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Re: Bike Share System
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2008/8/12 18:31
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slim26 wrote:

JerseyCityFrankie wrote:
Look at it this way: If every foot of parking space in the city was divided by the total number of taxpayers, each individual would l get X feet of parking space that "belonged" to them. Likely this would be a strip measured in inches. Until citibike came along, non-car owners could not utilize parking spaces for any legitimate reason even though they were helping to pay for them. As a non car owner It would have been nice if I was exempt from paying some of my taxes to account for the fact that I was not utilizing the parking I was paying for, or if I was able to lease "my" parking space percentage to the car owners, but this has never been the case. But now non-car owners have a legitimate use for a very small percentage of the total parking spaces and you know what? I want MY space used for bikes, and so do a lot of other people. In fact there should be ten times as many citibike stations around town and I hope there will be in the future. This will still leave the vast majority of parking spaces to he car owners and is more democratic. Also lets remember that most of the citibike stations in Jersey City are not IN parking spots. Car owners do not like the loss of ANY spots and are putting up all sorts of irrational arguments against the use of citibike, which is hilarious but shows their overdeveloped sense of entitlement

This is extremely hard to read and understand what in the world your talking about.

I didn't think it was hard to read, at all. But the logic reasoning was poor. By the same logic, a person, or a couple, that chooses to remain child-free can and should be able to avoid paying school taxes. And, since I never get sick, I should be allowed to pay less taxes to support hospitals. The thing about taxes is that we all have to pay them, whether we derive a direct benefit or not.

Posted on: 2015/11/11 18:15

Re: Bike Share System
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JerseyCityFrankie wrote:
Look at it this way: If every foot of parking space in the city was divided by the total number of taxpayers, each individual would l get X feet of parking space that "belonged" to them. Likely this would be a strip measured in inches. Until citibike came along, non-car owners could not utilize parking spaces for any legitimate reason even though they were helping to pay for them. As a non car owner It would have been nice if I was exempt from paying some of my taxes to account for the fact that I was not utilizing the parking I was paying for, or if I was able to lease "my" parking space percentage to the car owners, but this has never been the case. But now non-car owners have a legitimate use for a very small percentage of the total parking spaces and you know what? I want MY space used for bikes, and so do a lot of other people. In fact there should be ten times as many citibike stations around town and I hope there will be in the future. This will still leave the vast majority of parking spaces to he car owners and is more democratic. Also lets remember that most of the citibike stations in Jersey City are not IN parking spots. Car owners do not like the loss of ANY spots and are putting up all sorts of irrational arguments against the use of citibike, which is hilarious but shows their overdeveloped sense of entitlement

This is extremely hard to read and understand what in the world your talking about.

Posted on: 2015/11/11 16:11

Re: Bike Share System
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Look at it this way: If every foot of parking space in the city was divided by the total number of taxpayers, each individual would l get X feet of parking space that "belonged" to them. Likely this would be a strip measured in inches. Until citibike came along, non-car owners could not utilize parking spaces for any legitimate reason even though they were helping to pay for them. As a non car owner It would have been nice if I was exempt from paying some of my taxes to account for the fact that I was not utilizing the parking I was paying for, or if I was able to lease "my" parking space percentage to the car owners, but this has never been the case. But now non-car owners have a legitimate use for a very small percentage of the total parking spaces and you know what? I want MY space used for bikes, and so do a lot of other people. In fact there should be ten times as many citibike stations around town and I hope there will be in the future. This will still leave the vast majority of parking spaces to he car owners and is more democratic. Also lets remember that most of the citibike stations in Jersey City are not IN parking spots. Car owners do not like the loss of ANY spots and are putting up all sorts of irrational arguments against the use of citibike, which is hilarious but shows their overdeveloped sense of entitlement

Posted on: 2015/11/11 13:53

Re: Bike Share System
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elsquid wrote:

OneSkirt wrote:

elsquid wrote:

Consumed wrote:
Seems they moved the rack from in front of that church near Lincoln park across the street on a side street in front of a residential building on the street proper. guess someone said something.

Yah it was just south of St. Aloysius on West Side Ave., on the sidewalk. Now in the street on Kensington, I believe, in front of two fairly large (for the neighborhood) apartment buildings. And some neighbors don't want it there either because #parkingcars #carsparking. I give that sentiment about a month before the whole neighborhood rallies around it. I would LOVE one smack in front of my place.

This is a huge problem because if several reasons. The street they moved the docks to is not very accessible or noticeable to the public. Not easy to get to during your commute. And its less than a half block from Lincoln park entrance which is really the best place on that street for this dock for maximum use for both commuters and park-goers. You can't even see this docking station if you are at the park, looking to use a bike. The park has a great bike loop. Lastly, the roll-out of these docs was hurriedly and poorly executed, with zero neighborhood communications. That doesn't fly on dense streets like Kensington Ave. I'm pro-bike but this doc needs to move. Its the wrong place for all of these reasons.

Nah, people being violently killed, bankrupted, given cancer and heart disease, etc. by car culture is a HUGE problem, where as this could only be tiny by comparison. But you raise some interesting points.

A dock right at the park entrance would be much more visible, and you're right, that is important for bike share, both to make people aware of it in the first place, and to help them find it while riding or walking. I can't speak to the inaccessibility of the current spot, but I'll take your word for it.

But the current spot on Kensington has upsides, too. Serving a dense knot of residences or businesses like the apartments next to the dock as conveniently as possible is the primary goal of bike share. Jaunts around the park really are not, though I admit Lincoln Park is especially tempting, with its new bollard-separated bike lane.

If I had to choose between making a recreational/exercise rider stroll a block out of his/her way on a nice bikey park day, and making someone walk out of the park into the neighborhoods carrying groceries after a drizzly commute, I'd choose the former.

What really kills me, though, is that some people on that block--the people who now get to walk out their doors and have the most convenient bike share imaginable--are protesting the location based on NONE of what either of us is talking about, but rather on the loss of a couple-three parking spaces. And when that didn't stick, somebody put a sign on the dock reading "Traffic hazard." Yeah, right, because having a row of giant SUVs parked there instead is safe.

Not sure what area you live in, but parking is a VERY serious issue up here, right or wrong. The two biggest problems with the location here is access/visibility to the largest group of people possible (its tucked away from West Side Ave and the park), and that no resident input/notice was obtained. That is wrong. If you are going to modify my block and impact parking (which is a hot button issue), you talk to residents about it first. Not tick them off like this - that will not get rideship at that location.

Posted on: 2015/11/10 19:46

Re: Bike Share System
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OneSkirt wrote:

elsquid wrote:

Consumed wrote:
Seems they moved the rack from in front of that church near Lincoln park across the street on a side street in front of a residential building on the street proper. guess someone said something.

Yah it was just south of St. Aloysius on West Side Ave., on the sidewalk. Now in the street on Kensington, I believe, in front of two fairly large (for the neighborhood) apartment buildings. And some neighbors don't want it there either because #parkingcars #carsparking. I give that sentiment about a month before the whole neighborhood rallies around it. I would LOVE one smack in front of my place.

This is a huge problem because if several reasons. The street they moved the docks to is not very accessible or noticeable to the public. Not easy to get to during your commute. And its less than a half block from Lincoln park entrance which is really the best place on that street for this dock for maximum use for both commuters and park-goers. You can't even see this docking station if you are at the park, looking to use a bike. The park has a great bike loop. Lastly, the roll-out of these docs was hurriedly and poorly executed, with zero neighborhood communications. That doesn't fly on dense streets like Kensington Ave. I'm pro-bike but this doc needs to move. Its the wrong place for all of these reasons.

Nah, people being violently killed, bankrupted, given cancer and heart disease, etc. by car culture is a HUGE problem, where as this could only be tiny by comparison. But you raise some interesting points.

A dock right at the park entrance would be much more visible, and you're right, that is important for bike share, both to make people aware of it in the first place, and to help them find it while riding or walking. I can't speak to the inaccessibility of the current spot, but I'll take your word for it.

But the current spot on Kensington has upsides, too. Serving a dense knot of residences or businesses like the apartments next to the dock as conveniently as possible is the primary goal of bike share. Jaunts around the park really are not, though I admit Lincoln Park is especially tempting, with its new bollard-separated bike lane.

If I had to choose between making a recreational/exercise rider stroll a block out of his/her way on a nice bikey park day, and making someone walk out of the park into the neighborhoods carrying groceries after a drizzly commute, I'd choose the former.

What really kills me, though, is that some people on that block--the people who now get to walk out their doors and have the most convenient bike share imaginable--are protesting the location based on NONE of what either of us is talking about, but rather on the loss of a couple-three parking spaces. And when that didn't stick, somebody put a sign on the dock reading "Traffic hazard." Yeah, right, because having a row of giant SUVs parked there instead is safe.

Posted on: 2015/11/10 18:55

Re: Bike Share System
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elsquid wrote:

Consumed wrote:
Seems they moved the rack from in front of that church near Lincoln park across the street on a side street in front of a residential building on the street proper. guess someone said something.

Yah it was just south of St. Aloysius on West Side Ave., on the sidewalk. Now in the street on Kensington, I believe, in front of two fairly large (for the neighborhood) apartment buildings. And some neighbors don't want it there either because #parkingcars #carsparking. I give that sentiment about a month before the whole neighborhood rallies around it. I would LOVE one smack in front of my place.

This is a huge problem because if several reasons. The street they moved the docks to is not very accessible or noticeable to the public. Not easy to get to during your commute. And its less than a half block from Lincoln park entrance which is really the best place on that street for this dock for maximum use for both commuters and park-goers. You can't even see this docking station if you are at the park, looking to use a bike. The park has a great bike loop. Lastly, the roll-out of these docs was hurriedly and poorly executed, with zero neighborhood communications. That doesn't fly on dense streets like Kensington Ave. I'm pro-bike but this doc needs to move. Its the wrong place for all of these reasons.

Posted on: 2015/11/10 16:49

Re: Bike Share System
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Interesting topic from Candice Osborne via her FB page. If you've been noticing the build-up of the Hoboken/Weehawken share bikes around town, you aren't mistaken.

Posted on: 2015/11/10 16:11

Re: Bike Share System
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You can guess which method comes dead last. The continual perpetual insistence on a car culture is killing us.

Posted on: 2015/10/1 18:42
Dos A Cero

Re: Bike Share System
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2012/1/11 18:21
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By Newsmedia

Citi Bike had initially urged Mr. Fulop to focus his program downtown, where there was a critical mass of riders, but he rejected that idea.

?Thanks to Mayor Fulop?s visionary leadership and the support of terrific sponsors, the Citi Bike program is now a seamless regional transportation network improving commutes on both sides of the Hudson?, said Jay Walder, Motivate president and CEO.

The coverage could cost the city up to several hundred thousand dollars per year, but Fulop said it?s about more than just money.


Posted on: 2015/9/29 16:05

Re: Bike Share System
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Posted on: 2015/9/29 12:16

Re: Bike Share System
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ahal wrote:
I bet this is a hard one to do. They probably like having the docks in places where they can easily get their trucks to, so they can load balance with ease.

Interesting point, though I'll bet Newport, NJ Transit, and even Hoboken have some handy service routes into the area that would suffice.

Posted on: 2015/9/29 0:45

Re: Bike Share System
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2013/3/24 22:15
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I bet this is a hard one to do. They probably like having the docks in places where they can easily get their trucks to, so they can load balance with ease.


elsquid wrote:

jcman420 wrote:

As far as recommended locations go, I think it should be a no-brainer to have a docking station on the Newport waterfront right next to the Jersey City/ Hoboken city border. Since we don't share a program with Hoboken, it would at least make sense to allow people to bike right up to the city-line and continue through to the Hoboken train station on foot. Especially since a lot of people in Newport use the Hoboken station as their primary station. Right now, the closest Citi Bike to Hoboken is outside Morton Williams, which is about a 10-minute walk to the Hoboken terminal.

Yeah, we hear that one a LOT, and we say it too. Hoping it happens in the next wave.

Posted on: 2015/9/28 22:47

Re: Bike Share System
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Consumed wrote:
Seems they moved the rack from in front of that church near Lincoln park across the street on a side street in front of a residential building on the street proper. guess someone said something.

Yah it was just south of St. Aloysius on West Side Ave., on the sidewalk. Now in the street on Kensington, I believe, in front of two fairly large (for the neighborhood) apartment buildings. And some neighbors don't want it there either because #parkingcars #carsparking. I give that sentiment about a month before the whole neighborhood rallies around it. I would LOVE one smack in front of my place.

Posted on: 2015/9/28 21:04

Re: Bike Share System
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elsquid wrote:

jcman420 wrote:

As far as recommended locations go, I think it should be a no-brainer to have a docking station on the Newport waterfront right next to the Jersey City/ Hoboken city border. Since we don't share a program with Hoboken, it would at least make sense to allow people to bike right up to the city-line and continue through to the Hoboken train station on foot. Especially since a lot of people in Newport use the Hoboken station as their primary station. Right now, the closest Citi Bike to Hoboken is outside Morton Williams, which is about a 10-minute walk to the Hoboken terminal.

Yeah, we hear that one a LOT, and we say it too. Hoping it happens in the next wave.

I also remember hearing that Hoboken's bikesharing system (which will not use docks; unsure how they'll be doing that, but whatever) will have a station of bikes in that same vicinity. This will have the added benefit of letting people from one system rent easily from the other on a whim without worrying about venturing too far from their home system.

Posted on: 2015/9/28 20:59

Re: Bike Share System
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jcman420 wrote:

As far as recommended locations go, I think it should be a no-brainer to have a docking station on the Newport waterfront right next to the Jersey City/ Hoboken city border. Since we don't share a program with Hoboken, it would at least make sense to allow people to bike right up to the city-line and continue through to the Hoboken train station on foot. Especially since a lot of people in Newport use the Hoboken station as their primary station. Right now, the closest Citi Bike to Hoboken is outside Morton Williams, which is about a 10-minute walk to the Hoboken terminal.

Yeah, we hear that one a LOT, and we say it too. Hoping it happens in the next wave.

Posted on: 2015/9/28 20:44

Re: Bike Share System
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Gave the program a test-run this weekend with a 24-hour rental and thought it was great. Will probably get a yearly membership soon, even thought I do have my own bike that I use frequently.

As far as recommended locations go, I think it should be a no-brainer to have a docking station on the Newport waterfront right next to the Jersey City/ Hoboken city border. Since we don't share a program with Hoboken, it would at least make sense to allow people to bike right up to the city-line and continue through to the Hoboken train station on foot. Especially since a lot of people in Newport use the Hoboken station as their primary station. Right now, the closest Citi Bike to Hoboken is outside Morton Williams, which is about a 10-minute walk to the Hoboken terminal.

Posted on: 2015/9/28 20:41

Re: Bike Share System
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Seems they moved the rack from in front of that church near Lincoln park across the street on a side street in front of a residential building on the street proper. guess someone said something.

Posted on: 2015/9/28 18:40
Censorship is for pussies!!!!

Re: Bike Share System
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I didn't see any special uniform on him. I wasn't up close. His cap may have a logo. He was holding cellphone or device.

Posted on: 2015/9/28 15:35

Re: Bike Share System
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Annod wrote:
Exhange Place ran out of room this morning. Some were left outside the rack with a guy watching.

One of them was blinking. Does that mean the timer is still on and charge is going up? Or does it belong to the guy standing there?

Was the guy watching wearing Citi Bike gear? That might be their "valet" service, which they sometimes do at particularly busy stations at peak times when docks get full.

I think they immediately stop the timers on any bike that they take, prolly just switch them in and out of docks with master keys. Then truck the extra bikes to docks that need them.

Flashing lights on the bikes are unrelated to the timers. The lights will keep flashing for a few minutes after you dock a bike; I think that's a safety feature designed to make you more visible while you're still standing in a dock in or near the street.

Posted on: 2015/9/28 15:04

Re: Bike Share System
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Exhange Place ran out of room this morning. Some were left outside the rack with a guy watching.

One of them was blinking. Does that mean the timer is still on and charge is going up? Or does it belong to the guy standing there?

Posted on: 2015/9/28 14:33

Re: Bike Share System
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T-Bird wrote:
I'm a member and live in Gull's Cove. Within one block of the Marin Blvd. light rail station there are about 1,000 apartment/condo units, a 50 story apartment building under construction and a 35 story apartment bldg to begin imminently and the nearby ferry terminal and RV park, which is surprisingly busy year-round (along with said light rail station.) The demographics of these buildings (overwhelmingly young and professional) leads me to believe the program would be very successful here. Was disappointed we were left out of the first wave. Any idea what areas are being considered for the next round?

Don't know, though that area is one I have personally thought would be a good addition.

Posted on: 2015/9/26 13:25

Re: Bike Share System
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bodhipooh wrote:

hero69 wrote:

bodhipooh wrote:

hero69 wrote:
citibikes are needed at shop-rie, a&P, newport mall and target. it would be great to be able to bike there, dock and shop.

Again with this? There is a CitiBike dock station less than two blocks from Shop Rite (corner of 1st and Essex) and there is a dock at the Newport PATH station, which is across the street from the eastern most entrance to the mall. To claim those two places don't have a dock nearby is pure ignorance. If walking two blocks is an imposition on a person, that person needs to reexamine their choice to live in a city.

As for A&P and Target, that is a glaring omission. They could/should have put a docking station over by Cast Iron Lofts. Hopefully they will do so soon. But, if you really think about it, there is nowhere to put a docking station close to the A&P and Target: limited residential space, and they can't just plop a station on private property.

bodipoh, it must make you feel really great to shoot down suggestions/opinions from others.

What a nincompoop you are: it is not about feeling great, it is about feeling frustrated to see you type out something that was already discussed, and which is not even factually correct.


in case you didn't know, when one goes shopping, one often leaves with HEAVY shopping bags.

Thank you for illuminating me! Never occurred to me that would be the case. You really are a nincompoop.


having bikes at or very near to the supermarkets would be helpful....perhaps not to you, but it might help others.

If you think that you will be carrying heavy bags on a CitiBike, you have NO CLUE what you are talking about. The front basket is narrow, and small. You can fit a briefcase. The handlebars are high and short, so if you are lucky you may be able to put a bag on each one, but you will be having a very hard time shifting (the gear shifter is small and directly on the handlebar, next to the gripper).

And, I repeat, if you think that a docking station being a block or two away is too far and impractical to carry a bag or two of groceries, to then jump on a bike, you really should reconsider your idea of city living. You actually sound like Yvonne, the other resident idiot, when you expect a bike to be waiting for you RIGHT IN FRONT of the place where you want to go, or shop. Part of city living is having to walk a little to get to places or to do things.
that is ur problem.. you see everything from your perspective. i carried 12 bottles of wine on a citibike a few weeks while in manhattan...just because you do not do something does not mean that others do not it!

Posted on: 2015/9/26 12:18

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I'm a member and live in Gull's Cove. Within one block of the Marin Blvd. light rail station there are about 1,000 apartment/condo units, a 50 story apartment building under construction and a 35 story apartment bldg to begin imminently and the nearby ferry terminal and RV park, which is surprisingly busy year-round (along with said light rail station.) The demographics of these buildings (overwhelmingly young and professional) leads me to believe the program would be very successful here. Was disappointed we were left out of the first wave. Any idea what areas are being considered for the next round?


elsquid wrote:
To expand on my earlier comment: Want more docks? Want one in a specific place?

Get in the game by anteing up for a membership, if you haven't already. Ride the system that's in place now, using the most convenient docks. Ask your friends and neighbors and co-workers--people who may have the same use patterns as you--to do the same. Work for a big, successful company? Ask them to consider giving memberships to all employees as a benefit.

This bike share is a big business, run by some very smart people. They have access to all kinds of data on ridership and membership patterns. And they don't have that many outside forces governing their success: they're basically a utility, with a city contract and free access to dock space, so they're not hostage to rent increases. They build their bikes themselves. All they really need is your membership dollars flowing in, and their rolling ads getting seen.

They have plans to expand by 15 more docks--a 42% expansion--fairly soon, if this first wave works well AND draws in lots of new JC members. Beyond that? There are no bigger plans for JC as far as I know. But again, it's a business. You think if they got 10,000 new paid-up JC members tomorrow, and people were lining up for bikes six deep and begging for more, they wouldn't adjust and increase coverage? I can't speak for them, but I suspect they would. Wouldn't you?

Posted on: 2015/9/26 11:12

Re: Bike Share System
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hero69 wrote:

bodhipooh wrote:

hero69 wrote:
citibikes are needed at shop-rie, a&P, newport mall and target. it would be great to be able to bike there, dock and shop.

Again with this? There is a CitiBike dock station less than two blocks from Shop Rite (corner of 1st and Essex) and there is a dock at the Newport PATH station, which is across the street from the eastern most entrance to the mall. To claim those two places don't have a dock nearby is pure ignorance. If walking two blocks is an imposition on a person, that person needs to reexamine their choice to live in a city.

As for A&P and Target, that is a glaring omission. They could/should have put a docking station over by Cast Iron Lofts. Hopefully they will do so soon. But, if you really think about it, there is nowhere to put a docking station close to the A&P and Target: limited residential space, and they can't just plop a station on private property.

bodipoh, it must make you feel really great to shoot down suggestions/opinions from others.

What a nincompoop you are: it is not about feeling great, it is about feeling frustrated to see you type out something that was already discussed, and which is not even factually correct.


in case you didn't know, when one goes shopping, one often leaves with HEAVY shopping bags.

Thank you for illuminating me! Never occurred to me that would be the case. You really are a nincompoop.


having bikes at or very near to the supermarkets would be helpful....perhaps not to you, but it might help others.

If you think that you will be carrying heavy bags on a CitiBike, you have NO CLUE what you are talking about. The front basket is narrow, and small. You can fit a briefcase. The handlebars are high and short, so if you are lucky you may be able to put a bag on each one, but you will be having a very hard time shifting (the gear shifter is small and directly on the handlebar, next to the gripper).

And, I repeat, if you think that a docking station being a block or two away is too far and impractical to carry a bag or two of groceries, to then jump on a bike, you really should reconsider your idea of city living. You actually sound like Yvonne, the other resident idiot, when you expect a bike to be waiting for you RIGHT IN FRONT of the place where you want to go, or shop. Part of city living is having to walk a little to get to places or to do things.

Posted on: 2015/9/26 9:13

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2012/1/11 18:21
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From GV Bayside Park
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Biking in Jersey City as a whole is awful, we are fortunate enough to live directly behind the Golf Course next to Liberty State Park so when we do go dtjc on a bike we cut through the Golf Course and LSP. I have tried biking on Garfield on the little, narrow bike path they created and in my opinion its just not safe. Most of the bike lanes created in GV are very narrow on narrow streets. I have only biked to the Heights during the annual bike tour which is the only time I would.

Posted on: 2015/9/25 18:26

Re: Bike Share System
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2013/10/15 17:32
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2017/5/17 13:40
From Heights
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I live in the Heights, and am happy to see people have been using the bikes docked on Central Avenue at Pershing Field. I would love to see this a success city-wide, and in the Heights in particular, and am tempted to join in the hopes it let's me enjoy more of JC (I don't have a car, and see little of it outside of the Heights/JSQ).

What's holding me back is that the Heights is a terrible place to bike - few, if any bike friendly N/S routes, the hills back from DTJC and Hoboken, and the streets around JSQ - where I would like to bike too/from - are a scene out of Deathrace 2016.

If you take Citibike from the Heights to JSQ or DTJC, I would love to hear from you! Are there less stressful ways to get to the PATH station? How do the bikes handle steep upgrades like Newark Avenue (if you are in your mid-50's, like me, your perspective is even more appreciated!)?

Posted on: 2015/9/25 18:20

Re: Bike Share System
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2004/11/14 2:38
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elsquid wrote:
To expand on my earlier comment: Want more docks? Want one in a specific place?

Get in the game by anteing up for a membership, if you haven't already. Ride the system that's in place now, using the most convenient docks. Ask your friends and neighbors and co-workers--people who may have the same use patterns as you--to do the same. Work for a big, successful company? Ask them to consider giving memberships to all employees as a benefit.

This bike share is a big business, run by some very smart people. They have access to all kinds of data on ridership and membership patterns. And they don't have that many outside forces governing their success: they're basically a utility, with a city contract and free access to dock space, so they're not hostage to rent increases. They build their bikes themselves. All they really need is your membership dollars flowing in, and their rolling ads getting seen.

They have plans to expand by 15 more docks--a 42% expansion--fairly soon, if this first wave works well AND draws in lots of new JC members. Beyond that? There are no bigger plans for JC as far as I know. But again, it's a business. You think if they got 10,000 new paid-up JC members tomorrow, and people were lining up for bikes six deep and begging for more, they wouldn't adjust and increase coverage? I can't speak for them, but I suspect they would. Wouldn't you?

i will contact them and recommend putting some bikes closer to retail. thanks for the feedback

Posted on: 2015/9/25 18:14

Re: Bike Share System
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2004/4/22 4:43
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2022/8/30 8:48
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To expand on my earlier comment: Want more docks? Want one in a specific place?

Get in the game by anteing up for a membership, if you haven't already. Ride the system that's in place now, using the most convenient docks. Ask your friends and neighbors and co-workers--people who may have the same use patterns as you--to do the same. Work for a big, successful company? Ask them to consider giving memberships to all employees as a benefit.

This bike share is a big business, run by some very smart people. They have access to all kinds of data on ridership and membership patterns. And they don't have that many outside forces governing their success: they're basically a utility, with a city contract and free access to dock space, so they're not hostage to rent increases. They build their bikes themselves. All they really need is your membership dollars flowing in, and their rolling ads getting seen.

They have plans to expand by 15 more docks--a 42% expansion--fairly soon, if this first wave works well AND draws in lots of new JC members. Beyond that? There are no bigger plans for JC as far as I know. But again, it's a business. You think if they got 10,000 new paid-up JC members tomorrow, and people were lining up for bikes six deep and begging for more, they wouldn't adjust and increase coverage? I can't speak for them, but I suspect they would. Wouldn't you?

Posted on: 2015/9/25 17:03

Re: Bike Share System
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2004/11/14 2:38
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bodhipooh wrote:

hero69 wrote:
citibikes are needed at shop-rie, a&P, newport mall and target. it would be great to be able to bike there, dock and shop.

Again with this? There is a CitiBike dock station less than two blocks from Shop Rite (corner of 1st and Essex) and there is a dock at the Newport PATH station, which is across the street from the eastern most entrance to the mall. To claim those two places don't have a dock nearby is pure ignorance. If walking two blocks is an imposition on a person, that person needs to reexamine their choice to live in a city.

As for A&P and Target, that is a glaring omission. They could/should have put a docking station over by Cast Iron Lofts. Hopefully they will do so soon. But, if you really think about it, there is nowhere to put a docking station close to the A&P and Target: limited residential space, and they can't just plop a station on private property.
bodipoh, it must make you feel really great to shoot down suggestions/opinions from others. in case you didn't know, when one goes shopping, one often leaves with HEAVY shopping bags. having bikes at or very near to the supermarkets would be helpful....perhaps not to you, but it might help others.

Posted on: 2015/9/25 16:39

Re: Bike Share System
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2008/8/12 18:31
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hero69 wrote:
citibikes are needed at shop-rie, a&P, newport mall and target. it would be great to be able to bike there, dock and shop.

Again with this? There is a CitiBike dock station less than two blocks from Shop Rite (corner of 1st and Essex) and there is a dock at the Newport PATH station, which is across the street from the eastern most entrance to the mall. To claim those two places don't have a dock nearby is pure ignorance. If walking two blocks is an imposition on a person, that person needs to reexamine their choice to live in a city.

As for A&P and Target, that is a glaring omission. They could/should have put a docking station over by Cast Iron Lofts. Hopefully they will do so soon. But, if you really think about it, there is nowhere to put a docking station close to the A&P and Target: limited residential space, and they can't just plop a station on private property.

Posted on: 2015/9/25 9:18

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