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Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school
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2007/10/4 22:11
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JerseyCityNj wrote:

snowflake20 wrote:

Jasper_Conrad wrote:
You seriously think a nerf gun warrants a suspension?

No wonder this country is on it's knees.

Yes, bc it is a weapon like item that isn't allowed on school property. I don't make the rules but I am aware that bringing stuff like this onto school grounds will probably get your child in trouble. Any parent that would let their kid bring something like that to school is an idiot. It is disruptive at best and with the way things are right now, I'd expect someone in the school admin to react to it.

"Weapon like" and a weapon are two totally different things. A nurf gun can simply be taken away and parent teacher conference can be set up to discuss it. I am guessing you think the 9 year old suspended for "sexual harassment" for calling a teacher cute in North Carolina was the right thing for the school to do also? How about the 10 year old kid suspended for 10 days for a PAPER gun in Michigan? Schools are getting out of hand with all of these rules. I have seen kids suspended for bringing a dull pizza cutter to a pizza party, butter knife to cut cake, and a roll of quarters they were going to cash in after school because a teacher said they could be used like brass knuckles. Just because someone made a rule doesn't mean it shouldn't be questioned and blindly followed.

No, actually I don't. But those are the rules and your kid will be suspended for bringing in a "weapon like" toy into school Do I think it's sort of dumb? Sure I do, I assume that the rules are in place so that if you do bring in a pellet gun that looks like a real gun, you wouldn't be able to wiggle out of it by saying "it's only a toy".

Posted on: 2012/1/11 22:17

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school
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snowflake20 wrote:

Jasper_Conrad wrote:
You seriously think a nerf gun warrants a suspension?

No wonder this country is on it's knees.

Yes, bc it is a weapon like item that isn't allowed on school property. I don't make the rules but I am aware that bringing stuff like this onto school grounds will probably get your child in trouble. Any parent that would let their kid bring something like that to school is an idiot. It is disruptive at best and with the way things are right now, I'd expect someone in the school admin to react to it.

"Weapon like" and a weapon are two totally different things. A nurf gun can simply be taken away and parent teacher conference can be set up to discuss it. I am guessing you think the 9 year old suspended for "sexual harassment" for calling a teacher cute in North Carolina was the right thing for the school to do also? How about the 10 year old kid suspended for 10 days for a PAPER gun in Michigan? Schools are getting out of hand with all of these rules. I have seen kids suspended for bringing a dull pizza cutter to a pizza party, butter knife to cut cake, and a roll of quarters they were going to cash in after school because a teacher said they could be used like brass knuckles. Just because someone made a rule doesn't mean it shouldn't be questioned and blindly followed.

Posted on: 2012/1/11 7:23

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school
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2006/11/8 20:49
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Binky wrote:

JerseyCityNj wrote:
Everyone seems to be not noticing key clues to what these "weapons" actually were. It is a PLASTIC ORANGE gun that shoots PLASTIC BB's which means it is more then likely a Airsoft Gun which is legal and considered a toy, you can buy them in toy stores. Pellet guns shoot pellets, the bb guns that are illegal are powered by co2 or pumping. This sounds more like a toy being labeled a weapon by a school staff that lacked common sense. This story reminds me of when scary looking dogs get labeled a pit bull or scary looking guns get called machine/assault weapons when in reality they are not.

Critical reading is not in your skill set, Sherlock.
The article does NOT say that the gun was orange. Something orange was being passed around, and when asked about it, an 11yr. old boy produced 36 plastic pellets. The writer doesn't even say that the plastic pellets themselves were orange. Might have been packaging that they were in. We don't know from the article.
The 13 yr. old holding the gun was somewhere else. Nothing in the article describes the gun beyond calling it a plastic pellet gun. The same is true of the second plastic pellet gun surrendered by the 12 yr. old.
I find nothing in the article that indicates these two plastic pellet guns were in any way different from the pellet gun described and pictured in the 'Gawker' article. We don't that they were, and don't know that they weren't, based upon what was written.
And that gun was realistic enough to get a child killed.
You are imagining what you expect the facts to be and ignoring what is plain to others.

No, I was actually going off the original article released on the day of the incident. So I imagined nothing my only mistake was rereading the story all over again to see if the JJ changed or updated the story like they normally do.

Posted on: 2012/1/11 6:32

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school
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Jasper_Conrad wrote:
You seriously think a nerf gun warrants a suspension?

No wonder this country is on it's knees.

Yes, bc it is a weapon like item that isn't allowed on school property. I don't make the rules but I am aware that bringing stuff like this onto school grounds will probably get your child in trouble. Any parent that would let their kid bring something like that to school is an idiot. It is disruptive at best and with the way things are right now, I'd expect someone in the school admin to react to it.

Posted on: 2012/1/10 4:52

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school

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2011/12/21 17:32
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A timely article -

The US schools with their own police

More and more US schools have police patrolling the corridors. Pupils are being arrested for throwing paper planes and failing to pick up crumbs from the canteen floor. Why is the state criminalising normal childhood behaviour? ... police-schools?CMP=twt_gu

"Zero tolerance started out as a term that was used in combating drug trafficking and it became a term that is now used widely when you're referring to some very punitive school discipline measures. Those two policy worlds became conflated with each other,"

Posted on: 2012/1/10 4:13

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school

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2011/12/21 17:32
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You seriously think a nerf gun warrants a suspension?
Resized Image

No wonder this country is on it's knees.

Posted on: 2012/1/10 3:52

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school
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2007/10/4 22:11
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borisp wrote:

JCbiscuit wrote:

borisp wrote:
...I said that "zero tolerance" means that (1) you are motivated not by what's best for the kids, - but what's best for you.

don't know why I'm even bothering, to explain this? how is zero tolerance for weapons in schools not best for the kids? (except, of course, for the boneheads who ignore the policy and get busted.)

Well, first of all, let's not lie. It is not "zero tolerance for weapons". It is "zero tolerance" period - for weapons, for anything that resembles weapons, for anything that hints at anything that may or may not be weapons.

Now, onto your question. Let's review, shall we? Three boys come to school with toys. They do not pose any threat to anyone. Now, how do you think - what is in best interest of those harmless students - to be suspended or to not be suspended?

Frankly, I am puzzled - you look at this story, - and you ask THAT question? Do you really not see it? What possible interest of any child was protected by suspending those boys?

I think it would depend on whether or not the "toys" looked like real guns or were obviously toys, like a squirt pistol. If they looked like real guns, they should be arrested, in my opinion. It's like bringing a realistic looking gun into a public place and brandishing it around and threatening to shoot people. You'd be arrested for that, even though the gun actually was a toy. If they looked like a nerf gun, then a suspension and disciplinary action from the school would be appropriate.

As someone pointed out earlier, we really don't know what the "gun" looked like.

Posted on: 2012/1/10 2:43

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school
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JCbiscuit wrote:

borisp wrote:
...I said that "zero tolerance" means that (1) you are motivated not by what's best for the kids, - but what's best for you.

don't know why I'm even bothering, to explain this? how is zero tolerance for weapons in schools not best for the kids? (except, of course, for the boneheads who ignore the policy and get busted.)

Well, first of all, let's not lie. It is not "zero tolerance for weapons". It is "zero tolerance" period - for weapons, for anything that resembles weapons, for anything that hints at anything that may or may not be weapons.

Now, onto your question. Let's review, shall we? Three boys come to school with toys. They do not pose any threat to anyone. Now, how do you think - what is in best interest of those harmless students - to be suspended or to not be suspended?

Frankly, I am puzzled - you look at this story, - and you ask THAT question? Do you really not see it? What possible interest of any child was protected by suspending those boys?

Posted on: 2012/1/10 2:26

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school

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2011/12/21 17:32
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Allow me, because, barring any additional legal action, a child that brings a toy gun to school should not be disciplined the same way as somebody who brings a real gun to school.

Posted on: 2012/1/10 2:01

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school
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borisp wrote:
...I said that "zero tolerance" means that (1) you are motivated not by what's best for the kids, - but what's best for you.

don't know why I'm even bothering, to explain this? how is zero tolerance for weapons in schools not best for the kids? (except, of course, for the boneheads who ignore the policy and get busted.)

Posted on: 2012/1/9 18:11

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school
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JC_DowntownRegular wrote:

Borisp - zero tolerance means we are tired of dealing with the bs that students think they can get away with. I don't care if it was a sling shot. No weapons means no weapons, because one day the kids are bringing in pellet guns and the next they are bringing in real guns. But what would you know about that.

Yeah, really, what would I know about kids? Damn. And I am sure - you were serious when you asked the question.

Anyways, yours is not an argument against mine. I said that "zero tolerance" means that (1) you are motivated not by what's best for the kids, - but what's best for you, and (2) your solution is to avoid any personal responsibility by using a brainless one-size-fits-all canned solution.

You are not arguing that I said something that is not true, you are trying to justify your solution.

However, I don't really care WHY you want to go this route.

My concern, as a parent, is limited to the fact that you DO.

Posted on: 2012/1/9 4:26

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school
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I_heart_JC wrote:

yes, that's quite a clever way to debate: "I bet I can find something more dangerous than the thing you think is dangerous, thus the first dangerous thing should totally be allowed everywhere."

you, borisp, are a moron.

First, this is not what I said. Before you go on evaluating my arguments, it is generally considered a good idea to try understanding them.

Second, you think my way of arguing is not too clever, I disagree. However, here is something that we can both agree on - my way is clever enough so that I don't have to resort to calling my opponent names, do I?

Posted on: 2012/1/9 4:17

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school
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2007/11/15 21:43
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borisp wrote:

JCbiscuit wrote:
Pellet guns are dangerous. They have no place outside a target-range. They certainly have no place in a school, no matter what color the hand is holding it.

Some other objects that are dangerous do exist. In fact, some of them are orders of magnitude more dangerous than pellet guns (in fact some of them cause more fatalities than real guns), - like cars and pools.

So, out of curiosity, - your attitude about dangerous objects that have no place outside of some special "ranges", - do you feel like that about all those objects, or is it narrowly about guns?

yes, that's quite a clever way to debate: "I bet I can find something more dangerous than the thing you think is dangerous, thus the first dangerous thing should totally be allowed everywhere."

you, borisp, are a moron.

Posted on: 2012/1/8 2:37

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school
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To all of you criticizing that people can't differentiate a toy gun from a real gun - if someone drew that weapon at a law enforcement officer, that person wouldn't last a second and we'd be reading about them in the obits.

Borisp - zero tolerance means we are tired of dealing with the bs that students think they can get away with. I don't care if it was a sling shot. No weapons means no weapons, because one day the kids are bringing in pellet guns and the next they are bringing in real guns. But what would you know about that.

Posted on: 2012/1/8 0:35
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school
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2011/5/29 3:09
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JCbiscuit wrote:
Pellet guns are dangerous. They have no place outside a target-range. They certainly have no place in a school, no matter what color the hand is holding it.

Some other objects that are dangerous do exist. In fact, some of them are orders of magnitude more dangerous than pellet guns (in fact some of them cause more fatalities than real guns), - like cars and pools.

So, out of curiosity, - your attitude about dangerous objects that have no place outside of some special "ranges", - do you feel like that about all those objects, or is it narrowly about guns?

Posted on: 2012/1/8 0:09

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school
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Hmm, well I assumed it was a toy as well, not an air rifle or a gun like the one I posted from Gawker. If it were any of those, then of course the kids should have been arrested.

Posted on: 2012/1/7 21:29

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school

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It is illegal in NJ to carry an airsoft gun openly in public too. It is a public safety issue and set up in part to protect those who own them from being mistaken for a real gun. Cops do shoot students--look at the recent Texas case. "Toy" guns have no place in school.

Posted on: 2012/1/7 20:29

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school
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JerseyCityNj wrote:
Everyone seems to be not noticing key clues to what these "weapons" actually were. It is a PLASTIC ORANGE gun that shoots PLASTIC BB's which means it is more then likely a Airsoft Gun which is legal and considered a toy, you can buy them in toy stores. Pellet guns shoot pellets, the bb guns that are illegal are powered by co2 or pumping. This sounds more like a toy being labeled a weapon by a school staff that lacked common sense. This story reminds me of when scary looking dogs get labeled a pit bull or scary looking guns get called machine/assault weapons when in reality they are not.

Critical reading is not in your skill set, Sherlock.
The article does NOT say that the gun was orange. Something orange was being passed around, and when asked about it, an 11yr. old boy produced 36 plastic pellets. The writer doesn't even say that the plastic pellets themselves were orange. Might have been packaging that they were in. We don't know from the article.
The 13 yr. old holding the gun was somewhere else. Nothing in the article describes the gun beyond calling it a plastic pellet gun. The same is true of the second plastic pellet gun surrendered by the 12 yr. old.
I find nothing in the article that indicates these two plastic pellet guns were in any way different from the pellet gun described and pictured in the 'Gawker' article. We don't that they were, and don't know that they weren't, based upon what was written.
And that gun was realistic enough to get a child killed.
You are imagining what you expect the facts to be and ignoring what is plain to others.

Posted on: 2012/1/7 20:25

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school
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PaulusHook8464 wrote:
Pellet guns are illegal in NJ unless you have a permit--it is current law whether you agree with it or not. Teachers don't have to agree with a law, but they certainly do risk losing their job if they don't uphold the law and report it. The police were responsible for making the actual arrest and the court system will be responsible for carrying it out. --It seems straight-forward to me.
Everyone seems to be not noticing key clues to what these "weapons" actually were. It is a PLASTIC ORANGE gun that shoots PLASTIC BB's which means it is more then likely a Airsoft Gun which is legal and considered a toy, you can buy them in toy stores. Pellet guns shoot pellets, the bb guns that are illegal are powered by co2 or pumping. This sounds more like a toy being labeled a weapon by a school staff that lacked common sense. This story reminds me of when scary looking dogs get labeled a pit bull or scary looking guns get called machine/assault weapons when in reality they are not.

Posted on: 2012/1/7 7:38

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school
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Pellet guns are dangerous. They have no place outside a target-range. They certainly have no place in a school, no matter what color the hand is holding it.

Posted on: 2012/1/7 5:55

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school

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Pellet guns are illegal in NJ unless you have a permit--it is current law whether you agree with it or not. Teachers don't have to agree with a law, but they certainly do risk losing their job if they don't uphold the law and report it. The police were responsible for making the actual arrest and the court system will be responsible for carrying it out. --It seems straight-forward to me.

Posted on: 2012/1/7 5:44

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school
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Interestingly enough, I read this article on Gawker. It doesn't look exactly the same, since the pellet gun looked just like a real gun. ... s-armed-with-a-pellet-gun

I think that the kids in JC shouldn't have been arrested, but they should have been suspended for sure.

Posted on: 2012/1/6 13:45

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school
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Haizum wrote:
No, zero tolerance means no weapons of any kind have there place in an institution of learning.

How is this different from what I said? I said, - "zero tolerance" means "we are unable and afraid to make intelligent reasoned decisions".

Like, for example, unable to tell the difference between a weapon and a plastic pellet gun. And unable to tell the difference between a child playing with a toy - and a "perpetrator".

It means if somebody got hurt there are legal implications for the school.

Again, I said the exact same thing - the whole thing is not about students, but 100% about covering your own behinds.

So, we are in agreement on both counts.

(1) It is about being unable and afraid to take a responsibility for making a judgement call - so reverting to the dumbest canned "one size fits all" recipe,

(2) the aforementioned fear is about your well-being, not that of the students.

Extra point: (3) judging by the tone of your comment, we are in agreement that this is something you should be ashamed of.

Posted on: 2012/1/6 4:49

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school
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Vigilante wrote:
When I was that age we used to shoot each other with real BB's just for fun. The guns these kids were carrying are toys. Lets be honest, they were probably black and/or hispanic kids so everyone freaked out. (Closeted racism). If this were white kids in the suburbs they would have been suspended for a day and probably gotten a royal spanking from their parents. Boys being boys is all.

Ain't it the truth, ain't it the truth !

Posted on: 2012/1/3 22:56

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school
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2007/10/11 3:28
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When I was that age we used to shoot each other with real BB's just for fun. The guns these kids were carrying are toys. Lets be honest, they were probably black and/or hispanic kids so everyone freaked out. (Closeted racism). If this were white kids in the suburbs they would have been suspended for a day and probably gotten a royal spanking from their parents. Boys being boys is all.

Posted on: 2012/1/3 20:29

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school

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Wow. Scary comment that teachers should realize the difference between a real gun and a toy. Teachers and school districts must follow NJ stautues--thank goodness. "Incredibly stupid" is a strong remark to make when it is clear that unlicensed possession of a pellet gun is against the law in NJ and carries significant penalties. In NJ it can be considered a felony. There was no toy gun involved and these boys were arrested accordingly. Thank goodness for teachers who understand the law and are looking out for the safety of our kids! Certainly these students and their guardians will now learn about the consequences of bring an illegal gun to a public place.

Posted on: 2012/1/3 19:26

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school
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You are absolutely right; I did use that word incorrectly. There is no verbal irony here. I should have proof-read and corrected the missuse of a preposition instead of using the correct possessive pronoun. I guess I'll blame it on the poor education received in public school. But I assure you that I am a teacher, a music teacher. I guess that's where you can also attribute my poor grammar. But I also stayed within the confines of the English language and didn't invent a portmanteau to crudely get across my point.

So, how is it a teacher's laziness or incompetence that a school's administration exercised it's zero-tolerance policies? How would you have disciplined the the students for bringing in the pellet gun? I obviously wouldn't have handled it differently. Have at it.

Please feel free to correct me again. I am becoming too complacent in the digital way in which I live. Happy Holidays!

Posted on: 2011/12/25 21:19

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school

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No, he's absolutely right.
These kids had toy guns that fired plastic pellets, they are being punished by a pussified school system that teaches nothing but obedience.
Zero tolerance is another excuse for lazy incompetent teachers to not do their jobs. A policy that doesn't discriminate between toys and actual weapons is incredibly stupid and teaches a child nothing about consequence.
As a teacher you should know the difference between toy and a real gun, but then I'd also expect you to know the difference between their and there.

Posted on: 2011/12/25 20:05

Re: 3 Jersey City boys arrested after bringing two plastic pellet guns to school
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No, zero tolerance means no weapons of any kind have there place in an institution of learning. It means if somebody got hurt there are legal implications for the school. It means Jersey City has a school violence problem and a message needs to be sent not only to the perpetrators but to the entire school community.

The reaction would have been the same regardless if it were public, private, parochial, or charter school, or at the workplace, subway platform, or Starbucks. If you had a child in that school that got hurt by one of those pellet guns, I think you would be singing a different tune. It is sad that you are too blinded by your ideologies to understand that.

- a teacher

Posted on: 2011/12/25 16:07

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"zero tolerance" means "we are unable and afraid to make intelligent reasoned decisions, so we have decided to just have one answer to all questions. Naturally, when we picked the answer, we did not look for one best for the students, but for the one that is most likely to cover our asses. Long live public education!"

Posted on: 2011/12/25 2:36

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