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Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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2007/11/28 3:26
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We do not compete for business with Alabama as much as we do with PA and NY. I thought that was obvious.

"the private sector barely has pensions anymore so lets get rid of public sector pensions entirely."

Now you're talking.

Posted on: 2010/2/26 19:26

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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2004/11/14 2:38
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Germany, France, the UK, Canada are alo what is your point? They have safety nets in other capitalist countries, do they not?

Posted on: 2010/2/26 19:19

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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Mathias wrote:

Alabama's UI rate is even lower...lets try that. How about Mexico their minimum wage is way lower we should try that too and hell the private sector barely has pensions anymore so lets get rid of public sector pensions entirely...they can switch over to a 401K scheme that lets employers invest the money and profit off of it....and while we are at it lets take social security and invest that into the markets as well.

Pension problems exist for a number of reasons...if you want to fix it you should fix it not use it as a wedge to push for neo-liberal economic policies

I wouldn't compare Alabama's UI rate because the cost of living there is much much lower than NJ. However, NY is a good comparison because the cost of living is the same, and many people who live in NJ, work in NY and when they are laid off, they get the NY rate.

Seriously, what country do you think you live in? The US is a capitalist driven society. If you want socialism, move to Cuba or something.

Posted on: 2010/2/26 19:06

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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2007/10/4 22:11
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AmyJCNJ wrote:

bill wrote:
I know 3 people who are currently collecting unemployent. All three of them had at least a 6 month emergency fund. None of them are looking for a job like they did after college. The unemployment they are receiving covers their expenses and is allowing them to pursue other careers. They have also said they will not seriously pursue a position that matches their skillset until a month or two before unemployment runs out.

I support unemployment so that people don't take crappy jobs, but I think the length of time you get on it is obscene.

Please introduce me to them, because I don't believe you have all of the facts of each individual's situation. I think Mathias is very astute. Some people put up a front and act like it's no big deal. I was laid off in 2001 and it was devastating. Thankfully I received a severance package and found a job before having to file unemployment. I was really freaking out about not being able to find anything, but to acquaintances and outsiders I acted like "hey I got severance, it's no big deal"
If they are in fact being lazy about find a job, then when they do finally do start to look they will be screwed anyway. The people I know who are unemployed and aggressively looking for work are taking many months to find jobs and that little bit of money is the minimum they need to eat and keep a roof over their head. One person I know took almost a year to find another job; thankfully he had enough savings to tide himself over.

I think you must be very naive to think that people do not abuse unemployment. Both employees and employers abuse it.

I actually have a friend who was a teacher in MA who would be regularly "fired" at the end of the year so that she could get umemployment for the summer and then "rehired" at the beginning of the year. I don't think she was a "real" teacher (i.e., she didn't have the training or degree, more of a temp teacher, she taught a language class), so this is what they did to take her off payroll to save a few bucks. I thought it was so unethical.

I'm not one to weep about a person who was laid off and "abuses" the system per se because at least they paid into the benefit.

Honestly I think it's more fair to take $50 a week away from people who have to file extensions....makes more sense to me if they really need to cut something.

Posted on: 2010/2/26 19:03

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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The simple and most efficient solution would be to impose a txa surcharge to cover these important programs until the economy hopefully recovers.

Posted on: 2010/2/26 18:58

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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2006/4/17 14:14
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bill wrote:
I know 3 people who are currently collecting unemployent. All three of them had at least a 6 month emergency fund. None of them are looking for a job like they did after college. The unemployment they are receiving covers their expenses and is allowing them to pursue other careers. They have also said they will not seriously pursue a position that matches their skillset until a month or two before unemployment runs out.

I support unemployment so that people don't take crappy jobs, but I think the length of time you get on it is obscene.

Please introduce me to them, because I don't believe you have all of the facts of each individual's situation. I think Mathias is very astute. Some people put up a front and act like it's no big deal. I was laid off in 2001 and it was devastating. Thankfully I received a severance package and found a job before having to file unemployment. I was really freaking out about not being able to find anything, but to acquaintances and outsiders I acted like "hey I got severance, it's no big deal"
If they are in fact being lazy about find a job, then when they do finally do start to look they will be screwed anyway. The people I know who are unemployed and aggressively looking for work are taking many months to find jobs and that little bit of money is the minimum they need to eat and keep a roof over their head. One person I know took almost a year to find another job; thankfully he had enough savings to tide himself over.

Posted on: 2010/2/26 18:54

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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2007/10/6 2:44
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snowflake20 wrote:
Mathias, do you not realize NJ's pension fund is underfunded by $46 billion? I am not sure how you expect things to operate as is when NJ is in a budget crisis. If something isn't done quickly, the fund will be insolvent and NJ will not have to capability to pay out what was promised to state workers. This is why Christie is advocating pension reform. The well has dried up, and there's nothing more to give.

I think it really sucks to cut unemployment insurance by $50. I don't think anyone is blaming unemployed people for this mess. However, I am pretty sure that NJ's UI rate is much higher than NY. I believe you cap out at 500 in NY and NJ is at 600.

Alabama's UI rate is even lower...lets try that. How about Mexico their minimum wage is way lower we should try that too and hell the private sector barely has pensions anymore so lets get rid of public sector pensions entirely...they can switch over to a 401K scheme that lets employers invest the money and profit off of it....and while we are at it lets take social security and invest that into the markets as well.

Pension problems exist for a number of reasons...if you want to fix it you should fix it not use it as a wedge to push for neo-liberal economic policies

Posted on: 2010/2/26 18:54

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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2007/10/4 22:11
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Mathias, do you not realize NJ's pension fund is underfunded by $46 billion? I am not sure how you expect things to operate as is when NJ is in a budget crisis. If something isn't done quickly, the fund will be insolvent and NJ will not have to capability to pay out what was promised to state workers. This is why Christie is advocating pension reform. The well has dried up, and there's nothing more to give.

I think it really sucks to cut unemployment insurance by $50. I don't think anyone is blaming unemployed people for this mess. However, I am pretty sure that NJ's UI rate is much higher than NY. I believe you cap out at 500 in NY and NJ is at 600.

Posted on: 2010/2/26 18:45

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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There might be some people abusing the system (there will be abuse in any system) but overall the families getting unemployment probably need that money.

Posted on: 2010/2/26 18:42

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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2005/12/18 2:57
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I know 3 people who are currently collecting unemployent. All three of them had at least a 6 month emergency fund. None of them are looking for a job like they did after college. The unemployment they are receiving covers their expenses and is allowing them to pursue other careers. They have also said they will not seriously pursue a position that matches their skillset until a month or two before unemployment runs out.

I support unemployment so that people don't take crappy jobs, but I think the length of time you get on it is obscene.

Posted on: 2010/2/26 18:31

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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2006/4/17 14:14
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I've never met anyone on unemployment who is a abusing the system and can't imagine they would considering how little the money is. My boyfriend has been unemployed since September and it has been awful for him. He can barely live on what he's getting and if doesn't find a job before the benefits run out he will be homeless. He keeps a spreadsheet of all the jobs he's applied for and is over 700 now. He goes to library every week to get books on learning new skills. He's had some interviews but nothing that was a good fit yet. Anybody in these times who thinks someone who is unemployed is lazy and abusing the system is just cold and heartless. These are unprecedented times people!

Posted on: 2010/2/26 18:17

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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2007/10/6 2:44
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Crazy_Chester wrote:
Employers certainly do make employment decisions based on taxes, tax incentives, and tax credits, no matter the size. They also make decisions about where to locate their employees based on these incentives. They do not hire based on need alone.

What I said was that the UI tax is not significant enough in and of itself to make a difference in hiring decisions.

Crazy_Chester wrote:
Not all businesses are corporations. In fact, most are not. A tax increase of $400 per person is not small for a small or mid-size business.

UI Tax for employers and employees is done using a sliding scale not everyone is hit the same


Crazy_Chester wrote:
If New York or Penn. are doing something that is more business-friendly (and budget-friendly) than NJ, we ought to at least consider doing the same thing, because they are our competition for jobs. Just because someone is working paycheck to paycheck, does not mean that they should be paid for regular, short-term intervals between paychecks just because they are out of work for a few days.

No it means that smart societies recognize the fact that there is a such thing as involuntary unemployment and that the costs to a society of no social safety net are far greater than the cost of taxing workers and employers specifically for a fund to help workers in transition.

And what does business friendly mean? What kind of bullshit philosophy is business friendly? Is Bangladesh business-friendly because they allow children to work 12 hour days in factories? At what point do you stop and say limits need to be put on competition before we all race to the bottom?

Crazy_Chester wrote:
Caring for a family member and lack of productivity would not fall under misconduct. Christie wants to make it tougher for those fired for misconduct.

Where did you read that? Find me the Chris Christie definition of employee misconduct or are you just assuming? Employers regularly try to challenge unemployment benefits for workers who are fired for things such as calling out sick or productivity...Christie is proposing to make it easier for employers to win those kinds of claims


Crazy_Chester wrote:
I know that all business owners seem like Montgomery Burns or Henry Potter to you, but they are not. The only folks trying to please the crowd are the ones who are against this bill.

No, they seem like people who are passionately driven to make a profit by any means necessary and who are willing to spend a lot of money to lobbying politicians to make things easier to do that...either by exploiting workers, the environment, public perception etc. And I guess under Capitalism that is long as you have strong workers' and citizens organizations to balance that out...

Crazy_Chester wrote:
And do you really think that most people blame this recession on immigrants and unions? Please. Most people blame George Bush and Congress (both Dems and Repubs) and big banks and Wall Street. They are not incorrect, either.

Lets see of the Big Banks and Wall Street are the problem why is Christie attacking labor unions, workers pension funds and the unemployed?

Posted on: 2010/2/26 18:06

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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GetTheFacts wrote:
Just a note the job market is tied to the housing market and the stock Market. The Housing market starts way out in California and that area 1st and hits the East Coast about 2 years later, this occurs on average every 10 years, it is anywhere from 8-12 years, old real estate companies have only seen this reality 10-15 times at least and those are majority in Manhattan not NJ. When the stockmarket which first must crash it incates within 2 years that housing market on the East Coast, or almost right away for the West Coast. The job market is the same way, the west coast starts that approximate 2 year wait before it really begins on the East Coast.

??? who are you and what are you talking about ???

Posted on: 2010/2/26 17:57

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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2007/11/28 3:26
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Mathias wrote:

Crazy_Chester wrote:
Christie is proposing reducing the maximum payout from $600 to $550. He is not reducing it by $50 across the board. NJ will still have the 3rd highest weekly benefit in the country with this cut. What incentive will corporations have to hire more workers if they have to pay more in taxes ($400 per employee) to the unemployment insurance fund on July 1?

Employers won't be making hiring decisions based on the lowering or raising of UI tax...its a relatively small tax for most employers. Firms will start hiring when they need workers to do the job. You can cut all the taxes you want to a firm isn't going to hire more workers than they need at the time.


Crazy_Chester wrote: is also proposing a 1-week waiting period before collecting unemployment to keep workers from collecting for a few days of a short-term layoff. Pennsylvania and New York do this already, as do most other states.

Just because NY and PA do it doesn't mean it's a better way of operating. What is saved by forcing workers, some who live paycheck to paycheck, to wait a week? Our economy is pretty much consumer driven...every dollar you take out of a check or the longer you make people wait you are slowing down spending. It makes no's just another crowd pleaser from Christie to the uninformed.


Crazy_Chester wrote:
And why should a worker fired for misconduct have an easy time collecting unemployment?

Because in a system where a firm pays a higher UI tax on all its employees anytime 1 employee is laid off you create a perverse incentive structure to fire employees instead of laying them off. As it stands now anyway most employees who are fired for just cause do not get UI benefits Christie just wants to toughen the standard. So for example an employee fired for theft probably wont get UI but an employee fired for something subjective like productivity or because they took too many sick days to care for a child etc would still get it. Christie would deny UI regardless of the reason they were fired.

Employers certainly do make employment decisions based on taxes, tax incentives, and tax credits, no matter the size. They also make decisions about where to locate their employees based on these incentives. They do not hire based on need alone.

Not all businesses are corporations. In fact, most are not. A tax increase of $400 per person is not small for a small or mid-size business.

If New York or Penn. are doing something that is more business-friendly (and budget-friendly) than NJ, we ought to at least consider doing the same thing, because they are our competition for jobs. Just because someone is working paycheck to paycheck, does not mean that they should be paid for regular, short-term intervals between paychecks just because they are out of work for a few days.

Caring for a family member and lack of productivity would not fall under misconduct. Christie wants to make it tougher for those fired for misconduct.

I know that all business owners seem like Montgomery Burns or Henry Potter to you, but they are not. The only folks trying to please the crowd are the ones who are against this bill.

And do you really think that most people blame this recession on immigrants and unions? Please. Most people blame George Bush and Congress (both Dems and Repubs) and big banks and Wall Street. They are not incorrect, either.

Posted on: 2010/2/26 17:41

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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Lafayette wrote:

Unemployment is not welfare, blame the banks and the big wigs for throwing this country into a place where the educated middle class can't get a job and if they do they have to make the same amount of money as people who are unskilled and uneducated!It's a scary situation....

Because the majority of workers do not belong to unions therefore the working people of this country have very little voice so you get a fat cat republican like Christie bought and paid for by big business attacking the people with no power, no voice and who really have nothing to do with the mess we are in. Meanwhile Wall Street is taking home huge bonuses and the Dow is again above 10,000.

And unfortunately there are tons of hard working people out there who have been tricked and bamboozled into thinking they and their neighbors are the problem

Posted on: 2010/2/26 16:54

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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Crazy_Chester wrote:
Christie is proposing reducing the maximum payout from $600 to $550. He is not reducing it by $50 across the board. NJ will still have the 3rd highest weekly benefit in the country with this cut. What incentive will corporations have to hire more workers if they have to pay more in taxes ($400 per employee) to the unemployment insurance fund on July 1?

Employers won't be making hiring decisions based on the lowering or raising of UI tax...its a relatively small tax for most employers. Firms will start hiring when they need workers to do the job. You can cut all the taxes you want to a firm isn't going to hire more workers than they need at the time.


Crazy_Chester wrote: is also proposing a 1-week waiting period before collecting unemployment to keep workers from collecting for a few days of a short-term layoff. Pennsylvania and New York do this already, as do most other states.

Just because NY and PA do it doesn't mean it's a better way of operating. What is saved by forcing workers, some who live paycheck to paycheck, to wait a week? Our economy is pretty much consumer driven...every dollar you take out of a check or the longer you make people wait you are slowing down spending. It makes no's just another crowd pleaser from Christie to the uninformed.


Crazy_Chester wrote:
And why should a worker fired for misconduct have an easy time collecting unemployment?

Because in a system where a firm pays a higher UI tax on all its employees anytime 1 employee is laid off you create a perverse incentive structure to fire employees instead of laying them off. As it stands now anyway most employees who are fired for just cause do not get UI benefits Christie just wants to toughen the standard. So for example an employee fired for theft probably wont get UI but an employee fired for something subjective like productivity or because they took too many sick days to care for a child etc would still get it. Christie would deny UI regardless of the reason they were fired.

Posted on: 2010/2/26 16:49

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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When I collected unemployment I found the whole experience humiliating, depressing, and scary. I went to the unemployment office and was treated like a number rather than a human being. Like the DMV, they have you sit and wait until you're called. Then you talk to a humorless person who lectures you to make sure (rightfully so, they need to make sure) you're trying to find a job. Then your check comes in the mail and it's a fraction of what you were making at your job. I just couldn't wait until I found a new job. It's no fun collecting tiny checks from the government, but it is necessary. I could have been homeless without having it to supplement my savings.

Posted on: 2010/2/26 16:42

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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Crazy_Chester wrote:
I have collected unemployment and I was terrified. I had no idea how long it would take to find a job and I knew unemployment would not last forever. Fortunately, it only lasted 6 weeks. I do not get these stories about people who chill out while collecting unemployment. I am sure that a huge majority of unemployment collectors are busting their humps to get a job. Or maybe I am naive.

Because these stories aren't's bullshit blabber and story lines sold by big business through blowhard columnists and talk radio show hosts who pretend not to be millionaires but regular folk who are getting "screwed by the man."

Do some people say this...yes of course. It's tough to find work and people are embarrassed so instead of telling people no one will hire them they say things like "oh I'm going to collect for a while" etc so they seem in control.

Posted on: 2010/2/26 16:09

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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Although I have never been on unemployment, from people around me, I know the process is too easy. After all, you are getting money, you have nothing else to do, it should be harder than filling out a simple form and calling in once in a while and speaking to a machine where you press the same digits each time.

I have a friend who has been on unemployment for about a month over a year now. Each time he says he will start looking, he gets money in the mail, so why look for work.

Yes! Because living on < $20,000/yr is the high and enviable life.

But you are likely mistaken in any event. The person who files has to certify that he is actively looking for work. At least that's the NY system and NJ is likely similar. To collect unemployment you can't just sit back and punch some numbers, at least if you do not want to commit fraud. This distinction likely will not impress you, as you seem to feel in your gut that the unemployed are generally lazy, unmotivated free-riders gaming the system.

Granted, it is pretty easy to commit this kind of fraud. Maybe your real complaint is that you would like some kind of oversight or verification system that monitors people and insures that they are telling the truth beyond their personal certification. Once you develop that system, I'm sure you could sell it to the CIA and FBI and make a bundle, so best of luck with it.

Posted on: 2010/2/26 15:18

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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2007/1/26 19:42
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It's really a shame that people automatically think people on unemployment are chilling out "collecting"....
I have been on unemployed for 6 months and I have been actively searching. Since I was employed in NYC I get a crappy $425.00...What does that do?? Can you survive on that money? I was a manager at a large firm and have a college degree and most people like me have to go back to work and take huge paycuts just to survive. I am willing to take a paycut and even then its been horrible to get work. You try to pay your mortgage with that type of money!

This is the first time in my life I have been unemployed and I hate it. Especially when I busted my hump to go to college, pay my bills and and pay my college loans off. I don't have health insurance because my previous company folded and I don't qualify for state medical aid of any sort.
Unemployment is not welfare, blame the banks and the big wigs for throwing this country into a place where the educated middle class can't get a job and if they do they have to make the same amount of money as people who are unskilled and uneducated!It's a scary situation....

Posted on: 2010/2/26 15:10

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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I have collected unemployment and I was terrified. I had no idea how long it would take to find a job and I knew unemployment would not last forever. Fortunately, it only lasted 6 weeks. I do not get these stories about people who chill out while collecting unemployment. I am sure that a huge majority of unemployment collectors are busting their humps to get a job. Or maybe I am naive.

Posted on: 2010/2/26 15:00

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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Mathias wrote:
Another change Christie is trying to make to unemployment is to make it tougher for workers who are fired to collect......this ends up being a financial incentive for employers....why layoff a worker when you can look for a way to fire them instead...thereby not having your unemployment tax raised.

Although I have never been on unemployment, from people around me, I know the process is too easy. After all, you are getting money, you have nothing else to do, it should be harder than filling out a simple form and calling in once in a while and speaking to a machine where you press the same digits each time.

I have a friend who has been on unemployment for about a month over a year now. Each time he says he will start looking, he gets money in the mail, so why look for work.

Posted on: 2010/2/26 14:38

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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Christie is proposing reducing the maximum payout from $600 to $550. He is not reducing it by $50 across the board. NJ will still have the 3rd highest weekly benefit in the country with this cut. What incentive will corporations have to hire more workers if they have to pay more in taxes ($400 per employee) to the unemployment insurance fund on July 1?

Christie is also proposing a 1-week waiting period before collecting unemployment to keep workers from collecting for a few days of a short-term layoff. Pennsylvania and New York do this already, as do most other states.

And why should a worker fired for misconduct have an easy time collecting unemployment?

This is a smart plan, which is why it wouldn't fly with our legislators.

Posted on: 2010/2/26 14:36

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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Mathias wrote:
Another change Christie is trying to make to unemployment is to make it tougher for workers who are fired to collect......this ends up being a financial incentive for employers....why layoff a worker when you can look for a way to fire them instead...thereby not having your unemployment tax raised.

It should be tough for people who are fired to collect. There are a lot of lazy people out there who have the system all worked out. They basically work jobs between collecting unemployment. They know exactly how much time they have to work before they can collect , and they know exactly what they have to do to get fired and still collect unemployment. I know because I've had first-hand experience with them as an employer. These slobs make it difficult for all of the other honest, hard-working people who really need unemployment.

On the other hand, there are also a lot of unscrupulous business owners who do look for a way to fire employees because they don't want to pay the unemployment. My brother-in-law, who has worked in the insurance industry for thirty years, was recently laid off. A month ago he was given a poor review. He saw the hanwriting on the wall because he had never been given a poor work review in his life. The bastards at his company were looking for a possible way to contest his unemployment.

If I have an employee who is a problem, or who has suddenly changed behavior because they want to get fired, I start documenting everything. I also have them sign an employee contract with everything from work hours, days off, and duties included in there. This protects me and the employees.

And cutting unemployment benefits by $50.00 for all is not at all fair, especially for people like my brother-in-law who have worked for thirty years and have never collected.

Posted on: 2010/2/26 13:25

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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Just a note the job market is tied to the housing market and the stock Market. The Housing market starts way out in California and that area 1st and hits the East Coast about 2 years later, this occurs on average every 10 years, it is anywhere from 8-12 years, old real estate companies have only seen this reality 10-15 times at least and those are majority in Manhattan not NJ. When the stockmarket which first must crash it incates within 2 years that housing market on the East Coast, or almost right away for the West Coast. The job market is the same way, the west coast starts that approximate 2 year wait before it really begins on the East Coast.

Luckily in Jersey City and probably Hoboken it is still near manhattan reality since the haven't even dropped yet and are still rising still rising and Jersey City technically has only dropped 2% not even 5 or 10%, though some properies sound like they have because there is basic no buyers or 1 in 100 when a market is rising.

The only thing to buy in this city is first a short sale and then maybe those other properties who think the market has crashed 10% or more in the city. Maybe priced at around 4 year ago prices or so, not 8 year ago prices as in other areas. Since this market was going to around 12 years the dip is great and it last longer than the 8 year cycles.

Just a help note to you all, I am sure you never heard about this before, since I had started working in real estate in a company in Manhattan which was around 150 years old not 20-25 like Wiechert, a bit older Coldwell Banker or Era same company, and a bit older is Remax, and none of them can shit because the have never looked at the trends of real estate or the stock market and how the interconnect. I don't do real estate any more but getting into that last of the 3 in all the same regulate department of the 3 which is much safer and there is no cycles, and the only types of companies which never see them period.

Posted on: 2010/2/26 13:19

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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2007/10/6 2:44
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2014/1/22 9:03
From The Heights
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Another change Christie is trying to make to unemployment is to make it tougher for workers who are fired to collect......this ends up being a financial incentive for employers....why layoff a worker when you can look for a way to fire them instead...thereby not having your unemployment tax raised.

Posted on: 2010/2/26 13:03

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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2007/12/12 21:00
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2013/7/16 11:48
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I was under the impression that the amount one collects in unemployment is based on their salary. Although there is a cap, it's a percentage.

When I was laid off in 2001, I collected $164 a week. So a $50 cut would have been pretty devastating.

Posted on: 2010/2/26 12:54

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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2007/10/6 2:44
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2014/1/22 9:03
From The Heights
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Keep in mind that Unemployment is based on where you work not where you live. So if you live in NJ but work in NY you are going to get NY Unemployment.

As workers we pay into the unemployment fund of the state we work in, our employers do the same. The amount our employers pay is based on something called an "experience rating." The more frequently an employer lays off workers the higher the experience rating and the higher the tax....the reason for this is to discourage EMPLOYER abuse of the unemployment insurance program.

How does EMPLOYER abuse happen? Through the use of temporary layoffs employers could switch to an on-call type of employment where whenever there was a dip in available work they could temporarily layoff their employees knowing full well their employees will return to work and not look for another job because the state would pay them for the couple of days or weeks of layoff.

Chris Christie's move to reduce unemployment benefits is one of those crowd pleasing moves for the morons out there who believe the blowhards on talk radio and think that the "great recession" is being cause by poor people, immigrants and labor unions. He gets away with it because a lot of people never take the time to critically think about these issues.

So Christie will take $50 a week away from a person who has lost their job and pass the savings along to corporations in the form of an unemployment tax cut. Rob the poor give to the rich.

Posted on: 2010/2/26 12:44

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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2004/9/14 17:44
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From McGinley Square
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susiederkins wrote:
Is he crazy? People on unemployment tend to need all the money they can get.

Sure. I also need all the money I can get. But, right now, this state is facing a fiscal crisis and state government either needs to (1) reduce expenditures or (2) increase revenue. Since Christie isn't going to raise taxes and increase revenue, he needs to reduce expenditures. One way to do this is to cut entitlements.

Think about it this way---would you be willing to let the state take more of your paycheck and transfer it directly to someone who isn't working? I sure wouldn't and, accordingly, am perfectly happy to see benefits cut.

Entitlement?! Unemployment INSURANCE. We pay premiums in case we lose employment. We lose employment. We take the payout. What entitlement?

Posted on: 2010/2/26 7:04

Re: Gov Christie wants to cut unempluyment benefits $50 a week
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2010/1/17 6:54
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2011/5/24 18:45
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Maybe the Gov. can now give his brother a nice tax cut after he stole peoples money in wall street, that will make the whole thing come full circle. ... 33EF937A25757C0A9639C8B63

Posted on: 2010/2/26 7:01

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