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Re: Am I wasting time fighitng this parking ticket?
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2011/7/18 20:46
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2015/6/25 17:42
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I have successfully fought 1 ticket and 1 boot. What happened with the ticket was that I received 2 tickets in the same day, hours apart, for the same offense - but I was listed as being parked on two different sides of the street. The one that was correct I had to pay but the one that was incorrect was dismissed. I was lucky enough to have a lawyer friend who owed me a favor represent me in court which probably had a lot to do with it.

The boot was an illegal boot - they can boot you if you have 3 unpaid tickets that have resulted in 3 court notices you have not responded to. The court notices were literally mailed the day they put the boot on and so I had not received them when I was booted, and clearly hadn't had a chance to respond. My lawyer friend wrote the JCPA a letter explaining this and requested refund of the fee, and believe it or not they credited the $110 back to the account. They were sued a few years ago for illegal booting so I think seeing the legal letterhead helped in this case.

Posted on: 2013/2/6 16:28

Re: JC parking ticket court question
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2011/12/12 0:13
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driverjase wrote:
You get what you deserve. Why the hell would you even stay parked at a meter that you say you can prove was not working? So you can get a ticket & aggravate yourself over $0.25?

I won't argue the Secaucus ticket here. You have a point, although there was no other parking available at the time.

But the Jersey City one I was legally parked between parking signs that are clearly marked when I cannot park. It was not a sweeping day and I do have the proper permit.
I got a ticket for no standing or stopping.
I even asked a cop that happened to be in the area. She couldn't understand why I got it and told me to take a ton of pictures and fight it.

I personally think I should fight it. I hate that they can do things like this and people just pay it. But I do want to know what I'm up against.

So please only reply if you have actually fought a ticket so I know what is in store.

I successfully fought a street cleaning ticket. The only thing that was right on the ticket was the license plate & the house number it was parked in front of. The jackass who wrote the ticket had the wrong make & model, color & street. In fact the the number of the street didn't even exist! If you want to fight this ticket, the devil will be in the details. Take pictures. If there is an address you were parked in front of, make sure you include a picture of that address also. Sometimes you get lucky. I brought a street map to court with me & showed the judge that if I were parked in front of the house on the street listed, I would be 2 blocks passed where that street ended in some poor guy's living room.

Good luck.

Posted on: 2013/2/6 0:39

Re: JC parking ticket court question
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2005/7/13 15:03
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PathH8Tr wrote:
Time is money. JC is the most dysfunctional place I've ever lived when it comes to city services. Pay. Run.

Actually not dysfunctional they got you to pay it. Nevertheless, yes it is the same way it usually takes two court cases one to plead not guilty and the other to hear it out. Unless the officer does not show then it is rescheduled.

Posted on: 2013/2/5 19:31
Get on your bikes and ride !

Re: JC parking ticket court question
Just can't stay away
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2008/11/17 4:05
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You get what you deserve. Why the hell would you even stay parked at a meter that you say you can prove was not working? So you can get a ticket & aggravate yourself over $0.25?

I won't argue the Secaucus ticket here. You have a point, although there was no other parking available at the time.

But the Jersey City one I was legally parked between parking signs that are clearly marked when I cannot park. It was not a sweeping day and I do have the proper permit.
I got a ticket for no standing or stopping.
I even asked a cop that happened to be in the area. She couldn't understand why I got it and told me to take a ton of pictures and fight it.

I personally think I should fight it. I hate that they can do things like this and people just pay it. But I do want to know what I'm up against.

So please only reply if you have actually fought a ticket so I know what is in store.

Posted on: 2013/2/5 19:30

Re: JC parking ticket court question
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2010/7/17 13:37
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Time is money. JC is the most dysfunctional place I've ever lived when it comes to city services. Pay. Run.

Posted on: 2013/2/5 19:08

Re: JC parking ticket court question
Just can't stay away
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2012/11/15 14:55
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Save yourself the aggravation. Wrong or right... pay the fine and move on with your life.

Posted on: 2013/2/5 19:03

Re: JC parking ticket court question
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2011/12/12 0:13
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2018/7/28 23:29
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driverjase wrote:
Has anyone gone to court in JC to fight a parking ticket?

I have one I want to fight, but want to make sure I know what I'm in for.

I recently went to Secaucus to fight a parking ticket, had proof that the meter was not expired, but out of order instead. I sit around for 3 hours, finally they call all parking tickets outside of the court, my number gets called and the prosecutor sees the proof and says that we'll need to schedule another court date because they don't call officers in for parking tickets and the officer would need to be there to plead not guilty. I thought I had already plead not guilty by scheduling this court date to begin with.

So I wasted part of a day at work and still had to pay the ticket (I wasn't going to leave work again for the ticket).

Any idea if this is the same way it goes in JC?

This seems to be the way to just get people frustrated and pay it so they don't have to deal with it.

You get what you deserve. Why the hell would you even stay parked at a meter that you say you can prove was not working? So you can get a ticket & aggravate yourself over $0.25?

It probably works the same way here in Jersey City also. So if you like spending $0.25 on meters that don't work (but you are willing to take the chance you won't get a ticket) be our guest. We love watching people whine when they get snagged for something they could have avoided.

Posted on: 2013/2/5 19:01

JC parking ticket court question
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2008/11/17 4:05
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2017/6/7 17:42
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Has anyone gone to court in JC to fight a parking ticket?

I have one I want to fight, but want to make sure I know what I'm in for.

I recently went to Secaucus to fight a parking ticket, had proof that the meter was not expired, but out of order instead. I sit around for 3 hours, finally they call all parking tickets outside of the court, my number gets called and the prosecutor sees the proof and says that we'll need to schedule another court date because they don't call officers in for parking tickets and the officer would need to be there to plead not guilty. I thought I had already plead not guilty by scheduling this court date to begin with.

So I wasted part of a day at work and still had to pay the ticket (I wasn't going to leave work again for the ticket).

Any idea if this is the same way it goes in JC?

This seems to be the way to just get people frustrated and pay it so they don't have to deal with it.

Posted on: 2013/2/5 18:46

Re: Am I wasting time fighitng this parking ticket?

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2010/2/3 0:05
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2012/5/15 19:08
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Yes you are. I just got an 80 dollar ticket for "blocking the intersection" when there was another car parked behind me clearly blocking the intersection (yes, ticket was in my name) I cant take off from work to fight it so I had my wife go to court. They told her she cannot represent me in court, so I would have to take the day. It'll cost me more to take off so we decided to plead guilty and pay the 80 bucks only to find out that with court fees its now 130.

Glad my wife took the day off to get screwed by the wonderful JC court system.

Posted on: 2012/4/5 20:50

Re: Am I wasting time fighitng this parking ticket?
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2007/6/18 14:26
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2012/4/4 17:53
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Thank you guys for all the inputs.

I am inclined toward not fighting it. It's just not worth my time.

I checked Culver Avenue with streetview and found out that the sign I parked by is the ONLY sign without "residential parking only".

I was rushed to find a parking spot while talking to my passengers when it happend. I can see how I missed it.

HOWEVER, the sign is still misleading and, to be honest, it f'king pisses me off.

Fellow drivers, please be careful when you park in the area...



Posted on: 2012/4/4 18:03

Re: Am I wasting time fighitng this parking ticket?
Just can't stay away
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2011/5/21 14:02
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2019/3/14 15:55
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It can be done but it will eat up some of your time. We contested a ticket and the judge ended up dismissing it. Same situation as you...due to confusing signs, we ended up with a ticket. It really annoyed us, so we decided to ask for a hearing. Take some pics to help your argument...that's what we did. Best of luck.

Posted on: 2012/4/4 16:19

Re: Am I wasting time fighitng this parking ticket?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2012/3/15 14:35
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2021/5/17 15:38
From Bergen Hill
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Been there, done that, and I suggest you just pay it and move on. Even if you CAN win (which I don't think you can), you will actually have to take two days off of work and spend a good amount of time waiting around. It will cost you more in effort and wasted time/frustration that just paying it. The first court date is just your plea, where you would enter your not-guilty plea if you so desire. A second court date would then be set for you to come back and plead your case. All in all, its not worth it, and after it all the judge would just tell you that you have to read all of the signs on the block and that your are guilty as per the statute.

Posted on: 2012/4/4 16:01

Re: Am I wasting time fighitng this parking ticket?
Just can't stay away
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2006/6/4 16:27
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2013/3/30 16:31
From journal square
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I'm actually in support of you fighting it.

Take photos of where you parked and the signs (including close ups so you can read what they say), and make sure to get a wide shot to show where the signs were in relation to where you parked.

Take pics at several angles.

Make an intelligent case on why you thought you were in the right, and the judge may dismiss the ticket.

Posted on: 2012/4/4 13:55

Re: Am I wasting time fighitng this parking ticket?
Quite a regular
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2007/6/18 14:26
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2012/4/4 17:53
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Thanks guys.
Sounds like I will be fighitng a losing battle. I guess I will suck it up and forget about it.

Taking a day off to appear to the court just doesn't seem worth it any more.

I guess I learned my lesson now.


Posted on: 2012/4/3 17:40

Re: Am I wasting time fighitng this parking ticket?
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2009/5/12 2:57
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2018/7/30 16:48
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It's a waste of time. Booting in that area is to protect the residents from all the commuter students. The area around the University has signs everywhere stating its a zoned area.

Posted on: 2012/4/3 17:39

Re: Am I wasting time fighitng this parking ticket?
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2004/11/6 21:13
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2023/7/17 17:42
From Hamilton Park
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You've got to read every freaking sign on the block. I learned this the easy way many years ago asking "why" to a NYC cop ticketing a car parked right under a post with 4 different parking signs and every one saying the car was legal. He pointed to a sign at the other end of the block, saying it applied to this car!

Personally I think this should be illegal. If you have a parking reg sign, it should include ALL the regs that apply to that spot. You shouldn't have to walk the whole thing wondering if that sign 10 cars down says something different.

Posted on: 2012/4/3 17:20

Re: Am I wasting time fighitng this parking ticket?
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2007/9/1 14:14
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2021/3/15 20:01
From Downtown - H.P. area
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Doesn't look like you will succeed. According to the JCPA website, 2-132 Culver Ave. is in zone 8. Resident only from 3pm - 9pm.

Posted on: 2012/4/3 15:35

Am I wasting time fighitng this parking ticket?
Quite a regular
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2007/6/18 14:26
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2012/4/4 17:53
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I parked my car on Culver st at 7PM right next to two parking signs, one said "No Parking from here to corner" and "No Parking from 1PM to 3PM Monday and Thursday".

It was Thursday night and where I parked was not in "no parking zone".

After an hour, I got a ticket and a boot. I was told it's a residential parking only zone.

Obviously, there was no sign that mentions about it.
But 20ft away from where I parked, there was a sign for residential parking zonr.

I feel that the ticket and boot were unreasonable with the signs were misleading and confusing.

I am planning to take this matter to the court, but am I wasting my time?

Is there anyone with similar experience?


Posted on: 2012/4/3 14:35

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