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Re: my 4th quarter property tax went up 20% anyone know why?
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Wouldn't a question like this be more appropriately addressed to your accountant of a tax office instead of trying to drum up a political banter post?

Posted on: 2020/10/21 18:08

Re: my 4th quarter property tax went up 20% anyone know why?
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Sounds like the baited of all possible baited questions.

Lets just toss a bunch of wild numbers like 20% into the wind and ask why my taxes are higher without providing any context. Yvonne must have guided you here.


jcguy05 wrote:
I have a 1br condo in journal square that's an old high rise from the 80s or 90s in st johns, so no abatement or any other gimmick.

property tax has been pretty consistent but i just noticed while paying 4th quarter bill, it went from ~$1000 from last year 4th quarter to ~$1200 this year, so about a 20% increase.

I remember seeing in the mail that jersey city property tax remains flat with no increase, does anyone know why the big jump.

Posted on: 2020/10/20 23:02

Re: Cafe Esme In Jersey City: All About This Hidden Gem Coffee Shop
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Hidden Gem. Not a lot have heard of Marin Blvd, but for those who haven't, come check out this quant coffee shop.

Posted on: 2020/8/18 20:24

Re: The Pandemic's effect on the Jersey City and overall Urban Real Estate Market
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Wow - -you must be right about the crime increase in the case as you've given us your source of 2 liberal friends who live in Manhattan.


Sutherland wrote:
The notion that crime has increased came came from two different liberal democrat friends of mine who live in Manhattan. They've reported anecdotally an increase number of muggings on the streets and on the subways. It's an apparent result of De Blasio releasing low level criminals from prison. One is a CFO of a small biotech start up and the other the CIO of a large law firm. The CIO has been living in Manhattan since 1978.

Posted on: 2020/5/7 19:19

Re: Councilman Michael Yun - Dead from Coronavirus
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Rule #1: When you have failed at your task, blame others. If our current president somehow had a term length similar to FDR, he'd still be blaming Obama and past administrations and/or invisible enemies that he never saw coming for why America isn't yet great again in 2030. When you can yell loud, you can convince others. Blame Democrats, Obama, Clintons, the Bush family, the Chinese, bone spurs.. whatever comes to mind - all good.


psyop wrote:
We're in Jersey so I'll disregard NY handling of this but if you think trump has handled this well so far you are delusional.


Monroe wrote:
Because Obama did such a great job with the swine flu pandemic-not declaring a national
emergency till six months in. Cuomo, DeBlasio, and his health commissioner telling everyone to go out and about, attend the Chinese New Year parade, go to movies, restaurants, and clubs that led to NYC being the top killing zone in the US-b-b-b it?s our President?s fault?

Posted on: 2020/4/10 4:27

Re: Coronavirus is now in Hudson County
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Yvonne wrote:

robotdisko wrote:

Yvonne wrote:

robotdisko wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
What is in that medical journal is what schools receive all the time in NYC. My principal would display NYC health department notices all the time where the teachers picked up their mail. I have been reading about this for years. People with immune problems are the ones at risk, but who cares about them? It is more important that the left push open the borders for potential voters down the road.

you love being an idiot, carry on!

No, I love showing the hypocrisy of people like you.

you don't know anything about me. so your statement shows how empty your head is.

carry on. we all need a clown to entertain us

I actually knew elderly people who have died from the complications of pneumonia because they were exposed to an influx of illegal immigrants in their neighborhood. These were new strains found in that population. So if this virus is contagious, they it is about time this government take a look at the illegal immigrants which who brings in health problems especially in crowded communities.

WTF is this old lady talking about. Yvonne, did you have to walk to and from school uphill both ways in 2 feet of snow everyday? I haven't read a rationale thought from you to date.

Posted on: 2020/3/24 16:07

Re: JC teachers who made 99K or more in 2019
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Yvonne wrote:
Baloney about inflation, people ignore that Bush 43 and Obama, a total of 16 years, had flat economies. The fact that Social Security recipients did not receive increase under Obama is ignored. But the spending under both administrations went through the roof. At the end of 2000, the national debt was $5 trillion but at the end of the Obama Administration, it was $22 trillion. Both administrations spent through the roof.

Lol. Hopefully Yvnonne didn't teach economics or math.

Posted on: 2019/12/20 18:24

Re: JC teachers who made 99K or more in 2019
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The foundation of every state is the education of its youth.

To pin point teacher's salaries for the reason someone can't afford to pay their taxes on their house in a highly gentrified city is asinine.

Posted on: 2019/12/16 20:56

Re: Parking ticket worth fighting?
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It depends on how much the ticket is and how much your time is worth.

If the tickets are $55 (or similar) each, determine 2-4 hours out of the average person's work day is worth the cost if the judge actually dismisses them.

In the past when I've disputed tickets, they usually always get dismissed if you have a good story, photos, and present yourself well and are prepared.

I've witnessed older residents present the case against being ticketed for being double parked give excuses like "I was just bringing in groceries.." and the judge would reduce or dismiss them.

It takes a long chunk out of your day for the chance to save $50 - $100 or so. Over the past few years I've been written 3-4 really questionable tickets that I know I could get dismissed if I fought them, but I just paid them because my time is worth more than the cost of the ticket.

Posted on: 2019/4/19 5:14

Re: Burger King 440
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The Burger King that was on Newark (i think the book store is now) had a closed for renovations sign on it for like a good 5 years or so. It was eventually renovated, but not as a Burger King.

Posted on: 2019/1/17 22:23

Re: PATH Trains Increase
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HCResident wrote:

hero69 wrote:

slim26 wrote:
Those monitors at Grove have been there for years.
i'm not talking about the tv monitors. it's a singular monitor that seems to be awaiting some type of signal input or something.

You?re not crazy. There are new ones they recently installed. I saw them putting in wires a week or so ago. Today, I noticed the LED screens were mounted, and operational. It was just a bunch of colors, but they were on.

You guys are right.. my bad. I saw the new fancy ones today.

Posted on: 2018/10/11 17:44

Re: PATH Trains Increase
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Same. Those LEDs that usually would tell you when the next train is coming have been there for at least 3-5 years.

Note the date on this photo:

Resized Image

Posted on: 2018/10/10 18:40

Re: PATH Trains Increase
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Those monitors at Grove have been there for years.

Posted on: 2018/10/10 16:50

Re: Okay, so who here thinks the Katyn monument needs to go?
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Thank you Yvonne for wasting our elected officials collective time and our tax dollars to begin to review a second petition of what is likely to consist of fake names to oppose a statue from being moved one block of the waterfront to one block south due to your personal vendetta against our current mayor. I'm glad your speaking for NJ on behalf of everyone here.

Maybe when you attempt to lead the effort for the 3rd petition you should ask those that sign the petition to offer a donation to pay for that 3rd party to review the fake signatures (per your suggestion) as opposed to the tax payers.

Posted on: 2018/8/6 5:09

Re: Okay, so who here thinks the Katyn monument needs to go?
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This is really one of the dumbest battles I've ever heard of. Surprised how much time is collectively wasted on this effort which will ultimately fail.

It's not like they are demolishing the hideous statue - 1 frigged over.


Posted on: 2018/8/4 21:16

Re: Okay, so who here thinks the Katyn monument needs to go?
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I agree with other posts, just ignore Yvonne. This person is obviously senile. The only motivation is to oppose Fulop, regardless of the issue. Ignore and maybe she goes away.

Posted on: 2018/7/15 11:01

Re: Where can I drop off an old TV plus other electronics in Jersey City??
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I've been able to dispose of old tv's, air conditioners, appliances by just leaving it on sidewalk with a free sign... usually gone within minutes.

Posted on: 2018/1/28 18:18

Re: Bright Street -- Prone to Flooding?
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Where Bright, Grove, and Grand almost meet each other, there were several feet of water on Bright. That is where the surge came from and it is very low set. During Sandy, there was no power for two weeks. If you look at some of the row houses on the east side of Grove on that block, a few are still devastated from Sandy - that area took a major hit.

Posted on: 2017/11/11 15:27

Re: New York Times: Is New York’s Best Pizza in New Jersey?
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I like Razza pizza but it's comparing apples to oranges. Razza is not really NY traditional style pizza at all. Both styles are great in different ways.

Closest thing that I have found to good NY traditional style pizza here is Boun Appetito.

Posted on: 2017/9/13 17:19

Re: Park & 6th closing
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Sign on door says they are on vacation until 9/6, but were still closed as of last night.

Posted on: 2017/9/8 17:37

Re: 34 Coles Street, Dunkin Donuts?
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How would they get around the no chain store restriction.

Posted on: 2017/8/3 22:09

Re: Alternate Side Parking
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Expect a $42 ticket or whatever they are now to be on your car when you return. They don't give anyone breaks unless you have a disability or personally know the ticket person.

Posted on: 2017/1/23 2:42

Re: Alternate Side Parking
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They do sweep during rain.

Posted on: 2017/1/22 18:19

Re: Trump Pics Mega Thread
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Trump pinata that Guns N' Roses hung in Mexico City last night for fans to beat crap out of.

Resized Image

Resized Image

Posted on: 2016/12/1 16:59

Re: Green Party of the US - 2016 Presidential Candidate
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Just cancel student debt, really? That's the plan? Also feeding into 911 conspiracies. Brilliant. Before anyone wastes their vote, they should probably research the candidate - simply voting for someone for the sake of not voting for Clinton or Trump is not a wise move.

Posted on: 2016/10/20 12:45

Re: WAZE App showed me the rest of JC
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Not every renter in JC needs to invest their time and effort into being concerned about the entire city.

I would say the majority of downtown renters only care about their immediate surroundings and their ability to get to the city. Unless they are investing in other parts of JC, who cares if they are living and comfortable in their downtown bubble.

While it sucks that most of Greenville is stricken by crime and undeveloped areas, that really is not of my concern as I have no desire to frequent or invest in those areas. If you want to help out the people of those areas and get involved, all the power to you - but don't expect those that are happy living and spending their time downtown to have the same passion as you.

Posted on: 2016/8/15 17:13

Re: Monty's Public House
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I can't see a trendy tapas place succeeding there. A sports bar would have done well.

With as long as it's taken them to get this place open, I'm sure the cost has been high, the demand for a tapas place will not pay the bills. They'll never hit the black.

Posted on: 2016/8/15 17:00

Re: BIKE LANES in Jersey City
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The lanes on Grove are still doing great as they are consistently at least 50 - 60% blocked by vehicles that are double parked.


DanL wrote:
so how is jersey city doing with implementing bike lanes?

there are some nice green textured ones on a few blocks of lower Montgomery and part of Columbus.

there are some more stripped/painted ones, throughout the city. But, none (or few) are connected. there are none that go more than a few blocks east/west and none from uptown to downtown (up/down the hill.)

now with Citi Bike expansion, there should be a need for a connected bike lane system. and perhaps a trial protected bike lane.

Posted on: 2016/7/21 14:05

Re: Problems with Comcast?
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I believe a lot get sucked into advertising. Both Fios and Comcast are fiber. They are both extremely fast. As a comcast subscriber, and an IT professional that runs his own company and has virtual machines accessible through the network... comcast is good.

Maybe 10 years ago, with cable internet you would notice your bandwidth being affected by other users.. but that is far from the case these days. I get consistent 180Mbps download - it's possible if everyone in the neighborhood is downloading movies at the same time it can get throttled to 160Mbps -- which is still amazing and more than anybody needs.

It is the equipment within the buildings that are peoples problems - not the service coming to the building.

People get so sucked into marketing campaigns to think that one service is faster than the other... when in reality they are both faster than anyone needs.

Customer service and pricing however is a completely different story. I can only speak to Comcast on that and they suck at it - but have gotten slightly better over the past few years.

Posted on: 2016/7/9 13:24

Re: Problems with Comcast?
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Agreed with the above posters -- pay Comcast to send the signal to your modem and don't use their equipment. Do some research, get a decent modem and a good router and your speeds should be fast. I have Blast and consistently have download speeds of 180MBps on all my devices.

Posted on: 2016/7/8 12:39

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