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Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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2004/9/15 19:03
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Jersey City library patrons, staff ask city to save library budget from cuts

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Paul Valleau may only be 8 years old, but that didn't stop him from making a case - complete with exhibits - for fully funding the Jersey City Free Public Library.

Paul stood on a stool as he spoke at yesterday's City Council meeting.

His first exhibit was a poster with a slogan, "Make a splash, budget the cash," a take off on the library's summer reading campaign.

For another exhibit, he displayed two pictures of several people walking into his local library, the main branch on Jersey Avenue.

"They hold the books I need when I cannot get them at the moment," he told council members. "They help me find the books I need and they even let the top readers in the reading program - that's where 'Make a Splash' came from - go to Liberty Science Center."

His comments drew a standing ovation from the roughly 30 people in attendance.

After the meeting, Paul, a top summer reader, said he felt the need to speak out.

"It's the library. I couldn't resist," he said. "I don't want it to shut down."

Library Director Priscilla Gardner has said the city will only give the library $6 million this year to run its 10 branches. That's down from $7.7 million last year and below the $8 million she requested.

Under state law, the city must give the library $7.4 million, but that includes pension contributions for employees and the library's debt service, which the city pays.

Library patrons, staff members and representatives from the library's various programs asked the City Council to fully fund the budget.

Mary Quinn, principal librarian and manager of the Glenn D. Cunningham Branch, said the economy has placed an increased demand on libraries.

Quinn, president of American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 3612, said the circulation was 180,000 in 2008 and jumped to 209,000 in 2009. While 2010 isn't over yet, the circulation to date is 218,000.

She said people borrow books, CDs and DVDs and rely on the library for research and access to computers and the Internet.

After listening to several speakers, Ward F Councilwoman Viola Richardson asked the administration to make cuts elsewhere. City officials are grappling with an $80 million budget deficit and have said every department will be cut.

"I just ask that we find other means of addressing the budget and not at the cost of services the library provides," Richardson said. "It is vital to the community."

Posted on: 2010/8/26 15:24

Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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2004/11/14 2:38
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I hope Obama ends the tax cuts so that governments can provide adequate services

Posted on: 2010/8/10 16:51

Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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2007/4/17 14:28
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your post was two-posts too quick.

Posted on: 2010/8/10 12:27

Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger

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2010/8/8 23:08
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We need to extend the tax cuts for the top earners in this economy. Otherwise all the money will go to waste.

Posted on: 2010/8/10 5:03

Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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At first I think we need libraries so everyone has access to knowledge. And then I read this thread and realize it wouldn't really matter considering how stupid the average person must be.

Posted on: 2010/8/10 3:28

Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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2004/11/14 2:38
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wouldn't it just make more sense to raise the sales tax?

Posted on: 2010/8/9 19:27

Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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2004/9/15 19:03
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Branch closings, layoffs etc.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Jersey City Library Director Priscilla Gardner is feverishly working on a plan to keep the library system alive.

With a 17.5 percent cut in state aid and $1.7 million less from Jersey City this year, things are looking grim.

The library laid off 36 part-time staff and security guards, and closed two branches during the last budget cycle in an effort to curb costs. The main branch on Jersey Avenue reduced its extended night hours from five days to two. But more cuts lay ahead.

"Now we're going to have to close branches, we're going to have to reduce more hours and we're going to have furlough days at the library just like the city is having furloughs," she said.

Gardner said city officials told her last week she will have $6 million to run the library's 10 branches. That's down from $7.7 million last year and far below the $8 million she requested.

"We cannot make it on this budget," she said.

The library employs 115 full-time staff and some could lose their jobs under a plan Gardner is devising.

Gardner declined to give details on the furloughs, layoffs or service reductions saying she first wants to give her proposal to the City Council. Any staffing reductions would have to be approved by the state Civil Service Commission.

Gardner, who has been with the library for 41 years, said she has seen demand for the library grow from 40,000 registered users to 189,357 as of Friday.

She said that demand is even higher during the tough economy when people rely on the library to provide free access to best selling novels and movies. The library also serves as a place for students to research and job hunters to seek help.

"They don't have computers, they can't afford computers," she said of many library users. "They come in, they use the computers, they use the Internet. They're searching for jobs."

Posted on: 2010/8/9 19:10

Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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2007/9/29 17:46
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Reece wrote:
Gee whiz. My message was about the library board doing the right thing and not hiring that consultant. So I'll speak for myself.... I appreciate them not hiring that guy.

With all the smoke and complaining going on about how awfully managed our city administration is, this act by the library board was positive. Now the library (and the public) will most likely be punished for it.

Even though in IMO I think all libraries are vital to any community. They can only be as good as the amount time effort and money that are put into them. I have no problem with the Main, F.C. or the West End Ave. library (I believe the REAL name is West Side Avenue).

I'm with Reece. I'd rather do something to improve the situation then bitch and complain about it.

We CAN do something (positive) about this.
The NJLA (New Jersey Library Association) has a Critical Legislative Alert heres the link.
Please, save the libraries:

Posted on: 2010/3/30 13:17
I am a rock, I am an Island... and a rock feels no pain and an island never cries...Simon & Garfunkle

Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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2007/9/29 17:46
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Won't contnue to post all the videos, but I'm sure you all get the idea...just saying...

Posted on: 2010/3/29 0:21
I am a rock, I am an Island... and a rock feels no pain and an island never cries...Simon & Garfunkle

Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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2009/12/13 14:56
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You may want to rethink your positions on taxes.

You see, if you can't pay your rent...perhaps then you cut out lifes little pleasures--like a 'designer coffee' now and then. Or you don't appropriate funds for a theatre experience.

Well dears, the gov't works the same way.

If we waste or tax dollars on war after endless war--(Rome for example) we WILL eventually go bankrupt--even though YOU may not believe it.

Look what's happening RIGHT now before your own eyes!

I mean--why else would LIBRARIES of all things need to be cut by 74% ?

They WANT all of us afraid, terrorized and desparate...and dumbed down.

You don't see a connection between your taxes going to fund wars (BY THE TRILLIONS) and the bankrupting of our great nation--the gutting of our infrastructure--...then I really am afraid for this nation.

Go to this site and see how much NATIONAL taxes have been "stolen" from Jersey City alone--since 2003--to pay for JUST the illegal, brutal Iraq war.

(This counts dollars NOT the cost in human life--which is immeasurable and priceless)

Posted on: 2010/3/29 0:21

Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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Posted on: 2010/3/29 0:03
I am a rock, I am an Island... and a rock feels no pain and an island never cries...Simon & Garfunkle

Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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2007/9/29 17:46
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Posted on: 2010/3/28 23:56
I am a rock, I am an Island... and a rock feels no pain and an island never cries...Simon & Garfunkle

Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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2007/9/29 17:46
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Posted on: 2010/3/28 23:45
I am a rock, I am an Island... and a rock feels no pain and an island never cries...Simon & Garfunkle

Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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2007/9/29 17:46
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Here's more: I really like Jaques Fresco!

Posted on: 2010/3/28 23:30
I am a rock, I am an Island... and a rock feels no pain and an island never cries...Simon & Garfunkle

Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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2007/9/29 17:46
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mvm wrote: Quote:
JerseyCityPower wrote: THANKS to ALL who support the WAR ON TERROR for eating up OUR tax dollars to continue illegal war after endless illegal war! THANKS! Shut the LIBRARIES DOWN! NO HEALTHCARE for ANYONE! MORE WAR! MORE WAR! ENJOY THE COLLAPSE OF THE USA! THANKS EVERYONE!
This is by no means a defense of the total waste of money on war mongering or that the Pentagon's huge military budget has not been slashed this year. However, as far as I know, none of the Jersey city taxes on property, water bills, etc or NJ tax were appropriated to warmongering. We need to keep asking our local government to get its fiscal house in order without federal help and figure out where the waste is on other projects/payouts/etc that take precedent over libraries and figuring out how to contain costs. I hope you will focus some of your attention to the corruption and waste on the local level.
Right. I like this guys idea though: The city of the future, where ALL are accepted just as they are. No hate. Hey, there's even room for very good artistic types who have only visited the F.C. and Main libraries, who at the same token can't even spell correctly: jelous? rout? pertinant? seam instead of seem? beurocracy? Hey Jerseycityfrankie, they have dictionaries in the Hoboken Public Library too you know. You might want to check one out...just saying...

Posted on: 2010/3/28 22:58
I am a rock, I am an Island... and a rock feels no pain and an island never cries...Simon & Garfunkle

Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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2007/7/13 2:20
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JerseyCityPower wrote:
THANKS to ALL who support the WAR ON TERROR for eating up OUR tax dollars to continue illegal war after endless illegal war!






This is by no means a defense of the total waste of money on war mongering or that the Pentagon's huge military budget has not been slashed this year. However, as far as I know, none of the Jersey city taxes on property, water bills, etc or NJ tax were appropriated to warmongering.

We need to keep asking our local government to get its fiscal house in order without federal help and figure out where the waste is on other projects/payouts/etc that take precedent over libraries and figuring out how to contain costs. I hope you will focus some of your attention to the corruption and waste on the local level.

Posted on: 2010/3/28 17:31

Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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2010/2/13 17:37
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Gee whiz. My message was about the library board doing the right thing and not hiring that consultant. So I'll speak for myself.... I appreciate them not hiring that guy.

With all the smoke and complaining going on about how awfully managed our city administration is, this act by the library board was positive. Now the library (and the public) will most likely be punished for it.

Posted on: 2010/3/28 12:40

Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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2009/12/13 14:56
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THANKS to ALL who support the WAR ON TERROR for eating up OUR tax dollars to continue illegal war after endless illegal war!






Posted on: 2010/3/28 4:29

Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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2009/5/11 2:53
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See what I am doing with my fingers, rubbing them together? That?s the worlds smallest violin playing for all the lazy idiots that work at the Jersey City Public Library. I say close the Jersey City Public Library and fire all the staff. Start over from scratch with all new people. I?m a person that loves books and loves libraries. I revere books and I think the opposable thumb and our ability to use a written language are the only things that separate us from the beasts. I think the idea of public libraries in every city is one of the greatest aspects of American culture, or human culture. But I have been in Jersey City Public Libraries and I have seen how awful they are. It makes me want to cry that A city of this size with so many people has the worst public libraries I have ever seen.

Posted on: 2010/3/28 4:28

Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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2007/9/29 17:46
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All Jersey City Residents need the Library. We shouldn't allow the city to cut their funding being that the library is mostly funded by the city of Jersey City...just saying...

Posted on: 2010/3/28 2:40
I am a rock, I am an Island... and a rock feels no pain and an island never cries...Simon & Garfunkle

Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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2010/2/13 17:37
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And if you feel strongly that the library board did the right thing in squashing that bogus deal... why not call the library and tell them... because they're probably taking lots of heat for it now... like with cutbacks.

I used to write letters when I encountered poor customer service (actually I still do), but I've started to speak out more for the employees of companies that do great work and go out of there way. When someone impresses me than I feel it's my duty to make sure their manager knows what an asset they are. It goes a long way.

So please, call or write the library (board) and thank them for not hiring that consultant.

Posted on: 2010/3/27 18:22

Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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dontstealmyrocks wrote:

They are able to operate via State, Federal and Local Taxes...word has it that on the local level it's sour grapes between the city and the Jersey City Public Library since the Public Library board voted down on the hiring of that "Consultant" from city hall, now the City of Jersey City is also slashing the library's budget drastically. In retaliation maybe?...just saying...

I have so so so much respect for the library board voting that wasteful consultant job down. It was so wrong for the job to have gotten as far as it did, on the table and all.

Too many City executives, consultants, heads of this, that and the other thing and in the end, in each and every City dept. there is so much disfunctional activity going on and people not doing their jobs. The City will continue to run in this manner and all the top people (and there's lots of them) will keep their cushy jobs and driving fancy cars and the administration will continue to cut the things they know that people want. They just won't cut themselves or their cronies.

Thank you library board for not giving into the bad guys!

Posted on: 2010/3/27 18:03

Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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Besides, if we don't have our librarians who will show it to us?..just saying...

Posted on: 2010/3/27 17:20
I am a rock, I am an Island... and a rock feels no pain and an island never cries...Simon & Garfunkle

Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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2007/9/29 17:46
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You'll like this then:

Posted on: 2010/3/27 16:42
I am a rock, I am an Island... and a rock feels no pain and an island never cries...Simon & Garfunkle

Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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caj11 wrote:
dontstealmyrocks wrote:
Well, there you have it kiddies. No money. Cuts to the NJ state library = cuts in Jersey City included:

Disproportionate cuts in state support would jeopardize $4.5M in federal aid
Norman Oder -- Library Journal, 3/17/2010 1:01:00 PM
?Database initiative would be axed
?Cuts hit libraries disproportionately
?Broadband funds jeopardized
For FY 2011, the state of New Jersey has proposed a drastic cut of 74% in library program funding from the FY 2010 appropriation, which State Librarian Norma Blake (the 2008 Gale/LJ Librarian of the Year) calls "unprecedented and disproportionate to other Departments? losses." The cuts could jeopardize $4.5 million in federal funds.

Moreover, the state has proposed that Thomas Edison State College, the distance learning institution that also houses the New Jersey State Library (NJSL), be merged with the New Jersey State Museum and governed by Rutgers University starting July 1, 2010.

Broad cuts
In a widely circulated message, Blake delineated proposed cuts:

$1.449 million, all the funding for databases under the much-praised New Jersey Knowledge Initiative (NJKI)
?$4.299 million, all the funding for Network Aid, including delivery, databases, interlibrary loan, and continuing education
?$1.170 million, all the funding for virtual aid, including databases and the public library JerseyConnect Technology System.
?$3.5 million in per capita state aid, nearly half of the allotment, leaving $3.676 million
Beyond the cut in federal aid, Blake noted that "if the cut to JerseyConnect is maintained, the State Library cannot accept the $7.5 million Broadband funds if awarded."

The State Library, she wrote, has begun talks with the New Jersey Library Association regarding their mutual concerns.

So expect no libraries & no services ...word has it more layoffs are coming in the library system in 3 mos. of full time staff.

And more libraries are due to close...just saying...

And who cares? We'll just put the books anywhere!


That film looks very much like it is in the Jersey City main library. When is that librarian's shift? She looks pretty hot. They better not lay her off.

Would you believe that this scene is from the movie Party Girl? Where the girl has to do community service after getting arrested and ends up doing it in the Library. And did you know that some scenes were filmed in the Jersey City Public Library's Main library? I just love this scene it's too funny she didn't give a damn about the library, but once she set foot in one, she then became a whole different person.

Posted on: 2010/3/27 16:25
I am a rock, I am an Island... and a rock feels no pain and an island never cries...Simon & Garfunkle

Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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2007/10/1 1:03
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dontstealmyrocks wrote:
Well, there you have it kiddies. No money. Cuts to the NJ state library = cuts in Jersey City included:

Disproportionate cuts in state support would jeopardize $4.5M in federal aid
Norman Oder -- Library Journal, 3/17/2010 1:01:00 PM
?Database initiative would be axed
?Cuts hit libraries disproportionately
?Broadband funds jeopardized
For FY 2011, the state of New Jersey has proposed a drastic cut of 74% in library program funding from the FY 2010 appropriation, which State Librarian Norma Blake (the 2008 Gale/LJ Librarian of the Year) calls "unprecedented and disproportionate to other Departments? losses." The cuts could jeopardize $4.5 million in federal funds.

Moreover, the state has proposed that Thomas Edison State College, the distance learning institution that also houses the New Jersey State Library (NJSL), be merged with the New Jersey State Museum and governed by Rutgers University starting July 1, 2010.

Broad cuts
In a widely circulated message, Blake delineated proposed cuts:

$1.449 million, all the funding for databases under the much-praised New Jersey Knowledge Initiative (NJKI)
?$4.299 million, all the funding for Network Aid, including delivery, databases, interlibrary loan, and continuing education
?$1.170 million, all the funding for virtual aid, including databases and the public library JerseyConnect Technology System.
?$3.5 million in per capita state aid, nearly half of the allotment, leaving $3.676 million
Beyond the cut in federal aid, Blake noted that "if the cut to JerseyConnect is maintained, the State Library cannot accept the $7.5 million Broadband funds if awarded."

The State Library, she wrote, has begun talks with the New Jersey Library Association regarding their mutual concerns.

So expect no libraries & no services ...word has it more layoffs are coming in the library system in 3 mos. of full time staff.

And more libraries are due to close...just saying...

And who cares? We'll just put the books anywhere!


That film looks very much like it is in the Jersey City main library. When is that librarian's shift? She looks pretty hot. They better not lay her off.

Posted on: 2010/3/27 16:11

Re: NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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2007/9/29 17:46
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See the history and how your Public Library is funded:.

They are able to operate via State, Federal and Local Taxes...word has it that on the local level it's sour grapes between the city and the Jersey City Public Library since the Public Library board voted down on the hiring of that "Consultant" from city hall, now the City of Jersey City is also slashing the library's budget drastically. In retaliation maybe?...just saying...

Funding problems:
Calling funding issues a problem is understating the issue in that most public libraries rely heavily on local government funding. Some proactive librarians[who?] have devised alliances with patron and civic groups to supplement their financial situations. Library "friends" groups, activist boards, and well organized book sales supplement government funding. With the cost of running local government increasing at a rate far above inflation[citation needed], libraries are compelled to look beyond the tax base of the communities they serve.

In the United States, among other countries, libraries in financially-strapped communities compete financially with other public institutions, such as police, firefighters, and schools.

Many communities are closing down or reducing the capability of their library systems, at the same time balancing their budgets. Jackson County, Oregon (US), closed its entire 15-branch library system for six months in 2007, reopening with a reduced schedule. This example of a funding problem followed the failure to pass of a bond measure and cessation of federal funding for counties with dwindling timber revenue, in a state with no sales tax.[70][71] In December 2004, Salinas, California almost became the first city in the United States to completely close down its entire library system. A tax increase passed by the voters in November 2005 allowed the libraries to open, but hours remain limited.[72] The American Library Association says media reports it has compiled in 2004 showed some $162 million in funding cuts to libraries nationwide.[73].

Survey data suggests the public values free public libraries. A Public Agenda survey in 2006 reported 84 percent of the public said maintaining free library services should be a top priority for their local library. Public libraries received higher ratings for effectiveness than other local services such as parks and police. But the survey also found the public was mostly unaware of financial difficulties facing their libraries.[74]

Recently, many US cities including: Philadelphia, New York, Trenton and San Diego have been facing the issue of making job cuts and service reductions in order to save money. Most of these cities have decided to cut library funding by closing down several branches and cutting hours and staff members in the branches that will remain open. Philadelphia, however, has decided to keep their 54 branches open. In order to save money during this financial crisis, Mayor Michael Nutter has proposed to cut funding for recreational parks and decrease the budget for police and fire services. Nutter has announced that the Philadelphia public library branches will not be affected by the budget cuts at this time.

In various cost-benefit studies libraries continue to provide an exceptional return on the dollar.[75] A 2008 survey discusses comprehensively the prospects for increased funding in the United States, saying in conclusion "There is sufficient, but latent, support for increased library funding among the voting population." [76]

Posted on: 2010/3/27 16:01
I am a rock, I am an Island... and a rock feels no pain and an island never cries...Simon & Garfunkle

NJ Proposes 74% Cuts in State Library Aid, State Library Faces Merger
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2007/9/29 17:46
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2013/5/19 22:46
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Well, there you have it kiddies. No money. Cuts to the NJ state library = cuts in Jersey City included: Disproportionate cuts in state support would jeopardize $4.5M in federal aid Norman Oder -- Library Journal, 3/17/2010 1:01:00 PM ?Database initiative would be axed ?Cuts hit libraries disproportionately ?Broadband funds jeopardized For FY 2011, the state of New Jersey has proposed a drastic cut of 74% in library program funding from the FY 2010 appropriation, which State Librarian Norma Blake (the 2008 Gale/LJ Librarian of the Year) calls "unprecedented and disproportionate to other Departments? losses." The cuts could jeopardize $4.5 million in federal funds. Moreover, the state has proposed that Thomas Edison State College, the distance learning institution that also houses the New Jersey State Library (NJSL), be merged with the New Jersey State Museum and governed by Rutgers University starting July 1, 2010. Broad cuts In a widely circulated message, Blake delineated proposed cuts: $1.449 million, all the funding for databases under the much-praised New Jersey Knowledge Initiative (NJKI) ?$4.299 million, all the funding for Network Aid, including delivery, databases, interlibrary loan, and continuing education ?$1.170 million, all the funding for virtual aid, including databases and the public library JerseyConnect Technology System. ?$3.5 million in per capita state aid, nearly half of the allotment, leaving $3.676 million Beyond the cut in federal aid, Blake noted that "if the cut to JerseyConnect is maintained, the State Library cannot accept the $7.5 million Broadband funds if awarded." The State Library, she wrote, has begun talks with the New Jersey Library Association regarding their mutual concerns. So expect no libraries & no services ...word has it more layoffs are coming in the library system in 3 mos. of full time staff. And more libraries are due to close...just saying... And who cares? We'll just put the books anywhere!

Posted on: 2010/3/27 2:51
I am a rock, I am an Island... and a rock feels no pain and an island never cries...Simon & Garfunkle

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