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Re: CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US
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JCMan8 wrote:
Finally, the selfish nurse is forced into doing the right thing. Let this be a lesson to you armchair lawyers who pretended this was unconstitutional.

Judge issues order enforcing Ebola isolation of defiant Maine nurse

phew, now you can go back to being scared of your own shadow JChickenLittle8

Posted on: 2014/10/31 17:06

Re: CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US
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The stipulations seem to be much different than the initial protocol and what you were advocating for, yet you still want to take this as a victory and a lesson for the "armchair lawyers"?

"...stay in her hometown, avoid public transit and businesses, and remain at least three feet away from others when outdoors."


JCMan8 wrote:
Finally, the selfish nurse is forced into doing the right thing. Let this be a lesson to you armchair lawyers who pretended this was unconstitutional.

Judge issues order enforcing Ebola isolation of defiant Maine nurse

Posted on: 2014/10/31 17:04

Re: CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US
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Finally, the selfish nurse is forced into doing the right thing. Let this be a lesson to you armchair lawyers who pretended this was unconstitutional.

Judge issues order enforcing Ebola isolation of defiant Maine nurse

Posted on: 2014/10/31 16:09

Re: CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US
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bunny22 wrote:
I'm not going to get into a battle with you over this but web md says this

"Dehydration is a condition that occurs when the loss of body fluids, mostly water, exceeds the amount that is taken in."
If someone bleeds to death, no one I know describes them as being dehydrated but whatever....

You have this listed:
"The loss of blood, along with organ failure, is what makes ebola so deadly."

The organ failure is a partial result of blood loss but of dehydration. Think of Mono cases where the doctor basically says to drink lots of water and don't exercise because vital organs are at risk due to dehydration.

Posted on: 2014/10/30 17:12
Dos A Cero

Re: CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US
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I'm not going to get into a battle with you over this but web md says this

"Dehydration is a condition that occurs when the loss of body fluids, mostly water, exceeds the amount that is taken in."
If someone bleeds to death, no one I know describes them as being dehydrated but whatever....

Posted on: 2014/10/30 16:51

Re: CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US
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bunny22 wrote:

You don't die of dehydration with ebola--it's from internal bleeding and organ failure--web md says this below--
"Inside the blood vessels, the virus causes abnormal clotting and bleeding at the same time. Bleeding into the skin causes a red rash that appears all over. With the ability to clot normally destroyed, bleeding occurs internally as well as from the eyes, ears, and nose. This whole cascade of events causes the organs to fail. The loss of blood, along with organ failure, is what makes ebola so deadly. But if doctors can keep the organs working with intravenous fluids, blood transfusions, a ventilator, and other treatments, there?s a much better chance they can save lives."

Some doctors feel the people who survive may have a higher alkaline body composition and this gives them an edge.
We certainly haven't had enough cases in this country to be so optimistic about the survival rate yet.

Loss of blood and body fluids is dehydration. Just look at the list of combatants: Fluids and Blood.

Posted on: 2014/10/30 16:35
Dos A Cero

Re: CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US
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dtjcview wrote:

Pebble wrote:
?More likely? according to whom??

They did upgrade the protective level but that doesn?t mean the workers did not remove their prior protections improperly or carelessly. Doctors and nurses are humans which means they make mistakes. It seems to me that you?re simply projecting a theory based on existing bias.

...more likely according to a number of experts that raised the flag on the droplet/aerosol problem for the past few months. And it's a simpler and more plausible explanation than the "dumbass doctors keep dying" theory peddled by the CDC. Even IF the CDC were originally correct - it points to inadequate training of the med staff - and they shoulder a significant measure of blame for that.

I like hyperbole as much as the next person but at no point did I call the doctors and nurses ?dumbasses.? However, we do have examples of them making poor decisions. We?ve the New York doctor that just needed to go bowling and the nurse that just needs to go for a bike ride.

To contend that it was a sneeze to an opening in one of the exposed areas of the suit as opposed to a possible tear or someone rubbing their eye in the middle of care is simply projecting to argue a point. Nobody actually knows specifically what gave them Ebola.

There are plenty of dateless high schoolers that have contracted Mono and can?t explain it.


Monroe wrote:
70% of those stricken have died. While the numbers would be lower if it was broadly spread in the USA (because of better treatment), 70% mortality belies the fact that keeping yourself hydrated is going to save you.

Only simpletons think in simple terms. I never said that it is possible to keep yourself hydrated to the point of a cure. I said that dehydration is the cause of death. It is an important distinction to recognize since dehydration also involves the loss of nutrients and vitamins necessary to survive. That is why I stated quite plainly that addressing the virus early saves your life.

As for the statistic? you can?t exactly go by a number which involves the response of people in third world countries. Those people are dying because they are not well educated and may not go to the doctor early enough. By the time it is often learned of their condition, the person has reached a level that is very hard to combat.

It is this situation that lead to the death of the only person to ever die of Ebola in America. Everyone since that person appears to be bouncing back and recovering. While some of that is due to a doctor donating his blood full of antibodies, a lot of that also has to do with recognition and addressing of the condition.

It?s about education and awareness. If people are smart and go do the doctor early when they suspect that they?ve come in contact with an Ebola infected person, then they can survive it.

Posted on: 2014/10/30 16:33
Dos A Cero

Re: CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US
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You don't die of dehydration with ebola--it's from internal bleeding and organ failure--web md says this below--
"Inside the blood vessels, the virus causes abnormal clotting and bleeding at the same time. Bleeding into the skin causes a red rash that appears all over. With the ability to clot normally destroyed, bleeding occurs internally as well as from the eyes, ears, and nose. This whole cascade of events causes the organs to fail. The loss of blood, along with organ failure, is what makes ebola so deadly. But if doctors can keep the organs working with intravenous fluids, blood transfusions, a ventilator, and other treatments, there?s a much better chance they can save lives."

Some doctors feel the people who survive may have a higher alkaline body composition and this gives them an edge.
We certainly haven't had enough cases in this country to be so optimistic about the survival rate yet.

Posted on: 2014/10/30 16:21

Re: CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US
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70% of those stricken have died. While the numbers would be lower if it was broadly spread in the USA (because of better treatment), 70% mortality belies the fact that keeping yourself hydrated is going to save you.

Posted on: 2014/10/30 16:13

Re: CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US
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Pebble wrote:
?More likely? according to whom??

They did upgrade the protective level but that doesn?t mean the workers did not remove their prior protections improperly or carelessly. Doctors and nurses are humans which means they make mistakes. It seems to me that you?re simply projecting a theory based on existing bias.

...more likely according to a number of experts that raised the flag on the droplet/aerosol problem for the past few months. And it's a simpler and more plausible explanation than the "dumbass doctors keep dying" theory peddled by the CDC. Even IF the CDC were originally correct - it points to inadequate training of the med staff - and they shoulder a significant measure of blame for that.

Posted on: 2014/10/30 16:10

Re: CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US
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Let?s all gather up some realities on Ebola. While it is rather deadly, if actions are taken quick it really isn?t. The predominant cause of death with the virus is dehydration. Essentially it is not a virus which must cause death.


Monroe wrote:
Pebs, the change was significant enough for the CDC to announce it today. Since it comes from the CDC (and I guess the new 'czar') if you want to argue the merits of the change feel free to contact your Senator or Representative, not me.

I?m not arguing the merits of the change. I consider it a clarification. It is obvious that there are people out there that simply do not understand that mucus is a liquid which means the virus can reside inside of it.

I don?t know if you?ve ever caught a virus before, but it is essentially the same with each one, it is mostly down to mutation. They need a host and environment to survive. The virus cannot just travel through the air by someone breathing on you, which is the definition of airborne.


JCMan8 wrote:

Pebble wrote:
A sneeze is a release of fluids, it is not airborne.

Forget about the fact that the CDC made an announcement today about this, proving you wrong.

If you are serious that a sneeze "is not airborne," you are dumber than I thought.

Interesting that you believe that mucus, a liquid, is air. I don?t think a discussion on intelligence is necessary.

At the end of the day, you?ve proven several things and one of them is that you are an exceptional coward, petrified-of-your-own-shadow level.


dtjcview wrote:

nyrgravey9 wrote:

This is most likely because of how they remove their protective clothing. I'm not about to type out all the ways in which they're doing this wrong, but when done incorrectly, healthcare workers expose themselves.

Actually it was a bad CDC policy (BSL-3 instead of BSL-4) that was to blame for the death of dozens of doctors in Africa - the med staff were not necessarily to blame. And it's more likely that droplets in the air infected medical staff through their eyes, and lungs - than med staff not following CDC guidelines.

The CDC has effectively 'fessed up to it. ... ook&utm_medium=SocialFlow

Nass pointed to a poster the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention quietly released on its Web site saying the deadly virus can be spread through ?droplets.?

?Droplet spread happens when germs traveling inside droplets that are coughed or sneezed from a sick person enter the eyes, nose or mouth of another person,? the poster states.

?More likely? according to whom??

They did upgrade the protective level but that doesn?t mean the workers did not remove their prior protections improperly or carelessly. Doctors and nurses are humans which means they make mistakes. It seems to me that you?re simply projecting a theory based on existing bias.

Posted on: 2014/10/30 15:50
Dos A Cero

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Well, at least she has her helmet on.

Posted on: 2014/10/30 15:33

Re: CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US
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nyrgravey9 wrote:

This is most likely because of how they remove their protective clothing. I'm not about to type out all the ways in which they're doing this wrong, but when done incorrectly, healthcare workers expose themselves.

Actually it was a bad CDC policy (BSL-3 instead of BSL-4) that was to blame for the death of dozens of doctors in Africa - the med staff were not necessarily to blame. And it's more likely that droplets in the air infected medical staff through their eyes, and lungs - than med staff not following CDC guidelines.

The CDC has effectively 'fessed up to it. ... ook&utm_medium=SocialFlow

Nass pointed to a poster the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention quietly released on its Web site saying the deadly virus can be spread through ?droplets.?

?Droplet spread happens when germs traveling inside droplets that are coughed or sneezed from a sick person enter the eyes, nose or mouth of another person,? the poster states.

Posted on: 2014/10/30 14:14

Re: CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US
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Posted on: 2014/10/30 13:46

Re: CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US
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JCMan8 wrote:

The reason why I don't buy the parallels to HIV is because all these healthcare professionals keep getting Ebola. Whereas, I had always heard that unless you are having sex with the person or sharing needles for drug use, you aren't getting HIV.

I would feel a lot better about this situation if it truly was transmitted the same as HIV. But you never hear of doctors contracting HIV who work with those patients. Also, the CDC is coming up with a new story by the day.

As I mentioned, I think the big test is what will happen once 21 days passes after the NY ebola doc's grand subway adventure. If 21 days passes with no new infections, ok, it's really not a big deal. But since it takes so long to show symptoms, we won't know for a while.

Ok hold up. I never said Ebola is transmitted the same as HIV. I was merely drawing a parallel between how frequent a virus can mutate, and what that actually means. People on this board keep fear mongering about it going airborne because the news keeps raising it as a possibility. Let's keep the stories straight here.


JCMan8 wrote:

The reason why I don't buy the parallels to HIV is because all these healthcare professionals keep getting Ebola.

This is most likely because of how they remove their protective clothing. I'm not about to type out all the ways in which they're doing this wrong, but when done incorrectly, healthcare workers expose themselves. Remember, they're dealing with patients with explosive diarrhea and vomit. Little drops might find their way into the clothing of the healthcare workers in Africa that aren't fully sealed in, of which there are many.

But again, just because a virus can be transmitted through the air does not make it airborne. I don't know how else to draw that distinction other than how I did in my previous post. Yes, it can survive on a subway handle as long as the bodily fluid in which it exists hasn't completely dried up.

Let's take a breath and just examine the facts and react accordingly.

Posted on: 2014/10/30 12:48

Re: CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US
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nyrgravey9 wrote:
Let's calm down on the rhetoric here. ebola is not airborne. Period.

Something that needs to survive in bodily fluid can be transmitted through the air. That doesn't make it airborne.

Airborne diseases can survive in the open air outside of body fluid particulates. So let's just relax a little.

HIV mutated roughly 70 times in its history into different strains but never went airborne. So again, let's just calm down.

To be fair to me, I still think this nurse in Maine is a selfish c*nt. that said, take a breath and relax guys.

The reason why I don't buy the parallels to HIV is because all these healthcare professionals keep getting Ebola. Whereas, I had always heard that unless you are having sex with the person or sharing needles for drug use, you aren't getting HIV.

I would feel a lot better about this situation if it truly was transmitted the same as HIV. But you never hear of doctors contracting HIV who work with those patients. Also, the CDC is coming up with a new story by the day.

As I mentioned, I think the big test is what will happen once 21 days passes after the NY ebola doc's grand subway adventure. If 21 days passes with no new infections, ok, it's really not a big deal. But since it takes so long to show symptoms, we won't know for a while.

Posted on: 2014/10/30 2:22

Re: CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US
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The point I've made is reporting that the CDC has changed, again, their talking points about Ebola, how it's transmitted, and how you can get infected.

That is significant, because it's walking back their earlier talking points and saying, in effect, that it's more easily transmitted than we were led to believe.

Otherwise, why would they have changed their stance today?

Posted on: 2014/10/30 2:21

Re: CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US
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Let's calm down on the rhetoric here. ebola is not airborne. Period.

Something that needs to survive in bodily fluid can be transmitted through the air. That doesn't make it airborne.

Airborne diseases can survive in the open air outside of body fluid particulates. So let's just relax a little.

HIV mutated roughly 70 times in its history into different strains but never went airborne. So again, let's just calm down.

To be fair to me, I still think this nurse in Maine is a selfish c*nt. that said, take a breath and relax guys.

Posted on: 2014/10/30 2:14

Re: CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US
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Pebble wrote:
A sneeze is a release of fluids, it is not airborne.

Forget about the fact that the CDC made an announcement today about this, proving you wrong.

If you are serious that a sneeze "is not airborne," you are dumber than I thought.

Posted on: 2014/10/30 1:58

Re: CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US
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Pebs, the change was significant enough for the CDC to announce it today. Since it comes from the CDC (and I guess the new 'czar') if you want to argue the merits of the change feel free to contact your Senator or Representative, not me.

Posted on: 2014/10/30 1:44

Re: CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US
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Monroe wrote:

Pebble wrote:

Monroe wrote:
And the CDC, quietly, is now admitting that you can catch Ebola from a sneeze. I thought it wasn't an airborne problem, Obama? ... ook&utm_medium=SocialFlow

Are you being serious right now? The CDC has stated, since the beginning, that this virus is passed via fluids. A sneeze is a release of fluids, it is not airborne.

It is passed very similarly to Mono...

Pebs, they changed the information TODAY to reflect that not just fluids (which in Ebola has meant vomit, blood, urine, semen, etc) and added 'droplets' which aren't fluids but can be airborne. The impression before was 'don't worry, you can't get it from a door knob unless somebody puked, peed, or crapped' on something. Now a sneeze will do. Just another argument for containment.

Droplets are liquid by definition. That isn't air. Many people simply assumed that you'd need to bathe in someones sweat in order to catch it, but most people with two brain cells that can be rubbed together are smart enough to know that a sneeze really is liquid since it contains mucus.

It really is funny, though, that you're part of the "please save us, government" brigade now...

Posted on: 2014/10/30 1:33
Dos A Cero

Re: CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US
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Pebble wrote:

Monroe wrote:
And the CDC, quietly, is now admitting that you can catch Ebola from a sneeze. I thought it wasn't an airborne problem, Obama? ... ook&utm_medium=SocialFlow

Are you being serious right now? The CDC has stated, since the beginning, that this virus is passed via fluids. A sneeze is a release of fluids, it is not airborne.

It is passed very similarly to Mono...

Pebs, they changed the information TODAY to reflect that not just fluids (which in Ebola has meant vomit, blood, urine, semen, etc) and added 'droplets' which aren't fluids but can be airborne. The impression before was 'don't worry, you can't get it from a door knob unless somebody puked, peed, or crapped' on something. Now a sneeze will do. Just another argument for containment.

Posted on: 2014/10/30 1:26

Re: CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US
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Monroe wrote:
And the CDC, quietly, is now admitting that you can catch Ebola from a sneeze. I thought it wasn't an airborne problem, Obama? ... ook&utm_medium=SocialFlow

Are you being serious right now? The CDC has stated, since the beginning, that this virus is passed via fluids. A sneeze is a release of fluids, it is not airborne.

It is passed very similarly to Mono...

Posted on: 2014/10/30 1:15
Dos A Cero

Re: CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US
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Monroe wrote:
And the CDC, quietly, is now admitting that you can catch Ebola from a sneeze. I thought it wasn't an airborne problem, Obama? ... ook&utm_medium=SocialFlow

Did I call the CDC "misleading"? Perhaps I meant lying b@stards.

Posted on: 2014/10/30 1:14

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And the CDC, quietly, is now admitting that you can catch Ebola from a sneeze. I thought it wasn't an airborne problem, Obama? ... ook&utm_medium=SocialFlow

Posted on: 2014/10/30 1:08

Re: CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US
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dtjcview wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:
The Maine State Police are surrounding the nurse's house, forcing her to obey the quarantine. What a selfish bitch, with no regard for others.

I get the feeling she went to Africa to pose for pictures so he friends could marvel at what a "good person" she was. Now the nation sees her true colors. ... ola-nurse-maine/18105327/

If any nurses should be suing the gov - it should be the nurses in Dallas that contracted Ebola - not this self-entitled typhoid Mary.

Funny how I never thought we'd agree, but we do. The pass that some are giving this nurse is incredible. Her selfishness is really astounding, thankfully we have the police and the court system to keep her in her place.

Posted on: 2014/10/30 1:03

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JCMan8 wrote:
The Maine State Police are surrounding the nurse's house, forcing her to obey the quarantine. What a selfish bitch, with no regard for others.

I get the feeling she went to Africa to pose for pictures so he friends could marvel at what a "good person" she was. Now the nation sees her true colors. ... ola-nurse-maine/18105327/

If any nurses should be suing the gov - it should be the nurses in Dallas that contracted Ebola - not this self-entitled typhoid Mary.

Posted on: 2014/10/30 0:45

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Frank_M wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:
You on the other hand, post disingenuous irrelevant fauxrage without a clear point.

You?re making my point for me.

Calm down and have a drink already. Just be warned that in all likelihood, your chance of developing liver disease is thousands of times higher than your chance of being infected with the Ebola virus. Please try not to be thousands of times more concerned though, because you might just drop over from a heart attack.

So after getting called out on your irrelevant fauxrage over the plight of those abroad, you slink back to "chill out man." Not surprising.

Luckily Maine is in the process of going to court to enforce the quarantine. I'm pretty relaxed now that the appropriate authorities are giving this the attention it deserves. Though curiously I haven't heard a word from Obama's Ebola czar about any of this. ... a/index.html?c=homepage-t

Posted on: 2014/10/29 23:00

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JCMan8 wrote:
You on the other hand, post disingenuous irrelevant fauxrage without a clear point.

You?re making my point for me.

Calm down and have a drink already. Just be warned that in all likelihood, your chance of developing liver disease is thousands of times higher than your chance of being infected with the Ebola virus. Please try not to be thousands of times more concerned though, because you might just drop over from a heart attack.

Posted on: 2014/10/29 21:27

Re: CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US
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Frank_M wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

Save your fauxrage for when it's relevant.

How do you feel about the possibility that the implied meaning of that made-up word more accurately describes the way you express yourself in this forum, not me? It can?t be, right?

Ignoring the fact that you ignored my post, and ignoring the possibility that the fauxrage could apply to both of us, I will do you the courtesy of being honest (which you have not done) and tell you that I became very concerned once it reached NYC.

And since it takes 21 days for Ebola symptoms to show, I am concerned about the real possibility that the NY doc's reckless actions will result in a rash of cases 10 days or so from now.

Further, I am very concerned about this selfish nurse's actions in trying to break the "voluntary quarantine" will set a bad precedent that others in this area will follow. My posts clearly illustrate this intent. And I am genuinely angered by the fact that Obama tried to strong arm Christie and Cuomo into dropping the quarantine procedures.

You on the other hand, post disingenuous irrelevant fauxrage without a clear point. Keep on winning your imaginary "points" as the real world continues enforcing the quarantine, with hopefully stricter measures to come if we get more Ebola cases here.

Posted on: 2014/10/29 20:41

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