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Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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2004/11/7 17:04
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You mentioned you've done some events at Monroe Center for the Arts in Hoboken, so if you haven't booked Shades, try contacting them below at this info:

Godfrey Pereira: Tel: 201 975 37 67 Ext: 218

Posted on: 2009/6/10 6:04
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Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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2009/6/3 2:59
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We aren't looking for fluffy.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 21:34

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 21:32

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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2009/6/3 2:59
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SonOfPizzazz wrote:

Thisloveiswar wrote:
NYC always gets good draws for hardcore shows, the problem is that a lot of the kids out here begging for something to do on a friday night arent aware of how close and easy nyc is to get to.

You guys grew up here and don't know how close the city is? Sheesh. Maybe if you put half as much energy into teaching the local kids about the PATH train (that we were taking at 14 to get beer in the village while we were not even "from here") as you put into posting multiple threads about how you can't seem to get anything done on your own and think that we care, you might have something.

Real Advice:

- Find out if local rehearsal studios will allow a hosted show, if their insurance / fire capacity allows it. Pearl might be able to help. The wallpaper factory, maybe not. Not sure if they're even legal.

- Are there any VFW's or American Legions around here? I'm not even sure. There's a Knights of Columbus on St. Pauls Ave. Talk to them. Those guys are always looking for cash.

- Basements, as eggs mentioned. I've been to a few basement shows in the area over the past few years. They DO happen. Sometimes with basement shows though, the sketchier the neighborhood, the better. You wouldn't believe what bands I saw in someone's kitchen in Brownsville.

I know you're only worried about not how things were, but how things are going to be, which is cool, but I have to say it would be nice to see a return to the days when punks were punks and every band had at least one member or friend who knew how to tap into streetlamps for free electricity and run an extension cord into an abandoned house or factory and have, at least for an hour or two, an honest to god hole in the wall punk club.

Anyway, good luck.

not us per say, the younger kids. I don't know many 14-15 year olds with parents that allow them to go into the city to see bands play. I guess they're less privileged than I was, but regardless, I'd like to have opportunities open for them too.

Basement shows are great, but I'm not looking for shows for the sake of shows..

I started my scene on basement and backyard shows, tea houses, coffee shops..etc. It's gotten way bigger than that.

And I've contacted every VFW and hall imaginable- waiting for call backs.

and p.s, if you don't care, why are you helping? =]

Posted on: 2009/6/4 21:04

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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2009/4/15 7:57
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Thisloveiswar wrote:
NYC always gets good draws for hardcore shows, the problem is that a lot of the kids out here begging for something to do on a friday night arent aware of how close and easy nyc is to get to.

You guys grew up here and don't know how close the city is? Sheesh. Maybe if you put half as much energy into teaching the local kids about the PATH train (that we were taking at 14 to get beer in the village while we were not even "from here") as you put into posting multiple threads about how you can't seem to get anything done on your own and think that we care, you might have something.

Real Advice:

- Find out if local rehearsal studios will allow a hosted show, if their insurance / fire capacity allows it. Pearl might be able to help. The wallpaper factory, maybe not. Not sure if they're even legal.

- Are there any VFW's or American Legions around here? I'm not even sure. There's a Knights of Columbus on St. Pauls Ave. Talk to them. Those guys are always looking for cash.

- Basements, as eggs mentioned. I've been to a few basement shows in the area over the past few years. They DO happen. Sometimes with basement shows though, the sketchier the neighborhood, the better. You wouldn't believe what bands I saw in someone's kitchen in Brownsville.

I know you're only worried about not how things were, but how things are going to be, which is cool, but I have to say it would be nice to see a return to the days when punks were punks and every band had at least one member or friend who knew how to tap into streetlamps for free electricity and run an extension cord into an abandoned house or factory and have, at least for an hour or two, an honest to god hole in the wall punk club.

Anyway, good luck.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 6:18

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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2009/6/3 2:59
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yeah, i realized how it may have sounded after people were already replying. trying to do all of these things on my own is somewhat frustrating at times, and i am under a lot of pressure. (not really)

The great Dancing Tony told me himself
"when we're all gone, you'll be the one running this scene."


I can only hope so.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 5:24

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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i understand. i was just trying to explain the basis of the perceived "insult"

Posted on: 2009/6/4 5:13

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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2009/6/3 2:59
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eggzbenedict wrote: Let me try and sum this up- Thisloveiswar- people on this site actually got pissed today because of the way some people gratiously dealt with a stray cat that was hit by a car. Don't expect much. But let me try and help. While not a lifer, I did go to high school in Jersey City. Back then, when we were all underage, there were very few options for shows. They mainly consisted of basement shows (usually in the heights where basements and some cool parents existed), or venturing into the burbs for other basement shows or VFW Hall shows. You aren't going to get any love from bars in town. Underage means one thing- no liquor sales. If you are into hardcore, and want all ages shows, you may have to venture into NYC. Look into ABC NO RIO. All ages hardcore matinees every Saturday. They have been doing it since the late 80's early 90's. Have you tried Maxwells? You may be able to pull off an afternoon show there if you can show that the bands will draw. I realize I am pointing out places out of Jersey City, and your concern is the lack of options you have in Jersey City. but, it is what it is. I hope some of this helps. Keep your chin up.
I've done hoboken, amazing draws. I had a few events over at monroe center for the arts on monroe and 8th. I have maxwells contacts, they seemed ready to work something out, but i prefer doing straight rentals and keeping the door profits to fund the next shows. NYC always gets good draws for hardcore shows, the problem is that a lot of the kids out here begging for something to do on a friday night arent aware of how close and easy nyc is to get to. I've contacted a few places brightmoment suggested and I'm hoping they are game to do something. I'm glad to see at least a few of you took my post for what it was. Thanks for the help <3

Posted on: 2009/6/4 5:05

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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2009/6/3 2:59
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Alanwright, I am not looking for some type of war versus my city. I am looking for show venues, clear and simple. I posted my initial thread after reading about 20+ rejection emails from venues i had contacted, all stating that there was no place for such an event amidst the events they were planning- thus the hostility towards much of downtown and the people involved.

and yes, i do believe that many of the bands i work with know their history, because unlike the misinformed children you are taking us for, we are well aware of things around us and what got us where we are today.

to clear up my original post completely, I would just like to see jersey city becomjing more involved in the all ages scene, and taking it for what it can become- not just looking at it for what it may have been. there are many great artists here who happen to have a following of non drinkers, and my anger is not with jersey city itself, but with the fact that 90% of the venues here are bars or do not have the means to handle every crowd and ever genre.

I am simply trying to spread the know that there ARE young adults trying to make good in the scene. not all of us are partying and sucking up tax payers dollars on wasted educations out here, and that is moreso what i am going for.

I love JC. I am proud to have been born and raised here and i do not shun those who were not. I welcome the change and i see the benefits of everything and everyone that has come to build JC into what is is today

all i am asking for is the citys trust that teenage kids are in fact capable of doing something right.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 5:00

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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2006/9/26 14:41
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Let me try and sum this up-

Thisloveiswar- people on this site actually got pissed today because of the way some people gratiously dealt with a stray cat that was hit by a car. Don't expect much. But let me try and help.

While not a lifer, I did go to high school in Jersey City. Back then, when we were all underage, there were very few options for shows. They mainly consisted of basement shows (usually in the heights where basements and some cool parents existed), or venturing into the burbs for other basement shows or VFW Hall shows.

You aren't going to get any love from bars in town. Underage means one thing- no liquor sales.

If you are into hardcore, and want all ages shows, you may have to venture into NYC.

Look into ABC NO RIO. All ages hardcore matinees every Saturday. They have been doing it since the late 80's early 90's.

Have you tried Maxwells? You may be able to pull off an afternoon show there if you can show that the bands will draw.

I realize I am pointing out places out of Jersey City, and your concern is the lack of options you have in Jersey City. but, it is what it is.

I hope some of this helps.

Keep your chin up.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 4:27

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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It's subtle. But, pernicious?


The truth of this sad matter is that WE GREW UP HERE
Half of you moved here in the past 7 years into amazing downtown JC, and you haven't the slightest idea what Jersey city was before it became Manhattens spawn.

We "haven't the slightest idea?" Do we? Or don't we? Or does it matter? No, it doesn't.

When the boring "old-school" sentiment is so widespread, indignant in its opposition to the idea that communities change [and, by the way, this one always has been changing], and so reluctant to admit that some changes are positive changes...

...people start reading between the lines. I wonder at the class and nationalism wars/ division that this town has seen for so long. Dutch. English. "American" Revolutionaries. Scotch/Irish. Italians. European Jews. Russians. Poles. Blacks. Filipinos. Indians. Chinese. There has always been someone coming in who didn't have a clue what was going on, and they felt welcome amongst their countrymen. Now, the OGs are fighting a class war, are losing, and turn it personal. And, it's still about boring misconceptions.

So, with that in mind, at least three people read between the lines, focusing on what you've said, and assuming what it meant.

Hell: do you really think your all-ages punk show has any idea what punk was like 5, 10, or 20 years ago? Nope. And that prooves nothing, except that you tend to reject what, in fact, you rely upon. Sorry mom!

Your self-interest here is getting a venue for "your" bands. It isn't working out so far. Alienating people will not advance that cause.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 4:01

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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2009/6/3 2:59
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Vigilante wrote:

jennymayla wrote:

Thisloveiswar wrote:
Is this what I have to look forward to in adulthood? Ridiculing young people trying to do productive things.

I suppose so.

Life lesson: When you ask people for their opinion, you best brace for their opinion.

Hardcore music events catering to a young adult audience in this neck of the woods just might be a liability an event-space owner is not willing to accept. But if you keep it professional (lose the sense of entitlement) and build a good track record, your options will increase dramatically.

With sincerest best wishes from a local elder.

Probably not a good idea to insult people either. Life lesson #2 "we grew up here" means nothing unless they are putting your name on a monument.

and who exactly am i insulting?

I'm stating that even though we grew up here, it is impossible for us to showcase our events, but very possible for people who haven't been here as long.

find the insult in there for me, please.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 3:45

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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Posted on: 2009/6/4 0:49

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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2007/10/11 3:28
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jennymayla wrote:

Thisloveiswar wrote:
Is this what I have to look forward to in adulthood? Ridiculing young people trying to do productive things.

I suppose so.

Life lesson: When you ask people for their opinion, you best brace for their opinion.

Hardcore music events catering to a young adult audience in this neck of the woods just might be a liability an event-space owner is not willing to accept. But if you keep it professional (lose the sense of entitlement) and build a good track record, your options will increase dramatically.

With sincerest best wishes from a local elder.

Probably not a good idea to insult people either. Life lesson #2 "we grew up here" means nothing unless they are putting your name on a monument.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 0:23

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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jennymayla wrote:

Thisloveiswar wrote:
Is this what I have to look forward to in adulthood? Ridiculing young people trying to do productive things.

I suppose so.

Life lesson: When you ask people for their opinion, you best brace for their opinion.

Hardcore music events catering to a young adult audience in this neck of the woods just might be a liability an event-space owner is not willing to accept. But if you keep it professional (lose the sense of entitlement) and build a good track record, your options will increase dramatically.

With sincerest best wishes from a local elder.

Of course.

I have a decent track record now, of 20+ problem and incident free hardcore events, and a professional Security team, as well as a staff.

The problem is getting people to extend the opportunity to prove it.

But thank you! Any advice is appreciated.

Posted on: 2009/6/3 23:07

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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Thisloveiswar wrote:
Is this what I have to look forward to in adulthood? Ridiculing young people trying to do productive things.

I suppose so.

Life lesson: When you ask people for their opinion, you best brace for their opinion.

Hardcore music events catering to a young adult audience in this neck of the woods just might be a liability an event-space owner is not willing to accept. But if you keep it professional (lose the sense of entitlement) and build a good track record, your options will increase dramatically.

With sincerest best wishes from a local elder.

Posted on: 2009/6/3 22:50

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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victoria wrote:

alanwright wrote:

Though this suggestion may require you to compromise a little and venture out of Hudson County, I think that Newark is in fact a good place to explore. I used to have a 2700 square foot loft downtown, isolated from everything and we would put on shows every once in a while without any disturbances. There is 24 hour public transportation downtown and it's gotten safer, though it's not great, but that's pretty much the story of where historically, we have always gone to check out rock or hardcore music shows, especially when we were underage, whether here or in Brooklyn. It was always in remote and nearly abandoned neighborhoods. PM me if you would like some assistance exploring other possibilities outside of JC.

I am willing to venture out. As long as it is accesible by public transportation from hudson county.

Posted on: 2009/6/3 22:43

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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alanwright wrote:

Though this suggestion may require you to compromise a little and venture out of Hudson County, I think that Newark is in fact a good place to explore. I used to have a 2700 square foot loft downtown, isolated from everything and we would put on shows every once in a while without any disturbances. There is 24 hour public transportation downtown and it's gotten safer, though it's not great, but that's pretty much the story of where historically, we have always gone to check out rock or hardcore music shows, especially when we were underage, whether here or in Brooklyn. It was always in remote and nearly abandoned neighborhoods. PM me if you would like some assistance exploring other possibilities outside of JC.

Posted on: 2009/6/3 22:25

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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Is this what I have to look forward to in adulthood? Ridiculing young people trying to do productive things.

I suppose so.

Posted on: 2009/6/3 22:15

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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Aahahah, Goths R US.

Posted on: 2009/6/3 21:59

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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Posted on: 2009/6/3 21:44

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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You all gave m suggestions of places I have contacted. Tony (who runs events at barrow) is a good friend of mine. I have worked with 58 and lex leonard already. I am not a newb to the JC music scene, I've been around a while... In fact Plowing Mud Forever, You've already played a show for me over in Hoboken with WJ & The Sweet Sacrifice.

The problem is not lack of venues or lack of interest, the problem is lack of venues willing to trust the rental to a group of 20 year old promoters.

I worked over at Janam, ran shows over there... I've spoken to Bagua and made with love already.

Don't assume I don't know my stuff people.

I'm simply asking now for suggestions of places that will allow straight rentals of their spaces. And some of the bands I work with are on the heavier side, and it is not fair to discriminate them from the scene.

Any venue will book an all ages acoustic show - find me one that will run a hardcore show.

Posted on: 2009/6/3 21:01

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community

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2009/1/16 18:53
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Great ideas, everyone! I have no other ideas to add, but just wanted to say your responses are inspiring. My band would love to play some all ages shows.

info AT plowingmudforever DOT com

Posted on: 2009/6/3 15:56

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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Straight edge punk would be another constituency with an all-ages message.

I can imagine, for example, if the stage were backed up against the church (another constituency who might wish to bring the community together in a drug and alcohol free way),

Wayne Street gets a bad rap just because there are a few people out on their porches, etc., and there's some music and some hanging around at the park, some young people, etc. Some of these folks are Hispanic. I think Puerto Rican and Dominican, mostly.

But that doesn't mean that the community is not strong, not supportive, or not "welcome" in the city they've been living in for years. The trees make the block dark, but is it unsafe? I think not, but don't know. Columbus is a bigger concern, it seems.

There may be tensions on Wayne Street, but an inclusive event at Barrow Mansion may well be an opportunity to diffuse those tensions. A little community policing could help, too, and the proposal I'm suggesting could be a good spot for the JCPD to flash a smile. The idea seems like something Bright Moment, Jim Legge, or "Tony" would put together, so perhaps you should contact them for more assistance.

Additionally, it would feed the Jersey Avenue markets (pizza, grocery, bagels, Chinese, and coffee shops).

Posted on: 2009/6/3 10:27

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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Yes, your mention of "DancingTony"... brings out another one. What about the steps of Barrow Mansion? (Everyone else is hanging out there, and an all-ages show would be a good way to support the DARE, AA, NA, Al-Anon (teen) message to stay off the junk). Perhaps Barrow Mansion and such groups would work with you to put something together.

If your bands are Christian rock or hip-hop, for example, you'll have another constituency.

I think this Tony guy also organized some bowling at Barrow Mansion. So, there is already a "second venue," namely, bowling, that kids could go to when not listening to the music.

And then, across the street there's a park for shooting hoops.

OK Wayne Street, I just planned your block party, like it or not. See you there!

Posted on: 2009/6/3 9:22

Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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+1 alanwright!

I've been here ovr 25 years and seen many individuals put on music in many of the venues alanwright mentions below and others as well. I even co-produced an event of over 50 breakdancers performing to a capacity crowd of their teen peers, over 400+, in Middle School 4 several years ago. I encourage you to continue to produce your events at any venue you can find, do searches here for churches (St Mary's across from Grace Church also has teen events in their basement area including breakdancers, so try there too. If you have a look at some of the events produced at JC Fridays, you will see other individuals doing music as well. Mike McNamara, photographer and music producer comes to mind as one example. Mike produces the 4th St Festival every year during the annual JC Artists Studio Tour, which runs from like noon till 10 or 11. Dancing Tony also produces music all around JC including Groove on Grove. There is no lack of people doing things here, you just need to reach out to folks, musicians, artists, other producers, venues, be creative, work on marketing, posting events, work on your connections with graphic designers, venues, go talk to the Cultural Affairs people, etc, et al.

Good luck in your productions and feel free to add me to your list: brightmoments AT GMail Dot Com


alanwright wrote:

Thisloveiswar wrote:
The truth of this sad matter is that WE GREW UP HERE
Half of you moved here in the past 7 years into amazing downtown JC, and you haven't the slightest idea what Jersey city was before it became Manhattens spawn.

where is the Jersey City love for Jersey Citys young artists?

Is relitigating the boring new/old discussion really why you posted this? Because it does not seem to advance your interests. Sweeping generalizations... with what purpose in mind?

If you're having difficulty booking all-age shows, I'm sorry, but you're placing the "blame" in the wrong quarters. Whether these venues are new/ old JCzens, I have no idea. But it's those venues, new or old, with whom you should continue your discussions.

For example, perhaps the "newbie" Grassroots Community Space at Fourth/ Coles would consider the idea. Perhaps "Groove on Grove" will provide some input. The new Victory Hall space (on Brunswick) is nice, but I'm not sure what it's being used for. I cannot speak to what Victory is doing lately. The nearby art gallery, Es Oro, also has indoor and outdoor space. Hell, maybe the parking lot at Dixon Mills could work for an all-ages show. Or the Courthouse people. Maybe Metropolis Music Store has some input. Or the basement of The Keyhole. Or maybe the rooftop of/ driveway next to Skinners. (That's actually a good idea, as I've heard that driveway is city property!). Or what about Made with Love bakery. Or in Van Vorst facing east from the covered area.

Or that place in the Heights that was advertising looking for renters for for live music practice spaces/ warehouse jams.

Also, Legal Grounds has a backyard. So does Tacqueria, which seems to love rock music and has a separate entrance to thar yard. Have you contacted them? (They're both a residential neighborhood).

What about Grace Church. Or The Armory. Or 58. Or Lex Leonard. Or Automato Chino for an all-ages show (probably not on Thurs, Fri, or Sat)?

Posted on: 2009/6/3 8:55
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Re: The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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Thisloveiswar wrote:
The truth of this sad matter is that WE GREW UP HERE
Half of you moved here in the past 7 years into amazing downtown JC, and you haven't the slightest idea what Jersey city was before it became Manhattens spawn.

where is the Jersey City love for Jersey Citys young artists?

Is relitigating the boring new/old discussion really why you posted this? Because it does not seem to advance your interests. Sweeping generalizations... with what purpose in mind?

If you're having difficulty booking all-age shows, I'm sorry, but you're placing the "blame" in the wrong quarters. Whether these venues are new/ old JCzens, I have no idea. But it's those venues, new or old, with whom you should continue your discussions.

For example, perhaps the "newbie" Grassroots Community Space at Fourth/ Coles would consider the idea. Perhaps "Groove on Grove" will provide some input. The new Victory Hall space (on Brunswick) is nice, but I'm not sure what it's being used for. I cannot speak to what Victory is doing lately. The nearby art gallery, Es Oro, also has indoor and outdoor space. Hell, maybe the parking lot at Dixon Mills could work for an all-ages show. Or the Courthouse people. Maybe Metropolis Music Store has some input. Or the basement of The Keyhole. Or maybe the rooftop of/ driveway next to Skinners. (That's actually a good idea, as I've heard that driveway is city property!). Or what about Made with Love bakery. Or in Van Vorst facing east from the covered area.

Or that place in the Heights that was advertising looking for renters for for live music practice spaces/ warehouse jams.

Also, Legal Grounds has a backyard. So does Tacqueria, which seems to love rock music and has a separate entrance to thar yard. Have you contacted them? (They're both a residential neighborhood).

What about Grace Church. Or The Armory. Or 58. Or Lex Leonard. Or Automato Chino for an all-ages show (probably not on Thurs, Fri, or Sat)?

Posted on: 2009/6/3 7:39

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almost all of the all ages places i grew up going to and played at in bands seem to be gone throughout nj. we used to book legion halls to put on shows but a lot of them started banning the shows when things got out of control or too many incidents occurred. what a shame.

Posted on: 2009/6/3 6:22

The Jersey city Music Scene does not support the all ages community
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2009/6/3 2:59
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2015/3/13 2:33
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Posts: 42
I have been struggling to run events in Jersey City and in the past two years, have been somewhat unsuccessful. My first event featuring 5 bands on june 16th, 2007 over at 58 was amazing. 150+ people turned out for it. the next event at toy eaters studio just as amazing. As time has been passing, venues willing to host all ages shows are becoming scarcer and scarcer. I have emailed hundreds of halls and places around JC for months now looking for spaces, and haven;t heard back.

Places like Art house have responded to me stating that they can not host musical events, meanwhile i see their advertisements for musical events on other blogs.

Why is JC so Anti-youth?

The truth of this sad matter is that WE GREW UP HERE
Half of you moved here in the past 7 years into amazing downtown JC, and you haven't the slightest idea what Jersey city was before it became Manhattens spawn.

where is the Jersey City love for Jersey Citys young artists?

If JC is really working to keep the art and music scene alive and flourishing, please point me in the direction of venues that will work with me and my bands.

Posted on: 2009/6/3 3:07

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