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Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Posted on: 2014/6/19 20:33

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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I'll bet Whizzy and Whiny didn't like it today when it was reported that the reason Ft. Lee mayor Sokolich didn't endorse Christie was because he feared the Bergen County Democratic machine if he did!

Political intimidation started this whole thing, but it was Democratic political intimidation!

Posted on: 2014/5/21 0:10

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Let?s all remember the meme folks: The Star Ledger is a liberal paper just every other news outlet.

?but somehow it missed the additional corruption by Christie:
Pando Daily: Christie officials gave millions in public funds to VC firm, despite ?pay to play? rules

This story is getting more play in Boston than it is here and yet it was NJ laws that were broken.

I can just see the excuse now... It wasn't Christie, it was a rogue staffer...

Posted on: 2014/5/19 13:28
Dos A Cero

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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9/11 ceremony scraps 'Bridge Over Troubled Water' song after Christie

A last-minute change prevented what could have been an uncomfortable moment during the Sept. 11 museum dedication ceremony: remarks by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie followed by the song ?Bridge Over Troubled Water.?

The original program for Thursday?s ceremony had Christie?s remarks followed by Idina Menzel?s performance of the song. That sent social media aflutter with speculation that the scheduling was a jab at the governor over accusations that his staff intentionally clogged traffic near the George Washington Bridge to punish a political adversary.

But just before the ceremony, museum spokesman Anthony Guido announced that Menzel, star of the Broadway show ?If/Then,? was sick and would not perform. In her place, another member of the show?s cast, LaChanze, herself a 9/11 widow, performed ?Amazing Grace.?

More: ... ater--song-after-Christie

Posted on: 2014/5/19 11:32

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Googly eye Zimmer can't explain why Hoboken boots cars in violation of state law, then wonders why south Jersey pol is sticking his nose in Hudson County business.

So far, so good. But then Zimmer went on to say, ?I am not sure why a state legislator from South Jersey is providing commentary on issues unrelated to his position ??

Looks like more Democrat Hudson County shenanigans going on. Better get Whizzy and Whiney on the case! ... shine.html#incart_m-rpt-1

Posted on: 2014/5/17 15:47

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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They missed you in Washington today.

Guarantee Of 10 Million 'Operation American Spring' Protesters Off By Just Under 10 Million

Resized Image ... ers-just-under-10-million

Posted on: 2014/5/17 3:06

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Hilarious comment. In the most densely populated state in the USA you think a Governor knows of every sizeable traffic jam?

Put down the crack pipe, first, and second, even when he found out he didn't know it wasn't 'just' a traffic jam. (And it wasn't on RT 4, or 46, or the Palisade Parkway 'arterial' road, it was a local traffic access lane).

And I guess Obama is guilty because his Sec of State lied about Benghazi, his IRS commissioner lied about targeting conservatives, and his Attorney General lied about Fast and Furious.

If you hold him to the same standard as you hold Christie.

Except no one died in the traffic jam, or was used to swing an election.

Or had 40 veterans die 6 years after the Chief Executive said he was going to straighten up the VA.

Posted on: 2014/5/17 2:24

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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nothing like hand picking your supposedly 'loyal' staff then deleting one's corporate history when in crisis over their (and possibly your own) decisions.

I still don't understand why there were no red flags or alarms going off by those in office and responsible when the lanes were closed for no reason other then political retribution.

Christie being a man of integrity (in his mind) should have been in arms immediately on the day of the lane closures ... unfortunately we didn't hear a peep from him until siht hit the fan and everyone went running.

You never have a major traffic jam on a major arterial route causing massive delays and possible emergency issues without the Governor knowing and getting involved. Any normal governor not implicated would want to know who, what, when, why and how quick can be get the lanes opened.

Personally I believe Christie is full of crap!

Posted on: 2014/5/17 1:40
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Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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JCMan8 wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Googly eyed Christie accuser has another bad day. Did she take (or not take) notes for this as well? Political retribution seems more of a Hudson County Democratic Mayor thing, when she's accused of 'ethnic cleansing'. Makes a traffic jam look like peanuts. Will Whizzy and Whiney conduct a hearing over a Democratic Mayor in a civil rights case?

Luis Zayas, Garcia's attorney, said today the ruling speaks for itself and that he has already asked for a hearing to arrive at a figure to be paid Garcia in damages.

?What kind of price can you put on being tormented for a year unless you support the mayor?? Zayas asked. ?That is the kind of environment he was subjected to. I leave it in in the hands of the judge to decide on damages but I will ask for at least $5,000 per day for the year (Garcia) was subjected to harassment.? ... html#incart_river_default

On one hand, "ethnic cleansing" is nuts. How many people has she killed? Zero. Makes me disbelieve anything Garcia says.

On the other hand...that is seriously one unflattering picture of Zimmerman, lol.

Whatever meds she's on, they're giving her a 5 o'clock shadow.

Posted on: 2014/5/17 0:59

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Monroe wrote:
Googly eyed Christie accuser has another bad day. Did she take (or not take) notes for this as well? Political retribution seems more of a Hudson County Democratic Mayor thing, when she's accused of 'ethnic cleansing'. Makes a traffic jam look like peanuts. Will Whizzy and Whiney conduct a hearing over a Democratic Mayor in a civil rights case?

Luis Zayas, Garcia's attorney, said today the ruling speaks for itself and that he has already asked for a hearing to arrive at a figure to be paid Garcia in damages.

?What kind of price can you put on being tormented for a year unless you support the mayor?? Zayas asked. ?That is the kind of environment he was subjected to. I leave it in in the hands of the judge to decide on damages but I will ask for at least $5,000 per day for the year (Garcia) was subjected to harassment.? ... html#incart_river_default

On one hand, "ethnic cleansing" is nuts. How many people has she killed? Zero. Makes me disbelieve anything Garcia says.

On the other hand...that is seriously one unflattering picture of Zimmerman, lol.

Posted on: 2014/5/17 0:51

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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2013/5/15 14:11
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Googly eyed Christie accuser has another bad day. Did she take (or not take) notes for this as well? Political retribution seems more of a Hudson County Democratic Mayor thing, when she's accused of 'ethnic cleansing'. Makes a traffic jam look like peanuts. Will Whizzy and Whiney conduct a hearing over a Democratic Mayor in a civil rights case?

Luis Zayas, Garcia's attorney, said today the ruling speaks for itself and that he has already asked for a hearing to arrive at a figure to be paid Garcia in damages.

?What kind of price can you put on being tormented for a year unless you support the mayor?? Zayas asked. ?That is the kind of environment he was subjected to. I leave it in in the hands of the judge to decide on damages but I will ask for at least $5,000 per day for the year (Garcia) was subjected to harassment.? ... html#incart_river_default

Posted on: 2014/5/16 23:28

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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As far as what may be a discrepancy between 12/12, and 12/13 (a 24 hour gap? Horrors!) the issue is that Christie didn't know it was politically motivated until after it was done.

Want to parse a 24 hour discrepancy between two people and what they said and when they said it?

Go ahead.

But after more interviews by Whizzy and Whiney, still not a single thing to connect Christie to this.

More waste of time and money. And the Stepien allegation is just that, sour grapes from someone fired by Christie.

Posted on: 2014/5/16 18:12

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Atsushi wrote:
Did anyone say Benghazi?

Conservatards = pathetic.

I've just realized that this word really exists!

Omigod! Look what also exists!! OMG!!!

(And both are repulsive and insulting, btw).

Posted on: 2014/5/16 18:08

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Posted on: 2014/5/16 15:37

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Did anyone say Benghazi?

Conservatards = pathetic.

I've just realized that this word really exists!

Posted on: 2014/5/16 15:32

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Paging Monroe. Cleanup on isle 3.

Resized Image
Who, me?

Ex-Christie Aide: I Told Guv About BridgeGate Plans Despite What He Told Press

On Dec. 13, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) told the press that no one on his senior staff had prior knowledge of the plan to close access lanes to the George Washington Bridge in September. But a lawyer representing Christie's former campaign manager Bill Stepien now says that was wrong.

The claim was included in a letter sent in early April -- and made public Wednesday -- by attorney Kevin Marino. The letter was sent to Randy Mastro, the high-priced defense attorney who led the governor's internal review of the scandal.

The letter demanded corrections to a report produced by Mastro and his team, which cleared Christie of any role in the scandal. Among Marino's demands: that Mastro retract the portion of the report claiming that Stepien had falsely assured Christie that he had no "prior knowledge of the [GWB] lane realignment."

"[T]he Report itself acknowledges -- albeit obliquely -- that Mr. Stepien advised Governor Christie on December 12, 2013, that he (Mr. Stepien) did have prior knowledge of the lane realignment," Marino wrote, later adding: "When the Governor asked Mr. Stepien directly whether he had prior knowledge of the lane closures, Mr. Stepien truthfully told the Governor that [former Port Authority of New York and New Jersey executive] David Wildstein had come to him with the idea, to which Mr. Stepien responded that Mr. Wildstein would have to run the idea by normal channels in Trenton (i.e. the Governor's Office)."

At a press conference the next day, on Dec. 13, Christie told reporters that he had ?made it very clear to everybody on my senior staff that if anyone had any knowledge about this that they needed to come forward to me and tell me about it and they?ve all assured me that they don?t," according to The Bergen Record. Asked specifically at the news conference about Stepien, Christie said that he had spoken to his former campaign manager, who had assured him of ?the same thing.?

Several weeks later, documents were released tying several of Christie's staff members to discussions of the lane closures both before and after they occurred.

More: ... christie-bridgegate-plans

Posted on: 2014/5/16 13:44

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Pebs, the photo they captioned was from months ago, not one taken from the dog and pony show yesterday.

It almost was like an Old Masters painting with the shaft of light from the heavens shining on Whizzy, lol.

Posted on: 2014/5/7 20:47

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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JCMan8 wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Here's a caption from one of the Star Ledger's daily smear stories-can they show their bias even more? Did the caption author get a stiffy when gazing adorably on Whizzy? Did the beam of light come down from the gods, showing how they favor the Inquisition?

You can't make this stuff up!

Standing in a beam of sunlight striking his desk in the Assembly Chamber, Assemblyman John Wisniewski (D-Middlesex) answers questions of Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce (R-Morris) (right) during debate over the creation of a bipartisan joint legislative committee at the State House to investigate the George Washington Bridge scandal.

That's pretty funny. I agree that when a news outlet is reporting news, they should make every effort to hide their bias. Somehow, I don't think that caption cuts it.

One very obvious fact from both posts: you both know absolutely nothing about journalism or how a newspaper operates.

Captions below photos, like headlines, are not written by the authors of the article. Editors do that. As Chester points out, it was an effort to clarify the photograph.

The bias only exists in your mind?

Posted on: 2014/5/7 20:40
Dos A Cero

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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The picture in question makes it appear as if Democrat Wisniewski had a spotlight on him, while Republican BettyLou DeCroce was shadowed. The caption makes it clear that it was an act of Mother Nature. Had the caption not made it clear, you can be sure that some folks would complain that Republicans are being hidden in the hearings.

Resized Image

Posted on: 2014/5/7 18:37

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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JCMan8 wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Here's a caption from one of the Star Ledger's daily smear stories-can they show their bias even more? Did the caption author get a stiffy when gazing adorably on Whizzy? Did the beam of light come down from the gods, showing how they favor the Inquisition?

You can't make this stuff up!

Standing in a beam of sunlight striking his desk in the Assembly Chamber, Assemblyman John Wisniewski (D-Middlesex) answers questions of Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce (R-Morris) (right) during debate over the creation of a bipartisan joint legislative committee at the State House to investigate the George Washington Bridge scandal.

That's pretty funny. I agree that when a news outlet is reporting news, they should make every effort to hide their bias. Somehow, I don't think that caption cuts it.

While not quite the Chris Matthew's 'I get a thrill up my leg every time Obama speaks' it's pretty amusing!

Posted on: 2014/5/7 18:10

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Monroe wrote:
Here's a caption from one of the Star Ledger's daily smear stories-can they show their bias even more? Did the caption author get a stiffy when gazing adorably on Whizzy? Did the beam of light come down from the gods, showing how they favor the Inquisition?

You can't make this stuff up!

Standing in a beam of sunlight striking his desk in the Assembly Chamber, Assemblyman John Wisniewski (D-Middlesex) answers questions of Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce (R-Morris) (right) during debate over the creation of a bipartisan joint legislative committee at the State House to investigate the George Washington Bridge scandal.

That's pretty funny. I agree that when a news outlet is reporting news, they should make every effort to hide their bias. Somehow, I don't think that caption cuts it.

Posted on: 2014/5/7 18:08

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Here's a caption from one of the Star Ledger's daily smear stories-can they show their bias even more? Did the caption author get a stiffy when gazing adorably on Whizzy? Did the beam of light come down from the gods, showing how they favor the Inquisition?

You can't make this stuff up!

Standing in a beam of sunlight striking his desk in the Assembly Chamber, Assemblyman John Wisniewski (D-Middlesex) answers questions of Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce (R-Morris) (right) during debate over the creation of a bipartisan joint legislative committee at the State House to investigate the George Washington Bridge scandal.

Posted on: 2014/5/7 17:47

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
All Christie is doing is an old HR procedure called 'remove all corporate history' to the specific issue.

Obama has also made some poor / bad decisions in my mind that is deserving of a kick in the nuts, however Healy and Christie both have a direct impact on my quality of life and are supposed to represent me and my interests ... not their own!

By the way Obama has a BA in International Relations and Political Science and is a professor of Constitutional Law - He is no dime a dozen Law graduate working for a small firm.

I still stand by the belief that lawyers make crap Mayors, Governors or Presidents

You're first sentence is 180 degrees off. Christie and his Lt not only gave investigators all their government communication information, but handed over their PERSONAL phone, text, and email communications to ensure transparency in the 'investigation'.

Quite the opposite of 'remove all corporate history' I'd say.

Posted on: 2014/5/7 11:17

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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All Christie is doing is an old HR procedure called 'remove all corporate history' to the specific issue.

Obama has also made some poor / bad decisions in my mind that is deserving of a kick in the nuts, however Healy and Christie both have a direct impact on my quality of life and are supposed to represent me and my interests ... not their own!

By the way Obama has a BA in International Relations and Political Science and is a professor of Constitutional Law - He is no dime a dozen Law graduate working for a small firm.

I still stand by the belief that lawyers make crap Mayors, Governors or Presidents

Posted on: 2014/5/7 4:25
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Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
If Christie has no control on staff or employ appropriate staff, how in the hell can he govern a State? - Christie doesn't have the management skills to run an organization as would a CEO of a corporation - As my avatar suggests, we elect idiots and we always think Lawyers make the best CEO's ... what a load of crap, they make the worst, with both Healy and Christie the classic and recent examples; All they are good at is covering their ass and finger pointing blame. In other words they love authority but without the accountability of actions.

Wow, I can't imagine how upset you must be with Obama, what with all the departments running amok (IRS, State, Justice, etc) and he being a lawyer as well.

Of course, Christie has fired or forced out everyone involved, which we're still waiting for Obama to do mostly.

But a NJ traffic jam really doesn't compare to Obama using the IRS for partisan political purposes, among other things, now does it?

Posted on: 2014/5/7 3:02

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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If Christie has no control on staff or employ appropriate staff, how in the hell can he govern a State? - Christie doesn't have the management skills to run an organization as would a CEO of a corporation - As my avatar suggests, we elect idiots and we always think Lawyers make the best CEO's ... what a load of crap, they make the worst, with both Healy and Christie the classic and recent examples; All they are good at is covering their ass and finger pointing blame. In other words they love authority but without the accountability of actions.

Posted on: 2014/5/7 2:52
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Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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And Renna also said she doesn't think Christie had anything to do with the traffic jam, and that her office was 'amazingly non-partisan' in the way it performed.

Posted on: 2014/5/6 22:36

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Christie aide tells bridge scandal panel she feared she'd be fired.

TRENTON ? A former staff member in Gov. Chris Christie's office today testified that she ?had no knowledge or involvement? in the plan to close New Jersey toll lanes to the George Washington Bridge ? and that she feared Christie's team would fire her for reporting suspicious activity by her boss.

Christina Genovese Renna, who worked for Bridget Anne Kelly at the time of the lane closures, described her former boss as erratic and unstable, "enormously overwhelmed and enormously stressed with day-to-day life."

Read More

Posted on: 2014/5/6 22:12

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Whiff, as today the committee finally had a live person testify and the crack committee didn't lay a hand on her, or Christie.

Whizzy and Whiney tried to throw as much mud at the wall as possible and were humiliated by the Christie staffer this morning. In fact, this young woman is the one who printed an email from Bridget Kelly that Bridget asked to be deleted-so we know she's honest, which makes her testimony today so disheartening to those trying to smear our Governor.

Posted on: 2014/5/6 16:11

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WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:
You're arguing for that Christie needs to a "disprove a negative". That's a logical fallacy. The default is that he didn't know and we need evidence to show that he did know before we can make an argument otherwise.

I'm arguing no such thing. Christie has made his statements. In his own BS document, it is stated that he was told about the traffic on the GWB during its occurrence.

My contention is that he's lying or that he's incompetent.


Monroe wrote:
And Whizzy and Whiney whiff in their first swing. ... hearing.html#incart_river

I?m sorry, I have no idea who ?Whizzy and Whiney? are. Maybe you can write like someone that isn?t a two-year-old when describing a member of an opposing political party.

I also fail to understand what you mean by ?whiff on their first swing.? This investigation has been going on months. It started with nothing and now we know that government workers were involved. Wouldn?t that be the first swing? This seems more like a late innings involvement. Nobody thought she was going to have all the answers but to not ask her would be negligent, you know what that means based on the fact that it describes Chris Christie and his inability to handle his staff.

Posted on: 2014/5/6 15:49
Dos A Cero

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