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Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
Home away from home
The turnpike looks like it has regular barbed wire. My bad. But I've seen razor-wire used all over JC. I'll try to post photos as I find it and encourage eveyone else to do so.
Posted on: 2011/12/14 0:40
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
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2006/4/18 0:04 Last Login : 2021/10/2 19:00 From Jersey Cxxx
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Check HERE and if that doesn't help give them a call.
Posted on: 2011/12/13 23:18
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
Home away from home
2006/4/18 0:04 Last Login : 2021/10/2 19:00 From Jersey Cxxx
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The cat is an intact male and is not ear tipped.
Posted on: 2011/12/13 23:16
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
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2010/7/7 17:29 Last Login : 2023/11/10 14:36 From Downtown Jersey City
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I'm by NO means a cat lover but animal cruelty is cowardice. It's for simpletons who have to prey on the innocent because they can't muster up enough courage to create a fulfilling life for themselves. The same can be said for people who joke about it and excuse it as the fault of the victims of the sickness.
Posted on: 2011/12/13 22:11
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
Quite a regular
It is the time of year that cats tend to climb up into car engines for the warmth of the engine. I wouldn't be surprised that these cats had their tails cut off when someone started up their car.
Posted on: 2011/12/13 15:23
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
Home away from home
The missing grey kitten Mikey who was lost on Grove Street has been found and is safe!!! ... id=280561#forumpost280561 Quote:
Posted on: 2011/12/13 15:23
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
Home away from home
i'm leaning towards the razor wire or something similar. It's hard to catch cats and I don't see why someone would cut off the tails.
Which reminds me, that a few years ago I came across a cat by Dixon Mills with its tail cut, and still dangling off. It was really friendly and I felt terrible but had to catch a plane =/
Posted on: 2011/12/13 15:18
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
Quite a regular
2 things:
1. There was a missing cat reported on here that looks like it may be that grey one. (Missing from Grove Street near city hall. 2. Robin, do you know where one could dispose of razor wire? Is there a town agency that would come pick it up? My apartment building just redid our back yard fence and removed razor wire that was placed there in the 90s, but it remains coiled up in the back yard and I have no idea what to do with it. Thanks.
Posted on: 2011/12/13 15:05
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
Home away from home
2006/4/18 0:04 Last Login : 2021/10/2 19:00 From Jersey Cxxx
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* dtjcview*..can you please email me the location of the razor-wire fencing? It's my understanding that the use of Razor Wire is a zoning violation unless approved by zoning. I would like to pass the information on and just want to get the locations. Thank you, Robin Pinkowitz 201-547-5507
Posted on: 2011/12/13 13:46
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
Home away from home
2006/4/18 0:04 Last Login : 2021/10/2 19:00 From Jersey Cxxx
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Hi all,
It's a bit late so please excuse the brief message. Thanks to the poster and to a nice couple on 3rd. street Animal Control was able to set a trap and caught the cat with the injured tail. The Animal Control Officer transported the cat to the vet hospital at 3:15pm and after a brief conversation all I know is the cat did have trauma to the tail area and is currently being treated at the vet. They will brief us in the morning with more information. I will keep you posted.. have a good night. Robin Pinkowitz 201-547-5507
Posted on: 2011/12/13 4:15
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
Here are pictures of the cat with the missing tail on Saturday (day after it happened). I don't know what exactly happened to it, but it seems suspicious that more than one cat is missing a tail on the same block. Perhaps it's not someone deliberately chopping them off, but maybe a trap or razor wire? By the way, the kitten that was found next to this tail-less cat is now safe and has a home.
Posted on: 2011/12/13 1:11
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : 2024/7/5 23:54 From Western Slope
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Maybe keepin' it real and the tail size that has the guy/gay in a tizzy and they said a little competition won't hurt.
Posted on: 2011/12/12 1:29
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
Home away from home
Let's keep it real folks.
Yep, there might be a psycho, that went to Home Depot, bought a set of hedge clippers, and is running around docking cat's tails, because, ummmm, he/she has a problem with cats having tails. That really doesn't make a lot of sense. People who torture cats, don't simply stop at cutting their tails off. By all means, look out for the guy/gay with the shears. Don't be surprised though if you find cat tails beside razor wire or animal traps, etc.
Posted on: 2011/12/12 1:07
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : 2024/7/5 23:54 From Western Slope
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I heard Home Depot had a sale on hedge clippers recently.
Posted on: 2011/12/11 23:11
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
Home away from home
i live around the corner on 4th and have not seen anything like this...
Posted on: 2011/12/11 9:27
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
Home away from home
It's horrible whats is going on in terms of result. Cat losing tails. But no-one has a clue why. Until someone can show me some real and direct evidence that this is deliberately inflicted on these cats, I have a hard time believing it.
Posted on: 2011/12/11 6:15
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
Home away from home
I was wondering if it was some kind of weird ritual. Very disturbed person/people out there for sure. In any case, at least a dog stepped in to help some kitties in Iowa. ... cues-kittens-left-to-die/
Posted on: 2011/12/11 3:19
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
Home away from home
Do we have any idea what might be the cause? People on this thread seem to think we have an Edward Scissor-hands madman running around slicing off cat's tails. It also doesn't sound like the typical cat-torturing involving firecrackers, microwaves, tying to trees, kind of thing.
Animal traps to prevent garbage scavengers, or razor-wire like on the new Turnpike fencing, seem more probable I'm assuming also they're not Manx cats, born without tails.
Posted on: 2011/12/10 22:33
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : 2024/7/5 23:54 From Western Slope
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I'll mark my calendar.
Posted on: 2011/12/10 20:34
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
Posted on: 2011/12/10 18:30
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
inhope they catch who does this this person should be put in jail. if they do this to a helpless animal. what would they do to a human . this is just cruel
Posted on: 2011/12/10 17:25
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
Home away from home
You are right animal abuse, cruelty, neglect, abandonment etc are all crimes. But these are crimes that fall under the jurisdication of animal control not the police. Many believe it should fall under the police but it does not.
The State of NJ certifies and trains people to become Animal Control Officers AND Animal Cruelty Investigators. The police have no such training. The New Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is a State chartered agency to investigate and prosecute such acts. Again it is not the local police dept. @Heights, your comments are shallow and pitiful. There people trying to address the feral cat population including myself through the Neighborhood Feral Cat Initiative which has the support of the City. We have made great progress in three years in training the community how to do Trap Neuter Return while providing the funding the pay for the spaying and neutering of these cats. I invite you to attend one of our workshops next Spring. They are free. Check for the dates. Quote:
Posted on: 2011/12/10 12:32
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : 2024/7/5 23:54 From Western Slope
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I said it was a mean thing to do, next time read my response acurately. Having these ferel cats running around is unhealthy it's like a goshdarn zoo out there. If proper responsibility were taken either from the homeowners or the city agencies the cats would be chasing their tails instead of looking for them.
Posted on: 2011/12/10 11:15
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
Home away from home
What Heights wrote is horrible. I am not a fan of dogs at all but i would not want any to be mistreated or hurt. I don't like seeing animals be's probably one of the lowest things man can do.
Any one who hurts animals has serious issues.
Posted on: 2011/12/10 5:35
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
Home away from home
2007/6/12 19:00 Last Login : 2013/5/10 16:39 From Donny City
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It's a well known fact that serial murderers/rapist almost always start out torturing/murdering animals.
Anyone that would in any way defend this, is probably some sort of monster themselves... The JCPD needs to be involved in this, immediately!
Posted on: 2011/12/10 5:21
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
Home away from home
2007/2/3 21:36 Last Login : 2020/4/18 19:17 From Way Downtown
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how on earth does torturing a cat rid us of the problem? (assuming you're talking about the feral cat problem, and not the ongoing debate about what to do with all these tails.) the cats aren't gone, just suffering. this is the work of a budding sociopath.
Posted on: 2011/12/10 5:07
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : 2024/7/5 23:54 From Western Slope
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So a vigilante finally stepped in as opposed to everyone else pussy footing around. Although this is a mean tactic to rid the problem. I'm not sure whats worse this tail trimmer or the kitten cat feeder. Perhaps someone can round up all the loose cats and save them from the scary snipper. There has to be some little old lady living alone to house the little critters.
Posted on: 2011/12/10 4:23
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
Animal control was called and the guy came to pick up the cats (which happen to be friendly strays).
It is most definitely a crime to abuse animals and is punishable by law. Animal control's job is to pick up strays, not to enforce the law.
Posted on: 2011/12/9 23:58
Re: Someone cutting off cat's tails on 3rd St.
Home away from home
Please be sure to report this to JC the Animal Control department as I believe this would fall in their jurisdication not that of the police.
I assume these are friendly and not feral cats. Right?
Posted on: 2011/12/9 23:35