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Re: Another accident on Pavonia and Newark
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The flaw with part of that plan is that no one would observe a no left turn sign. Look at Waldo for instance. There's a no left turn sign there, and cars constantly are turning left on it. I've even seen cars doing it in front of cops and nothing happening.

It also doesn't really address the other issue of the intersection of cars going down Pavonia and making a right onto Newark coming to that intersection craning their necks behind them and racing thru that stop sign rather then stopping and then looking up Newark. it'd still be a nightmare for pedestrians. I think you still need a light.

I LOVE the idea of making that section of Pavonia a One Way. that would reduce the traffic that occurs with the people turning .

Posted on: 2011/8/11 15:46

Spectra Pipeline Questions
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I was wondering if anyone know definitively what was going on with the Pipeline. I work in the Construction industry and an associate of mine was telling me that Spectra has begun work just south of the NJ Transit Rail Yard and Tracks along the Long Slip that runs between Hoboken and Jersey City. (He didn't go into details) Also, is the Metering Station underway as well - is that the construction that is going on across from the Lackawanna building? Anyone know?

Posted on: 2011/8/10 19:49

Another accident on Pavonia and Newark
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A 20yr old was coming down Newark on a bike when a car driving up newark turning onto Pavonia just hit the bicyclist and sped away. The bike actually swerved out of the way and the car still managed to hit him, throwing him directly into the stop sign knocking him momentarily unconscious. His bike was 40 feet up the street on the sidewalk. Luckily the police were here in minutes and took him to the hospital.

This intersection needs a light. There is an accident here more then once a month.

Posted on: 2011/8/9 3:36

Re: Corner Of Pavonia and Newark (by Dickenson)
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Anybody ever go to the Captain's meetings? A friend of mine recommended it to me to have the police address the problems with this corner. I've never really heard of them so I'm curious how often people's complaints get addressed.

Posted on: 2011/7/7 17:27

Re: Corner Of Pavonia and Newark (by Dickenson)
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When the accident happened there was about 4 cops standing around "supervising" the sidewalk work. they just watched the accident happen.

honestly they've been doing the sidewalk in this section for about a week now and it hasn't stopped people from running the sign or started the police doing something about the people running the sign. most mornings on my way to work i stand in front of the cop that just ignores it.

Posted on: 2011/7/2 14:40

Corner Of Pavonia and Newark (by Dickenson)
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At the corner of Pavonia Ave and Newark over by Dickenson HS a Cyclist was hit by a car this morning by a car that ran the stop sign. As someone who lives on Pavonia and crosses it to walk up Newark every day, I find it extremely frustrating that the Stop Sign there is never observed by buses and cars alike, and that drivers won't even stop to let me cross at the crosswalk, but are in fact looking up Newark as they get to the crosswalk, and speed through in order to get in front of a car. There's an accident almost once a month here where a car or jitney doesn't stop and hits a car coming down Newark. I have called the police and complained repeatedly that there should be someone there enforcing this stop sign, but have been completely ignored, and in fact I often see police cars themselves speed right through the stop in order to get in front of a car. There has to be a way to make this corner safer.

Posted on: 2011/7/1 16:14

Re: Train whistle a-blowin'
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You're hearing the freight trains under the turnpike. I live right there on Newark/Pavonia across from Dickenson and can hear them every morning at like 4am wheels squealing and blowing their horns. There's 2 sets of tracks that run there one on a bridge and one directly under it right below dickenson running around the cemetery. The dotted lines on the map are all the tracks running thru there (although some of it is the PATH underground i think.
View Larger Map

Posted on: 2011/3/21 14:40

Re: Swimming
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Posted on: 2010/6/16 16:28

Rent a Hall in Jersey City?
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Anyone know a fairly inexpensive hall to rent in Jersey City? We're looking for someplace to throw a party of maybe 100+ guests.

Posted on: 2009/4/17 14:04

Hilltop Neighborhood Association Meeting
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I was wondering if anyone attended the hilltop neighborhood association meeting tonight? I had a conflict and couldn't go, and it's the first time I've heard of there being an association in this area and am interested in the items discussed (it's also called the island area)

We've had several break-in's in my building, as well as my car has been broken into directly in front of our house, and lately we're finding blunt debris and baggies in our vestibule in the morning and and being laughed at by the police when we ask for more patrolling in the area. I'm hoping the association is addressing these issues since i hear that it's a common problem on our block (pavonia between newark and chestnut)

If anyone can give me more info about the association that'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Posted on: 2009/2/24 3:21

Re: Car Break in's near St. Josephs
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bodhipooh wrote:
You mean this?

Not exactly close, but similar in nature. There have been other posts about cars being broken into over by the Paulus Hook / Gull's Cove area.

Honestly, with all of this crap going on, I would rather spring for the extra moola and pay for pratolled, or secured, private parking. If you get your window(s) smashed in once per year you would be breaking even. Besides, you can't put a value on peace of mind.

Actually, i think psychobilly999 and I are thinking that private parking is the way to go at this point. maybe not necessarily patrolled parking, but something out of the way all the same. We live in an area that crime seems to be noticeably increasing instead of decreasing, and my tolerance has reached it's breaking point. between parking tickets, burglary and new tires because of potholes, we've spent a small fortune on our crappy little car, i might as well spend it on security.

Posted on: 2008/9/19 1:10

Re: Read Any Great Books Lately?
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Oturan wrote:
Three Cups of Tea by Mortenson! It is an awesome book. If you are interested...i'll even lend you my copy. By the way this is an awesome topic!

omg i loved this book. it was amazing. I decided to read it on someone's recommendation on here and i just wanted to say THANK YOU

Posted on: 2008/4/15 20:26

Re: Savas - Polish Cafeteria Opens on Grove Street
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justjoe wrote:
Sava now has a web site. Click on the name.

Sava Polish Deli Web Site

omg this is awesome. anyone list it on kannekt?

Posted on: 2008/2/20 21:13

Re: Savas - Polish Cafeteria Opens on Grove Street
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I'm not sure where the sushi place is, but it's on the east side of grove street just about a half a block north of the grove street plaza area.

Posted on: 2008/2/9 4:12

Re: Savas - Polish Cafeteria Opens on Grove Street
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My fiance and i went there this past weekend after seeing this post. I just wanted to stop in and check out the new place and we wound up getting a plate of Pierogi for $3. omg they were awesome. like some of the others said she's just setting up and trying to figure out her customer's tastes, but i know i'll be going back there pretty often.

also, she told us that she'd be open alot later than she was when she was by the courthouse..... mmmmm dinnner!

Posted on: 2008/2/8 19:17

Re: Signs Signs, everywhere there's Signs
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what happened to anyhow??? went to look for something tonight that i had seen on there and it was gone!

Posted on: 2008/2/6 23:10

Re: Dollar Buses
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I hate the jitneys! there is an accident involving one of them AT LEAST once a month near my apartment. I live by the corner of Newark Ave and Pavonia (right by Dickenson HS) and those f**kers refuse to stop at the stop sign at that corner and will just roll into the intersection looking up Newark ave and not paying any attention to the cars in front of them.

I've seen them hit so many cars, including my own at that corner. Usually there is barely any damage to them and they usually total the car in front of them (thankfully not that much damage to mine).

The drivers are awful. they all seem to drive like maniacs. They pick and chose who and where they want to drop off and pick up people, half the time refusing to drop me off at my bus stop or picking me up at the stop. the buses themselves always smell like piss, and they rattle like they're about to fall apart any minute. I'm glad they got rid of some, they should get rid of them all or JC should regulate them better.

Posted on: 2007/11/7 14:17

Re: Taxicab meters
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lovejc wrote:
Thanks, Astrazombie - that's a really good tip - do the cabbies actually do it for you most times, though? They probably wouldn't listen to me, cuz I "seem" sweet and innocent. they'd just say "yeah" and then do whatever they want...

they listen to me because i 'll start screaming and yelling if they don't. ... jk .. i've really never had a problem telling them that i don't want to share.

Posted on: 2007/11/1 19:27

Re: Taxicab meters
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JCbiscuit wrote:
a trip from the Hoboken Path to anywhere (in Hoboken) is $4. do you think it would stay that cheap if they switched to a one-person system? do you think they would add more cabs, or just make everybody wait 3x longer for an available ride?

Doesn't the City of Hoboken regulate the price within City limits?

Posted on: 2007/11/1 19:00

Re: Taxicab meters
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Not too shy to talk


lovejc wrote:
exactly - it is not cheaper in Hoboken...same became a usual occurence that I would be crammed into the backseat of a cab with two drunk Hobokenites pretending they were 21 and in a frat. (their drunk friend would be in the front seat) time this guy almost threw up in my lap (but thank God he made it outside). They usually try to fight with the cabbie - and one guy even tried to fight verbally with me, because I wouldn't respond to his slurred advances.

plus, and here's the worst part of sharing a cab.

the usual 10 min cab ride to my place in the heights would be 25 min because we had to find all the other peoples' homes (in Hoboken) first...they found it hard to figure out where they lived after so many drinks.

so, no, the ride share thing is not cool. Good thing I work earlier hours now and it's safe for me to take the lightrail home.

but whatever - I'm sure the clients are drastically different in daylight. if you've gotta do the rideshare - pass up all cabs until you get one with an open front seat.

oh, another word to the heightsters - so you don't have to keep saying "heights?" and the cabbies reply "no"...walk past all the cabs with people...get into the first cab with no people (front seat) and say nothing until you are seated with door closed. (they hate going to the heights - so this helps)

omg that's my favorite. cab full of people lost and sh*tfaced. I learned that trick too. i usually passs them and then get in and tell them that i can't wait for other people's stops so either drop me off first (in the heights) or i'll get in another cab.

Posted on: 2007/11/1 18:17

Re: The Smell
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GrovePath wrote:


"I came back from a run and walked across the street, and a little girl said, 'You smell like ham.'"

hmmmm. i wonder who that little girl could be..hahahaa.. yay amy!

btw, you could smell it all the way to Grove St Station around 6 PM.

Posted on: 2007/11/1 18:02

Re: Taxicab meters
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how is it cheaper? you have to pay the same amount for anywhere in hoboken regardless of sharing the cab or not


JCbiscuit wrote:
I like Hoboken's cab share system. It's cheaper, environmentally-friendly, and makes the line move 3x faster.

Posted on: 2007/11/1 17:55

Re: Taxicab meters
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creativeconquests wrote:
Have you also noticed that later at night at the Grove Street PATH there are NO cabs? And no logical signs stating where to line up. I literally had to fight for my cab and lost the other night because they felt it was there's when they just didn't realize where the cab line started (made up by me, lol).

I've also been in cabs where I haven't felt safe. It's hard being a woman in this area trying to get home in the evenings - I wish they had a more organized system in JC like they now do in Hoboken. I feel JC hasn't caught up with the times.

Hoboken's cabs are ridiculous too! they make you share a cab with 3 other people even though the sign that you pick the cab up at clearly states "1 fare per cab"

Posted on: 2007/11/1 15:39

Re: Taxicab meters
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cyclotronic wrote:
I've never seen a JC cab without a meter. And if they don't turn it on when you get in, just say "please run the meter or I'm not paying for this ride". That's never failed for me. These days I usually don't bother. I know what my ride costs, and that's what I pay when I get out, and the driver never makes a scene.

If you call for cab service in JC (using JC cab companies), many of them don't have meters.

Posted on: 2007/11/1 15:32

Re: Taxicab meters
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elgroucho wrote:
this absolutely drives me insane ..... why cant they just turn on the freaking meter and take me home. It annoys the crap out of me that they can drive you a half a mile out of one zone and charge you an extra 6 -8-10 dollars at a whim...

I refuse to pay sometimes until they call it in and I hear the price from the dispatcher......

Even the dispatchers seem to pick numbers out of a hat. One night I'll get charged $7 and the next it'll be $11 from the same company.

And I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to share a cab with someone when I grab a cab from the stand. I'll go to the back of the line and start yelling at people until the cab takes me home.

Posted on: 2007/11/1 15:19

Taxicab meters
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I'm so tired of taking cabs home from work and them making up a number for how much my fair is going to be. Why don't they have meters? Why do the ones that HAVE them never use them, or tell you numbers other than what is right in front of you? Why isn't this regulated at all in Jersey City and Hoboken! So aggravating!

Posted on: 2007/11/1 14:31




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