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Re: Jersey City Sanitation
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2009/10/7 15:46
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2024/7/1 0:32
From jersey city
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Yeah that sucks?you know with WM?s lackadaisical attitude with pickup and the mess they leave behind?it is almost as if they have a lobbyist working on the inside of JC government.

Here?s an idea take the video of crap falling off of the WM truck. That is a $200 fine right there for littering from a motor vehicle. Give the video to the person (dizzyd) in the ?Littering from MV? thread to use in court. If the city doesn?t give WM tickets for littering maybe the person can get out of his/hers. Only fair right?

Posted on: 2012/4/6 11:37

Re: Jersey City Sanitation
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2008/9/10 13:57
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2013/6/12 16:21
From Paulus Hook
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Ugh, I LOATHE Waste Management and it's employees. My issue isn't so much with how much they do or don't pick up (although they don't exactly do a stellar job) but the amount of noise they make! It's as though they hate working overnight and will make as much noise as humanly possible when they pick up garbage. Unfortunately, I live on the 2nd floor of my building and pickup is done right outside my bedroom window. I do my best to deal with it the two mornings a week but when I'm woken up by their noise ACROSS the street, that's where I draw the line. Whoever thought overnight pickup would be a great idea is a moron.

Posted on: 2012/4/2 16:28

Re: Jersey City Sanitation
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2006/4/29 14:15
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2020/12/8 23:34
From The Italian Village
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"Jersey City Sanitation" almost sounds like an oxymoron...

I've noticed numerous times the the recycling trash (paper) not being picked up at 5th Street. If the recycling trash is not overflowing from the trash bins the pick up guys won't bother picking them up... what a bunch of lazy dudes. I have to keep policing the trash pick ups and yell out the window to call their attention to pick up the trash...

And the pick up itself is like a carnival, the folks picking up those big cans seem to really enjoy making a big mess and leave garbage on the streets and sidewalks. What a totally careless service. It would be nice to capture some videos of these incidents by the JCIA and post them on the internet... how about portraying them in the Hall of Shame at Fox 5 News with Arnold Diaz?

Posted on: 2012/4/2 13:35

Re: Jersey City Sanitation
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2011/12/12 0:13
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2018/7/28 23:29
From Right here!
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I have lived in the Heights my entire life & I have never seen such a mess as left by Waste Management. I have seen them toss the garbage in the truck. If it gets in fine, if not, oh well. I called & complained to Waste Management & was told that each truck carries a broom & shovel & are supposed to clean up in such instances. HA!

All smoke & mirrors because the JCIA's days are numbered & Sandy is going to loose her little patronage playpen.

Posted on: 2012/4/1 22:47

Re: Jersey City Sanitation
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2009/10/7 15:46
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2024/7/1 0:32
From jersey city
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Hi don?t know how long you have lived in JC. Let me throw this out (no pun intended)?are you sure it?s not any homeless people, animals, or creeps going through your trash?

On recycling night some homeless dudes may be digging for aluminum cans. (pretty sure there is some type of fine for doing that, but don?t think it is really enforced)

On garbage night they may be digging in your trash looking for aluminum cans, or bank statements.

Another long shot raccoons, cats, possum, or rats.

I know it may be a little out there but I grew up in JC, I still wire down my shrubs. I can?t see WM making such a mess they never have in my hood.

Good luck.

Posted on: 2012/4/1 21:57

Re: Jersey City Sanitation
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2011/7/2 23:04
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2012/8/12 11:58
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heights wrote:
The same is happening to me. At the Nelson Ave. Block Association meeting which covers the north end of the Heights towards the Western Slope about 6 people stated that they too are having a problem; but with the recycling. The director of the J.C.I.A. Oren Dabney was surprised to hear of this because it is the private contracted company Waste Management that is doing the collection and no one has brought it to his attention...until now ! I usually call up (201) 432-4645 because I get home before they close and then a truck is sent to my house to pick up the remains. It an ongoing issue throughout the city and with the threaten merge of the JCIA & the DPW you would think their behavior would change. Everyone call and keep calling because the JCIA is an autonomous agency and can be dissolved at anytime.

I went to a meeting about Galaxy Recycling at Pershing Field here in the heights a year or so ago. Oren Dabney JCIA CEO, the lead counsel for JCIA, and I believe Oren Dabney's executive assistant all attended. For the life of me I could not figure out why they were there.
Oren Dabney was a huge apologist for Galaxy Recycling at this meeting. I went away from it convinced that he cares way more about the JCIA subcontractors than anyone else. Based on his words and demeanor at this meeting your statement (Dabney) "was surprised to hear of this because it is the private contracted company Waste Management that is doing the collection and no one has brought it to his attention...until now!" means nothing to me. I think he would do or say anything to protect Waste Managment, and Galaxy Recycling.

Posted on: 2012/4/1 0:26

Re: Jersey City Sanitation
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2011/8/27 18:09
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2017/5/15 4:14
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Are you kidding me? I'm a new homeowner on 5th street and I've never seen anything like it. This is by far the dirtiest city I've ever seen. Garbage "collection"? I think not. It's more like drop half, take half. A neighbor of mine wants to pay someone to clean our block. This a great idea except I already pay close to 10K in taxes, something just doesn't seem right here.

Posted on: 2012/3/31 19:08

Re: Jersey City Sanitation
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2009/11/25 16:31
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2018/8/16 15:40
From Village
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I've had great luck using the online help center to report missed pick-ups:

They are very responsive - I receive an email within a few minutes and the truck comes back by 10am to pick up whatever was missed (usually recycling). I know I've complained here and elsewhere about JC services, so wanted to also give credit where credit is due.

Posted on: 2012/3/30 19:28

Re: Jersey City Sanitation
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2005/7/13 15:03
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1/14 17:44
From Western Slope
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The same is happening to me. At the Nelson Ave. Block Association meeting which covers the north end of the Heights towards the Western Slope about 6 people stated that they too are having a problem; but with the recycling. The director of the J.C.I.A. Oren Dabney was surprised to hear of this because it is the private contracted company Waste Management that is doing the collection and no one has brought it to his attention...until now ! I usually call up (201) 432-4645 because I get home before they close and then a truck is sent to my house to pick up the remains. It an ongoing issue throughout the city and with the threaten merge of the JCIA & the DPW you would think their behavior would change. Everyone call and keep calling because the JCIA is an autonomous agency and can be dissolved at anytime.

Posted on: 2012/3/30 18:03
Get on your bikes and ride !

Re: Jersey City Sanitation
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2011/8/28 14:45
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2019/4/25 12:43
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Great, I am not the only one...

The sad part is, they threaten to give you a ticket if you do not throw it out right.

Posted on: 2012/3/30 15:00

Re: Jersey City Sanitation
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2010/7/9 11:16
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12/4 19:44
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I have a problem getting the recycling picked up. It happens when I have only a small amount out front. The truck seems to pass either the cardboard/paper or cans/bottles by.

Posted on: 2012/3/30 14:51

Jersey City Sanitation
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2011/8/28 14:45
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2019/4/25 12:43
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Posts: 248
Hi all,

Am I the only one that is having trouble with how the garbage is being picked up?

I suspect that possibly one of the people living in the building is not recyclying correctly, or someone else is using our trash can. However in the morning it seems it was purposely thrown all around.

Going forward i plan on filming the pick up, just to see what is going on.

As always any feedback is appreciated.


Posted on: 2012/3/30 14:42

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