonies. Yes, it will be interesting to see how many of these events Balmir will frequent and how many introductions he receives. All this brings up the question: What was Fulop thinking when he made this a "you're dead to me, Fredo" moment? It became a soap opera in the headlines. Read more: ... react_political_insi.html
Posted on: 2015/10/10 16:58
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
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Right, so there are two sets of quotes. The first came directly from Fulop. The second batch come from the "sources." Much of the story is being generated from Fulop's direct quotes.
Posted on: 2015/10/5 16:51
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
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"Trust and relationships are big. You cant be driven by monetary gain. You have to have some character.? Indeed, Steve. Indeed. I'm sure the folks at Parents for Progress would agree. Maybe David Tepper and B4K, too.
Posted on: 2015/10/5 16:13
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
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?I have never met anyone who?s more disloyal or dishonest,? Fulop said of the freeholder. ?What Balmir did is a major character flaw. I think anyone would have a hard time trusting him. At the end of the day I can't imagine anyone in any camp trusting the Balmirs. We have always done solid by them. Trust and relationships are big. You cant be driven by monetary gain. You have to have some character.? This is what "sources" said in the same article: A Hudson source said Balmir can look forward to a miserable tenure on the freeholder board for his duration in office, which likely won?t be long. ?There are strong movements toward a recall,? said the source. ?He?s an ingrate,? added another North Jersey source. ?He has never been spoon fed the way Steve Fulop spoon fed him. Steve went against Ward F for Gerry. Who the hell does that for a transplant? They want to be big players in a big pond, and they?re guppies. Gerry got too frickin? big for his britches. You don?t get away with that in Hudson.? Read more at Balmir in Trouble in Hudson in the Midst of Gubernatorial Backroom War | New Jersey News, Politics, Opinion, and Analysis Follow us: @politickernj on Twitter | PolitickerNJ on Facebook Source
Posted on: 2015/10/5 15:59
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
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I know that reading is very difficult for you, but go back and read the articles again. He was directly quoted.
Posted on: 2015/10/5 15:47
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
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2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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Standards are dropping? Fulop isn?t actually quoted as saying ?I have never met anyone who?s more disloyal or dishonest.? An unnamed person is claiming that Fulop has said these things. This doesn?t mean that Fulop didn?t express these feelings, but these reports are basically playing telephone with a possible statement that Fulop has neither confirmed nor denied saying.
Posted on: 2015/10/5 15:27
Dos A Cero
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
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Seems like Balmir is Fredo, Sweeney Moe Green, and Fulop is Michael Corleone. 'Don't ever go against the family, Fredo!'
Posted on: 2015/10/5 12:01
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
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2009/10/7 15:46 Last Login : 2024/7/1 0:32 From jersey city
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JJ comment:
Quote: Interesting story from 2005....about the Letter writer..
Posted on: 2015/10/5 2:07
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
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This story isn't going away, it seems.
Posted on: 2015/10/4 22:26
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
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Letter: Fulop's reaction to freeholder's wife taking job with Sweeney has 'racist and sexist overtones'By I was appalled – but unfortunately not surprised — by the recent attack on two talented New Jersey political figures by Jersey City Mayor and gubernatorial hopeful Steve Fulop and his anonymous friends. I am even more dismayed by the abusive arrogance and disparate racial and sexist overtones in his attacks that can no longer be tolerated in New Jersey politics. Hudson County Freeholder Gerry Balmir and Missy Balmir are two extremely talented politicos in New Jersey, who just happened to be married to one another. They are each admired and well- respected across the African American and overall political communities based on their individual merits and demonstrated track records of success and accomplishment. In fact, Missy Balmir's track record of excellence is the reason why she was recently tapped for a prominent position on a high profile race, which will undoubtedly be one of the premier political contests in the nation in 2017. However, Steve Fulop has expressed public outrage over Mrs. Balmir's recent decision to work for his likely opponent — so much so that he has threatened the livelihood of her family over it — namely her husband, Gerry. Gerry Balmir is a well-respected labor leader, noted for the ability to represent the interests of the working class. To be clear, Mr. Fulop has the right to the political alliances of his liking, but I wish his political decisions were devoid of racial overtones reminiscent of the outlandish outcry of former plantation owners angered by the audacity of a freed slave. Fulop's comments and arrogance are not new, nor are they exclusive to this mayor. However, Fulop's comments ARE reminiscent of outspoken slaves being publicly whipped to teach others on the plantation a lesson. Maybe Mr. Fulop was unaware of the hurtfulness of his comments, but they are destructive, nonetheless. I would like to remind Mr. Fulop that this is the year 2015. Missy Balmir is not the property of her husband or any other man. I'd also like to remind Mr. Fulop that Freeholder Balmir is not property of Mr. Fulop or other political figure, much to his chagrin. I'd finally like to remind Mr. Fulop of his switched, shallow endorsement from Anibal Ramos to Ras Baraka after Baraka became the top contender during the 2014 Newark mayoral race, for the next time he decides to serve as a barometer of political loyalty. Couples have long worked on opposite sides of the fence, and even on opposite sides of the political aisle, like James Carville and Mary Matalin and New Jersey's own Bob and Gail Gordon. No political figure deserves to be labelled as "untrustworthy" because he fails to 'to control his wife.' However, racist and sexist undertones of Mr. Fulop and his anonymous friends are clear and all too familiar. As such, I call on Mayor Steve Fulop to retract his inappropriate remarks against the Balmirs. I also call on Mayor Fulop to share his campaign strategy for diversity and inclusion, so that we may avoid similar gaffes like this in the future. Frankly, Fulop's comments were rude, emotional and deserve no space in the public discourse. And if anything, his knee-jerk reaction to Mrs. Balmir's new opportunity serves as an indication of his own insecurity in his ability to wage a successful campaign against his opponents. I encourage all that stand against both racism and sexism to speak out against comments and actions like these whenever they take place, no matter how thinly veiled. I would also like to remind all aspiring candidates at all levels of government that the Black community is more than an Election Day vote. The Black community is a key piece of the richly diverse fabric of New Jersey. We have already secured a seat in the White House and in Congress. We also deserve respect in the so-called rough and tumble of New Jersey political tables. REV. DR. REGENA LYNN THOMAS FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE (D-NJ) PASTOR, ALLEN AME CHURCH, ATLANTIC CITY, NJ ... gance_toward_freehol.html
Posted on: 2015/10/4 22:05
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
Home away from home
There is no real basis for a recall, other than political retribution.
Posted on: 2015/10/4 13:39
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
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Well I think we both think the game itself sucks. The difference is I don't consider being well-versed in deceptive practices to be some kind of virtue.
Posted on: 2015/10/4 2:17
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
Home away from home
You miss the point. I'm not suggesting either is "better". They both suck. I'm merely pointing out that if you don't know how the game is played (or can't play it), you should learn before you try. That was a pretty amateurish display by the mayor.
Serious question: I've heard the chatter about recalling Balmir. What would be the legitimate basis for a recall?
Posted on: 2015/10/4 1:05
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
Home away from home
A more seasoned politician would tell the newspaper he has absolutely no problems with Balmir, his wife can do what she wants. Meanwhile, he'd mobilize his allies to make the guy's life hell, or just recall him. Do you really think that is so much better?
Posted on: 2015/10/3 23:28
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
Home away from home
The thing is, Fulop would have been as much of a prick if Balmir was white. The more troubling aspect of all this, if you are all-in on Fulop for Governor, '17 is the incredible lack of maturity and self-control he displays on a fairly regular basis. Say what you will about Christie, he knows when to pull back and let someone else throw the mud or take a hit for him.
Posted on: 2015/10/3 23:24
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
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Now a second black NJ leader is pissed off at Fulop over this. ... es-backlash-black-leaders
Posted on: 2015/10/3 18:37
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
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I heard it from a friend, who heard it from a friend that Stevie's been messing around. Trouble ahead.
Posted on: 2015/10/2 15:56
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
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Yes, Fulop invited someone who worked under the McGreevey's administration when McGreevey was mayor of Woodbridge to run for Freeholder in Hudson County. I guess Fulop thought no one in JC was qualified.
Posted on: 2015/10/2 14:42
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
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Ah, the Petulant Boy King is at it again.... I guess you get what you deserve - Balmir had lived in Jersey City for less than two years when Fulop invented him as Freeholder. But, I guess when you want to run for governor and you've decided you'll do anything for union support and someone who describes themselves as "government and community affairs director of the Laborers? International Union of North America (LIUNA), the 20,000-member union affiliate in New Jersey" (from Balmir's freeholder campaign website) falls in your lap, you give him whatever he wants.
I wonder how many days it will take before the inevitable Jersey Journal article runs, thanking Balmir for his service on the MUA board...
Posted on: 2015/10/2 9:40
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
Home away from home
Balmir lives at The Beacon, his wife did the right thing by not taking the job until after Steve through the switch to blow up the projects. Balmer could've 'fallen' off the roof!
Posted on: 2015/10/1 23:39
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
Home away from home
I just started season 5 of the show. Gotta love Amazon Prime streaming.
Posted on: 2015/10/1 23:28
Re: Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
Home away from home
Funny that this scenario, your wife accepting a job with your boss's political rival, also was discussed in The Wire.
If anyone's seen it, Fulop is the spitting image of Carcetti, both in looks and ambitions. Even down to becoming just as dirty as his predecessor for the sake of higher office ambitions. Since the show was created 13 years ago, I feel safe spoiling part of it, but if you haven't finished watching, look away now. In the show, Carcetti achieves his goal of becoming governor after only one term as Mayor. And, like Fulop, his mayoral victory came over an incumbent who was heavily favored to win. Time will tell if Fulop achieves Carcetti's success.
Posted on: 2015/10/1 23:12
Freeholder and Fulop appointee ticks off Steve big time!
Home away from home
Posted on: 2015/10/1 22:08