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Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2006/7/14 19:34
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Vigilante wrote:
Anyone who has lived near Hamilton Park for awhile can tell you that the city has made little to no effort at maintaining the park. The "Parks Dept." shows up, collects garbage from the cans, picks up (sometimes) after the basketball players and drives away.

We should start a group - similar to a Neighborhood Watch - to take turns walking up to Enos Jones Park where they're sleeping in their trucks to ask them to do their jobs.

Posted on: 2009/11/24 22:58

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2006/7/3 21:40
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2009/12/24 16:14
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Call me negative or naive all you like, but there's nothing disingenuous about my argument.

Show me the local dirty or graffitied park; Enos? No, pretty nice. Van Vorst? Beautiful. Roberto Clemente? Looks ok to me. LSP? Nope. Waterfront? Great but needs some work in spots. Hardly a ghetto.

All seem to be doing ok without a conservancy.

HP was in disrepair and had an issue with homeless people leaving their junk behind among other issues, but it was a perfectly nice place. I think a little renewed pride brought from the renovation will go along way. That and a little civic responsibility.

Or, perhaps that's just my optimism.

Posted on: 2009/11/24 22:11

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2004/11/6 21:13
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pooper wrote:
Neutral, professional custodians who are paid by those with the time, money and interest in seeing the park shaped to their whims. What exactly is wrong with the city doing this job?

They didn't, and presumably won't. And no one wants unaccountable and unreliable in the long run "citizen gardening groups" to be in charge of anything. Start your reasoning from there to suggest a alternate way to keep the park in top maintenance. Your naivete & negativism so far only leads to a graffitied, dirty park with poorly cared for greenery.

Posted on: 2009/11/24 21:28

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2006/7/3 21:40
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Yup, totally agree.

As for designated planting areas, we don't have those. Not as issue anymore thankfully.

Posted on: 2009/11/24 21:12

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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Anyone who has lived near Hamilton Park for awhile can tell you that the city has made little to no effort at maintaining the park. The "Parks Dept." shows up, collects garbage from the cans, picks up (sometimes) after the basketball players and drives away. It will be up to all residents to help maintain the park. If someone wants to plant flowers or plants in a designated area I have no problem with that. I, for one, will continue to pick up any trash I see and sweep up broken glass etc. I don't do it for any personal gain nor should you. You should do it out of pride. The renovated park may not be completely to my liking but I will make an effort to keep it looking decent. So should you.

Posted on: 2009/11/24 20:58

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2006/7/3 21:40
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Neutral, professional custodians who are paid by those with the time, money and interest in seeing the park shaped to their whims. What exactly is wrong with the city doing this job?

I hear ya and I know I'm sounding a bit ideological here. I've seen these interested parties come and go and plant their crap while I enjoy my coffee and the trees. My say and effort will be in staying part of this conversation and making sure that all city parks get the attention they deserve.

You won't see me planting my flowers or herbs in the park. They're on my window sill where they belong.

Posted on: 2009/11/24 20:41

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2009/7/23 18:04
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I understand your apprehensions, and I share in your disdain for the attitude some park-adjacent posters here. Some think they have more of a say because they own property along side the park, and that they are entitled to the park in a way others aren't.

That said, I can't imagine any model of a conservancy program that would turn away donations from any interested party. While those with more of a stake in the neighborhood (and whose property values and businesses are more directly tied to the health and maintenance of the park) would be the most likely to contribute to the conservancy, I don't think that would stop you, me, or anybody else who wants to see Hamilton Park maintained and thriving from making contributions or donations.

If you really care, and you really want a say, (as opposed to not wanting others to), you have to put in the leg work and put your time/energy/money where your mouth is.

I am not 100& familiar with how a conservancy would be governed, but I thought the point of it is to put the decision making into the hands of neutral, professional custodians who would be tasked with maintaining the park as designed and executed, instead of playing referee when schoolyard bullies disguised as martyrs come a-calling with their trowels and their mulch and their complexes.

Posted on: 2009/11/24 19:49

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2006/7/3 21:40
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2009/12/24 16:14
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Your openness to ideas is appreciated.

The park is a public resource of the city, not just it's most immediate residents. I'm sure you understand my concerns and understand that's it's not just a shared front lawn for those who own houses that sit along it.

While our city directors may be a crooked as they come for the most part, they are still accountable. I'm less than eager to see a group of people take custodial responsibility for the park that are financially vested and less accountable.

I share your sentiment. There are some things I'd like to see happen, but mostly there's a bunch of ideas I don't like.

Mostly I wish I could go lay in grass and kick around some leaves. Soon...

Posted on: 2009/11/24 19:32

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2004/3/11 23:46
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Hi Pooper:

There's nothing much to clarify in my post at this point.

A park conservancy is just one idea (which I'm not attached to) for a formalized and more permanent structure that could possibly support the need for more than the city minimum level of maintenance.

On the other hand, I am very open to hearing alternative suggestions or approaches that would achieve the same goal and which would have a minimum of downside issues associated with it. I've got no pre-ordained idealogical positions for or against one structure or another.

Further, this conversation is not a matter of me promoting one idea over another, as others may have better alternatives. Getting to an acceptable solution will simply require more serious thought, discussion and planning from a broader audience, and I'd like to hear what those might be. If you don't like a conservancy approach, feed us some alternatives that don't have the downsides you perceive.

Whatever the end result of the process is, putting it into action will require money and a structure.

I do have some firmly entrenched opinions about what hasn't worked in the past, and that's plain to see from this and other threads.

I'm just looking for a more positive path to the future.

All the best.


Posted on: 2009/11/24 18:44

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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G_Elkind wrote:
While the solution for providing that maintenance will require further thought, discussion and planning, one thing is clear -- returning to the old, ad hoc approaches of the past is not among them.

All the best.


Why don't you clarify what you mean by this. Your conservancy plan just brings more of the same with dollars attached.

Posted on: 2009/11/24 18:27

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2008/2/5 2:27
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Psyched for the renovated park to open!

Posted on: 2009/11/24 17:40

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2005/9/1 22:51
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You really are the only one who sees this park renovation as "wrong", it is spectacular and is such an improvement over the old park that it makes me happy to look at it everyday...please keep your anger focused inward...there has to be a better outlet for your desperate unusual need to 'garden"...maybe Home Depot could use your expertise? A little extra money would be nice around the holidays!

As for the Hamilton Park residents, we don't need your gardening "expertise" please use your own property to create a garden oasis, and charge us admission to view its grandeur!

PS...SamS I'm with you...

Appreciate what a gift this is, and learn to be grateful..

Posted on: 2009/11/24 17:11

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2007/7/22 14:29
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From what I could see, the fountain is the same size as the one in VVP. I don't know what benefits people think a larger fountain might bring.

Posted on: 2009/11/24 16:18

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2004/3/11 23:46
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It's a shame to return to the same, old counter-productive conversations of the past.

We have a newly renovated park coming on line in the coming months, which we can all be proud of. In my opinion, protecting that investment will require a new, professional approach to ensuring that it's properly maintained -- gardens, plantings and all else associated with the park.

While the solution for providing that maintenance will require further thought, discussion and planning, one thing is clear -- returning to the old, ad hoc approaches of the past is not among them.

All the best.


Posted on: 2009/11/24 15:56

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2005/7/11 14:19
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I am sincerely sorry you are unable to enjoy and appreciate this rare luxury of having a newly renovated park right in front of your own home. Perhaps in time as you see your neighbors mingling around, raising their children, deepening their neighborly relations and sharing in this lovely park your perspective and disposition will change. In one of your early posts you commented on your need to "fight". Perhaps that's an approach you want to reflect on and reconsider. Otherwise, you will be missing out on much of the happiness and good fortune that sits right in front of you. Your fighting with your neighbors about this has grown old and has even lost it's entertainment value.

In the mean time I would appreciate it if you would refrain from minimizing my appreciation for the park and from suggesting my excitement is saccharin. There are a lot of neighbors regularly passing by the park while commenting on how nice it looks Picking at it and picking fights with your neighbors over it, is only going to cast you in a less than favorable light, and certainly won't persuade too many people that the park doesn't look nice. While you personally don't have to like it, it doesn't do any good to continuously express your misery over it.

Again, I genuinely wish you continued progress in your health.

Posted on: 2009/11/24 15:36

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2009/1/22 19:38
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this is jersey city. please keep that in mind people. the park will never live up to anyone's expectations.

none of the park "attractions" will be anywhere near good enough. enough of the fighting.

Posted on: 2009/11/24 15:26

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2004/11/5 17:59
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SamS wrote:
aaaa haaa,

Well, more importantly there is absolutely no reason to suggest that there's going to be red mulch anywhere in HP including surrounding the new lush gardens which have been planted around the charming seating surrounding the new fountain. Nor is there any evidence that there's going to be any red mulch around the gazebo garden, where it seems some very nice plants are going in today or tomorrow including nice shrubs, ornamental grasses etc.

I hope you continue to make progress and have a Happy Thanksgiving.

SamS.. I understand your need to brag about the fountain, charming seating area and lush gardens... because (in my opinion) it is going to be the most popular area of the park. It's really too bad it couldn't have been done on a much grander scale as was suggested by somebody we both know. Brag all you want....

Posted on: 2009/11/24 15:06

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2004/11/5 17:59
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Can anybody... HPNA, Councilman Fulop or perhaps Eric Silverman, give an update as to how the gardens are going to be maintained?

Much appreciated.

Posted on: 2009/11/24 14:49

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2005/7/11 14:19
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aaaa haaa,

Well, more importantly there is absolutely no reason to suggest that there's going to be red mulch anywhere in HP including surrounding the new lush gardens which have been planted around the charming seating surrounding the new fountain. Nor is there any evidence that there's going to be any red mulch around the gazebo garden, where it seems some very nice plants are going in today or tomorrow including nice shrubs, ornamental grasses etc.

I hope you continue to make progress and have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Posted on: 2009/11/24 14:27

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2004/11/5 17:59
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SamS wrote:


Didn't your garden have ugly red mulch??


In 2005- we received a donation of mulch and we got whatever was donated to us. At that time, we just started out and had no money and were dependent on local business' (14th Garden Center, the City, etc.) to provide whatever we could get.

Red mulch is not ideal as it is doused with chemicals. Just read the bag at any garden center. Since millions are being spend on the renovation, I'm asking that other mulch be considered.

Posted on: 2009/11/24 14:12

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Didn't your garden have ugly red mulch??


Minnie wrote:
I know dark fudge when I see it and I can?t help myself but laugh when I read some of the ?positive? statements?. like the anti-flower folks that tried to squash & ridicule our gardening efforts and made certain that all the former plants were ripped out? now commenting on how lovely the new plants are. Positively bullshit.

- to be something more than a commercial style garden with ugly red mulch and annual plants that are used around big box retail chains and restaurants.

Posted on: 2009/11/24 14:02

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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jerzeyboy wrote:

Please use your energy to help other people, and stop trying to push your agenda on the park, you don't see other people doing what you do, it is not appreciated by anyone nor is it helpful to force your unsolicited opinion.

Because I live here too and I use and share the park too... and I have opinions and may post them on this board. I?m not about to keep those opinions to myself because I might upset someone. So you?re happy with the new & improved park? that?s great. But I am not.

I know dark fudge when I see it and I can?t help myself but laugh when I read some of the ?positive? statements?. like the anti-flower folks that tried to squash & ridicule our gardening efforts and made certain that all the former plants were ripped out? now commenting on how lovely the new plants are. Positively bullshit.

Too much stuff (something for everyone), stuffed into the park, equals HODGE PODGE. That?s what the ?H? stands for.

I truly believe in trying to right a wrong before it's too late. At any cost, it is worth the effort to try and make whatever few gardens there is going to be -- to be something more than a commercial style garden with ugly red mulch and annual plants that are used around big box retail chains and restaurants. Since maintenance of gardens is necessary and a concern as folks on this site are complaining they don't want residents maintaining them... then why wasn't garden maintenance included in the plan? If there is a plan, I'd like to know what that is.

By the way, last fall when we relocated some of the doomed plants from the garden bunkers that went onto be destroyed? a woman approached me to ask if I had permission from the HPNA to take the plants out. Since the plants did not belong to the HPNA, I told her that I had permission from the parks dept. to relocate them to new homes in an attempt to save them. I told her that some of them may come back again when the renovation is complete and the woman told me that the HPNA said that nobody could plant anything in the park.

I don?t own the park, but clearly, there are others that believe they do.

Posted on: 2009/11/24 13:46

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2007/7/4 16:37
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Yes, I noticed this this WE at the park, people seemingly in a good mood and ready for a chat. Oh wait, it was all in my miiiind !

Posted on: 2009/11/24 0:21

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2005/7/11 14:19
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LOL, thanks FRinJC. I do sincerely find the transformation exciting, especially when so many people share in the excitement as we get closer and closer to the project finally being complete.

Posted on: 2009/11/24 0:11

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2007/7/4 16:37
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Sam, you are way too positive to stay on this forum. The information you post is creating too many cognitive dissonances in the mind of some people here. Please go away.

Posted on: 2009/11/23 23:29

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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This morning I noticed even more shrubs, plants and ornamental grasses were delivered to the park. Over the weekend I noticed a bunch of new trees were planted, I guess last week. There's plenty of green space, new plants, nice benches, new lighting, cool retention basin, sprinkler system, etc. etc. I have chatted with many people who are either new to the neighborhood or I just never met, who have expressed their excitement about the renovated park and the impending opening. TOTAL AWESOMENESS.

Posted on: 2009/11/23 22:44

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2005/9/1 22:51
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You are an extremely negative person. You behave as if the park belonged to you personally, and you personally financed the project and your needs must be heard, I don't know how large and ego you must have, but the fact that you seem to think you have ANY rights to anything inside the park is simply proof positive. Leave the park alone, let it be, it will be beautiful and a welcome addition to the area and all who spend time there. It will hurt no one, and if there are no community gardens for you to play with, you will have to make alternate plans, the city does not owe you anything. Please use your energy to help other people, and stop trying to push your agenda on the park, you don't see other people doing what you do, it is not appreciated by anyone nor is it helpful to force your unsolicited opinion.

Posted on: 2009/11/23 20:50

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2004/11/5 17:59
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I?m not impressed with the new park and I don?t have to wait until it?s done to figure this out. The millions of dollars being spent will make an improvement. But my point was missed. No, I don?t blame the City for putting things in the park, based on what the community reps told them they wanted and did not want.

My issue is with the community reps vision, lack of experience and stuffing way too much into a park without focusing on the top needs that were addressed on the first ballot when hundreds of residents responded (dog run, playgrounds, gardens & green space). The dog run was addressed. The children?s play areas were addressed. But not the gardens or an abundance of green space. These were extremely limited as all three ball courts and the gazebo were left in place. So the fountain was squeezed in and is merely an off centered replica; and all the plantings (healthy or not) are gone.

As for any gardens, I can only bring attention to what some people liked about them. Old roses that performed non-stop. Hardy perennials that even when un-watered, still showed their faces until they?re time had passed. What can we expect now? The usual display of common pansy & impatiens dressed in red chemical mulch that line the parking lots outside a Target store? And there are people right on this message board willing to step up and care for gardens, and shamefully, they?re being told they cannot.

Posted on: 2009/11/23 13:59

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2007/10/11 3:28
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Here are the meetings. Take from it what you will.

Posted on: 2009/11/23 2:34

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2009/7/23 18:04
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Minnie wrote:

Iwitness wrote:


In no small part, I'm sure, to avoid the petty fiefdom squabbles which you elevated to an artform.

Nice try, though. Nobody beats a drum against an enemy that doesn't exist quite like you do.

Do you think that wanting sprinklers to keep the parks grass green is petty? Were you at the spring 2007 meeting when the plans called for no irrigation? I suppose I was being petty when I brought the subject up.

Yes, I was at the meeting, where you tried to filibuster the entire process, and your neighbors called for you to sit down. And you were being petty, because a conceptual drawing of a renovated park would not visually demonstrate an irrigation system or a sprinkler system. You tried to make it an issue, the designers of the park addressed it, and you continued to act like they were pulling a fast one. And now, you try to take credit, as if, without your tantrum, a redesigned park would not include irrigation and sprinkler systems? Bananas.

Do you think that bringing attention to the 100 year old trees that were rumored to be cut down from the park was being petty? I wonder how many more trees may have been downed if I hadn?t run that article in the newspaper.

LOL. Rumors. You single-handedly saved the trees that were rumored to be cut down. Once again, you create an imaginary enemy, so that you can look like you defeated it. Classic.


Was I being petty when I pushed for a fountain to resemble the parks historic fountain from the old postcard of the park? The park is, afterall, in the historic district.

Considering how happy most people seem to be with the actual fountain that's been installed? You can take all the credit you want for that.

Should I have cancelled the 2005/2006 farmers market back when there was none because HPNA reps were calling the Councilman asking him to shut it down?

You're right, I was way off base when I accused you of being obsessed with petty squabbles about fiefdoms.

I don?t know who you are? or perhaps I do, but your writing on this thread seems very bitter whenever someone has a concern about the park, the renovation, or a complaint of any kind. They all have legitimate concerns!

Bitter? LOL. Project much?


Of course the park is going to look better. They?re spending millions and the contractor, Green Construction is working diligently to finish the job. But not everyone here on this board was involved in the process or understands how politics works? and yet, some of us do.

So, does this mean you're resurrecting the FoHP? The martyr complex you're exhibiting in the revisionist history lesson you just gave us suggests you're going to come back guns blazing to try to impose yourself on the park and the community.

Which is, of course, the stuff that animated MJ/Madonna popcorn gif's are made of.

Posted on: 2009/11/23 2:26

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