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Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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2005/3/21 20:01
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I heard it in my dream too. It is unusual to hear it in my neighborhood.

Posted on: 2009/10/27 22:11

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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Maybe the insomnia had something to do with it?

jc_insomniac wrote:
Give WHAT a rest, exactly? For all we know, it could've been a news chopper hovering over the VVP area reporting on an incident, or a police chopper looking for a criminal. I have no clue what it was. Which is why I asked. Sure, I was annoyed that I was woken up at 6:30 AM, but I just wanted to know what was causing all that noise (sounded more like a chopper actually) and why.


JC_DowntownRegular wrote:
Oh give it a rest. If you are not used to the traffic helicopters (or any other air traffic for that matter) by this point, get some ear plugs.

Let's put this thread to rest.

Posted on: 2009/10/27 21:06

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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Probably a traffic chopper reporting on the Holland Tunnel. I see them all the time.

Posted on: 2009/10/27 15:00

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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2004/9/12 7:13
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Give WHAT a rest, exactly? For all we know, it could've been a news chopper hovering over the VVP area reporting on an incident, or a police chopper looking for a criminal. I have no clue what it was. Which is why I asked. Sure, I was annoyed that I was woken up at 6:30 AM, but I just wanted to know what was causing all that noise (sounded more like a chopper actually) and why.


JC_DowntownRegular wrote:
Oh give it a rest. If you are not used to the traffic helicopters (or any other air traffic for that matter) by this point, get some ear plugs.

Let's put this thread to rest.

Posted on: 2009/10/27 14:49

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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Oh give it a rest. If you are not used to the traffic helicopters (or any other air traffic for that matter) by this point, get some ear plugs.

Let's put this thread to rest.

Posted on: 2009/10/27 12:03
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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2004/9/12 7:13
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Holy jet noise, batman! Anyone else woken up by the noise of plane(s) and/or chopper(s) this morning? Are they having another photo shoot for Air Force One?

Posted on: 2009/10/27 10:26

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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Posted on: 2009/5/12 0:52

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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I guess it didn't happen.

Either way seems more professional this time.

I got an email at work about it. Here is the thing, now they figured out a way to notify workers in JC, what about residents?

Posted on: 2009/5/12 0:15

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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skepticalhook wrote:

Loopy wrote:

skepticalhook wrote:
See, I knew you've been drinking the Obama Kool-aid. It was a test. A TEST! Only someone drinking it would correct me. In any event-it wasn't a fake AF one-it was one of the many true AF ones.

I think it was stupid-par for the course for this administration. But I don't think that multiple state and federal dept's lied about receiving an advanced memo.

So please Brian_em-dont do anything drastic. Tell us where you are. Help is on the way.

Please shut up you asshat. Your thinly-veiled racism is annoying and boring. It is very clear that Obama did not know anything about this. Or are you like the dolt earlier in this thread who thinks Air Force One is like Obama's car? "He should know where it is!!!!!!" Pillock.

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Wow, Loopy, your name is really appropriate. You must always have that race card in your hand to have used it on this one. I'd say you probably work at the dmv, but then again, I'm sure you don't work at all. Spoken like a true lowlife. And yes, like about 48% of the country, I didn't vote for Obama--but you think that makes us all bigots. Poor you. Are you oppressed. Boo Hoo.

Aw, cupcake, you can bet your mom's virtue on the fact that I am better educated and better paid than you. That aside, I don't think everyone that voted for McCain or someone else is a racist. Just you and those like you. And other readers, check out SH's (see what I did there?) past posts.

And Xerxes: an athsmatic blowing through a straw.

Posted on: 2009/5/11 23:02

City Spared: "Air Force Dumb" Pt. 2 Narrowly Averted
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2005/3/21 20:01
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City Spared: "Air Force Dumb" Pt. 2 Narrowly Averted

Updated 3:05 PM EDT, Mon, May 11, 2009

Oh no! Not again. The FAA thought better this time.

The FAA put the kibosh on a military flight scheduled to fly up the Hudson River this morning, according to the NYPD.

The Navy wanted to fly a P-3 Orion reconnaissance plane up and down the Hudson at about 3,000 feet, but the FAA said no. A flyover at 3,000 feet is well above the tallest skyscrapers in the city, but after city officials were informed and higher-level FAA officials learned about the request, they declined permission for the flight.

Read the rest here: ... ncel-Harbor-New-York.html


I received these this morning:

From: NotifyNYC
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 9:59 AM
Subject: Notify NYC - Notification
This is a message from Notify NYC. Notification 1 issued 05/11/09 at 10:00am. As per the FAA, a military plane will fly down and back up the Hudson River between the hours of 10:30 to 11:30 am today.

From: NotifyNYC
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 10:25 AM
Subject: Notify NYC - Notification
This is a message from Notify NYC. Notification 2 issued 05/11/09 at 10:00am. As per the FAA, the planned military flyover has been cancelled.

Posted on: 2009/5/11 20:09

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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Wow, Brian_em-i take it all back (well most of it). That was about 100% on target for me. Well spoken.

Posted on: 2009/5/1 8:20

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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As much as I understand that Obama doesn't know the where-abouts of all his vehicles, I would have liked to see him take a little more responsibility for the mistake. "The buck stops here" is a mantra that i think defines all good leaders. Whether it's a captain of a sports team or the leader of a country, taking responsibility for the defeats and mistakes is part of the job. We are lucky that this "Breakdown in Communication" didn't happen during a REAL crisis. But it is something that happened within his administration. Behind his back or not, it's on him. Just as people blamed our last president for New Orleans. Now yes, there are a lot of people in leadership roles that probably shouldn't be there. And those people should be held under the same scrutiny. If your the head of a company that makes widgets which are defective and injure people, it's on you. Even if you've never walked the factory floor. Now, I know nobody is perfect, and people make mistakes. But this is a huge display of stupidity, one that is far beyond appologies, and Louis Caldera should be fired. He should have never been in the position in the first place. The guy's a freaking lawyer. And from what we've seen so far, I wouldn't trust this guy to wax my car. Obama should have fired him on the spot. The thing that makes me uneasy is that if this happened during the Bush Admin, people would be calling for his HEAD, and rightly so. But because it's Obama's house now, it's a different story. It's one case where I think Obama could have stepped up, and earned some points. After all, he is supposed to be this GREAT leader. (Eventhough he's never been in charge of anything in his life) The bar is set pretty high for him and instead of jumping over it, in this case, he ducked under it. And that's a little bit of a let down.

Posted on: 2009/5/1 6:25

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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Jersey city calls reveal frightened public, uninformed 911 dispatchers

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Jersey City Police Department yesterday released recordings of 13 worried people who called 911 on Monday morning as a stand-in for Air Force One and a fighter jet buzzed Jersey City and Lower Manhattan during what federal officials now acknowledge was a photo-op.

Logged between 10:04 and 11:05 a.m., all the voices are nervous, some panicky. But more alarming, the out-of-the-loop emergency operators clearly have little idea what the callers are talking about - and other big shot law enforcement types were kept in the dark well.

One caller is heard telling the operator she just saw the plane followed by two jet fighters and asks the operator if she heard anything on the news.

The operator responds, "Hold on. Hold on," and is heard yelling, "Sarge, anyone know anything about an airliner coming low on the Medical Center?"

The reply can't be heard, but the operator says to 'Sarge,' "Testing?" Returning to the caller, she says "MC? Nothing going on. They're just testing. Hello?"

The caller responds, "Alrighty. Well, I'll let you know if anything happens."

In another call, the operator tells a Staten Island man that he is unaware of any planes flying in the area and the caller should call New York City's 911.

Many people on the Jersey City waterfront and in Lower Manhattan panicked when they saw the flyovers, and a number of skyscrapers were evacuated based on fears a terrorist attack was unfolding. In Jersey City, ambulances were dispatched to the waterfront to treat people who fell while evacuating buildings.

President Barack Obama was not aboard the plane and apologized, calling the flyover a mistake.

The Department of Defense said law enforcement agencies were given advance notice of the operation, which was carried out to update the White House's publicity photos of Air Force One and to do on-board training, but these agencies were ordered not to tell the public.

The Hudson County Sheriff's Office was apparently left off the "need to know" list as well.

"I am very disappointed - surprised and disappointed - that as the countywide law enforcement agency in Hudson, the Sheriff's Office was not notified by the federal authorities of this type of activity that was planned and scheduled to be conducted over the skies of Hudson County," Sheriff Juan Perez said yesterday.

Hudson County Prosecutor Edward DeFazio said his office manages the Hudson County Office of Emergency Management and coordinates counter-terrorism efforts in the county - and it didn't know about the flyover.

"By rights we should have been notified because the county coordinator of counter-terrorism is a captain in my office and he has full security clearance and I have full security clearance too," DeFazio said. last night.

"It was unfortunate. I don't think it was done intentionally, but it was not handled well by the federal authorities."

Posted on: 2009/4/30 14:14

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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Alan, please stop making sense.

Posted on: 2009/4/29 21:12

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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The idea that the President knows Air Force One's itinerary is sort of like knowing the score of your child's kickball game at lunch last week. YA DON'T.

P.S. "Personal responsibility" is a thinly veiled reference to welfare, welfare queens, The Moral Majority, Contract for America... and other right-wing disgust for perceived laziness on the part of certain American sub-cultures. You know what I'm getting at, and I'm not using the R-word because I don't think that's the foundation for that opportunistic, content-free gripe.

Anyway, I wonder when it will mean "accountability" for CEOs, etc. We've seen a few go away. A few lose their jobs. A few return their bonuses. And, in another context, Chris Christie has done a great job at exposing, indicting, and convicting political no-goodniks who are even dirtier yet.

When the "personal responsibility" lens gets turned on big business and politicians, left and right, as well as NRA members whose kids shoot up the neighbor's family or the highschool... then that word will have meaning again. That is, it will have the meaning that it's intended to have.

In the meantime, it's right-wing bluster which simplifies much more important concerns which DO need to be heard.

Posted on: 2009/4/29 21:05

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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2009/2/23 15:01
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Cubalibre - that's really sad. But if that's how you feel, it speaks for itself. God help the company that hires you for anything. Its not my fault, he did it, why should I have to do anything? Pathetic...

Posted on: 2009/4/29 18:21

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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Yes, because I really want our Commander in Chief concerned with the whereabouts of the multiple USAF aircraft designated for his travel on days where he isn't travelling. That's a really productive use of his time and attention.

Vent, righties, vent!

Posted on: 2009/4/29 17:47

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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Skeptikal isn't racist - he's a realist. Harry Truman once said "the buck stops here," and took the blame for both the good and bad. If our President has no idea that HIS plane is being used for a photo op - then can we really trust him on other issues????

Posted on: 2009/4/29 17:34

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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Are we still talking about this?

Posted on: 2009/4/29 15:29

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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Ok since you know what it wasn't, can you tell us what it was?

Posted on: 2009/4/29 14:50

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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When someone disbelieves an improbable sounding government release, he is not being conspiratorial, rather he is just applying past behavior to current events.

Only a brainwashed moron would conclude that all disbelief of the governments cover stories is conspiratorial because facts have proven otherise in the past over and over and over again.

Are any of you conspiracy deniers old enough to remember Watergate? Or Irangate, or the Valerie Plame outing, or the Mission Accomplished hoo-hah or the lies to get us into Vietnam, Panama, Iraq, El Salvador, Guatamala, Colombia, Chile?

Yes, the U.S. government OFTEN engages in conspiracies and's been proven time and time again. If you choose to believe that conspiracies and coverups never happpen then at least keep it to yourself or risk looking like a fool who has never read anything but the Comics section of a newspaper.

BELIEVING all government press releases is a de facto sign of severe mental weakness unless one is under the age of SEVEN.

This was NOT a photo-op...believing it WAS is the height of stupidity!

Posted on: 2009/4/29 14:45

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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So pathetic, seems like half the people on here are fishing for comments that they can label "racist". And since the threads aren't enough, lets all go snicker about it in the shoutbox. What a bunch of tools.

Posted on: 2009/4/29 14:31

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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CubaLibre wrote:
skepticalhook, when you say that blame should be placed "squarely on [Obama's] greased shoulders," exactly what is it that you mean?

Because you're not racist, and I'd never assume so, it must be an expression I'm not familiar with.

Yeah, I don't know where anyone got racism from that comment. What I meant is that he doesn't carry responsibility on his shoulders, but rather blames everybody else for his errors and troubles. Thus, responsibility "slips off his greased shoulders". Not unlike the majority of his supporters. No one has personal responsibility.

Posted on: 2009/4/29 14:05

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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skepticalhook, when you say that blame should be placed "squarely on [Obama's] greased shoulders," exactly what is it that you mean?

Because you're not racist, and I'd never assume so, it must be an expression I'm not familiar with.

Posted on: 2009/4/29 13:40

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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A photo shoot is BS. Why isnt this phote shoot ready for us to see? IF they are still attempting to hide that 9 11 was an inside job, why cant they have someone photo chop the Air Force 1 With the Statue of Liberty?

Posted on: 2009/4/29 13:26

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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Loopy wrote:

skepticalhook wrote:
See, I knew you've been drinking the Obama Kool-aid. It was a test. A TEST! Only someone drinking it would correct me. In any event-it wasn't a fake AF one-it was one of the many true AF ones.

I think it was stupid-par for the course for this administration. But I don't think that multiple state and federal dept's lied about receiving an advanced memo.

So please Brian_em-dont do anything drastic. Tell us where you are. Help is on the way.

Please shut up you asshat. Your thinly-veiled racism is annoying and boring. It is very clear that Obama did not know anything about this. Or are you like the dolt earlier in this thread who thinks Air Force One is like Obama's car? "He should know where it is!!!!!!" Pillock.

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Wow, Loopy, your name is really appropriate. You must always have that race card in your hand to have used it on this one. I'd say you probably work at the dmv, but then again, I'm sure you don't work at all. Spoken like a true lowlife. And yes, like about 48% of the country, I didn't vote for Obama--but you think that makes us all bigots. Poor you. Are you oppressed. Boo Hoo.

Posted on: 2009/4/29 13:13

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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Flyover secrecy meant only cops warned

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Journal staff and The Associated Press

Even the governor was left in the dark.

Gov. Jon Corzine says he received no warning ahead of time that a backup Air Force One and military fighter jet would be flying low over Jersey City and around the Statute of Liberty on Monday.

He also says he has yet to find a New Jersey official who was told in advance of the flyover, which sent some workers in Downtown Jersey City and Manhattan into a panic as they feared a terrorist attack similar to 9/11.

Jersey City police confirmed that the department was given advance notice, but were told it was classified information and could not be shared.

Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy also said he was not informed of the flyover, and was not happy with how federal officials handled the entire situation.

"This was not well-thought out, and it was compounded by not advising the area, considering September 11 and then the plane landing in the Hudson River three months ago," Healy said in a statement.

"They (the Department of Defense) should have picked a better place, a better time when all workers in New York and Jersey City aren't there in dense business districts where they did these flyovers, perhaps like a Sunday morning not to raise so much concern."

U.S Sen. Robert Menendez, of Hoboken, sent a letter to federal officials saying that the excercise "was not only reckless and insensitive" but "it also revealed a serious lack of national security protocols required to responnd to a real attack or natural disaster."

Journal staff and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Posted on: 2009/4/29 12:35

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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it does seem like a huge waste of money, but I'm sure there's even bigger wastes of money going on as we speak. this one was just out in the open for everyone to see.

Posted on: 2009/4/29 11:59

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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Cost of Air Force One: $70,000 (per hour)
Cost of scaring everyone half to death: Priceless

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It wont happen again

Posted on: 2009/4/29 4:21

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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Posted on: 2009/4/29 2:24

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