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Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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2010/7/17 13:37
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Are trolls now more commonplace on this thread and community board? It smells like sad trolls. Is this why people are leaving and heading over to and other community threads for normal information?

Posted on: 2012/9/14 2:25

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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vindication15 wrote:

. . . I want to live in a society that I don't have to look back every 5 seconds to see if a man is about to rob me. I want to live in a society that I can leave my door open or have my girlfriend wear whatever the hell she wants and not fear rape. The punishment is not severe enough for any of these crimes. That boy's parents should have gotten life in prison because they raised a child who breaks into other people's homes. if a person is over 18, he should of went to jail for life.

I've always wondered about the revolving door policy that exists for sociopaths and other scumbags that slip through the cracks in the judicial system. It costs time and money to deal with these specimens of humanity, so I propose a more simple solution to wean them off of society's back. For repeat offenders (and by that I mean the only the worst of the worst--i.e., convicted serial killers, deranged arsonists, child predators, sideshow clown flunkies, and the like), I suggest internment in a 9' x 9' cage for the duration of their sentence. This would be an economical means of deterring "bad behavior." Here are some potential benefits:

1. The cages would be stackable (probably 3 or 4 high), freeing up valuable real estate for more useful development (i.e., Trump Plaza II).
2. Cost to taxpayers = $0.00* maintenance per year, every year! Without having guards on duty 24/7, electricity, running water, or anything bearing a semblance to creature comforts really, inmates would eke out a spartan existence twiddling their thumbs.
3. Lots of fresh air (unless the guy above you has some bad gas) and sunshine (except for the occasional thundershower/dust storm/locust swarm).
4. Excellent visibility for passersby and aspiring hoodlums to think twice before finding themselves in a similar housing situation.

*This round number represents recurring costs after funds are allocated to procure the metal cages, but this would be a one-time expense. If an occupant is released and/or dies during their term of incarceration, just a little bit of Clorox and old rags will return the cage to its previously pristine, just-like-new, move-in-ready condition.

This "cubicle farm prison" would serve as an effective deterrent because it breaks from the traditional model of 3 square meals a day provided by the state and free outdoor exercise equipment subsidized by taxpayer funds. Instead, upon incarceration, once the cage is locked, said inmate would have to rely on his/her OWN friends and relatives to bring them their meals, empty out their Porta Potty, and have fireside chats with them during the snowy winter months. You'll find out who your true friends are/were after keeping up this regimen for just a few weeks. Murderous Mitch won't seem so tough when his main squeeze bails out on him after becoming nauseated from having to empty his chamber pot during her daily visits... Kermit the Knife will sigh in despair while picking at his empty plate since his beloved son decided to go on a last minute vacation without leaving him some MREs.

There is no reason for these incorrigible criminals to continue to be a ward of the society they have inflicted such pain and suffering upon. The welfare mentality should stop. If you have repeatedly proven yourself unfit to be a part of civilization, then it is time for you to be treated like the barbarian that is your true nature. If this farfetched, ridiculous idea were ever to be implemented, I bet that most (certainly not all) forms of crime would vanish. The idea of shivering in a frozen cage while being tormented by snowballs hurled by neighborhood schoolchildren on winter recess does wonders for the ego of a criminal in training.

Toodles, aspiring scumbags everywhere!

Posted on: 2012/9/14 0:59

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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Frank_M wrote:

JerseyCityNj wrote:
Never said keep you're mouth shut and head down just if you are trying to avoid a fight simply do not set you're self up to have one. I do not get why that is so hard to understand.

By the way never said the kid had a right to break the door or assault him either. Just that the man should have known what was likely to happen.

What?s difficult to understand is your insistence upon basing your argument entirely on assumptions.
The article clearly states they had a "heated exchange of words". I did not assume that part, it is one of the few facts written in the article.

Posted on: 2012/9/13 23:42

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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vindication15 wrote:
I have better solutions:

DNA evidence proves that you raped a woman even if the woman was walking around in the streets in lingerie:

Solution: death by penis chopping

Breaking into someone's home when their door is unlocked:

Solution: life behind bars if the owner doesn't use force to protect his property.

Caught stealing a GPS when the window is down and GPS is in plainview:

Solution: Fingers chopped off

House got broken into:

Solution: Life in prison

I want to live in a society that I don't have to look back every 5 seconds to see if a man is about to rob me. I want to live in a society that I can leave my door open or have my girlfriend wear whatever the hell she wants and not fear rape. The punishment is not severe enough for any of these crimes. That boy's parents should have gotten life in prison because they raised a child who breaks into other people's homes. if a person is over 18, he should of went to jail for life.

That?s not a solution, that?s a fear-addled, sadistic fantasy rooted within your underdeveloped psyche.

Posted on: 2012/9/13 13:28

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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JerseyCityNj wrote:
Never said keep you're mouth shut and head down just if you are trying to avoid a fight simply do not set you're self up to have one. I do not get why that is so hard to understand.

By the way never said the kid had a right to break the door or assault him either. Just that the man should have known what was likely to happen.

What?s difficult to understand is your insistence upon basing your argument entirely on assumptions.

Posted on: 2012/9/13 13:14

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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2012/1/19 4:04
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JerseyCityNj wrote: Having common sense and street smarts and informing people that do not seem to comprehend it is trolling now? People lacking street smarts usually do not learn until they are a victim or someone they know is. Just like the ones that leave suction marks from they're GPS on the windshield then wonder how the thief knew they had a GPS. Solution take your GPS and all other belongings out and wipe the suction marks away next time. Someone snuck up on you and mugged you for your ipod/iphone. Solution do not walk late at night with those head phones that advertise what you have and don't listen to the music so loud you aren't paying attention to your surroundings. House got broken into right after you bought a brand new big screen tv. Solution next time do not leave boxs in the trash advertising you have a brand new tv. These are all things that deals with street smarts and not having heated arguments on the streets if you aren't looking for a fight has to do with it as well. That does not mean I am saying the other person committing these crimes should not be punished just that you should know these things and not be shocked if you are a victim because you didn't take things like this serious.

I don't like your solutions as they victimize the victim even more. I have better solutions:

DNA evidence proves that you raped a woman even if the woman was walking around in the streets in lingerie:

Solution: death by penis chopping

Breaking into someone's home when their door is unlocked:

Solution: life behind bars if the owner doesn't use force to protect his property.

Caught stealing a GPS when the window is down and GPS is in plainview:

Solution: Fingers chopped off

House got broken into:

Solution: Life in prison

I want to live in a society that I don't have to look back every 5 seconds to see if a man is about to rob me. I want to live in a society that I can leave my door open or have my girlfriend wear whatever the hell she wants and not fear rape. The punishment is not severe enough for any of these crimes. That boy's parents should have gotten life in prison because they raised a child who breaks into other people's homes. if a person is over 18, he should of went to jail for life.

Posted on: 2012/9/13 2:31

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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2006/11/8 20:49
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PathH8Tr wrote:

JerseyCityNj wrote:

vindication15 wrote:
JerseyCityNj wrote: If you read this article a lot of information is missing and what little info their is comes from only one side. To me it seems like the "victim" had it coming. I could be wrong but this seems like one of those many JJ stories that is written to make the "victim" seem like he did nothing wrong. Ask your self did the kid really mishear him or did he hear what he said just fine and the man is just playing angel for the police? Reading the article, to me anyway it seems like the guy wanted to play tough guy in front of his girl friend and mouth off and provoke a fight thinking the kid would back off and when he didn't get scared and was ready to fight the "victim" got scared and tried to leave. The way I look at it is do not use fighting words if you do not want to fight.

Is this the same line of thought that says a woman wearing a short skirt "had it coming" if she gets raped? You people are unbelievable.

If I say JerseyCityNJ's mother is a fat slob, do you have the right to physically abuse me?

No, not had it coming but it is common knowledge you can be raped easier in a skirt and short ones draw sexual attention. Every woman with street smarts knows this so they are more cautious in this outfit in certain places and during certain times.

As for the mom comment no I wouldn't have the right but you using words like that to someone should be expecting the possibility of it starting a fight. And if you're brain can not comprehend that you lack any type of street smarts.

Ah, the stupid troll patrol is back.

Having common sense and street smarts and informing people that do not seem to comprehend it is trolling now?
People lacking street smarts usually do not learn until they are a victim or someone they know is.

Just like the ones that leave suction marks from they're GPS on the windshield then wonder how the thief knew they had a GPS. Solution take your GPS and all other belongings out and wipe the suction marks away next time.

Someone snuck up on you and mugged you for your ipod/iphone. Solution do not walk late at night with those head phones that advertise what you have and don't listen to the music so loud you aren't paying attention to your surroundings.

House got broken into right after you bought a brand new big screen tv. Solution next time do not leave boxs in the trash advertising you have a brand new tv.

These are all things that deals with street smarts and not having heated arguments on the streets if you aren't looking for a fight has to do with it as well. That does not mean I am saying the other person committing these crimes should not be punished just that you should know these things and not be shocked if you are a victim because you didn't take things like this serious.

Posted on: 2012/9/13 1:32

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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2006/11/8 20:49
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Frank_M wrote:

JerseyCityNj wrote:
If you read this article a lot of information is missing and what little info their is comes from only one side. To me it seems like the "victim" had it coming. I could be wrong but this seems like one of those many JJ stories that is written to make the "victim" seem like he did nothing wrong.

Ask your self did the kid really mishear him or did he hear what he said just fine and the man is just playing angel for the police?

Reading the article, to me anyway it seems like the guy wanted to play tough guy in front of his girl friend and mouth off and provoke a fight thinking the kid would back off and when he didn't get scared and was ready to fight the "victim" got scared and tried to leave.

The way I look at it is do not use fighting words if you do not want to fight.

You?re not making a logical argument when you admit that information is missing, yet attempt to draw the conclusion that the residents may have deserved to be trespassed upon and possibly assaulted.

What we know is that a young guy forcibly entered the home of people who were not reported to have committed any sort of legal offense against him. His actions were not a proportional response to words, even loud angry ones, under any circumstances.

If you want to keep your head down and your mouth shut, that?s your prerogative, but it?s absurd to claim that a heated argument is a willing invitation to trespassing and assault in your own home.
Never said keep you're mouth shut and head down just if you are trying to avoid a fight simply do not set you're self up to have one. I do not get why that is so hard to understand.

By the way never said the kid had a right to break the door or assault him either. Just that the man should have known what was likely to happen.

Posted on: 2012/9/12 22:50

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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JerseyCityNj wrote:

vindication15 wrote:
JerseyCityNj wrote: If you read this article a lot of information is missing and what little info their is comes from only one side. To me it seems like the "victim" had it coming. I could be wrong but this seems like one of those many JJ stories that is written to make the "victim" seem like he did nothing wrong. Ask your self did the kid really mishear him or did he hear what he said just fine and the man is just playing angel for the police? Reading the article, to me anyway it seems like the guy wanted to play tough guy in front of his girl friend and mouth off and provoke a fight thinking the kid would back off and when he didn't get scared and was ready to fight the "victim" got scared and tried to leave. The way I look at it is do not use fighting words if you do not want to fight.

Is this the same line of thought that says a woman wearing a short skirt "had it coming" if she gets raped? You people are unbelievable.

If I say JerseyCityNJ's mother is a fat slob, do you have the right to physically abuse me?

No, not had it coming but it is common knowledge you can be raped easier in a skirt and short ones draw sexual attention. Every woman with street smarts knows this so they are more cautious in this outfit in certain places and during certain times.

As for the mom comment no I wouldn't have the right but you using words like that to someone should be expecting the possibility of it starting a fight. And if you're brain can not comprehend that you lack any type of street smarts.

Ah, the stupid troll patrol is back.

Posted on: 2012/9/12 22:41

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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2006/11/8 20:49
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vindication15 wrote:
JerseyCityNj wrote: If you read this article a lot of information is missing and what little info their is comes from only one side. To me it seems like the "victim" had it coming. I could be wrong but this seems like one of those many JJ stories that is written to make the "victim" seem like he did nothing wrong. Ask your self did the kid really mishear him or did he hear what he said just fine and the man is just playing angel for the police? Reading the article, to me anyway it seems like the guy wanted to play tough guy in front of his girl friend and mouth off and provoke a fight thinking the kid would back off and when he didn't get scared and was ready to fight the "victim" got scared and tried to leave. The way I look at it is do not use fighting words if you do not want to fight.

Is this the same line of thought that says a woman wearing a short skirt "had it coming" if she gets raped? You people are unbelievable.

If I say JerseyCityNJ's mother is a fat slob, do you have the right to physically abuse me?

No, not had it coming but it is common knowledge you can be raped easier in a skirt and short ones draw sexual attention. Every woman with street smarts knows this so they are more cautious in this outfit in certain places and during certain times.

As for the mom comment no I wouldn't have the right but you using words like that to someone should be expecting the possibility of it starting a fight. And if you're brain can not comprehend that you lack any type of street smarts.

Posted on: 2012/9/12 22:30

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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I'm surprised that anyone would get into a heated argument so near their home. You never know what people will do and they know where you live.

Posted on: 2012/9/12 22:26

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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vindication15 wrote:
JerseyCityNj wrote: If you read this article a lot of information is missing and what little info their is comes from only one side. To me it seems like the "victim" had it coming. I could be wrong but this seems like one of those many JJ stories that is written to make the "victim" seem like he did nothing wrong. Ask your self did the kid really mishear him or did he hear what he said just fine and the man is just playing angel for the police? Reading the article, to me anyway it seems like the guy wanted to play tough guy in front of his girl friend and mouth off and provoke a fight thinking the kid would back off and when he didn't get scared and was ready to fight the "victim" got scared and tried to leave. The way I look at it is do not use fighting words if you do not want to fight.

Is this the same line of thought that says a woman wearing a short skirt "had it coming" if she gets raped? You people are unbelievable.

If I say JerseyCityNJ's mother is a fat slob, do you have the right to physically abuse me?

Resized Image

Posted on: 2012/9/12 17:21

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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2007/10/11 3:28
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Another point too is that it's a fact that kid's brains are not fully formed. They make poor decisions and never think of the consequences. The little roadblocks that most adults have or often remove with alcohol are not there. "If I hit this guy I could go to jail or I could kill him" etc. Kid needs a lesson.

Posted on: 2012/9/12 14:16

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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JerseyCityNj wrote:
If you read this article a lot of information is missing and what little info their is comes from only one side. To me it seems like the "victim" had it coming. I could be wrong but this seems like one of those many JJ stories that is written to make the "victim" seem like he did nothing wrong.

Ask your self did the kid really mishear him or did he hear what he said just fine and the man is just playing angel for the police?

Reading the article, to me anyway it seems like the guy wanted to play tough guy in front of his girl friend and mouth off and provoke a fight thinking the kid would back off and when he didn't get scared and was ready to fight the "victim" got scared and tried to leave.

The way I look at it is do not use fighting words if you do not want to fight.

You?re not making a logical argument when you admit that information is missing, yet attempt to draw the conclusion that the residents may have deserved to be trespassed upon and possibly assaulted.

What we know is that a young guy forcibly entered the home of people who were not reported to have committed any sort of legal offense against him. His actions were not a proportional response to words, even loud angry ones, under any circumstances.

If you want to keep your head down and your mouth shut, that?s your prerogative, but it?s absurd to claim that a heated argument is a willing invitation to trespassing and assault in your own home.

Posted on: 2012/9/12 13:42

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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JerseyCityNj wrote: If you read this article a lot of information is missing and what little info their is comes from only one side. To me it seems like the "victim" had it coming. I could be wrong but this seems like one of those many JJ stories that is written to make the "victim" seem like he did nothing wrong. Ask your self did the kid really mishear him or did he hear what he said just fine and the man is just playing angel for the police? Reading the article, to me anyway it seems like the guy wanted to play tough guy in front of his girl friend and mouth off and provoke a fight thinking the kid would back off and when he didn't get scared and was ready to fight the "victim" got scared and tried to leave. The way I look at it is do not use fighting words if you do not want to fight.

Is this the same line of thought that says a woman wearing a short skirt "had it coming" if she gets raped? You people are unbelievable.

If I say JerseyCityNJ's mother is a fat slob, do you have the right to physically abuse me?

Posted on: 2012/9/12 13:35

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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JCbiscuit wrote:

. . . She clearly got on that train looking for a confrontation, and it's that sort of behavior that seems to be epidemic in this city.

I agree, JCbiscuit. I would also generalize this overall decline in civility to much of the northeast. It's during confrontations like the one you described that I am reminded people really are no different from animals. If you take away the saving grace of rational thought, I'd rather be dealing with a stray, rabid dog than a self-absorbed punk lacking any shred of a conscience--at least with the former, you expect that kind of behavior.

I really think it is a northeast phenomenon. Every time I've been out west (California), I never experienced any similar "meltdowns". It could be the environment and the frenetic pace of life that generates all this negativity. Of course, that's not to say that there aren't any assholes lurking out west--you find those sub-humans/things everywhere.

To echo the sentiments of our recently departed fellow American and unsuspecting, honorary publicist of the LAPD: "Can't we all just get along?"

Posted on: 2012/9/12 13:25

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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JerseyCityNj wrote:

Frank_M wrote:

Fact is, people shouldn't mouth off and act agressive if they dont want it right back. There's always someone tougher. I'm not a tough guy but I generally dont walk around getting lippy and looking for fights. Civility goes two ways.

Maybe it's not about being tough or aggressive; maybe it?s about the self-respect and courage and to stand up for yourself and others.

And ?civility? includes being self-aware and mature enough to recognize and apologize for doing wrong, even if a total stranger calls us out for our behavior, but it?s pathetically obvious that ?I?m sorry? is an increasingly rare expression in our self-absorbed culture of audacity.

If you read this article a lot of information is missing and what little info their is comes from only one side. To me it seems like the "victim" had it coming. I could be wrong but this seems like one of those many JJ stories that is written to make the "victim" seem like he did nothing wrong.

Ask your self did the kid really mishear him or did he hear what he said just fine and the man is just playing angel for the police?

Reading the article, to me anyway it seems like the guy wanted to play tough guy in front of his girl friend and mouth off and provoke a fight thinking the kid would back off and when he didn't get scared and was ready to fight the "victim" got scared and tried to leave.

The way I look at it is do not use fighting words if you do not want to fight.

My earlier point being that, around here, any words seem to be taken as "fighting words." A woman on the PATH refused to move her purse so I could sit on a crowded train. When I asked if she bought 2 tickets, she stomped on my foot and swung her fist at my head. Yes, my comment was snarky, but her reaction was WAY out of line. She clearly got on that train looking for a confrontation, and it's that sort of behavior that seems to be epidemic in this city.

Posted on: 2012/9/12 5:10

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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Prosecutors need a spine and need to start to take a hard line with people like this.

Posted on: 2012/9/12 3:48

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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How do any of you know what actually happened? Maybe the kid thought the guy said something that he simply misheard and then overreacted. How is chasing a guy INTO his home standing up for yourself? Sounds like a maniac who has probably been getting away with crazy behavior for years. But then again that's a theory. I recently went after a neighbor who was driving like a maniac and tailgating me and leaning on his horn simply because I stopped at a STOP sign. I confronted him and he made a hasty retreat into his building only blurting out some profanities as he skulked into his front door. I simply turned around and went home. People who smash down doors are unhinged themselves and need to be punished.

Posted on: 2012/9/12 1:50

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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JerseyCityNj wrote:

Frank_M wrote:

Fact is, people shouldn't mouth off and act agressive if they dont want it right back. There's always someone tougher. I'm not a tough guy but I generally dont walk around getting lippy and looking for fights. Civility goes two ways.

Maybe it's not about being tough or aggressive; maybe it?s about the self-respect and courage and to stand up for yourself and others.

And ?civility? includes being self-aware and mature enough to recognize and apologize for doing wrong, even if a total stranger calls us out for our behavior, but it?s pathetically obvious that ?I?m sorry? is an increasingly rare expression in our self-absorbed culture of audacity.

If you read this article a lot of information is missing and what little info their is comes from only one side. To me it seems like the "victim" had it coming. I could be wrong but this seems like one of those many JJ stories that is written to make the "victim" seem like he did nothing wrong.

Ask your self did the kid really mishear him or did he hear what he said just fine and the man is just playing angel for the police?

Reading the article, to me anyway it seems like the guy wanted to play tough guy in front of his girl friend and mouth off and provoke a fight thinking the kid would back off and when he didn't get scared and was ready to fight the "victim" got scared and tried to leave.

The way I look at it is do not use fighting words if you do not want to fight.

thank you.

Posted on: 2012/9/12 1:42

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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Frank_M wrote:

Fact is, people shouldn't mouth off and act agressive if they dont want it right back. There's always someone tougher. I'm not a tough guy but I generally dont walk around getting lippy and looking for fights. Civility goes two ways.

Maybe it's not about being tough or aggressive; maybe it?s about the self-respect and courage and to stand up for yourself and others.

And ?civility? includes being self-aware and mature enough to recognize and apologize for doing wrong, even if a total stranger calls us out for our behavior, but it?s pathetically obvious that ?I?m sorry? is an increasingly rare expression in our self-absorbed culture of audacity.

If you read this article a lot of information is missing and what little info their is comes from only one side. To me it seems like the "victim" had it coming. I could be wrong but this seems like one of those many JJ stories that is written to make the "victim" seem like he did nothing wrong.

Ask your self did the kid really mishear him or did he hear what he said just fine and the man is just playing angel for the police?

Reading the article, to me anyway it seems like the guy wanted to play tough guy in front of his girl friend and mouth off and provoke a fight thinking the kid would back off and when he didn't get scared and was ready to fight the "victim" got scared and tried to leave.

The way I look at it is do not use fighting words if you do not want to fight.

Posted on: 2012/9/12 0:09

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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Nice try but Trayvon Martin didn't break into anyone's home. He was minding his own business. Was this person doing the same?

Posted on: 2012/9/11 20:22

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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vindication15 wrote:
MikeyTBC wrote: Not trolling and I agree with Grovepath; bikes shouldn't be on the sidewalk eventhough I admit that I'm guilty of it at times. Fact is, people shouldn't mouth off and act agressive if they dont want it right back. There's always someone tougher. I'm not a tough guy but I generally dont walk around getting lippy and looking for fights. Civility goes two ways.

Actually, I can mouth off all I want cause I'm protected by first amendment rights. I can actually go around and say all sorts of things (as long as it's non threatening) but the moment you lay a hand on me or on my property, YOU break the law.

I wished that family had a gun so the city would be without one less miscreant.

Take it easy George Zimmerman.

Posted on: 2012/9/11 20:00

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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It's not homicide if he was forcibly and unlawfully entering the home and there was an imminent danger to the homeowner. I bet there would be less miscreants if the owner did forcefully defend his property.

Look at the alternative... Kid gets a few months (if any) of jail time, gets released and now is angry at said homeowner because of his criminal record? Or he commits another crime and goes back to jail for a few months/few years?

Posted on: 2012/9/11 19:47

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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hey now...let's not turn into homicidal maniacs here.

Posted on: 2012/9/11 18:56

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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2012/1/19 4:04
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MikeyTBC wrote: Not trolling and I agree with Grovepath; bikes shouldn't be on the sidewalk eventhough I admit that I'm guilty of it at times. Fact is, people shouldn't mouth off and act agressive if they dont want it right back. There's always someone tougher. I'm not a tough guy but I generally dont walk around getting lippy and looking for fights. Civility goes two ways.

Actually, I can mouth off all I want cause I'm protected by first amendment rights. I can actually go around and say all sorts of things (as long as it's non threatening) but the moment you lay a hand on me or on my property, YOU break the law.

I wished that family had a gun so the city would be without one less miscreant.

Posted on: 2012/9/11 18:33

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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Fact is, people shouldn't mouth off and act agressive if they dont want it right back. There's always someone tougher. I'm not a tough guy but I generally dont walk around getting lippy and looking for fights. Civility goes two ways.

Maybe it's not about being tough or aggressive; maybe it?s about the self-respect and courage and to stand up for yourself and others.

And ?civility? includes being self-aware and mature enough to recognize and apologize for doing wrong, even if a total stranger calls us out for our behavior, but it?s pathetically obvious that ?I?m sorry? is an increasingly rare expression in our self-absorbed culture of audacity.

Posted on: 2012/9/11 17:24

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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PathH8Tr wrote:

MikeyTBC wrote:

neverleft wrote:
Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument

The man told cops that he was waiting for his wife to get out of the car when he saw the boy riding on the sidewalk dangerously close to the open door and his wife, reports said. The man told cops he tried to warn the boy and his wife, but apparently the boy misheard him and jumped off his bike and approached the couple.

I'm not saying the kid was right but I'd bet that it was more than a kind warning. My guess is the dude had it coming and ran inside to hide.

Wow. "dude had it coming". Please tell me you're a troll looking for a reaction. If not, wow.

Not trolling and I agree with Grovepath; bikes shouldn't be on the sidewalk eventhough I admit that I'm guilty of it at times.
Fact is, people shouldn't mouth off and act agressive if they dont want it right back. There's always someone tougher. I'm not a tough guy but I generally dont walk around getting lippy and looking for fights. Civility goes two ways.

Posted on: 2012/9/11 16:43

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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No doubt the man did say more -- but if the dumb kid was driving on the sidewalk -- then he is lucky he didn't kill someone coming out of a home, car or store -- don't drive bikes on the sidewalks -- walk your bikes on the sidewalk -- or drive them in the street! It's the law!


MikeyTBC wrote:

neverleft wrote:
The man told cops that he was waiting for his wife to get out of the car when he saw the boy riding on the sidewalk dangerously close to the open door and his wife, reports said. The man told cops he tried to warn the boy and his wife, but apparently the boy misheard him and jumped off his bike and approached the couple.

I'm not saying the kid was right but I'd bet that it was more than a kind warning. My guess is the dude had it coming and ran inside to hide.

Posted on: 2012/9/11 15:38

Re: Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument
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MikeyTBC wrote:

neverleft wrote:
Jersey City police say 16-year-old broke into couple's home after argument

The man told cops that he was waiting for his wife to get out of the car when he saw the boy riding on the sidewalk dangerously close to the open door and his wife, reports said. The man told cops he tried to warn the boy and his wife, but apparently the boy misheard him and jumped off his bike and approached the couple.

I'm not saying the kid was right but I'd bet that it was more than a kind warning. My guess is the dude had it coming and ran inside to hide.

Wow. "dude had it coming". Please tell me you're a troll looking for a reaction. If not, wow.

Posted on: 2012/9/11 15:23

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