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Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2012/1/11 18:21
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2019/12/26 15:30
From GV Bayside Park
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No I am not kidding, I never mentioned white, my keywords were Beige, and sterile. I love how you read.

Posted on: 2014/1/8 21:23

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2013/7/1 16:39
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2014/12/15 23:01
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Are you kidding? Hoboken is waaaay more homogenous and white; it's almost blinding. DTJC has a preponderance of Indian, Hispanic, Asian and other cultures residing in it.

Please quit this whole "if it ain't Greenville, it's all white" garbage, it's tiresome. We're all happy that you're proud to live and own a home in the ghetto. Seriously, we'll make you a Lewis and Clark ribbon for being the brave white warrior.


user1111 wrote:

RUinHamiltonPark wrote:
Yes why would we want what Hoboken has?

Who needs outsiders flooding the town to spend money?

Would much prefer the outsiders we currently have that cross from Newark to commit violent crimes. The risk of carjacking is insignificant. What we really need to avoid is people who might be loud and make noise. Get off my lawn!!!!

The lack of nightlife mainly comes from two things: the "stroller" crowd (who are trying to do the same in Hoboken) and the old timers who are afraid of becoming Hoboken- more because of the cost of the rent, not the noise.

Also Hoboken has a lots of quiet spots. It also has a main street with more bars than dollar and discount stores too.

When JC gets lumped in with Newark instead of Hoboken and NYC, some of our residents only have their own instrasigence to blame. The faster these people move to the suburbs and rail on shopping centers and affordable housing, the better it is for JC.

Here is an idea, why don't you move to Hoboken? You seem to love that place. DTJC is becoming just as sterile as that place.... completely beige.

Posted on: 2014/1/8 21:21

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2007/10/11 3:28
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tommyc_37 wrote:
I'll also chime in on walkability and overall pedestrian friendliness. Let's get one thing straight - in the grand scheme of things (nationally) Downtown Jersey City is extremely pedestrian friendly. Extremely.

But compared to some of our similar neighbors, like Hoboken and brownstone Brooklyn, Jersey City is challenged in some ways. There are some hideous stretches, right in the heart of our downtown, that make pedestrian activity VERY difficult. This, in my opinion is unacceptable. Notorious streets that receive an F for pedestrian friendliness? Marin Blvd - the entire thing. Columbus Drive - the entire thing, at least west of Warren Street. Grand Street west of Marin. Washington, between Grand and 2nd Street or so.

Also unacceptable - that developers are continuing to build structures that encourage the use of cars, and enable people to be reliant on cars. Not only does it do aesthetic damage to all of our eyes by putting massive parking structures that start on ground level, instead of retail spaces, therefore isolating the sidewalks and sucking all vibrancy from them ... but it does the greater damage of pandering to people who prefer to get in their car from the parking garage, and zip off into the sunset, versus attracting residents who don't have a car, don't necessarily want a car, and would prefer to be walking around their neighborhood interacting with people and being customers at local businesses.

THAT is how a city is supposed to be structured.

The Atlantic just published an article on Brussels, and how its mayor is a proponent of banning all vehicles in the city's core. That is forward thinking. Jersey City can do better than it has done.

So ban cars? How do I get to work which can be anywhere in NY, NJ or Conn and at very early hours in the morning? People can't live here unless they work in Manhattan? I use public transportation as much as I can and bikes have their place but some people need cars. Want to cut back on cars and parking then put a limit on the size of new developments. No more towers.

Posted on: 2014/1/8 21:15

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2008/1/3 19:12
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From Van Vorst Park
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I'll also chime in on walkability and overall pedestrian friendliness. Let's get one thing straight - in the grand scheme of things (nationally) Downtown Jersey City is extremely pedestrian friendly. Extremely.

But compared to some of our similar neighbors, like Hoboken and brownstone Brooklyn, Jersey City is challenged in some ways. There are some hideous stretches, right in the heart of our downtown, that make pedestrian activity VERY difficult. This, in my opinion is unacceptable. Notorious streets that receive an F for pedestrian friendliness? Marin Blvd - the entire thing. Columbus Drive - the entire thing, at least west of Warren Street. Grand Street west of Marin. Washington, between Grand and 2nd Street or so.

Also unacceptable - that developers are continuing to build structures that encourage the use of cars, and enable people to be reliant on cars. Not only does it do aesthetic damage to all of our eyes by putting massive parking structures that start on ground level, instead of retail spaces, therefore isolating the sidewalks and sucking all vibrancy from them ... but it does the greater damage of pandering to people who prefer to get in their car from the parking garage, and zip off into the sunset, versus attracting residents who don't have a car, don't necessarily want a car, and would prefer to be walking around their neighborhood interacting with people and being customers at local businesses.

THAT is how a city is supposed to be structured.

The Atlantic just published an article on Brussels, and how its mayor is a proponent of banning all vehicles in the city's core. That is forward thinking. Jersey City can do better than it has done.

Posted on: 2014/1/8 20:57

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2012/1/11 18:21
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2019/12/26 15:30
From GV Bayside Park
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RUinHamiltonPark wrote:
Yes why would we want what Hoboken has?

Who needs outsiders flooding the town to spend money?

Would much prefer the outsiders we currently have that cross from Newark to commit violent crimes. The risk of carjacking is insignificant. What we really need to avoid is people who might be loud and make noise. Get off my lawn!!!!

The lack of nightlife mainly comes from two things: the "stroller" crowd (who are trying to do the same in Hoboken) and the old timers who are afraid of becoming Hoboken- more because of the cost of the rent, not the noise.

Also Hoboken has a lots of quiet spots. It also has a main street with more bars than dollar and discount stores too.

When JC gets lumped in with Newark instead of Hoboken and NYC, some of our residents only have their own instrasigence to blame. The faster these people move to the suburbs and rail on shopping centers and affordable housing, the better it is for JC.

Here is an idea, why don't you move to Hoboken? You seem to love that place. DTJC is becoming just as sterile as that place.... completely beige.

Posted on: 2014/1/8 20:38

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2012/7/11 19:25
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2016/9/8 19:37
From Soho West
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Yes why would we want what Hoboken has?

Who needs outsiders flooding the town to spend money?

Would much prefer the outsiders we currently have that cross from Newark to commit violent crimes. The risk of carjacking is insignificant. What we really need to avoid is people who might be loud and make noise. Get off my lawn!!!!

The lack of nightlife mainly comes from two things: the "stroller" crowd (who are trying to do the same in Hoboken) and the old timers who are afraid of becoming Hoboken- more because of the cost of the rent, not the noise.

Also Hoboken has a lots of quiet spots. It also has a main street with more bars than dollar and discount stores too.

When JC gets lumped in with Newark instead of Hoboken and NYC, some of our residents only have their own instrasigence to blame. The faster these people move to the suburbs and rail on shopping centers and affordable housing, the better it is for JC.

Posted on: 2014/1/8 20:25

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2012/1/11 18:21
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2019/12/26 15:30
From GV Bayside Park
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Trivia wrote:

user1111 wrote:
The waterfront in JC sucks it should have gone all the way around the city, it should not cut off... in BK and even Hoboken you can walk around the entire water front which we cannot. As far as clubs, I don't think a club here would be very interesting too many peeps here are on different pages.

I'm ok with something like QXT's or Latin Lounge. Can someone explain Jordan's to me? My friends tried to go inside there once, and were quickly turned away. They seem to be closed all of the time as well. Has anyone ever been in there?

I use to go to Jordan years ago when it was cool, they use to have spoken word, comedy night, even a gay night.. but when they put in those medal detectors it when to shit and anyone that was a bit interesting stop coming and they began to cater to a Newark crowd.

I use to love Alberts and Uncle Joe's :( sigh that's when JC and NYC was interesting now both are mirroring Disney Land.

Posted on: 2014/1/8 20:14

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
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Trivia wrote:

We have MORE than enough bars and restaurants and places to hang out. There seem to be an endless supply of people who want places built to their specs. Ain't happening. What do clubs bring? Crime and stupidity. Have you ever been in Hoboken on a weekend night around the PATH station? It's a joke. Jersey City doesn't "need" that. The last thing we need is a Welcome Mat for idiots. And if you think "well we just need a club that's fun but kind of chill and no troublemakers and blah, blah, blah.." then you are blowing smoke up your own ass.

I dunno, JC was the ghetto for a long time, and still is in most parts. Its seems like arts and culture attracts the right people, at least that's what I've seen in Brooklyn. I don't think JC will ever be like Hoboken, for one it is a lot bigger, and it is not a college town. Believe you me, I do not like the idea of anything Hoboken-like. But they don't really have much in the way of places to go if you are not getting shwasted. I have never been to a gallery there, and the only venue was Maxwells. Its known for its sports bars with huge TV's and drunk yuppies who pretend they live in NY and tell people they just "sleep" in NJ. Egh Hoboken.

I have nothing against arts and culture. Clubs don't bring either. They are a nuisance and chase away arts and culture.

Posted on: 2014/1/8 20:13

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2013/6/25 15:13
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2014/6/12 13:54
From Van Vorst
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user1111 wrote:
The waterfront in JC sucks it should have gone all the way around the city, it should not cut off... in BK and even Hoboken you can walk around the entire water front which we cannot. As far as clubs, I don't think a club here would be very interesting too many peeps here are on different pages.

I'm ok with something like QXT's or Latin Lounge. Can someone explain Jordan's to me? My friends tried to go inside there once, and were quickly turned away. They seem to be closed all of the time as well. Has anyone ever been in there?

Posted on: 2014/1/8 20:05

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2013/11/4 19:00
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Trivia wrote:

We have MORE than enough bars and restaurants and places to hang out. There seem to be an endless supply of people who want places built to their specs. Ain't happening. What do clubs bring? Crime and stupidity. Have you ever been in Hoboken on a weekend night around the PATH station? It's a joke. Jersey City doesn't "need" that. The last thing we need is a Welcome Mat for idiots. And if you think "well we just need a club that's fun but kind of chill and no troublemakers and blah, blah, blah.." then you are blowing smoke up your own ass.

I dunno, JC was the ghetto for a long time, and still is in most parts. Its seems like arts and culture attracts the right people, at least that's what I've seen in Brooklyn. I don't think JC will ever be like Hoboken, for one it is a lot bigger, and it is not a college town. Believe you me, I do not like the idea of anything Hoboken-like. But they don't really have much in the way of places to go if you are not getting shwasted. I have never been to a gallery there, and the only venue was Maxwells. Its known for its sports bars with huge TV's and drunk yuppies who pretend they live in NY and tell people they just "sleep" in NJ. Egh Hoboken.

Agreed - and I'd also add that Hoboken became what it has because of the train station there. Ever since I was younger I've known it as the place where kids from North Jersey go to hang out. It was its own nightlife destination unto itself, but with super easy access to NY.

Hell, the first bar I ever hit after turning 21 was Black Bear on Washington. My how times have changed...

Posted on: 2014/1/8 20:04

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2012/1/11 18:21
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2019/12/26 15:30
From GV Bayside Park
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The waterfront in JC sucks it should have gone all the way around the city, it should not cut off... in BK and even Hoboken you can walk around the entire water front which we cannot. As far as clubs, I don't think a club here would be very interesting too many peeps here are on different pages.

Posted on: 2014/1/8 20:01

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2013/6/25 15:13
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2014/6/12 13:54
From Van Vorst
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We have MORE than enough bars and restaurants and places to hang out. There seem to be an endless supply of people who want places built to their specs. Ain't happening. What do clubs bring? Crime and stupidity. Have you ever been in Hoboken on a weekend night around the PATH station? It's a joke. Jersey City doesn't "need" that. The last thing we need is a Welcome Mat for idiots. And if you think "well we just need a club that's fun but kind of chill and no troublemakers and blah, blah, blah.." then you are blowing smoke up your own ass.

I dunno, JC was the ghetto for a long time, and still is in most parts. Its seems like arts and culture attracts the right people, at least that's what I've seen in Brooklyn. I don't think JC will ever be like Hoboken, for one it is a lot bigger, and it is not a college town. Believe you me, I do not like the idea of anything Hoboken-like. But they don't really have much in the way of places to go if you are not getting shwasted. I have never been to a gallery there, and the only venue was Maxwells. Its known for its sports bars with huge TV's and drunk yuppies who pretend they live in NY and tell people they just "sleep" in NJ. Egh Hoboken.

Posted on: 2014/1/8 19:58

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2013/11/4 19:00
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I see both sides of the argument. I wouldn't have moved here if I thought it was as crappy as some people make it out to be.

But the author makes same fair points. The truth is, compared to Hoboken, a walk through DTJC is not as easy or pretty. Given the infrastructure, I am not sure what immediate improvements can be made to become more pedestrian friendly. It would be nice to see an expansion of sidewalks and bike lanes on streets like Marin and Washington but I'm sure would lead to a traffic nightmare. And while I think that our main drag of Newark Ave. still looks a bit too sleepy and rundown at times, the town seems to be developing to address that. If visitors getting off the Grove path were greeted by an inviting, thriving row of nightlife and restaurants, this would be a different story. Maybe it will be like that one day soon.

A lot of construction is happening near the Powerhouse. There are plans for it to develop into a more lively commercial hub just off the water, but a historic warehouse can't be stablized overnight. We'll see how it all pans out.

Having grown up in the area (and coming from Hoboken), I will be the first to tell you that there isn't the same hustle and bustle of young professional nightlife that many expect when visiting what is supposed to be an up-and-coming city. But I happen to enjoy the fact that you can hit a bar on a Friday and Saturday and not have to bump elbows with 22 year olds.

Just think of what we have now, and what you enjoy. Call me an optimist, but I think with time, this type of growth will accelerate and the town will become a place you all would be proud to call home.

Posted on: 2014/1/8 19:57

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2013/7/1 16:39
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Agreed. You can keep your fist pumping clubs; JC doesn't need or want it, otherwise it would have happened.

Remember the crime-ridden sh*thole Sandbar? We can do without that. Bad enough Surf City is slowly morphing back into that, but it's nothing like Sand Bar. That's why we have Hoboken.

Hoboken is best described as that girl you hook up with but won't date. You just do every possible disgusting thing with no shame, head home afterwards, and call her up when you need her.

Give or take, that's Hoboken. JC doesn't need to be that girl.


Vigilante wrote:

Prismatic wrote:

Vigilante wrote:

Prismatic wrote:
The only thing he actually got 100% right is #6 but honestly it wouldn't hurt if the city allowed a few clubs here. It wouldn't turn in Hoboken if clubs were scattered around the city. Problem with Hoboken is most of the clubs are centered around one small location.

But yea he really only got #6 right.

What about Surf City and that Beer Hall? Why the #OOPS# would we want clubs? Doesn't anyone remember when they had that club under the TPK/1-9 Ramp? Just brought dangerous drivers and drunks making their way through quiet, residential streets. Jersey City has everything in the way of bars, restaurants and clubs. Just use them and stop thinking that more of the same is helpful to this city or just move to Hoboken, NYC or New Orleans.

Uh uh uh... to have fun. This city lacks any real night life even smaller cities have a better night life than JC and whether you like it or not nightlife is an integral part of living in a city even if the city bills itself as being "chill". People like to go and have fun something I doubt you know anything about. People would rather spend a night out in their own city rather than have to take a train or bus, into another city, which stop operating long before the typical closing hours for most clubs. Restaurants and a few bars won't do. If you want people to be as bored with life as you are then I highly suggest you move to West Bubble Fuk, Indiana.

We have MORE than enough bars and restaurants and places to hang out. There seem to be an endless supply of people who want places built to their specs. Ain't happening. What do clubs bring? Crime and stupidity. Have you ever been in Hoboken on a weekend night around the PATH station? It's a joke. Jersey City doesn't "need" that. The last thing we need is a Welcome Mat for idiots. And if you think "well we just need a club that's fun but kind of chill and no troublemakers and blah, blah, blah.." then you are blowing smoke up your own ass.

Posted on: 2014/1/8 19:55

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
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Prismatic wrote:

Vigilante wrote:

Prismatic wrote:
The only thing he actually got 100% right is #6 but honestly it wouldn't hurt if the city allowed a few clubs here. It wouldn't turn in Hoboken if clubs were scattered around the city. Problem with Hoboken is most of the clubs are centered around one small location.

But yea he really only got #6 right.

What about Surf City and that Beer Hall? Why the #OOPS# would we want clubs? Doesn't anyone remember when they had that club under the TPK/1-9 Ramp? Just brought dangerous drivers and drunks making their way through quiet, residential streets. Jersey City has everything in the way of bars, restaurants and clubs. Just use them and stop thinking that more of the same is helpful to this city or just move to Hoboken, NYC or New Orleans.

Uh uh uh... to have fun. This city lacks any real night life even smaller cities have a better night life than JC and whether you like it or not nightlife is an integral part of living in a city even if the city bills itself as being "chill". People like to go and have fun something I doubt you know anything about. People would rather spend a night out in their own city rather than have to take a train or bus, into another city, which stop operating long before the typical closing hours for most clubs. Restaurants and a few bars won't do. If you want people to be as bored with life as you are then I highly suggest you move to West Bubble Fuk, Indiana.

We have MORE than enough bars and restaurants and places to hang out. There seem to be an endless supply of people who want places built to their specs. Ain't happening. What do clubs bring? Crime and stupidity. Have you ever been in Hoboken on a weekend night around the PATH station? It's a joke. Jersey City doesn't "need" that. The last thing we need is a Welcome Mat for idiots. And if you think "well we just need a club that's fun but kind of chill and no troublemakers and blah, blah, blah.." then you are blowing smoke up your own ass.

Posted on: 2014/1/8 19:45

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2013/6/25 15:13
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2014/6/12 13:54
From Van Vorst
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Prismatic wrote:

Vigilante wrote:

Prismatic wrote:
The only thing he actually got 100% right is #6 but honestly it wouldn't hurt if the city allowed a few clubs here. It wouldn't turn in Hoboken if clubs were scattered around the city. Problem with Hoboken is most of the clubs are centered around one small location.

But yea he really only got #6 right.

What about Surf City and that Beer Hall? Why the #OOPS# would we want clubs? Doesn't anyone remember when they had that club under the TPK/1-9 Ramp? Just brought dangerous drivers and drunks making their way through quiet, residential streets. Jersey City has everything in the way of bars, restaurants and clubs. Just use them and stop thinking that more of the same is helpful to this city or just move to Hoboken, NYC or New Orleans.

Uh uh uh... to have fun. This city lacks any real night life even smaller cities have a better night life than JC and whether you like it or not nightlife is an integral part of living in a city even if the city bills itself as being "chill". People like to go and have fun something I doubt you know anything about. People would rather spend a night out in their own city rather than have to take a train or bus, into another city, which stop operating long before the typical closing hours for most clubs. Restaurants and a few bars won't do. If you want people to be as bored with life as you are then I highly suggest you move to West Bubble Fuk, Indiana.

Well, there's always the opening of the White Eagle Hall. I've got my eggs in that basket for amusement and entertainment. JC has been very anti all of that with its live music ordinances for a long time, it looks like that is changing. ... 4507404578592060891000092 ... y_allowing_late-nigh.html

Posted on: 2014/1/8 19:40

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2013/4/22 23:08
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Vigilante wrote:

Prismatic wrote:
The only thing he actually got 100% right is #6 but honestly it wouldn't hurt if the city allowed a few clubs here. It wouldn't turn in Hoboken if clubs were scattered around the city. Problem with Hoboken is most of the clubs are centered around one small location.

But yea he really only got #6 right.

What about Surf City and that Beer Hall? Why the #OOPS# would we want clubs? Doesn't anyone remember when they had that club under the TPK/1-9 Ramp? Just brought dangerous drivers and drunks making their way through quiet, residential streets. Jersey City has everything in the way of bars, restaurants and clubs. Just use them and stop thinking that more of the same is helpful to this city or just move to Hoboken, NYC or New Orleans.

Uh uh uh... to have fun. This city lacks any real night life even smaller cities have a better night life than JC and whether you like it or not nightlife is an integral part of living in a city even if the city bills itself as being "chill". People like to go and have fun something I doubt you know anything about. People would rather spend a night out in their own city rather than have to take a train or bus, into another city, which stop operating long before the typical closing hours for most clubs. Restaurants and a few bars won't do. If you want people to be as bored with life as you are then I highly suggest you move to West Bubble Fuk, Indiana.

Posted on: 2014/1/8 19:10

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2008/11/18 17:08
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It's mostly factual. It has walkable cute areas, but the city as a whole is not walkable. There are plenty of reviews, yelp etc for people to use. I don't see why an article has to give suggestions, furthermore the feel of places will be very different in that weekend compared to normal, so it may be hard to predict.

I don't see how JC non-downtown is of interest to super bowl visitors. These people are not on a historic Ward tour or sth. Other than that, overall, a very good article.

Posted on: 2014/1/8 19:07

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2012/1/11 18:21
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2019/12/26 15:30
From GV Bayside Park
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This should make all you folks who disagree with the article feel warm and fuzzy... a nice fluff guide to dtjc..

You wouldn't think that it would be true of a city of a quarter million people ? let alone one that is home to thousands of musicians and artists ? but Jersey City has struggled to sustain options for fans of live music. Uncle Joe's, a virtual spinoff of Maxwell's in Hoboken, was the centerpiece of the local scene in the mid-'00s, but it's now long gone. A major new venue always seems to be on the verge of opening up, but somehow, one never does. In spite of all obstacles, Jersey City does still manage to rock, occasionally, in fits and starts.

LITM. The nerve center of culture at Downtown Jersey City, LITM - that stands for Love Is the Message ? is as celebrated for its food and its art exhibitions as well as its drinks. There's no live music in the bar, but if there's an impromptu show happening anywhere in this rock-averse town, you'll hear about it here. 140 Newark Ave. Call (201) 536-5557 or visit

Lucky 7. This corner dive bar has become the best place in Jersey City to catch a band in action. The room is so tiny, you'll wonder how they'll squeeze a group in there - but they do, and many of them are shockingly good. Don't look to the bar's website to find out if there's an event, though: Instead, check out Tony Susco's Rockit-Docket, the most reliable source for Jersey City listings. 322 2nd St. at Coles. Call (201) 418-8585 or visit and

The Lamp Post. If nobody is playing at Lucky 7, you might try your luck at the Lamp Post, which generally hosts live bands on Saturday nights. Most of the groups that play both venues are locals, which means skewed guitar rock, garage punk, acoustic-slinging singer-songwriters, and the occasional intrepid synthpop act. 382 2nd Ave. Call (201) 222-133; no website, check

The Warehouse Caf?. Tucked away on the first floor of a former industrial building in the Warehouse District, this pretty caf? vies with Choc-o-Pain and Basic for the title of the town's most fetching coffeehouse. The Warehouse Caf? has been known to be haunted by jazz acts - but with the weather chilly in January, chances are, there won't be live music in the house 140 Bay St., Jersey City; call (201) 420-8882 or visit

Powerhouse Lounge. This drinking establishment on Marin Boulevard - that's the road that leads straight to the Holland Tunnel - was once a Rascals comedy club. It's an obvious place for bands to play, and Powerhouse may choose to book a few someday, but for now, it's deejays on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night. 360 Marin Blvd. Call (201) 918-5125 or visit
If you can't rock, you might as well play video games: Barcade, on Newark.
Saed Hindash/The Star-Ledger

Barcade. A Williamsburg import, the Barcade brand pairs drinks and food with classic video games. It's schticky, to be sure, but it's quickly become one of the most popular spots Downtown. And Barcade wins points for keeping all of its machines 25 cents per play. 163 Newark Ave. Call (201) 332-4555 or visit
Zeppelin Hall. Crowded, loud, and Teutonic, Zeppelin Hall is arguably the Downtown's most popular bar. As the name suggests, the food and drink on the menu is predominantly German (pretzels, bratwurst, streudel, and beer), but the bands that play on the weekends generally perform covers of American pop and rock. 88 Liberty View Drive. Call (201) 721-8888 or visit

Posted on: 2014/1/8 19:06

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2012/1/11 18:21
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2019/12/26 15:30
From GV Bayside Park
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Finally an article I can relate to and not some fluff piece to sell mid western folks condos. Cheers!

Posted on: 2014/1/8 18:15

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2006/6/13 17:16
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From Hamilton Park
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"Jersey City is more than just downtown" is a fair point, but not relevant for Super Bowl visitors. They will be downtown, and they will stay downtown. There is no reason for an out-of-town visitor to be walking around Journal Square, and the fact that Grove St. is "easier to navigate on foot" is hardly the one thing a visitor needs to know about Grove St.

The article would have been more helpful if it suggested downtown places worth a visit.

Posted on: 2014/1/8 18:14
I live by the river.

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2008/1/3 19:12
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2020/9/30 18:46
From Van Vorst Park
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This guide could certainly have been a little more positive, and frankly it could be a little more helpful, but some points are accurate.

There really is not much to do for a visitor staying in a hotel in Jersey City, which is exactly why 99% of people that are here for the Super Bowl will be spending their non-game time in Manhattan. I don't blame them one bit, nor should anyone.

For a city of 250,000, the lack of nightlife in Jersey City is very noticeable and really surprising. If you're a visitor, you have to really, really look hard for a bar that's not a sleepy sports bar.

As much as I enjoy the small handful of bars I frequent (Luckys, Barcade, White Star), the lack of critical mass in the nighlife realm is a big gripe of mine about JC. Unfortunately, I don't expect too much to change unless legislation changes. The cost of a liquor license in JC, the scarcity of liquor licenses in JC, the "Restaurant Row" ordinance (which mandates that a bar must also be a full service restaurant), and the very powerful collective desire to not become another Hoboken (I agree with that), are all factors that prevent people from opening bona fide bars in Jersey City.

We have some very, very good retaurants in JC, and hopefully we will get more of those, but the bar scene is one of the worst I've seen in any city, even including much smaller cities.

Posted on: 2014/1/8 18:08

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2009/12/22 20:28
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The problem with the article is he presents it as tips for visitors when it is just a bitch fest about things he doesn't like. A guide with tips for visitors might be useful if it was a guide, with tips for visitors.

Nothing like taking the opportunity presented by having thousands of new people visit your city and using it to point out all the stuff you don't like.

Posted on: 2014/1/8 18:04

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
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Prismatic wrote:
The only thing he actually got 100% right is #6 but honestly it wouldn't hurt if the city allowed a few clubs here. It wouldn't turn in Hoboken if clubs were scattered around the city. Problem with Hoboken is most of the clubs are centered around one small location.

But yea he really only got #6 right.

What about Surf City and that Beer Hall? Why the #OOPS# would we want clubs? Doesn't anyone remember when they had that club under the TPK/1-9 Ramp? Just brought dangerous drivers and drunks making their way through quiet, residential streets. Jersey City has everything in the way of bars, restaurants and clubs. Just use them and stop thinking that more of the same is helpful to this city or just move to Hoboken, NYC or New Orleans.

Posted on: 2014/1/8 17:45

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2011/8/28 14:45
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Bring back Snooki.

Posted on: 2014/1/8 17:00
The All Knowing and All Powerful Joe Has Spoken!

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2013/7/1 16:39
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2014/12/15 23:01
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While I don't disagree with some of the points made in the article, the author definitely could have been more positive in the approach to addressing these points. It ends up coming off as a douchey critique of JC's issues rather than helpful "tips" for visitors.

As a (presumably) proud resident, you'd think Tris would have though of that, rather than just bash the city for its flaws.

Posted on: 2014/1/8 16:55

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2011/2/16 0:26
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anonymess wrote:
Much of what you quoted was out of context.

Ok, I'll bite.

Views of the Manhattan skyline from Jersey City are so stunning that you might be inclined to walk the length of the Hudson waterfront. Good luck. A path along the river usually exists, but it's frequently broken up by hotels, condominium developments, and piers.

The only "break" exists at the Liberty Landing Marina, and that break is between the LSP footbridge and the Peninsula Park. No pier, hotel, or condo breaks up the path north of the Goldman Sachs tower. The pathway continues all the way up to the Stevens Institute hill in Hoboken.

Again, by law hotels and condos are required to provide waterfront access in the form of a pathway. How again is my quote out of context?

Posted on: 2014/1/8 16:51

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2013/4/22 23:08
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2015/3/10 21:37
From The Heights.
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The only thing he actually got 100% right is #6 but honestly it wouldn't hurt if the city allowed a few clubs here. It wouldn't turn in Hoboken if clubs were scattered around the city. Problem with Hoboken is most of the clubs are centered around one small location.

But yea he really only got #6 right.

Posted on: 2014/1/8 16:51

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2005/9/15 16:41
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2019/6/19 18:03
From Grove St.
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I'm not Tris McCall, I just happened to read the article this morning. Go find another pot to stir, Troll

Posted on: 2014/1/8 16:50

Re: Ready for the worst article ever written about Jersey City?
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2011/2/16 0:26
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2016/10/22 1:46
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rosember wrote:
Get a life

Tris McCall is as objective as they come, and a resident of Jersey City. Knit pick what you will, I found the article factual and well written. He doesn't have an agenda, and tells it the way it is.

Tris, I'm glad you're here to defend your own article.

If this person really lives in Jersey City, that makes this article even more embarrassing.

Posted on: 2014/1/8 16:47

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