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Re: Another accident on Pavonia and Newark
Home away from home
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That's not a bad idea.
I once thought you could combine the "no left turn" sign for eastbound traffic on Pavonia with a "no turns" sign for westbound traffic on Newark. You could turn Pavonia east of Chestnut into a one-way (eastbound) and have all Pavonia-bound westbound traffic make the left onto Chestnut and then right on Pavonia. You'd signalize the Chestnut/Newark intersection (including a left-arrow phase) and probably have to coordinate signal timings with the Palisade/Newark intersection since they're so close together. Point is, that kamikaze left-turn movement from Newark onto Pavonia is scary if you're a pedestrian who has to walk in front of it. Same is true for the intersection of Newark/Seventh down the hill.
Posted on: 2011/8/10 20:19
Re: Another accident on Pavonia and Newark
Just can't stay away
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Its a unique intersection. Cars/Vans going east on Pavonia have to yield to traffic from Newark Ave. There was a sign allowing cars on Pavonia to make a right on Newark only, but now the sign is gone, and vans/cars often try to make a U type turn onto Newark from Pavonia. I propose returning that no left on Newark sign, a stoplight for east bound traffic, and a left turn arrow for west bound traffic, with no stop light on the west bound side except for the left turn. The reason I say this is that many trucks travel that road, and forcing them to stop on such steep hill may cause other accidents. Trucks needing to turn onto Pavonia can continue to Chestnut, and safely get to it from there.
Posted on: 2011/8/10 15:18
Re: Another accident on Pavonia and Newark
Home away from home
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There was a horrible death (just a few years back) of an elderly lady walking near pavonia on Newark Avenue -- buses trucks and cars race up and down that hill -- not sure a traffic light will help much since everyone just runs the one at Newark Ave and Brunswick -- but maybe redlight cameras and more traffic lights could work.
Posted on: 2011/8/10 14:48
Re: Another accident on Pavonia and Newark
Home away from home
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It's going to take horrible death to get any real action. I have seen more police stops than ever downtown in the last few months. Unfortunately there are so many bad/aggressive drivers on our streets that I really don't think there are enough cops. I was walking through the pedestrian walkway yesterday at the new Hamilton Pl (or whatever it's called) where there are cars and trucks parked all along either side. Suddenly an SUV came speeding through narrowly missing me. The driver then made the left onto Erie where he parked in front of the pharmacy and then entered the condos. I noticed from afar that he had a handicap, little flipper arms. When I got closer I saw a handicap tag and yet he was quite able to walk and also drive like an a**hole. I imagined the headlines "Jersey City Man Beats Handicapped Driver".
Posted on: 2011/8/9 14:05
Another accident on Pavonia and Newark
Not too shy to talk
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A 20yr old was coming down Newark on a bike when a car driving up newark turning onto Pavonia just hit the bicyclist and sped away. The bike actually swerved out of the way and the car still managed to hit him, throwing him directly into the stop sign knocking him momentarily unconscious. His bike was 40 feet up the street on the sidewalk. Luckily the police were here in minutes and took him to the hospital.
This intersection needs a light. There is an accident here more then once a month.
Posted on: 2011/8/9 3:36