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Re: Eight candidates vying for three open seats on Jersey City Board of Education
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to belatedly answer your question, the most significant amount of funds came all but directly from B4K - more than $30k from David Tepper, Alan Fournier (and wife) and Jeffrey Kaplan who works for/with them, founders and funders of B4K.

this info is now on the NJ Elect site usually available to view about two weeks after submission.


JPhurst wrote:
Who is funding the campaign of the PFP slate?

Posted on: 2012/6/23 16:11

Re: Eight candidates vying for three open seats on Jersey City Board of Education
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Stringer wrote:

?Steve is quick to point out the last two years,? Madden said of Fulop?s other Board of Education victories. ?But there has been no effort. No one was out to squash him (in the Board of Education races). It was a non-partisan race. The mayor wasn?t that involved in it, he took photos, and Sean Connors was the same way; we weren?t out banging on doors.?

Fulop called the comments about his opposition not trying ?amateurish behavior? from the HCDO. The councilman is hoping to carry his recent momentum into 2013.

But Madden also has a confident message for 2013.

?When we rev up that machine, it?s going to be ready,? Madden said.

Isn't if funny, as Healy slides further down the road of irrelevance that heretofore unknown enablers such as Madden pop up to "explain" why the latest failure doesn't really matter? What "machine" is it, exactly, is going to be revved up? The one that came out in force for Healy's handpicked council members Ray Velazquez and Kalimah Ahmad last November?

The most interesting piece of this is "he took photos and .... we weren't out banging on doors" as though that explains anything. The fact is, Healy lost his fastball three years ago and it ain't coming back. Connors? He never had one.

Posted on: 2012/4/24 3:58

Re: Eight candidates vying for three open seats on Jersey City Board of Education
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Jersey City mayoral candidate Fulop and his opponents see BOE results differently

By Ray Smith | April 23rd, 2012

JERSEY CITY - Mayoral candidate and Councilman Steven Fulop?s team received a boost last week when all three of his school board candidates were elected over a slate backed by current mayor Jerramiah Healy and the powerful local teachers union.

The win sent political reverberations through New Jersey?s second largest city as political watchers sought to find significance for the upcoming mayoral showdown.

But the powers opposed to Fulop in Jersey City believe the Board of Education race isn?t an indication of signs to come in 2013, when the downtown councilman will challenge Healy for the city?s most powerful seat.

Assemblyman Sean Connors (D-33), Jersey City, is a Healy ally and former Board of Education member. Connors vacated his Board of Education seat after his recent election to the Assembly, in which he ran on the Hudson County Democratic Organization line. James Madden, Connors? chief of staff, chalked up last week?s Fulop victory and Healy loss to the county organization essentially sitting on its hands.

?There wasn?t a lot of effort put into the race by the (teacher?s union) or the HCDO,? Madden said.

Parents for Progress, the Fulop backed slate, reported raising a total of $28,175 in their 11-day pre-election filing. Other Board of Education candidates have not yet filed paperwork with ELEC detailing campaign expenses, according to a review of campaign finance records.

Madden said despite the success of Fulop and his candidates, his team ?doesn?t see this as a bellwether to anything.?

Fulop sees the results of the Board of Education race differently, calling last week ?a very solid week for our team, to say the least.?

?They sent out mailers with Jerry Healy, Charlie Mainor, and Sean Connors,? Fulop said in response to comments made about his opposition not trying. ?They all put their name in (the race). It?s just such a childish response. That?s fine. It?s not unexpected that they rationalize.?

Political observers in Jersey City have, since 2005 when Fulop joined the City Council, questioned the councilman?s ability to win outside of downtown, where he built his base on the backs of Wall Street West voters as the Ward E councilman. But Fulop hopes to put the doubts to rest after his Board of Education candidates won all six wards in a diverse Jersey City last week.

Tom Favia, the president of the Jersey City Education Association, endorsed the same candidates as Healy, but has not committed to endorsing any candidates in 2013 when the mayor?s seat is put up for grabs.

Favia said he doesn?t believe Healy?s endorsement played a major role in the Board of Education race.

?As far as the mayor?s endorsement, I don?t know what he contributed to it,? Favia said. ?(Councilman) Peter Brennan was very helpful, but I don?t think (the endorsement) really helped much.?

Instead, Favia said a low turnout from his membership plagued his candidates? chances.

?I?m disappointed because I think we could have won it,? he said. ?I don?t think the rank and file of our membership came out the way they should have.?

When asked about the potential of a ?Fulop factor? in the election, Favia said he thinks the councilman?s influence contributed to the outcome of the race.

?Oh, there?s no question,? Favia said. ?He was down at the tubes handing out fliers. He walked the streets with them. There?s no doubt that he was influential. That was his ticket. He played it for all it was worth because he understood the importance of the election. If he had lost it, I think it would have been a big loss to his campaign...I give him credit for understanding the value of it.?

Multiple messages left for Healy through a press secretary were not returned last week. A message left at the professional office of Raj Mukherji, Jersey City deputy mayor, was also not returned.

Although Healy has declared himself a candidate for mayor in 2013, sources in Jersey City opposed to Healy think other candidates could step in to run on the HCDO line. Fulop echoed those voices on Friday, saying he thinks Healy will ?not be at the starting gate? in January.

Fulop?s election fund has raised $657,512 thus far, according to a January ELEC filing, and he?s spent $224,878. Healy, on the other hand, has raised a total of $159,382, according to his January ELEC filing, and spent $109,290.

Sen. Sandra Cunningham, (D-31), Jersey City, has been a long-rumored candidate, but has not publicly committed to entering the mayoral race.

At least one behind-the-scenes source in Jersey City believes a potential candidate could be Assemblyman Charles Mainor, (D-31), Jersey City. However, others in Jersey City think it would be difficult for the assemblyman to leave his comfortable seat in Trenton to enter the ring in what will likely be a hard-fought race for city mayor.

Reached Monday, Mainor said he currently does not have any plans to run for mayor of Jersey City, but wouldn't rule it out in the future.

"At this point in my life, I'm just concentrating on remaining the best assemblyman I can be," Mainor said. "But if the opportunity ever came, it would be something I would take into consideration. But I'm not looking at (running for mayor) now."

Sources also say Jerry Walker could soon announce a bid for mayor. The Star-Ledger?s Auditor column reported in February that Walker, a former Seton Hall University basketball player, was recently searching for a home in Jersey City.

But as of right now, all eyes in Jersey City are focused on Healy and Fulop ? where the HCDO will see a major challenge from the downtown councilman in what will likely be a nasty dogfight.

?Steve is quick to point out the last two years,? Madden said of Fulop?s other Board of Education victories. ?But there has been no effort. No one was out to squash him (in the Board of Education races). It was a non-partisan race. The mayor wasn?t that involved in it, he took photos, and Sean Connors was the same way; we weren?t out banging on doors.?

Fulop called the comments about his opposition not trying ?amateurish behavior? from the HCDO. The councilman is hoping to carry his recent momentum into 2013.

But Madden also has a confident message for 2013.

?When we rev up that machine, it?s going to be ready,? Madden said. ... e-boe-results-differently

Posted on: 2012/4/24 2:34

Re: Eight candidates vying for three open seats on Jersey City Board of Education
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congratulations Vidya, Marilyn and Sangeeta on JC BoE election - you did it "mom"!

Posted on: 2012/4/18 2:24

Re: Eight candidates vying for three open seats on Jersey City Board of Education
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Jersey City BOE candidates backed by Councilman Steve Fulop claiming victory in school race

Published: Tuesday, April 17, 2012, 9:51 PM Updated: Tuesday, April 17, 2012, 10:01 PM

By Terrence T. McDonald/The Jersey Journal

Three Jersey City mothers who campaigned as the "parents for progress," and were endorsed by Ward E Councilman Steve Fulop, are claiming victory in tonight's school race.

With over 80 percent of precincts reporting, Vidya Gangadin, Sangeeta Ranade and Marilyn Roman are crushing their main competition, a trio of candidates who had been endorsed by Mayor Jerramiah Healy and the powerful teachers union.

Roman is the lead vote-getter, with 3,613 votes, followed by Gangadin, at 3,404, and then Ranade, 3,087.
Gerald Lyons, a Hudson County teacher endorsed by Healy and the teachers union, is coming in fourth, with 1,660 votes.
Campaign supporters tonight framed their apparent victory as one over "the political machine."

Gangadin, 41, is a financial analyst who ran and lost for a spot on the Board of Education last year. Ranade, 37, works with the New York City school district on energy-efficiency issues.

And Roman, 76, is a retired teacher and former interim mayor of Jersey City, taking over in 1991 when former mayor Gerry McCann was convicted in a savings-and-loan scam.

Gangadin, Roman and Ranade certainly had the financial upper-hand: the slate reported raising roughly $28,000, while none of the other five candidates reported raising any.

The day was dominated by complaints from many Downtown voters that their polling places had been moved at the last minute, and that poll workers were in some cases unwilling to help them cast their votes.

Hudson County Board of Elections Michael Harper on Monday urged voters who may have been given sample ballots with the wrong polling place listed to vote with provisional ballots at their normal voting location.

But voters told The Jersey Journal today that they had to fight with poll workers to vote using provisional ballots. Debra Mason, a Fremont Street resident, said she was told to vote at Fire Headquarters on Marin Boulevard, even though her residence, the Booker T. Washington public-housing complex, has its own polling place. ... y_boe_candidates_bac.html

Posted on: 2012/4/18 2:15
I live by the river.

Re: Eight candidates vying for three open seats on Jersey City Board of Education
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2009/10/7 15:46
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I don?t know where this number came from but the grapevine is saying that the JCEA estimated they will have 6,000 votes from the teachers who still live in JC, their friends and family.

You all better get out and VOTE! Polls close at 9:00 PM.

Have a beer with a friend and then drag them to the polls with you.

Posted on: 2012/4/17 20:47

Re: Eight candidates vying for three open seats on Jersey City Board of Education
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tqwert2 wrote:
All of the serious candidates once again are in the pocket of the corrupt, destructive teachers' union, including yet again all of the Fulop candidates. You can't be serious in the slightest about improving JC schools and support tenure. They are mutually exclusive. I'm getting out to vote for sure so that I can vote no on the budget, but I won't support any of these candidates.

The Parents for Progress candidates are opposed by the teacher's union which has its own slate of candidates. Vote 2, 4, 5.

Posted on: 2012/4/17 17:17
I live by the river.

Re: Eight candidates vying for three open seats on Jersey City Board of Education
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2009/10/7 15:46
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If you are not going to vote because you don?t have kids ...fine.

If you are not going to vote because you don?t pay property taxes?fine.

If you are not going to vote because you don?t think you will be in JC for the long haul..fine.

If you are not going to vote because you are sulking over a heinous loss in a StarCraft2 mega battle?fine.

If you are not going to vote because you are coming off of last nights craft beer high..fine.

But wait please reconsider and don?t waste your vote. At least use it to stick it to the HC/JC machine especially you DTJC people. Do you really think the ballot and polling place mix up was a mistake? How odd 4 out of JC?s 6 wards were redrawn yet the only one that is having issues with ballots and distances to polling places is ward E.

Do you really want them to get away with that? Do they think we are that stupid not to realize it is a scam to block the Fulop vote? Look at the turn out he produced for the last Board of Education election.

I see from the ?mistake? thread it is already screwing up voters. Just think of how many voters may have already been scared off from voting because of the ?mistake?. Maybe they were worried they wouldn?t make it to work on time if they stopped to vote and had to deal with extra bullshi*.

Go vote just don?t vote for Healy and other top-ranking Democrat backed political hacks. DPW administrator Amanda Khan, county teacher Gerald Lyons and retired city police detective Frank Lorenzo.

Besides do you really want 2 men serving on the board? I think Healy and the other top-ranking Democrats may just have a little ?war on women? going on here.(sorry Amanda)

Who took care of you during your school years? It was your mother. She is the one who got you dressed in the morning. She is the one who made sure you had milk money. She is the one would crafted your daily peanut butter and jelly sandwich and put a box of Chocolate Snaps or Cheese Tidbits in your lunch bag. She is the one who picked you up from school. She is the one who helped you with your home work while your father slept on the sofa.

She is the one who was called to school with a ?replacement? pair of pants and underwear when you peed yourself in Miss Brown?s second grade classroom in front of the whole oh so mean second grade class. (ok so I couldn?t make it to recess..why or why did I have that second carton of milk? thanks for the pants mom)

I am not into the notion of a ?war on women? it is wrong to treat women badly. So that is why I am voting for the three chicks that Fulop is endorsing. They know what kids need better then men. And I am sure each has a ?replacement? pair of pants in their bag of tricks!

GO out and VOTE! DO it for your Hood!

(hey ladies if you can get a pair of those ?replacement? pants over to that guy who isn?t voting because he is coming off of last nights craft beer high in a hurry you might just get his vote. I heard he had a wild night)

Posted on: 2012/4/17 16:24

Re: Eight candidates vying for three open seats on Jersey City Board of Education
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All of the serious candidates once again are in the pocket of the corrupt, destructive teachers' union, including yet again all of the Fulop candidates. You can't be serious in the slightest about improving JC schools and support tenure. They are mutually exclusive. I'm getting out to vote for sure so that I can vote no on the budget, but I won't support any of these candidates.

Posted on: 2012/4/17 2:57

Re: Eight candidates vying for three open seats on Jersey City Board of Education
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Email from Councilman Fulop

Please vote tomorrow - 2A, 4A, 5A

Vidya Gangadin
Marilyn Roman
Sangeeta Gangadin

Tomorrow's election is shaping up to be a tough one and unsurprisingly, voter disenfranchisement is already occurring. Voters from several of our historical largest supporting districts recently received sample ballots showing their polling places having been relocated elsewhere - not within walking distance from their homes. The Board of Elections released an apology on Friday, saying they had "made a mistake" in some of the instances, but the damage is done, and the confusion persists. In a tough election like this every vote counts.

Furthermore, I am sure you have read that Mayor Healy, and most of the other Jersey City elected official, have come out strongly against our candidates - so this is a real test on many fronts. I know from a candidate perspective that ours are the three most highly qualified people with Vidya, Marilyn and Sangeeta all professionals and true stakeholders - parents with children in the schools. Even so, if people don't come out to vote, the best candidates won't necessarily win.

I am asking for your help tomorrow - especially with the obstacles that are in front of us - your vote is more important than ever.

1) Please go to your normal voting location, and if the poll challenger doesn't let you vote ASK TO VOTE PROVISIONALLY at that location.

2) We will have drivers ready at voting locations to take people easily to the new polling place if necessary.

3) you can email me at with any issues or if you need to be picked up and taken to the voting location.

Tomorrow is going to be a tough election, and we need your help. Let's stand together, adapt and overcome these obstacles, and help get these three terrific candidates the opportunity to make real progress at the Board of Education

2A, 4A, 5A

Vidya Gangadin
Marilyn Roman
Sangeeta Gangadin

Posted on: 2012/4/16 15:49

Re: Eight candidates vying for three open seats on Jersey City Board of Education
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Currently James Jay Ferris High school allows students to leave school for lunch.

As a result the surrounding neighborhoods are greatly affected.
Trash is thrown on the streets Private property is loitered on, drugs are done and fights break out.

It was mentioned to me that one of these candidates was platforming on changing this rule.

It is not common in ALL schools for kids to be allowed to leave for lunch. In this case it seems like it is more of a break for kids to go get high as opposed to get lunch.

Is there any way for the school to use this to their advantage.
For example. students with only a certain GPA from previous quarter are allowed out? Therefore giving kids an incentive to do well, and at the same time reducing the amount of "bad kids" from being able to run Havoc on the neighborhood.

Posted on: 2012/4/16 15:23

Re: Vote on Tuesday
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BrightMoment wrote:
I'm in the hospital. I'll be getting a pass out to vote. That's how important it is to me. Oh, and I also have no kids and I rent!

Brightmoment, hope you get well soon! If Bright can leave a hospital bed to vote, can't you take 10 minutes out of your day?

vote 2A - 4A - 5A. - Gangadin, Roman & Ranade.

Vote for Parents for Progress - endorsed by Steve Fulop, Dan Levin, & Rolando Lavarro!

This is an important election! Don't miss out!

Polling hours 7Am to 9PM.

Posted on: 2012/4/16 14:38

Re: Eight candidates vying for three open seats on Jersey City Board of Education
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neverleft wrote:

(BrightMoment sorry to hear you are in the hospital. Take care.)


Posted on: 2012/4/15 22:52

Re: Eight candidates vying for three open seats on Jersey City Board of Education
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2009/10/7 15:46
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These two paragraphs from the JJ sum up why you all need to get out and VOTE.
(that is if you can figure out which polling place to go to )

*** ***

The powerful Jersey City Education Association, which in 2011 endorsed Fulop?s picks, has this year endorsed a different trio: DPW administrator Amanda Khan, county teacher Gerald Lyons and retired city police detective Frank Lorenzo. The three are also backed by Mayor Jerramiah Healy and other top-ranking local Democrats.

Tom Favia, president of the 4,000-member JCEA, called the three qualified, outstanding candidates. The union chief himself didn?t mention the pending search for Epps? replacement until a Jersey Journal reporter broached the subject.

*** ***

When I first found JCList it was all about DTJC. It has since blossomed into a pretty cool soapbox/town hall meeting type of place for ALL of JC. (right you 100?s of lurkers?) Some of the comments I always recall seeing posted back then were the mocks and rips into the old-timers for voting (or not voting) JC connected political hacks into office election after election. I agree it sucked people just didn?t give too craps and didn?t vote. Look what it got us.

This is not about Healy vs. Fulop I know it is for the children of Jersey City. But I think the children of JC will do far better having some new young blood (ok and some older blood.. sorry Roman) in office versus old political hacks that are just in it so their kids or relatives can have easy access to Board of Education jobs.

Get out and VOTE!

(Just think if the JC schools improve ..when you hitch up with that sweet looking chick (or dude) from down the condo hall or next door or in that hip craft beer joint and have kids of your own you will not have to worry about moving to the boring burbs like most of the last bunch of newcomers..err I mean yuppies in the 80?s did. You can raise them in bad as* JC. That always looks good on a resume. )

(BrightMoment sorry to hear you are in the hospital. Take care.)

Posted on: 2012/4/15 18:42

Re: Vote on Tuesday
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I'm in the hospital. I'll be getting a pass out to vote. That's how important it is to me. Oh, and I also have no kids and I rent!

Posted on: 2012/4/15 17:36
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Vote on Tuesday
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I'll be voting, and I don't have any kids. An independent, professional school board is important to all of us.

Posted on: 2012/4/15 17:12
I live by the river.

Re: Eight candidates vying for three open seats on Jersey City Board of Education
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so, are people going to vote?

if not, are the local government employed candidates backed by the mayor, HCDO assemblymen, freeholder and teachers union ok with you?

its those that show up (to vote) that have a say.

Posted on: 2012/4/14 1:56

Re: Eight candidates vying for three open seats on Jersey City Board of Education
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Board of Education Candidate Debate Set For This Week By Matt Hunger ? Apr 11th, 2012 With the Board of Education election scheduled for next Tuesday, a group consisting of media outlets and advocacy organizations have come together to hold the Great School Board Debate this Friday, April 13th at 6pm in St. Paul?s Lutheran Church (440 Hoboken Ave). The debate will be moderated by Jennifer Weiss (the editor of JCI), Assata Wright (a staff writer for the Jersey City Reporter), and Monica Aguilar Calderon (president of Action-21), and Spanish language translation will be provided. So come out and learn about the decision makers that will shape the direction of schools in Jersey City. Sponsors of the event include the Facebook Parent Advocacy Group, the Hudson Reporter, NJ Action 21, and the Jersey City Independent.
View Larger Map ... debate-set-for-this-week/

Posted on: 2012/4/12 15:03
The Jersey City Independent is the alternative news and culture source for Jersey City. or

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How long will it be before one or more 'lucky' candidates voted in, is involved in some sort of illegal or corrupt behavior ?

Posted on: 2012/4/11 23:07
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We haven't even received a sample ballot yet. Has anyone received one yet? Hope mine comes soon.
Polls are supposed to be open 7am-9pm.


DanL wrote:
getting the impression that the BoE election is quieter than years gone past - are YOU voting in the school board election next Tuesday on April 17th?

Posted on: 2012/4/11 22:41

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getting the impression that the BoE election is quieter than years gone past - are YOU voting in the school board election next Tuesday on April 17th?

Posted on: 2012/4/11 14:12

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Why Marilyn Roman ?

She participated for years in a failing school system and then became part of the Hudson County political machine. How does this qualify her ?

Gerald Lyons is a far better candidate.

Posted on: 2012/3/29 23:52

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SEAN CONNORS is moving up to bigger and better things...rewarded for his CRONY UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR.


Only in Jersey City can a police officer who publicly endorses a convicted felon for SCHOOL BOARD improve his political career.

Posted on: 2012/3/29 15:34

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Talking Politics talks to the school board candidates - hear what they have to say.

Posted on: 2012/3/27 13:56

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MARCH 27th is the day that voter's registration forms must be received.

If you are not a registered voter in JC, you can fill out this form
It must be received by March 27th, so that you can vote in the April 17th BOE election.

Posted on: 2012/3/25 13:40

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If you are not a registered voter in JC, you can fill out this form
It must be received by March 28th, so that you can vote in the April 17th BOE election.

Posted on: 2012/3/22 15:21

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My name is Ellen Simon and I chaired Parents for Progress, a 15-member group formed in the fall for the express purpose of finding qualified school board candidates. The majority of the people who served on our volunteer committee are parents with children in the public schools. They were chosen because they'd put in, collectively, hundreds of hours of work during the last two school board elections. That's how I got involved, too. I campaigned for Sterling and Carol when my son was an infant, than volunteered last year for Marvin, Carol Harrison-Arnold and Sue.

The complete committee:

Tia Biasi
Elvin Dominici
Evette Gaetan
Kirsten Green
Stephanie Daniels
Frank Falcicchio
Jeff Kaplowitz
Lashambi Moore
Felicia Noth
Ellen Simon
Ryan Strother
Leda Duif Shumbris
Joel Torres
Esmeralda Trinidad
Hector Velazquez

Councilman Steven Fulop helped organize the group, then he stepped away completely and turned it over to me. He did not attend our meetings and he had no voice in whom we ultimately endorsed. In fact, he had run candidates against Vidya last year (with Felicia Noth, who served on our committee this year, managing her campaign), he had met Marilyn only once and he'd never met or spoken with Sangeeta.

Before we looked for candidates, we spoke with parents, the teacher's union president, and activists around the city about the qualities they were looking for in new BOE members. Some of the qualities that came up most frequently: Parents with children in the system, financial expertise and an ability to work well with others.

We then asked prospective candidates to fill in a detailed questionnaire. All our members read the responses, then voted on the people we would like to interview. After the interviews, we voted for three candidates, using the list of qualities as a guide. There was wide agreement among the 15 of us that the three candidates we endorsed are eminently qualified and will, if elected, be an excellent addition to the BOE.

Posted on: 2012/3/21 15:25
Parents for Progress

Sangeeta Ranade, Vidya Gangadin, Marilyn Roman

Candidates for Board of Education

Re: Eight candidates vying for three open seats on Jersey City Board of Education

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2012/3/16 14:35
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2016/9/16 20:18
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I saw a question earlier asking where Marilyn, Vidya, and I have received our financing. I wanted to respond to it but can't find the original post. Understanding the financing behind a team is important. As a registered election fund we can raise money from a variety of sources; however, the initial funding came directly from Vidya, Marilyn, and myself. We are now fundraising in full force and can accept contributions via paypal at

Parents for Progress will be an ongoing entity and also registered with the appropriate state agencies. The goal of Parents for Progress is to empower parents to nominate strong school board candidates and to hold those candidates accountable if they're elected. It is growing into a completely independent organization, which will be unaffiliated with any politician.

As you know, Steven Fulop has endorsed this slate, but it's important to understand he played no role in the committee that picked us. In fact, I met Steven for the first time last week. The committee that selected me to be a part of Parents for Progress was a committee of parents. While many of the volunteers in this campaign overlap with Steve's team, it is important to recognize that Vidya brings support from her previous campaign, Marilyn brings support from her lifelong service to Jersey City, and I bring support from parents. Steve's involvement has been to encourage an open and transparent process that brought together a ticket that meets the needs of our schools today. We have lined up other endorsements and have met (and will continue to meet) with countless residents and parents to discuss our platform.

Posted on: 2012/3/17 18:08

Re: Eight candidates vying for three open seats on Jersey City Board of Education
Home away from home
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2010/8/17 1:45
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Anyone running on a "stop wasting an obscene amount of taxpayer's dollars on a broken system" ticket? They'd have my vote.

Posted on: 2012/3/16 1:01

Re: Eight candidates vying for three open seats on Jersey City Board of Education

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2012/3/8 17:16
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2012/3/21 21:32
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Hello Everyone:

My name is Marilyn Roman and this April 17th I am running for a seat on the Jersey City Board of Education. I was born and raised in Jersey City and attended the public school system from kindergarten through grade 12. Jersey City was once a place where a child could be safe in school and could get a first class education, but I?m afraid that is very often no longer true. While I?ve had a great deal of experience in public affairs, having served as a Hudson County freeholder, City Council president and at a very difficult time in our history, the interim mayor of Jersey City, if you ask me who I am, I will tell you I am a teacher. I have been a successful educator for over 40 years, with most of that time spent in the Jersey City public schools. I believe my experience will enable me to help our students gain the kind of education that will help them to compete in the world and to create a district that will make us all proud. I hope you will come out on April 17th to vote for me and my running mates, Sangeeta Ranade, and Vidia Gangadin. I would be happy to answer any of your questions about educational issues or about me. Thanks!

Posted on: 2012/3/15 23:43
Parents for Progress

Sangeeta Ranade, Vidya Gangadin, Marilyn Roman

Candidates for Board of Education

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