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Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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2014/8/25 19:18
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OneSkirt wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:
On the topic of drivers slowing down at intersections- what else are you supposed to do now that it's law that pedestrians have the right of way if there's no traffic light? I slow down at corners without stop signs on local streets because I'm looking out for pedestrians that have the right of way. It's basically up to the driver to spot the pedestrian since technically they are now allowed to wander into the road at any point as long as they are within the crosswalk.

Not disagreeing with this being annoying but that's my guess for why drivers are yielding even when they don't have the stop sign.

Ummm, this has always been the law for pedestrian right of way. What makes you think its new?

Not new but they only actually started enforcing it and ticketing drivers within the past couple of years. Which resulted in this kind of lunacy for local police that had nothing better to do- ... pedestrian-decoy-1.581791

There was definitely a lot of publicity on them finally enforcing it (maybe a little more than two years ago?) but now I see plenty of cops roll by me while I stand in the crosswalk waiting for someone to finally stop.

ETA: Actually it was a new law (specifically about right of way at marked and unmarked crosswalks) according to this government site

Posted on: 2015/6/21 23:23

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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TonyTwoPoops wrote:
On the topic of drivers slowing down at intersections- what else are you supposed to do now that it's law that pedestrians have the right of way if there's no traffic light? I slow down at corners without stop signs on local streets because I'm looking out for pedestrians that have the right of way. It's basically up to the driver to spot the pedestrian since technically they are now allowed to wander into the road at any point as long as they are within the crosswalk.

Not disagreeing with this being annoying but that's my guess for why drivers are yielding even when they don't have the stop sign.

The law was never intended to make people stop at every corner empty or not, in much of the country this "stop for pedestrians" is normal, but they also play their part by not jaywalking. I see the problem is that pedestrians have to play their interactive part rather than blindly charge into intersections expecting us to screech to a halt. If there's a car coming they should step off the curb and wait till the car obviously slows. I find this is what most people do.

Doing otherwise is insane, yet people, especially in Hoboken, insist on marching off the curb with their nose in the phone, never looking up. There are intersections like Park at 1st that are simply impossible to cross without interaction, or intimidating someone. Cars on 1st have no stop and there's a constant stream of pedestrian traffic anywhere near rush hour, often perfectly spaced so one is stepping off the curb as the previous one leaves the street. Something has to give.

Posted on: 2015/6/21 23:01

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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TonyTwoPoops wrote:
On the topic of drivers slowing down at intersections- what else are you supposed to do now that it's law that pedestrians have the right of way if there's no traffic light? I slow down at corners without stop signs on local streets because I'm looking out for pedestrians that have the right of way. It's basically up to the driver to spot the pedestrian since technically they are now allowed to wander into the road at any point as long as they are within the crosswalk.

Not disagreeing with this being annoying but that's my guess for why drivers are yielding even when they don't have the stop sign.

Ummm, this has always been the law for pedestrian right of way. What makes you think its new?

Posted on: 2015/6/21 22:51

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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2014/8/25 19:18
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On the topic of drivers slowing down at intersections- what else are you supposed to do now that it's law that pedestrians have the right of way if there's no traffic light? I slow down at corners without stop signs on local streets because I'm looking out for pedestrians that have the right of way. It's basically up to the driver to spot the pedestrian since technically they are now allowed to wander into the road at any point as long as they are within the crosswalk.

Not disagreeing with this being annoying but that's my guess for why drivers are yielding even when they don't have the stop sign.

Posted on: 2015/6/21 22:31

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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2007/10/11 3:28
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yourdogisbored wrote:
While we're on the subject of annoying driving habits of Jersey City residents, what's up with JC drivers who seem to be under the impression that when the light turns green, the car making a left hand turn has the right of way? It's like a game of chicken leading up to the light change between the car that wants to go straight and the car that wants to turn left. Both drivers are watching the crosswalk indicators flashing waiting for the "Don't Walk" so they can gun it the split-second before the light turns green. And god forbid, the car that wants to go straight beats the turning car to the punch (as it should be because the car going straight has the right of way), the driver of the turning car will usually lay on their horn and unleash some profanities, like they were in the right. I've never understood this phenomenon. It's so unique to JC.

Failure to Yield without a blinker is my favorite. They'll be the first to sue when they're T-Boned.

Posted on: 2015/6/21 17:08

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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While we're on the subject of annoying driving habits of Jersey City residents, what's up with JC drivers who seem to be under the impression that when the light turns green, the car making a left hand turn has the right of way? It's like a game of chicken leading up to the light change between the car that wants to go straight and the car that wants to turn left. Both drivers are watching the crosswalk indicators flashing waiting for the "Don't Walk" so they can gun it the split-second before the light turns green. And god forbid, the car that wants to go straight beats the turning car to the punch (as it should be because the car going straight has the right of way), the driver of the turning car will usually lay on their horn and unleash some profanities, like they were in the right. I've never understood this phenomenon. It's so unique to JC.

Posted on: 2015/6/21 17:02

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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2007/11/15 21:43
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I just heard a church bell clang downtown, for the first time in years.

it only rang a couple of times, but it was lovely.

Posted on: 2015/6/21 13:06

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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bodhipooh wrote:

dtjcview wrote:

I_heart_JC wrote:

dtjcview wrote:
Anything that slows traffic through local streets is good. And I'd count double parking and crawling through intersections in that. Personally I'd like to see stretches around schools permanently closed to through traffic.

EXCEPT: official calming measures - speed bumps, sidewalk bump-outs, stop signs - have a standard protocol (though many in this town don't seem to know it).

double-parkers and intersection numbskulls throw the whole system off, leading frustrated drivers to do stupid, sometimes reckless workaround maneuvers, adding another element of danger to our streets.

We don't need stupid reckless drivers on local streets. Period.

Well, I would think everyone would agree with that statement. But, the point that some people seem intent on ignoring is that by failing to follow the ESTABLISHED rules of the road, even when you THINK you are being safer or more prudent, you are actually messing with a system that has little room for error. And, the result, whether you realize it or not, is upset drivers that are more prone to acting in ways that are reckless and not quite prudent. This is why cops are cracking down on people who drive too slow, or who fail to follow expected behaviors. That may "feel" safer to you, but you are imposing YOUR CHOICE on others, and the others will react with anger, annoyance, or mild displeasure, naturally. It is no different than being annoyed by the guy who refuses to make a turn in a TURN ONLY lane, or the one who insists on making a left turn from a right lane, or any other behavior that is outside of what is expected of them based on established rules or tradition.

I have a good friend who has lived in this city for 30 years, and insists on stopping at every intersection, whether she's got the sign or not.

it. is. maddening.

and the argument that she is only making traffic worse falls on deaf ears. habits are habits, sadly.

Posted on: 2015/6/11 1:13

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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2008/8/12 18:31
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getz011 wrote:

heights wrote:

I'm a bit leery of that 23%.

Feel free to check my data source, which I posted. ... -born.html?abt=0002&abg=1

US census is pretty reliable. And, from some related writing I'm doing, ~40 million (legal) immigrants are among the current US population: that's 13% overall. So 23% in NJ, which is more of an immigration magnet, makes sense.


Come on, getz011!! You have been around long enough to know that Heights is our resident xenophobe, always ready to blame all his ills (real and imagined) on the foreigners or those he deems to be outsiders. He clearly meant he is AFRAID and WORRIED of the 23% of NJ's population that is not born here in the US.

Posted on: 2015/6/11 0:34

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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heights wrote:

I'm a bit leery of that 23%.

Feel free to check my data source, which I posted. ... -born.html?abt=0002&abg=1

US census is pretty reliable. And, from some related writing I'm doing, ~40 million (legal) immigrants are among the current US population: that's 13% overall. So 23% in NJ, which is more of an immigration magnet, makes sense.


Posted on: 2015/6/11 0:15

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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dtjcview wrote:

I_heart_JC wrote:

dtjcview wrote:
Anything that slows traffic through local streets is good. And I'd count double parking and crawling through intersections in that. Personally I'd like to see stretches around schools permanently closed to through traffic.

EXCEPT: official calming measures - speed bumps, sidewalk bump-outs, stop signs - have a standard protocol (though many in this town don't seem to know it).

double-parkers and intersection numbskulls throw the whole system off, leading frustrated drivers to do stupid, sometimes reckless workaround maneuvers, adding another element of danger to our streets.

We don't need stupid reckless drivers on local streets. Period.

Well, I would think everyone would agree with that statement. But, the point that some people seem intent on ignoring is that by failing to follow the ESTABLISHED rules of the road, even when you THINK you are being safer or more prudent, you are actually messing with a system that has little room for error. And, the result, whether you realize it or not, is upset drivers that are more prone to acting in ways that are reckless and not quite prudent. This is why cops are cracking down on people who drive too slow, or who fail to follow expected behaviors. That may "feel" safer to you, but you are imposing YOUR CHOICE on others, and the others will react with anger, annoyance, or mild displeasure, naturally. It is no different than being annoyed by the guy who refuses to make a turn in a TURN ONLY lane, or the one who insists on making a left turn from a right lane, or any other behavior that is outside of what is expected of them based on established rules or tradition.

Posted on: 2015/6/11 0:09

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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heights wrote:

getz011 wrote:

iGreg wrote:

Fomite wrote:
Amen! There are a lot SUV driving, double wide stroller pushing people that belong in the suburbs!

They need to go back to Ohio ASAP.

Or even Bklyn will do, as JC is full of these yuppie types.

Perfect irony: the guy who starts a thread titled "Buying 'Hold' Properties in JC Ghetto" (seeking input from "savy investors" [sic]) calling others out as yuppie types.

I'm sure I speak for many Ohio natives when I say it was a lifelong dream to move here and have you as a neighbor.

And - BTW - you're just wrong.

US Census data on migration into NJ (2012)

Born in NJ: 53%
Born outside US: 23%
Born in NY: 11%
Born in PA: 5%

Born in other states:
Born in South: 3%
Born in Midwest: 2%
Born in Northeast: 2%
Born in West: 1% ... -born.html?abt=0002&abg=1

Mrs bre debile u tri picke materine.

I'm a bit leery of that 23%.

Leery? You're downright terrified.

Posted on: 2015/6/10 23:05

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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2005/7/13 15:03
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getz011 wrote:

iGreg wrote:

Fomite wrote:
Amen! There are a lot SUV driving, double wide stroller pushing people that belong in the suburbs!

They need to go back to Ohio ASAP.

Or even Bklyn will do, as JC is full of these yuppie types.

Perfect irony: the guy who starts a thread titled "Buying 'Hold' Properties in JC Ghetto" (seeking input from "savy investors" [sic]) calling others out as yuppie types.

I'm sure I speak for many Ohio natives when I say it was a lifelong dream to move here and have you as a neighbor.

And - BTW - you're just wrong.

US Census data on migration into NJ (2012)

Born in NJ: 53%
Born outside US: 23%
Born in NY: 11%
Born in PA: 5%

Born in other states:
Born in South: 3%
Born in Midwest: 2%
Born in Northeast: 2%
Born in West: 1% ... -born.html?abt=0002&abg=1

Mrs bre debile u tri picke materine.

I'm a bit leery of that 23%.

Posted on: 2015/6/10 22:53
Get on your bikes and ride !

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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2010/8/17 1:45
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I_heart_JC wrote:

dtjcview wrote:
Anything that slows traffic through local streets is good. And I'd count double parking and crawling through intersections in that. Personally I'd like to see stretches around schools permanently closed to through traffic.

EXCEPT: official calming measures - speed bumps, sidewalk bump-outs, stop signs - have a standard protocol (though many in this town don't seem to know it).

double-parkers and intersection numbskulls throw the whole system off, leading frustrated drivers to do stupid, sometimes reckless workaround maneuvers, adding another element of danger to our streets.

We don't need stupid reckless drivers on local streets. Period.

Posted on: 2015/6/10 22:46

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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2009/11/23 19:38
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iGreg wrote:

Fomite wrote:
Amen! There are a lot SUV driving, double wide stroller pushing people that belong in the suburbs!

They need to go back to Ohio ASAP.

Or even Bklyn will do, as JC is full of these yuppie types.

Perfect irony: the guy who starts a thread titled "Buying 'Hold' Properties in JC Ghetto" (seeking input from "savy investors" [sic]) calling others out as yuppie types.

I'm sure I speak for many Ohio natives when I say it was a lifelong dream to move here and have you as a neighbor.

And - BTW - you're just wrong.

US Census data on migration into NJ (2012)

Born in NJ: 53%
Born outside US: 23%
Born in NY: 11%
Born in PA: 5%

Born in other states:
Born in South: 3%
Born in Midwest: 2%
Born in Northeast: 2%
Born in West: 1% ... -born.html?abt=0002&abg=1

Mrs bre debile u tri picke materine.

Posted on: 2015/6/10 22:36

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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dtjcview wrote:
Anything that slows traffic through local streets is good. And I'd count double parking and crawling through intersections in that. Personally I'd like to see stretches around schools permanently closed to through traffic.

EXCEPT: official calming measures - speed bumps, sidewalk bump-outs, stop signs - have a standard protocol (though many in this town don't seem to know it).

double-parkers and intersection numbskulls throw the whole system off, leading frustrated drivers to do stupid, sometimes reckless workaround maneuvers, adding another element of danger to our streets.

Posted on: 2015/6/10 22:17

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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Anything that slows traffic through local streets is good. And I'd count double parking and crawling through intersections in that. Personally I'd like to see stretches around schools permanently closed to through traffic.

Posted on: 2015/6/10 21:50

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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2004/11/6 21:13
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Frank_M wrote:
Like Robin, I also have greater faith in Newton?s first law of motion than I do other drivers. I don?t cross any intersection where I?m stopped?whether on foot, on a bicycle, or in a car?without first making sure that an approaching car on an intersecting course is decelerating. I don?t know which blessed rule that violates, but it certainly respects the laws of physics and the consequences of ignoring them.

There's a big difference between that caution of checking for deceleration, and sitting cluelessly at an intersection you clearly arrived at first, waiting for the driver WITHOUT the right of way to go. And when that driver waves his arms in a "WTF?", you finally go with a wave of thanks, like you needed permission to take your right of way. This is all sand in the gears of smoothly flowing traffic. Then ratchet it up with the same dance when the driver doesn't even have a stop sign.

Posted on: 2015/6/10 21:15

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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Like Robin, I also have greater faith in Newton?s first law of motion than I do other drivers. I don?t cross any intersection where I?m stopped?whether on foot, on a bicycle, or in a car?without first making sure that an approaching car on an intersecting course is decelerating. I don?t know which blessed rule that violates, but it certainly respects the laws of physics and the consequences of ignoring them.

Posted on: 2015/6/10 18:05

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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Last summer, while crossing with the light at 6th and Jersey, a woman driving North on Jersey decided to scoot around the traffic to make a right. She was not stopping for anything and we were forced to stop in the crosswalk as she nearly clipped us. Too bad for her and excellent for us the car immediately behind her was an unmarked police car. Sometimes the bad drivers get what they deserve.

Posted on: 2015/6/10 15:32

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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2004/11/6 21:13
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bodhipooh wrote:
Your perceived "safer way" of doing things can actually trigger an accident or incident. It drives me NUTS that some people in DTJC streets jam on their brakes at each intersection whether a STOP sign is present or not. You think you are being safer, but you are failing to live up to what others around you expect you to do, which can precipitate an accident or close call. Sometimes, I see people come to a multi-way STOP sign and they refuse to proceed until no other cars are present in the intersecting road. Those people are impeding traffic. I once witnessed a car stop at a corner with a STOP sign, and the driver was refusing to proceed once it was safe to do so, even though there was a cop right behind her honking at her to proceed forward. After almost a full minute of this non sense, the cop got out of his patrol car and instructed the woman to pull over. I didn't stick around to see the final outcome, but I would have loved to hear the exchange.

Learn the rules of the road, and follow them. The rules exist for your protection and that of others.

BRAVO! Well put! Want to split the cost of a billboard that explains the "rules for intersections" to those who got their licenses from a box of Crackerjacks? Or no licenses, after all this is JC.

I'd like to see a written test for renewal for the 1st 10 years of a drivers license.

Posted on: 2015/6/10 15:04

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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bodhipooh wrote:

Did you know that some localities and states are stepping up enforcement of motorists failing to follow basic rules of the road in the name of "safety"??

let me guess: one of those localities was NOT Jersey City.

Posted on: 2015/6/10 14:01

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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tern wrote:
Ok bodipooh, you continue pulling out, I'll continue to wait and see what the other guy does, I am not going to pull out in front of a car until I can see he is stopping. And I damn sure ain't pulling out based on what I think signs say by looking at the back of them! Same at a pedestrian crossing, stop sign or not, I don't start crossing until the driver is clearly stopping.

Is it worth getting frustrated and angry with other drivers because they delay you 10 seconds on your journey by waiting at a stop sign? What's your rush?


Got it. So, you rather do things your way, instead of the way you are supposed to do them. Makes sense.

Did you know that some localities and states are stepping up enforcement of motorists failing to follow basic rules of the road in the name of "safety"?? I recently read about cities and states where minimum speeds on highways are being enforced, because they recognize that people that choose to do what they deem "safer" become an impediment to the proper flow of traffic, causing ripple effects that have an overall detrimental effect on other motorists. The same applies to people that choose to stop where there are no signs instructing them to do so.

Your perceived "safer way" of doing things can actually trigger an accident or incident. It drives me NUTS that some people in DTJC streets jam on their brakes at each intersection whether a STOP sign is present or not. You think you are being safer, but you are failing to live up to what others around you expect you to do, which can precipitate an accident or close call. Sometimes, I see people come to a multi-way STOP sign and they refuse to proceed until no other cars are present in the intersecting road. Those people are impeding traffic. I once witnessed a car stop at a corner with a STOP sign, and the driver was refusing to proceed once it was safe to do so, even though there was a cop right behind her honking at her to proceed forward. After almost a full minute of this non sense, the cop got out of his patrol car and instructed the woman to pull over. I didn't stick around to see the final outcome, but I would have loved to hear the exchange.

Learn the rules of the road, and follow them. The rules exist for your protection and that of others.

Posted on: 2015/6/10 13:27

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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Ok bodipooh, you continue pulling out, I'll continue to wait and see what the other guy does, I am not going to pull out in front of a car until I can see he is stopping. And I damn sure ain't pulling out based on what I think signs say by looking at the back of them! Same at a pedestrian crossing, stop sign or not, I don't start crossing until the driver is clearly stopping.

Is it worth getting frustrated and angry with other drivers because they delay you 10 seconds on your journey by waiting at a stop sign? What's your rush?


Posted on: 2015/6/10 13:05

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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tern wrote:
So what are the "2 way stop" strips for, if it is so easy and obvious to look the other direction and detect what signs the other guy has from looking at the back of them?
The DMV obviously thinks they are needed.

Imagine the defence you would mount in court "well, I saw what seemed to be an octagonal sign from the back, so I pulled out, how was I to know it wasn't a stop sign your honour?"


Are you being dense? The 2-way (or, 3-way, or 4-way) strips are there as helpful aides to make things easier for motorists. Just like we get warnings on maximum speeds to use when taking an exit, or the services available at a given exit. Their presence, or lack of it, does not absolve the driver from KNOWING and UNDERSTANDING the rules of the road and the signs they could encounter.

As for your imaginary scenario, you are being silly. If you say that to a judge, you will be found guilty (and, hopefully, also incompetent to drive) as it was already pointed out that the ONLY road signs to have an octagonal shape are STOP signs. The shape is an international convention, by the way.

So, if you see an octagon shaped sign on the road, you can be SURE that you are seeing a STOP sign.

Posted on: 2015/6/10 12:24

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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tern wrote:
So what are the "2 way stop" strips for, if it is so easy and obvious to look the other direction and detect what signs the other guy has from looking at the back of them?
The DMV obviously thinks they are needed.

Imagine the defence you would mount in court "well, I saw what seemed to be an octagonal sign from the back, so I pulled out, how was I to know it wasn't a stop sign your honour?"


They're useful, but not as useful as seeing at the same time as you glance for intersecting traffic. And there's a reason stops are octagonal: so you can't confuse them with any other sign, even from the back! Are there other octagonal signs in the UK?

Posted on: 2015/6/10 4:00

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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2006/5/10 16:36
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So what are the "2 way stop" strips for, if it is so easy and obvious to look the other direction and detect what signs the other guy has from looking at the back of them?
The DMV obviously thinks they are needed.

Imagine the defence you would mount in court "well, I saw what seemed to be an octagonal sign from the back, so I pulled out, how was I to know it wasn't a stop sign your honour?"


Posted on: 2015/6/10 3:14

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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I_heart_JC wrote:

tern wrote:

You repeatedly bring up this multi-way stop sign issue, but the answer is straightforward.

The reason people wait at multi-way stop signs is that they are not sure whether there is a stop sign the other way or not, those little bars that say 2 way or 3 way stop are not reliably in place, so when you pull up to an unfamiliar junction, you have no idea what the guy going the other way is being instructed to do by his signage (let alone what they will actually do, which as you know often departs radically from what they are supposed to do!).

So you naturally play it safe and wait and see what the other guy does.


there are "2-way" signs at 1st and Erie, and yet people either blow right through them, or wait until 3 cars have passed.

I'm convinced that nobody in this town ever took the written part of the driver's test.

As am I. But Robin does have a point about the signage. One of the stupidest things JC does in this dept is put those "do not enter" signs completely obscuring the STOP sign from the other drivers. I'm used to being able to SEE if the other driver has a stop, but not around here. Why isn't the "one way" signs in NYC good enough for JC? Or at least don't put them covering the STOP sign.

And while I'm ranting about signage, "no turn on red" should be visible either near the signal or across the street. Half the time it's behind you when you are at the corner.

Posted on: 2015/6/10 3:13

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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tern wrote:

You repeatedly bring up this multi-way stop sign issue, but the answer is straightforward.

The reason people wait at multi-way stop signs is that they are not sure whether there is a stop sign the other way or not, those little bars that say 2 way or 3 way stop are not reliably in place, so when you pull up to an unfamiliar junction, you have no idea what the guy going the other way is being instructed to do by his signage (let alone what they will actually do, which as you know often departs radically from what they are supposed to do!).

So you naturally play it safe and wait and see what the other guy does.


Sigh... you just proved Brewster's very valid point, and I think I_heart_JC is right on point: it seems like NO ONE around here has actually taken or passed the written section of the drivers license test.

The shape of a stop sign is UNIQUE and EXCLUSIVE. It has been that way for about 80 years, or longer. The octagon shape was purposefully chosen to differ from any other signs already in use and to make it possible (and, easy) for motorists facing the back of one such sign to know that the other traffic has a STOP sign, as well. So, if you pull up to an intersection, and you see another octagon signed facing the other traffic, you then know that they also have a STOP sign. There is NO EXCUSE for a driver to approach a multi-way intersection and not know what to do. When you reach your STOP sign, come to a full stop, scan the area to look for other octagonal signs and/or traffic and then proceed with caution. If multiple cars reach the intersection at the same time, yield to the car to your right.

Posted on: 2015/6/10 3:11

Re: New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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tern wrote:

You repeatedly bring up this multi-way stop sign issue, but the answer is straightforward.

The reason people wait at multi-way stop signs is that they are not sure whether there is a stop sign the other way or not, those little bars that say 2 way or 3 way stop are not reliably in place, so when you pull up to an unfamiliar junction, you have no idea what the guy going the other way is being instructed to do by his signage (let alone what they will actually do, which as you know often departs radically from what they are supposed to do!).

So you naturally play it safe and wait and see what the other guy does.


there are "2-way" signs at 1st and Erie, and yet people either blow right through them, or wait until 3 cars have passed.

I'm convinced that nobody in this town ever took the written part of the driver's test.

Posted on: 2015/6/10 2:44

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