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Re: 2011 Board of Education Election - Steve Fulop backed candidates

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2009/3/25 15:01
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Press Release / Public Communication
To: All Jersey City Residents
From: The Historic Paulus Hook Association (HPHA)
Jersey City Coalition of Parent Teacher Organizations (JCCPTO)
Re: 2011 Jersey City Board of Education Election ? Meet the Candidate Events

On Wednesday April 27th Jersey City voters will elect three new Board of Education members. All Jersey City residents and taxpayers, parents and caregivers are welcome to learn about the issues and meet the candidates at two free Board of Education forums.

The candidates will present their platforms after which audience members will have an opportunity to ask questions directly to the candidates.

First Forum
Date: Thursday April 7th, 2011
Time: 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Location: PS16 Auditorium ? 96 Sussex St.
Hosted by: The HPHA

Second Forum
Date: Wednesday April 13th, 2011
Time: 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Location: Ferris High School Auditorium ? 36 Colgate St.
Hosted by: The JCCPTO


The Jersey City Board of Education Election is Tuesday April 27th, 2011

Make an informed vote ? join us on April 7th and April 13th to learn about the candidates.

About the HPHA: The Historic Paulus Hook Association, a 501 c 3 organization, also known as the HPHA, was founded on Sunday, September 24, 1974 to promote the common good of area residents and to improve the quality of life in the Paulus Hook neighborhood of downtown Jersey City. The HPHA supports and works for public safety, historic preservation, and responsible development.

About the JCCPTO: The Jersey City Coalition of Parent Teacher Organizations members include the Presidents and other board members from the various Jersey City Parent Councils with a mission to serve as advocates & partners, working with the Board of Education to focus on improving the education, health & safety of all children within the district.

Any questions of comments, please contact Andr?e Bourgon at

Posted on: 2011/4/4 14:30

Re: 2011 Board of Education Election - Steve Fulop backed candidates
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On April 27th, the voters of Jersey City will have an extraordinary opportunity to bring change to public education in our city. Three seats on the Board of Education are at stake in the election, and with them the possibility of a new majority on the board. Imagine what becomes possible when the Board of Education is no longer in the control of Jersey City's political machine. I've imagined it, which is why I have been doing my best to support three great candidates: Carol Harrison-Arnold, Sue Mack, and Marvin Adames. You can read bios for each of them here:

Jersey City Board Of Education Candidates

Six days before the election, on April 21st, there will be an education-reform fundraiser t Zeppelin Hall in Jersey City to support Marvin, Carol, and Sue.

We will be joined by two special guests: Anibal Ramos and Shavar Jeffries, who are at the forefront of education reform in New Jersey. t is rare that these gentlemen appear at a joint event outside their own city of Newark. They are doing it on April 21st to make sure Newark can soon have, in Jersey City, a partner in in pushing the urban education conversation in New Jersey.

I am hopeful you can join us for this special event.

Steven Fulop

Steven Fulop for Jersey City
76 Essex
Jersey City New Jersey 07302
United States

Posted on: 2011/4/2 9:38
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Re: 2011 Board of Education Election - Steve Fulop backed candidates
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heights wrote:
I think there are six sections of school control in Jersey City can anyone tell me what they are. So far J.C. has 3 I think it is finance, hiring, to be honest I'm not sure. I hope there is an answer out there.

I think you're referring to the five areas of the NJ Quality Single Accountability Continuum (QSAC):

Instruction and program
Fiscal management*
* returned to local control (sort of) in 2007

See:, also

Jersey City BOE's report on these five areas is:

Posted on: 2011/4/2 3:44

Re: 2011 Board of Education Election - Steve Fulop backed candidates
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I think there are six sections of school control in Jersey City can anyone tell me what they are. So far J.C. has 3 I think it is finance, hiring, to be honest I'm not sure. I hope there is an answer out there.

Posted on: 2011/4/2 2:18

Re: 2011 Board of Education Election - Steve Fulop backed candidates
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You're very articulate, Steve Fulop, and I have a good feeling about you. (Even though we clashed over one issue: the confiscation of private property. Not that I thought we were clashing. I didn't think you were reading the thread.)

As you know, you only have one problem: Jersey City doesn't have a local TV station. So there's only one way you can win. And that is to have an army of volunteers passing out fliers at grocery stores. I'd start doing it right now if I were you. I'd have them handing out fliers about the double dipping and sweetheart deals Heally has presided over. Get it in people's minds who don't follow politics because most don't. (Showing him naked [though funny] is dirty; telling the truth is not.)

A good egg getting his name in people's minds is not a bad thing if he means well and is the right man for the job.

No one shows up to local elections so, if you want it, you're going to have to fight VERY HARD to take it. (Are you listening Steve Fulop?)

Also, since he's made the cops so mad that they protested him with TWO giant rats you should be talking to them often. Visiting their cop shops. Stating your case as Mayor. Talking to them. Listening to them. Because THEY will come out to vote if they like you. Proposing to them what you will do as Mayor to make Jersey City a better city. If you're not already doing that you probably don't want to be mayor that much. (Are you listening Steve Fulop?)

I know these things because I see politicians not making the obvious right moves when they should.

You don't need to be an ass to get elected, but people DO need to know who you are and why you want to represent them.

We need someone like you. Passive won't do it. Not in a market where no one knows who you are. Having people go door to door right now would be the way to go. If you want it, you have to show people that you WANT IT and why.

Are you listening Steve Fulop?

Posted on: 2011/4/2 1:55

Re: 2011 Board of Education Election - Steve Fulop backed candidates
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The likelihood of anything changing as long as Dr. Charles Epps is at the helm is slim to none. The entire curriculum needs to be revamped in this city. Dr. Adele Macula is another one who has to go. She has been in charge of curriculum for years, raking in big bucks, and is also to blame for the failure of our school system. How about shaking things up at the board? How about reassigning people who staff the BOE? Put them in a classroom so they can clearly see how the decisions they make are not effective. Teachers are stuck implementing a crappy, cookie cutter, BORING curriculum. You want to know why our schools are failing - ask the people who are inside of the classroom, not the ones making six figures at the BOE. Anyone who runs for the the BOE needs to talk with teachers, parents, and JC students to learn what exactly needs to change in our schools. We are waiting for a board that's going to make real change happen.

Posted on: 2011/3/21 20:18

Re: 2011 Board of Education Election - Steve Fulop backed candidates
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Thanks everyone for taking the time to write and discuss the candidates. I think it is very important that we choose for ourselves who is the best candidate to vote for.

I have met all 3 candidates that Steven Fulop and without a doubt, they all have specialized skills to bring to the Board of Ed as a Member. They are also independent from the machine so I can certainly appreciate this important point.

However, as an active parent with a first grader in JC Public School system, I have seen throughout the year(s) Vidya Gangadin discuss many battles that parents have with their own school system. Of course, it is a shame that Vidya joined in the candidacy too late and could not be considered as part of the Fulop team.

But, at the end of the day, it's my vote.

I am very interested in hearing all of the candidates speak at the forums so that I can make my own decision as to who to vote for.

Can someone post all of the forum dates? again? Sorry if I missed it!

Posted on: 2011/3/21 17:25

Re: 2011 Board of Education Election - Steve Fulop backed candidates
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ecinjc wrote:
First of all Candace thank you for your response and for all of the effort you put in to choosing these candidates. That being said, I am not comfortable with the strategy of picking a "TEAM" when choosing which candidates to support. This isn't a project or a sports game these candidates will be elected as INDIVIDUALS. There is no guarantee that all three will be elected so each one should be the best choice on their own. Last election I voted for all three Fulop candidates and I have been disappointed in the performance of one. Just because Fulop endorses a team we still need to pick each candidate by their own merits. So Marvin, while he seems like a nice guy, still lacks the necessary experience and skill set to serve.

Thanks ecinjc!!!

I still stand behind our choice of Marvin because:

1) I do think the team component matters and is relevant to board composition the same way that not everyone who sits on a public company's board of directors has the same experiences/skill sets (and we are pushing to elect them as a team versus individually)

2) Personally, I lean towards intelligence over "experience." I remember fighting to make two hires at my last company. One had been a stay at home mom for 12 years and the other was a liberal arts major straight out of college. I fought with the head of my department and I fought with HR, but I eventually won. A year after leaving the company I had dinner with the department head and the top two performers in the group were those two people (without any of my bias in giving their yearly reviews) neither of whom had passed the "experience" test.

All that being said - this is the beauty of democracy! Everyone has different sets of values and beliefs and we can represent them by voting. The most important thing we can do is to vote. The more people voting and the more competitive these local elections become, I can only see a better long term outcome for our schools and our municipal government - being beholden to the public versus special interest.

Posted on: 2011/3/21 16:56

Re: 2011 Board of Education Election - Steve Fulop backed candidates
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It is great to see you so involved. Here is what I can share additionally to your post and my feelings on Marvin specifically.

Firstly, I can really only speak from personal perspective on dealing with the BOE, what I think would be helpful from where I sit on the city council, and specific tools that I think a person should bring to any board. This is undoubtedly going to be different than someone who is looking at some of the issues discussed here (time frame of living in the city, or if they are on a PTO, or even if they are registered to vote as criteria). I can tell you from personal experience that when I was a candidate for the city council every single one of those issues were brought up about me (whether true/valid or not). While those are decent enough indicators on how someone may do they are not 100% accurate. If we use those as an indicator, sadly some of the best talent may slip through.

On Marvin specifically as part of our team I would like to share some perspective from my interaction with him. Our team?s goal was never to revamp the schools on the fringes or to take the approach of lets be slow with progress. They are failing today. The schools are at the core of issues plaguing the city whether it is crime or taxes or employment, and we were looking for people that think that way. We are looking for people that think big, have big ideas and have transformational ability on that board to give a transformational education experience. We wanted people who will be vocal, set an agenda, communicate the agenda, and whether the majority agrees/disagrees today, they have the ability to be relentless until it is achieved. I can tell you with 100% certainty Marvin fits that criteria. None of the issues that we face on the council or BOE are rocket science. I am certain that most candidates can grasp the basics and learn fairly quickly what they didn?t know already on structure.

I have been more involved in education issues in the city than any of my colleagues on the council or mayor, and based on interactions with current BOE members I have an idea what would be helpful. This education issue is one that I am passionate about. I can tell you unequivocally that if he gets on that board, Marvin Adames is going to be a star. He is going to be a role model to students, an example to fellow board members, and an inspiration to future leaders. I believe this with conviction

Last year, I wouldn't have written the above about all three candidates. As a matter of fact, I was vocal on where I thought the weakest link was but we were working from within a pool of candidates that had filed. Today is a different circumstance as we started early in candidate selection and have tightened the process 10 fold. For me, as the guy who has staked some credibility on Marvin, I honestly feel as comfortable today as when the process started.

Posted on: 2011/3/21 16:33

Re: 2011 Board of Education Election - Steve Fulop backed candidates
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2005/3/30 7:01
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First of all Candace thank you for your response and for all of the effort you put in to choosing these candidates. That being said, I am not comfortable with the strategy of picking a "TEAM" when choosing which candidates to support. This isn't a project or a sports game these candidates will be elected as INDIVIDUALS. There is no guarantee that all three will be elected so each one should be the best choice on their own. Last election I voted for all three Fulop candidates and I have been disappointed in the performance of one. Just because Fulop endorses a team we still need to pick each candidate by their own merits. So Marvin, while he seems like a nice guy, still lacks the necessary experience and skill set to serve.

Posted on: 2011/3/21 14:04

Re: 2011 Board of Education Election - Steve Fulop backed candidates
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CandiceOsborne wrote:

ecinjc wrote:
I actually had the opportunity to hear Marvin Adames speak recently and while he seems like a nice guy with an interesting story... he also seemed completely unqualified to be running for the Board of Ed. Yes he is a lawyer in Newark but he didn\'t seem to have much familiarity with current educational issues, in fact it seems like it has been awhile since he has set foot in a public school. In addition, I see nowhere in his bio that he has done ANYTHING with youth outreach or education. Has he coached basketball?, run a youth program?, been involved with a local Boys and Girls Club? I also believe he has only lived in Jersey City for two years. His child is not even school aged so he has not had to navigate any school system. Unless he has political aspirations, I do not understand why he is running for the BOE. I would like to know why he was chosen? What did the Fulop advisory board see in him that qualified him to serve on the board?

Hi. Good question. I am not going to get into every minute detail that was discussed (we agreed to keep that private), but what I can say is that the selection committee did not look at candidates only as individuals but what they brought as a team. While I would have agreed with your comments (e.g. only lived here 2 years, child does not yet go to school) if he were the only person that we are backing, that is not how we made our selection. We believe that as a team, these three work well together. There were several meetings and a TON of discussion, at times not unlike the movie 12 Angry Men, but I believe we as a committee are happy with the results.

Sue has a wealth of previous JCBOE experience, has always been responsive to community members and had a special needs child in the school system (so she is our JCBOE expert and special needs expert). Carol has had children in the public school system and was an involved as a parent in the PTO as well as sitting on a charter school board (so she is our Jersey City public school parent expert and our charter school expert). In addition to being a prosecutor and seeing daily the negative results of poor urban education, Marvin represents the very essence of what some of our school children have faced - he grew up with a teenage single mom in one of the poorest urban neighborhoods (so Marvin is our expert in seeing the results of bad education expert and our he\'s been through it expert). On a personal level, I also like the fact that he is a prosecutor a lot and hoping his knowledge of how municipalities work from a legal perspective will prove useful for the board.

At my company when I put together a team for a project, I don\'t pick 3 people with the same skill-set. Quite the opposite, I pick people with complimentary skill-sets so that the team has a diverse set of experience. The same principle was applied in this selection.

Hope that clarifies.


Great reply Candice!

While I didn't interview them, I have met all three, heard them speak at their launch and will be supporting them for the BOE election on April 27th from 7 AM until 9 PM. (*NOTE*: Time changed at last BOE mtg)

Posted on: 2011/3/20 11:09
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Re: 2011 Board of Education Election - Steve Fulop backed candidates
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2010/10/8 15:41
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ecinjc wrote:
I actually had the opportunity to hear Marvin Adames speak recently and while he seems like a nice guy with an interesting story... he also seemed completely unqualified to be running for the Board of Ed. Yes he is a lawyer in Newark but he didn't seem to have much familiarity with current educational issues, in fact it seems like it has been awhile since he has set foot in a public school. In addition, I see nowhere in his bio that he has done ANYTHING with youth outreach or education. Has he coached basketball?, run a youth program?, been involved with a local Boys and Girls Club? I also believe he has only lived in Jersey City for two years. His child is not even school aged so he has not had to navigate any school system. Unless he has political aspirations, I do not understand why he is running for the BOE. I would like to know why he was chosen? What did the Fulop advisory board see in him that qualified him to serve on the board?

Hi. Good question. I am not going to get into every minute detail that was discussed (we agreed to keep that private), but what I can say is that the selection committee did not look at candidates only as individuals but what they brought as a team. While I would have agreed with your comments (e.g. only lived here 2 years, child does not yet go to school) if he were the only person that we are backing, that is not how we made our selection. We believe that as a team, these three work well together. There were several meetings and a TON of discussion, at times not unlike the movie 12 Angry Men, but I believe we as a committee are happy with the results.

Sue has a wealth of previous JCBOE experience, has always been responsive to community members and had a special needs child in the school system (so she is our JCBOE expert and special needs expert). Carol has had children in the public school system and was an involved as a parent in the PTO as well as sitting on a charter school board (so she is our Jersey City public school parent expert and our charter school expert). In addition to being a prosecutor and seeing daily the negative results of poor urban education, Marvin represents the very essence of what some of our school children have faced - he grew up with a teenage single mom in one of the poorest urban neighborhoods (so Marvin is our expert in seeing the results of bad education expert and our he's been through it expert). On a personal level, I also like the fact that he is a prosecutor a lot and hoping his knowledge of how municipalities work from a legal perspective will prove useful for the board.

At my company when I put together a team for a project, I don't pick 3 people with the same skill-set. Quite the opposite, I pick people with complimentary skill-sets so that the team has a diverse set of experience. The same principle was applied in this selection.

Hope that clarifies.


Posted on: 2011/3/18 12:38

Re: 2011 Board of Education Election - Steve Fulop backed candidates
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2005/3/30 7:01
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I actually had the opportunity to hear Marvin Adames speak recently and while he seems like a nice guy with an interesting story... he also seemed completely unqualified to be running for the Board of Ed. Yes he is a lawyer in Newark but he didn't seem to have much familiarity with current educational issues, in fact it seems like it has been awhile since he has set foot in a public school. In addition, I see nowhere in his bio that he has done ANYTHING with youth outreach or education. Has he coached basketball?, run a youth program?, been involved with a local Boys and Girls Club? I also believe he has only lived in Jersey City for two years. His child is not even school aged so he has not had to navigate any school system. Unless he has political aspirations, I do not understand why he is running for the BOE. I would like to know why he was chosen? What did the Fulop advisory board see in him that qualified him to serve on the board?

Posted on: 2011/3/17 17:38

Re: 2011 Board of Education Election - Steve Fulop backed candidates
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no, I am not going to disagree, voting is critical, we have the government we have because of low voter and civic participation.

if in fact, Vidya Gangadin has not been voting with regularity or in local elections, that would be a good question to pose to her. voters will obviously decide if she has a satisfactory explanation or not in choosing whom to vote for and perhaps weighing a poor voting history against being an active and involved school parent as they evaluate candidates.

my knowledge and experience with Vidya Gangadin has been through the Jersey City Coalition of Parent Teacher Organizations.


Ms_Taggart wrote:
I was concerned when I saw the post indicating she had just registered in time to run for an elected position. So, I called the board of elections to check the accuracy of everything, and they confirmed she was registered back in 2004 and voted in the Obama election... no board of education elections, no state elections, no mayoral/council elections?

@DanL I agree with your points about factors for school board composition. Where I differ with you is on this recommendation. Can you disagree that, with so many elections having occurred since 2004, choosing to not vote in local elections is a HUGE shortcoming for someone who wants to run for local office? I like you DanL, but for me it is tough to support someone who doesn't vote...

This is not a critique against people who are new to Jersey City at ALL, we should welcome new comers wholeheartedly. But it is definitely a critique at someone running for office without having fulfilled the most basic form of civic responsibility, voting.

Posted on: 2011/3/11 14:51

Re: 2011 Board of Education Election - Steve Fulop backed candidates
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I was concerned when I saw the post indicating she had just registered in time to run for an elected position. So, I called the board of elections to check the accuracy of everything, and they confirmed she was registered back in 2004 and voted in the Obama election... no board of education elections, no state elections, no mayoral/council elections?

@DanL I agree with your points about factors for school board composition. Where I differ with you is on this recommendation. Can you disagree that, with so many elections having occurred since 2004, choosing to not vote in local elections is a HUGE shortcoming for someone who wants to run for local office? I like you DanL, but for me it is tough to support someone who doesn't vote...

This is not a critique against people who are new to Jersey City at ALL, we should welcome new comers wholeheartedly. But it is definitely a critique at someone running for office without having fulfilled the most basic form of civic responsibility, voting.

Posted on: 2011/3/10 17:52

Re: 2011 Board of Education Election - Steve Fulop backed candidates
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only in Jersey City would it be a legitimate question to ask candidates if they actually live here .....

Vidya Gangadin would have been registered as "Vidya Gurraya" prior to changing her name to "Gangadin".

I believe she is the only candidate that is a current public school parent and if elected would join Sterling Waterman as the only BoE members with children in the JC public district schools (Carol Lester's daughter attends a county magnet high school).

some of the attributes that I would like to see in BoE members/candidates in addition to residing and voting in Jersey City-

- existing civic engagement - all
- leadership and/or board experience - most
- financial or accounting background - some
- private sector / non-local government employment - most
- current public district school parent - some
- some involvement in public education - most

Posted on: 2011/3/10 16:25

Re: Fulop Backs Three School Board Hopefuls with an Eye Towards Repeating Last Year’s Success
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facials11 wrote:
Scoop? Why is she (Vidya G) now participating in the democratic process?

Good question! But shouldn't this question apply to everyone? With reference to Fulop's slate except Sue Mack who is currently a board member, has Marvin or Carol been involved in the democratic process prior to now? Or any of the others running?

Hi. I was on the community committee that selected the three candidates backed by Steven Fulop. To answer your question about Marvin & Carol, yes they are both registered voters with a vote history. This was one question, among many, that we asked during the whole application and interview process of all who applied.

Posted on: 2011/3/10 10:55

Re: Fulop Backs Three School Board Hopefuls with an Eye Towards Repeating Last Year’s Success
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facials11 wrote:
I have never heard of any of these people running but I will say this: I have a child in school #27 and can appreciate anyone who is running and have children in public schools. It makes me feel as if they can sympathize with me. Can't put a price on that.

Hello fellow parent of a child in PS #27.. So far, I have only heard from Sue, Caroll, and Marvin, and I have to say I am highly impressed by all three; but, I also think everyone deserves to have their voices heard. So any research possible, attend forums/debates, and most importantly, go out and vote!!!

Posted on: 2011/3/9 22:45
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Re: Fulop Backs Three School Board Hopefuls with an Eye Towards Repeating Last Year’s Success

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Scoop? Why is she (Vidya G) now participating in the democratic process?

Good question! But shouldn't this question apply to everyone? With reference to Fulop's slate except Sue Mack who is currently a board member, has Marvin or Carol been involved in the democratic process prior to now? Or any of the others running?

Posted on: 2011/3/9 22:39

Re: Fulop Backs Three School Board Hopefuls with an Eye Towards Repeating Last Year’s Success
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JSleeze wrote:

DanL wrote:
Vidya Gangadin has also filed her candidacy for the board and I hope that she will receive serious consideration by voters. Vidya is a parent leader at Academy I, a parent of four current public school children and employed as a financial analyst in the private sector.

We have the opportunity to elect (relect) great board members.


This woman registered to vote nine days ago. How long has she lived in Jersey City? I should vote for her when she can't even be bothered to vote herself?

What?!!??! Listen I am the last person to agree with the whole crazy attitude of "you have to have lived in Jersey City for 20 million years to do anything in city government"...but shouldn't you live somewhere for at least a year before running for office? Or, if she has lived here, then why is she only just now participating in the democratic process in JC? The ONLY excuse I can think of that makes this reasonable is if a greencard was received after last November. Does anyone have the scoop?

Posted on: 2011/3/9 22:04

Re: Fulop Backs Three School Board Hopefuls with an Eye Towards Repeating Last Year’s Success

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I have never heard of any of these people running but I will say this: I have a child in school #27 and can appreciate anyone who is running and have children in public schools. It makes me feel as if they can sympathize with me. Can't put a price on that.

Posted on: 2011/3/9 21:57

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DanL wrote:
Vidya Gangadin has also filed her candidacy for the board and I hope that she will receive serious consideration by voters. Vidya is a parent leader at Academy I, a parent of four current public school children and employed as a financial analyst in the private sector.

We have the opportunity to elect (relect) great board members.


This woman registered to vote nine days ago. How long has she lived in Jersey City? I should vote for her when she can't even be bothered to vote herself?

Posted on: 2011/3/9 21:51

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2011/9/8 14:56
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This is actually going to be my first election so far (I am 20), and though i am not 100% sure of who is who and what is what, this is shaping to be very exciting and these candidates are interesting to me. I will have too look further into who i will vote for but i can say it wouldn't be too far fetched for me to say "they're good"

Posted on: 2011/3/9 21:11

Re: Fulop Backs Three School Board Hopefuls with an Eye Towards Repeating Last Year’s Success
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2004/2/6 23:13
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I agree with your impression of Marvin Adames also having had the opportunity to recently meet him.

Carol Harrison Arnold and Sue Mack are candidates that I support, Carol with her long history of community leadership, board experience (including charter school board) and running her own private sector consulting business, and Sue, not just her experience as a special needs advocate, but even more so for her in depth knowledge of our school system (perhaps the most knowledgeable person), with the calls for reform and change, we need to know where we have been to know where we are going.

Vidya Gangadin has also filed her candidacy for the board and I hope that she will receive serious consideration by voters. Vidya is a parent leader at Academy I, a parent of four current public school children and employed as a financial analyst in the private sector.

We have the opportunity to elect (relect) great board members.



Jay_Res wrote:
Jersey Journal Article

The link above has the article reporting the names of all 10 candidates involved. After some investigation, we will soon find the parties being backed by the administration. I attended a community forum last night where Mr. Marvin Adames spoke. I must say that I was very impressed with his story, the challenges he has endured in life, the accomplishments that he has, and the ideas that he brings to the table. Hopefully, after these elections, the Board of Education will finally be able to do what it is supposed to do, focus on getting our children the best education possible!

Posted on: 2011/3/9 20:59

Re: Fulop Backs Three School Board Hopefuls with an Eye Towards Repeating Last Year’s Success
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2010/11/15 16:09
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Jersey Journal Article

The link above has the article reporting the names of all 10 candidates involved. After some investigation, we will soon find the parties being backed by the administration. I attended a community forum last night where Mr. Marvin Adames spoke. I must say that I was very impressed with his story, the challenges he has endured in life, the accomplishments that he has, and the ideas that he brings to the table. Hopefully, after these elections, the Board of Education will finally be able to do what it is supposed to do, focus on getting our children the best education possible!

Posted on: 2011/3/9 3:16
Jay Res

Re: Fulop Backs Three School Board Hopefuls with an Eye Towards Repeating Last Year’s Success
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2004/12/14 21:47
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Incredibly strong slate. It is fantastic that such motivated and accomplished people are willing to serve.

But, I expect the political machine to throw money at this and fight them.

We should know who the other candidates are shortly, as I believe today is the deadline for filing.

I know it is hard for people to get excited about school board elections, but these are really important and your vote literally does count.


Posted on: 2011/3/8 17:21
I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.
W. C. Fields

Re: Fulop Backs Three School Board Hopefuls with an Eye Towards Repeating Last Year’s Success

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2010/8/2 16:19
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2011/3/8 16:59
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Good news! These guys look great, definitely not the same old, same old...

Does anybody know who else is running? It will be nice to compare and contrast. Is anybody else backing a ticket?

It will be nice to see all the candidates in action. Are debates or candidate forums scheduled yet?

Posted on: 2011/3/8 17:08

Fulop Backs Three School Board Hopefuls with an Eye Towards Repeating Last Year’s Success
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2010/3/13 14:53
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2015/4/22 0:05
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By Chris Neidenberg ? Mar 8th, 2011

Ward E councilman Steven Fulop has endorsed Marvin Adames, Carol Harrison-Arnold and Suzanne Mack for April?s school board contest as he continues to build momentum for his political organization after backing last year?s winning slate.

Yet Fulop assures that his endorsements go beyond his own political ambitions as he looks to unseat Mayor Jerramiah Healy in 2013. Rather, he says, it?s about striving to build a better Jersey City for the future.

?Who they ultimately decide to support for mayor is of no concern to me,? he says. ?The endorsements are all about what?s best for the future of our schoolchildren and the district.?

He points out that Board of Education (BOE) will continue to be faced with many important issues, including a potential nationwide replacement search for current superintendent Charles Epps. As such, he says his organization decided the matter on the merits, choosing a mix of candidates blending attributes such as experience, a passion for grassroots community involvement and a desire to invest in the future of the city and its schools.

As in 2010, when the councilman backed Carol Lester, Angel Valentin and Sterling Waterman, Fulop assures this year?s ticket was thoroughly vetted through a screening committee.

?We didn?t just say, ?Here are these political hacks we want you to support,?? Fulop tells JCI. ?We screened 10 to 15 candidates. The approach we took was to closely examine their qualifications and views. We then picked people whose service, we feel, will best benefit the community.?

Read the rest of the article at: ... ating-last-years-success/

Posted on: 2011/3/8 15:49
The Jersey City Independent is the alternative news and culture source for Jersey City. or

Re: 2011 Board of Education Election - Steve Fulop backed candidates
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2009/10/7 15:46
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?and for those of you who are totally clueless (shame on you!!) ?.

2 - 9 P.M.

jcboe website with election information


?you still have time to register to vote in the election. Even if you don?t have kids yet?please VOTE. Maybe if the JC Public School situation gets fixed you guys won?t leave JC for the burbs when you finish screwing around (ahh to be young again) and get married. Not like the last bunch of you ?pioneers? who came to JC in the early 80?s and then flat left US for the burbs. (funny thing about that is those ?flatleavers? kids are now flocking back to JC..go figure)


For Immediate Release
Jersey City Board of Education Elections
Voter Registration Deadline April 6, 2011

The deadline for voter registration and transfers for the annual Jersey City Board of Education election is Wednesday, April 6, 2011.

The election will be held Wednesday, April 27, 2011, from 2:00 to 9:00 p.m.

Superintendent of Elections and Commissioner of Registration Marie G. Borace announced that the Commissioner of Education Office hours are from 8:30 a.m - 4:30 p.m. daily Monday through Friday. However, the office will be open on April 6th from 8:30 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. for the registration and/or transfer process.

The office is located at the Hudson County Plaza at 257 Cornelison Ave. 4th Floor.

Residents who have any questions can call 201-369-7793 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.


Here is the JC Public School calendar ..(you can see when those trouble makers at Ferris have a half day)


PS ? As an JC old-timer I would like to say I am really happy we have someone like Mr. Fulop working for us in JC.
Also THANK YOU Steve ( and all of our brave troops) for serving our country in its darkest days.

Posted on: 2011/2/18 15:06

Re: 2011 Board of Education Election - Steve Fulop backed candidates
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2008/10/19 1:18
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This is a great slate of talented, highly qualified and motivated people. Very exciting development at a time when education reform is front and center at the national and state levels.

Posted on: 2011/2/17 22:08

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