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Re: Downtown: Woman robbed outside her (second street) home
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2006/11/10 20:17
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From Downtown
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Tash wrote:
oooh sexy holster

If a woman is carrying her gun in her purse, she obviously shouldn't have a gun. ideally cellphone and wallet should be separate too.

With all those holsters, who needs a purse? Just put everything in a holster and get rid of the purse. Problem solved. Probably don't even need the gun then, either.

Posted on: 2010/9/10 14:18

Re: Downtown: Woman robbed outside her (second street) home
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2009/11/2 21:03
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2014/6/14 1:55
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MDM wrote:

I_heart_JC wrote:

MDM wrote:

so, if you had your way, this woman would have been carrying a gun. and now the thief would have her purse...and the gun it was holding.

super plan.

Purses don't make the best CCW holsters. Its best to keep a firearm on your person. One option here:

Resized Image

oooh sexy holster

If a woman is carrying her gun in her purse, she obviously shouldn't have a gun. ideally cellphone and wallet should be separate too.

Posted on: 2010/9/10 11:59

Re: Downtown: Woman robbed outside her (second street) home
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2008/7/3 5:49
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81905 wrote:
Look at these stats NYC and Jerey City. Wow something to be proud of. ... 1=NY&c2=Jersey+City&s2=NJ

Meh, the graphs are not set to scale and thus look a lot worse than they are. Take the first one, 7 murders per 100,000 people vs 9.2 per. If the graph were to scale, the latter number would be about a third larger than the first (9.2 is about 31.5% more than 7). Instead, it's more than double the size.

Posted on: 2010/9/10 4:22

Re: Downtown: Woman robbed outside her (second street) home
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2010/7/9 11:16
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I_heart_JC wrote:

MDM wrote:

so, if you had your way, this woman would have been carrying a gun. and now the thief would have her purse...and the gun it was holding.

super plan.

Purses don't make the best CCW holsters. Its best to keep a firearm on your person. One option here:

Resized Image

Posted on: 2010/9/10 4:09

Re: Downtown: Woman robbed outside her (second street) home
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2007/11/15 21:43
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MDM wrote:
It would be nice for NJ to join 40 other states in becoming a "shall issue" (or no permit required) for concealed carry. The perps would be a little more hesitant if their intended targets could fight back.

so, if you had your way, this woman would have been carrying a gun. and now the thief would have her purse...and the gun it was holding.

super plan.

Posted on: 2010/9/10 3:33

Re: Downtown: Woman robbed outside her (second street) home
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2008/2/5 2:27
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2017/6/14 13:47
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Look how much better we are than Camden. Good job, Jersey City! ... 1=NJ&c2=Jersey+City&s2=NJ

Posted on: 2010/9/10 2:56

Re: Downtown: Woman robbed outside her (second street) home
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2010/8/17 1:45
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MDM wrote:
It would be nice for NJ to join 40 other states in becoming a "shall issue" (or no permit required) for concealed carry. The perps would be a little more hesitant if their intended targets could fight back.

I carry big dogs. For those not able to carry big dogs, I agree with this in general. We just need some checks and balances to prevent criminals having the same right.

Posted on: 2010/9/10 1:31

Re: Downtown: Woman robbed outside her (second street) home
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2004/12/9 1:46
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2010/12/23 2:50
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I wouldn't be so sure about that. Due to the academic research showing that enacting concealed carry laws is followed by a drop in violent crime, a lot of people have changed their minds on this issue (I'm one of them). Even if the more anti-freedom states' politicians won't go for it, it may happen via a national concealed carry reciprocity law (much as states honor other states' drivers' licenses).

Of course if the JC mayor was judged based on how well the government has kept people safe he would be looking for other work.


gibbons70 wrote:

MDM wrote:
It would be nice for NJ to join 40 other states in becoming a "shall issue" (or no permit required) for concealed carry. The perps would be a little more hesitant if their intended targets could fight back.

Never. Ever. Gonna. Happen.

Besides, according to Duh Maher, it's the Governments responsibility to keep the populace safe.

Posted on: 2010/9/9 23:35

Re: Downtown: Woman robbed outside her (second street) home
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2009/6/10 14:18
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MDM wrote:
It would be nice for NJ to join 40 other states in becoming a "shall issue" (or no permit required) for concealed carry. The perps would be a little more hesitant if their intended targets could fight back.

Never. Ever. Gonna. Happen.

Besides, according to Duh Maher, it's the Governments responsibility to keep the populace safe.

Posted on: 2010/9/9 5:24

Re: Downtown: Woman robbed outside her (second street) home
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2009/6/10 14:18
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fat-ass-bike wrote:

Our nation was built on violence and I'd love to test our nation against other nations to see if our DNA and gene pool comes up with the same conclusion.

When are nations NOT built on violence?

Posted on: 2010/9/9 5:07

Re: Downtown: Woman robbed outside her (second street) home
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2010/8/17 1:45
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
Weapons are being business - One of this nations biggest export revenue generating earners is weapons and armaments..........everything else is either made in China or heavy subsidized by the government so we can compete on the world market.

Our nation was built on violence and I'd love to test our nation against other nations to see if our DNA and gene pool comes up with the same conclusion.

It makes sense when nations like iran and even israel aren't so welcoming to others via religion.

The US will always be Darwin's wet dream of natural selection.............the strong survive and the weak are victims, by all means we should arm ourselves to the teeth and reflect on by gone days as we implode as a society.

USA demonstrates the survival of the fittest? To be honest not sure these days. I'd agree WWI-WWII and probably thru to the 90s. The British empire held the title early 1800s-WWI.

China and Russia may have already passed the US on arms sales. Testing their DNA vs the US's? On a 30-50 year time horizon, I know where my money would be.

Posted on: 2010/9/9 2:32

Re: Downtown: Woman robbed outside her (second street) home
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2005/12/7 2:49
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2015/11/10 19:14
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Look at these stats NYC and Jerey City. Wow something to be proud of. ... 1=NY&c2=Jersey+City&s2=NJ

Posted on: 2010/9/9 1:35

Re: Downtown: Woman robbed outside her (second street) home
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2006/11/13 18:42
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2022/2/28 7:31
From 280 Grove Street
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Weapons are being business - One of this nations biggest export revenue generating earners is weapons and armaments..........everything else is either made in China or heavy subsidized by the government so we can compete on the world market.

Our nation was built on violence and I'd love to test our nation against other nations to see if our DNA and gene pool comes up with the same conclusion.

It makes sense when nations like iran and even israel aren't so welcoming to others via religion.

The US will always be Darwin's wet dream of natural selection.............the strong survive and the weak are victims, by all means we should arm ourselves to the teeth and reflect on by gone days as we implode as a society.

Posted on: 2010/9/8 22:19
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Re: Downtown: Woman robbed outside her (second street) home
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2009/12/22 20:28
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2017/11/7 17:48
From 8th st
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Seems to have worked for Texas:

crime stats

Posted on: 2010/9/8 21:09

Re: Downtown: Woman robbed outside her (second street) home
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2009/11/2 21:03
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2014/6/14 1:55
From Heights
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MDM wrote:
It would be nice for NJ to join 40 other states in becoming a "shall issue" (or no permit required) for concealed carry. The perps would be a little more hesitant if their intended targets could fight back.

Don't even get me started on pistol purchase permit and . conceal carry. JCPD doesn't want me to have a pistol, and conveniently held my permit until it expired so now I have to go get a new one such bs. Yes, no one would rob an armed woman - it takes one girl to be concealed carrying and one unfortunate robber not getting so lucky. But hey we are living in New Jersey, when hell freezes over will there be a conceal carry.

Posted on: 2010/9/8 20:50

Re: Downtown: Woman robbed outside her (second street) home
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2010/7/9 11:16
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It would be nice for NJ to join 40 other states in becoming a "shall issue" (or no permit required) for concealed carry. The perps would be a little more hesitant if their intended targets could fight back.

Posted on: 2010/9/8 19:56

Re: Downtown: Woman robbed outside her (second street) home
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2009/11/2 21:03
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2014/6/14 1:55
From Heights
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whoa I used to live on that block.

ahahaha loser robber dropped the wallet.

ugh, Now I gots to watch my back since I live only few blocks west.

Posted on: 2010/9/8 18:05

Downtown: Woman robbed outside her (second street) home
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2009/10/7 15:46
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2024/7/1 0:32
From jersey city
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Woman robbed outside her home

A 36-year-old resident of Second Street in Jersey City told police she was robbed in front of her home early yesterday morning by a man who fled on foot, police said.

The victim told police she was standing outside of her home at 12:35 a.m. when a man grabbed her, ripped her purse off her and ran west on Second Street, then south on Jersey Avenue, reports said.

The gray leather bag contained a cell phone, house keys and a wallet reports said. As the robber was running away, the wallet fell from the pocketbook and the victim was able to recover it, police said.

From the Jersey Journal

Posted on: 2010/9/7 13:33

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