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Re: Problems with Neighbors
Home away from home
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2004/12/29 17:58
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2012/4/30 16:20
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I hope you don't get some asshole of a cop who tells them that the woman next door compained about "all you people crashing in this house."
They could make your life miserable afterwards becasue they will remain after the cops have gone.

It is not illegal for many people to live in a house or to visit a house, it is illegal to RENT to them.
The home is owned by your HER, she is responsible for those she rents to.

If she continues to do nothing, report the building to the apppropriate authorities and keep your fingers crossed that your action doesn't escalate the unpleasantness. Battling with neighbors is truly a debilitating experience. Do it ONLY as a last resort.

(What neighborhood is this?)

Posted on: 2010/6/29 13:47

Re: Problems with Neighbors
Home away from home
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2004/11/7 17:04
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2015/2/24 18:16
From "Pay for Play"
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Rays wrote:
I've seen kids as young as 10 or 12 and teens that look like they're 16 or 17. There are also young adults in their 20's and a few in their 30's! I have no idea who really lives there, who's visiting or what's going on. They're just all over the place, loud, dirty and the music is on all the time.

It's a legal 2 family, that much I know, but the basement is also being used as an apartment. I don't think there's anything illegal going on like drugs, but all those people living there is definitely not legal.

So why are you wasting time on jclist? Call the cops, fire marshal, building inspector and end this scenario. You've gotten excellent suggestions from many here and now you need to execute.

Posted on: 2010/6/29 4:10
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Re: Problems with Neighbors
Home away from home
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2006/11/27 12:04
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2016/7/1 9:09
From Southern JC
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No reason to feel guilty. They've turned it into a party pad. You get them thrown out, they find another place to party.

Posted on: 2010/6/29 3:28

Re: Problems with Neighbors
Home away from home
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
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There is no reason for you to get personally involved with these people. Just call in the city's building inspectors and fire marshalls and get these people thrown out of there. They don't have to know that you made the call. Why take the chance of some kind of vendetta. I have put 8 people in jail without ever getting personally involved with the criminals. Each time there was enough evidence for the cops to press their own charges. Sounds the same in your case. You may feel bad for them but it sounds like they couldn't care less about your quality of life. Good riddance!!

Posted on: 2010/6/29 3:15

Re: Problems with Neighbors
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2009/9/30 18:42
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2017/1/27 20:34
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I've seen kids as young as 10 or 12 and teens that look like they're 16 or 17. There are also young adults in their 20's and a few in their 30's! I have no idea who really lives there, who's visiting or what's going on. They're just all over the place, loud, dirty and the music is on all the time.

It's a legal 2 family, that much I know, but the basement is also being used as an apartment. I don't think there's anything illegal going on like drugs, but all those people living there is definitely not legal.

Posted on: 2010/6/29 2:36

Re: Problems with Neighbors
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2007/2/14 14:47
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2011/12/7 6:06
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It is more of a fire marshal thing. one of our neighbors lost one of their units because they thought it was a 3 family when it was a 2. They get pretty serious about abusers of the system..

Posted on: 2010/6/29 1:25

Re: Problems with Neighbors
Home away from home
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2009/7/29 1:51
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2016/10/1 18:03
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do you mean young kids like minors (pre-teens or teenagers or both) or young adults in their 20's sharing the apartment? you can't really do anything unless you go to the landlord directly like what everyone else suggests. cops won't do squat unless, you have proof they're doing something illegal and shady (like drug trafficking and selling)

Posted on: 2010/6/29 0:19

Re: Problems with Neighbors
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2007/8/28 17:36
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2017/10/30 16:58
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It may be worth asking the neighbor for the names of the people on the lease and then trying to talk to them directly about your concerns.

Posted on: 2010/6/28 23:45

Re: Problems with Neighbors
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2009/9/30 18:42
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2017/1/27 20:34
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Thanks all...

I know it's illegal, but I guess I'm just feeling guilty about reporting them because there are lots of young kids there. I really need to stop because they're annoying and you're right, it's a fire hazard, anything can happen.

The woman who owns that house has always been really difficult to deal with, but I will give her a call and see what she has to say.

Posted on: 2010/6/28 20:22

Re: Problems with Neighbors
Home away from home
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2007/4/17 20:50
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2011/3/3 2:45
From Hamilton Park
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I'd definitely tell your neighbor. I'm sure she'd want to know about all those people-- there could have been damage done to the property. And as a landlord, she's responsible for what goes on there.

Posted on: 2010/6/28 19:14

Re: Problems with Neighbors
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2009/9/12 23:09
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2013/5/17 19:13
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No where in the post is anything but age referenced.
It is illegal to have occupancy over a certain number (fire hazard). You may want to check out the laws in Jersey City.

There was a story in yesterday's paper about a swanky Manhattan apartment turned into a hostel (there were up to 3 bunk beds in each of the rooms). Up to 18 people at a time.
This is illegal: the owner will end up loosing the apartment and she supposedly paid one years rent upfront.

Posted on: 2010/6/28 19:02

Re: Problems with Neighbors
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2008/9/11 22:33
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2011/10/19 19:54
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i'd have them deported immediately to whatever terrible country they came from.

they sound like central americans.

Posted on: 2010/6/28 18:43

Re: Problems with Neighbors
Home away from home
Home away from home

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2007/10/4 22:11
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2014/11/16 18:32
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I would call the cops.

Posted on: 2010/6/28 18:34

Problems with Neighbors
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2009/9/30 18:42
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2017/1/27 20:34
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Posts: 29
My next door neighbor moved to Florida and is renting out her two family home. It hasn't been a problem, however, about three months ago, I started noticing that more and more people were moving in.
It seems like there are 20 people living in that house and they come in and out constantly. They blast their music and have been hanging out in front of my house, working on their car and leaving all sorts of garbage on the ground.
In the last two weeks alone, there's been broken glass and trash all over the place.
Calling my neighbor about this is useless because she just wants her place rented out; she doesn't really care who's in there as long as she's able to pay her mortgage.

Seems like the majority of people living there are teens, but that could just be because they're the ones constantly hanging out. Should I call and report them? Part of me feels really guilty because my goal isn't to make them homeless, but on the otherhand, I don't want to live in a place that's constantly littered!

What would you do?

Posted on: 2010/6/28 18:01

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