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Re: Primary Election - June 2, 2009
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2007/6/25 17:33
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i don't agree with illegal immigrants getting discounted tuition.

i also don't want an anti-suburb or anti-business gov, ideally i'd like someone who has a fair approach and recognizes when one town needs more attention than the other. it might be a drastic example, but Franklin Lakes and the like would need a lot less help/money from the state than Jersey City.

everything that has anything to do with any form of gov. is a bloated bureaucracy, but certain programs probably can't do more with less in terms of money, but could get rid of some people who aren't pulling their weight, sure, or be held accountable to spend more wisely.

but its election year politics here, so you hear a lot of b.s. from both sides, when it comes down to it, i can't ever bring myself to vote for a social conservative, even if i were in the top 2% of earners. i also just strongly disagree with the entire GOP platform. its hard for me to find anything i could say i might agree with. to me, Christie doesn't represent a new style for repubs, I have no idea what that would even be at this point, because on one hand you have the usual republican, then you have these "tea party" types. if thats their new angle, they're not going to have much luck revamping things. you'd think Christie realize a NJ republican can't be the same as a Texas one.

Also, if he would reject stimulus money, how is he going to be able to make the cuts he will claim to make, surely he would need the current tax revenue to stay put, unless he himself wants to take a pay cut, or better yet, work for free. i'm sure he's not hurting financially.

this guy has been on the Government's payroll for quite some time. I love it when those who have made their money IN government talk about how big and bloated government spending is, and rail on and on against cutting it, cutting social programs, etc, why don't we start with HIS salary?

i think a lot of his support will come from "anyone but corzine" sentiment, rather than that of "yeah, Christie is the right guy for the job!"

Posted on: 2009/6/4 19:22

Re: Primary Election - June 2, 2009
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2007/11/28 3:26
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You would rather have an anti-suburb, anti-business governor?

Our school systems are bloated bureaucracies who can and should be made to do more with less.

And you miss my point about the tuition for illegal aliens. They shouldn't get any discount. They should pay non-resident tuition rates and be happy that submitting a college application does not get them deported.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 19:01

Re: Primary Election - June 2, 2009
Just can't stay away
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2007/6/25 17:33
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Okay, but what is Christie going to do to lower tuition? Someone so pro-business can't be good for college tuition.

I just don't think anyone should count on a politician to ease the burden our wallets, on either side of the isle. And its pretty obvious that the economic policies of the republican party favor big business and those with the highest incomes.

The idea of a pro-suburb pro-big business guy like Christie is the last thing NJ needs. I grew up in the suburbs, other than the current economy affecting everyone, nationwide, I don't see the suburbs suffering and in the kind of need that our cities are in.

What does hurt the suburbs and rural areas is all the rampant overdevelopment. And the environmental implications that come along with that.

And since Christie seems to fall in line with every single GOP talking point, you can bet that no environmental progress will be made if he were to win in November.

If "throwing money" at education isn't working, according to people like Christie, how does cutting OFF money help? Or does it not matter to Christie and his constituents because of who lives in cities? I don't see his base really caring about improving education for kids in Newark, Camden, Jersey City and other NJ Cities.

I can't defend Corzine until i'm out of breath so I won't bother, I have never failed to see the flaws in my own party's candidates, but I do feel that four more years of Corzine would be a lot better than four years of Christie, who seems to be a disaster waiting to happen.

If we had an independent candidate who made sense for NJ's democratic leaning social views but had some new ideas regarding economic problems and was progressive on environment, maybe I'd be open to supporting someone other than Corzine, but if its Corzine vs. a typical Republican, cut from the same cloth as the current GOP crew and that of the previous administration, i'll take Corzine.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 17:52

Re: Primary Election - June 2, 2009
Just can't stay away
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2007/5/30 17:27
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Crazy_Chester wrote:
Corzine's refusal to take on the unions and his plan to allow illegal immigrants to pay reduced college tuition. That stuff hits my wallet.

That stuff is peanuts compared to what Christie is going to do to your wallet. His main agenda is to cut taxes for the suburbs and give less aid to the cities.

Here's a small sample from his website:

On affordable housing:
"Chris will gut COAH and instead encourage the redevelopment of quality housing in our cities and transit centers." ---> Keep the poor out of our suburbs, put them back in the cities = more social ills and taxes for us.

On education: "Our current government simply throws money at the problem ..." --> Cut funding to schools = more taxes for us.

Christie is pro suburb and business interests. Corzine is not my ideal, but Christie will screw the cities, the environment and education.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 16:43

Re: Primary Election - June 2, 2009
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2007/11/28 3:26
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From The fog.
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Christie's connections to Bush and Ashcroft bother me a whole lot less than things like Corzine's refusal to take on the unions and his plan to allow illegal immigrants to pay reduced college tuition. That stuff hits my wallet.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 13:59

Re: Primary Election - June 2, 2009
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2007/6/25 17:33
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chester, why is that? i genuinely would like to know.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 13:23

Re: Primary Election - June 2, 2009
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2007/11/28 3:26
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mjcbklyn wrote:
Chris Christie is a typical republican tool. He claims he would have rejected stimulus money that NJ need right now, as do all states. Great! Elect someone who agrees with current GOP govs like Palin and Jindal. Because we can all see THEY have it right, sure... they aren't laughing stocks or anything.

Christie is a typical member of the GOP, saying no to everything in sight. Appealing to the lowest common denominator, just tell them you'll lower their taxes! Yeah, sure, count on a politician to save you money. Get real. Christie will do nothing to help 98% of NJ residents with their taxes and will also be saying no to any stimulus money. Just keep saying taxes are too high, and Christie will lower them, its bound to sink in to the heads of the masses! He has no plan.

Not to mention he is a flip flopping social conservative, who knows what he really thinks and who even cares, because like so many in his party, he just says what the base wants to hear, and will come up with some B.S. personal story to back up his change of heart. Who needs that kind of junk in a state that could be one of the next to extend social progress?

He better watch out with that, since this is NJ and not Alabama (unless he's counting on ridiculous turnout in south jersey).

Also, he was a US Attorney appointed by GW Bush and was one of the 17 U.S. Attorneys on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' advisory committee. Those are two folks you really want to be associated with. Yikes. I wonder if the fact that he was a top Bush fundraiser had anything to do with his appointment.

and this... (from Wikipedia)
Christie was criticized in 2008 for recommending the appointment of The Ashcroft Group, a consulting firm owned by former United States Attorney General John Ashcroft, as a monitor in a court settlement against Zimmer Holdings, an Indiana medical supplies company. The no-bid contract was worth between $28 million and $52 million.

So far thats Bush, Gonzales and Ashcroft...

Christie is so obviously full of hot air, it even shows physically. I mean, have you seen the guy?

It would be one thing if he was a new type of Republican candidate, which is what the GOP needs, but all signs point to no. He is the same old junk they've had hanging around for years.

I agree with everything you say. And I would still rather have Christie than Corzine as governor.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 13:03

Re: Primary Election - June 2, 2009
Just can't stay away
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2007/6/25 17:33
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2017/11/7 17:24
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Chris Christie is a typical republican tool. He claims he would have rejected stimulus money that NJ need right now, as do all states. Great! Elect someone who agrees with current GOP govs like Palin and Jindal. Because we can all see THEY have it right, sure... they aren't laughing stocks or anything.

Christie is a typical member of the GOP, saying no to everything in sight. Appealing to the lowest common denominator, just tell them you'll lower their taxes! Yeah, sure, count on a politician to save you money. Get real. Christie will do nothing to help 98% of NJ residents with their taxes and will also be saying no to any stimulus money. Just keep saying taxes are too high, and Christie will lower them, its bound to sink in to the heads of the masses! He has no plan.

Not to mention he is a flip flopping social conservative, who knows what he really thinks and who even cares, because like so many in his party, he just says what the base wants to hear, and will come up with some B.S. personal story to back up his change of heart. Who needs that kind of junk in a state that could be one of the next to extend social progress?

He better watch out with that, since this is NJ and not Alabama (unless he's counting on ridiculous turnout in south jersey).

Also, he was a US Attorney appointed by GW Bush and was one of the 17 U.S. Attorneys on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' advisory committee. Those are two folks you really want to be associated with. Yikes. I wonder if the fact that he was a top Bush fundraiser had anything to do with his appointment.

and this... (from Wikipedia)
Christie was criticized in 2008 for recommending the appointment of The Ashcroft Group, a consulting firm owned by former United States Attorney General John Ashcroft, as a monitor in a court settlement against Zimmer Holdings, an Indiana medical supplies company. The no-bid contract was worth between $28 million and $52 million.

So far thats Bush, Gonzales and Ashcroft...

Christie is so obviously full of hot air, it even shows physically. I mean, have you seen the guy?

It would be one thing if he was a new type of Republican candidate, which is what the GOP needs, but all signs point to no. He is the same old junk they've had hanging around for years.

Posted on: 2009/6/4 12:20

Re: Primary Election - June 2, 2009
Just can't stay away
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2006/10/3 2:17
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If you were a Republican, you would have known for sure about the primary. You'd have known because Christie would have been robo-calling your house multiple times a day, every day, for months. He pissed me off so bad that I actually voted for Lonegan, though ultimately I guess I'm glad Christie won, since he'll beat Corzine easily and Lonegan had no chance.

Posted on: 2009/6/3 21:20

Re: Primary Election - June 2, 2009
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2004/9/30 17:33
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Tx Ms. Pinky! Will call tomorrow!

Posted on: 2009/6/3 1:41

Re: Primary Election - June 2, 2009
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2006/4/18 0:04
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pchops wrote:
Thanks for all the well wishes, and from Monmouth Cty. too!!!! Even to you, KNOWITALL! I know there's love in that statement!

Ms. Pinky, do you know how we can find out the results?

We tried to campaign for people to vote but not many came out. One worker thinks about 50 in her district.

Usually, if there is a challenger at the polls they will get the results as soon as the voting machine is closed out. There is no online info for committee results and to find out the fastest way who won is to call the city clerk in the am.

Fingers crossed for you, Pam.

Posted on: 2009/6/3 1:03

Re: Primary Election - June 2, 2009
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2004/9/30 17:33
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Thanks for all the well wishes, and from Monmouth Cty. too!!!! Even to you, KNOWITALL! I know there's love in that statement!

Ms. Pinky, do you know how we can find out the results?

We tried to campaign for people to vote but not many came out. One worker thinks about 50 in her district.

Posted on: 2009/6/3 0:18

Re: Primary Election - June 2, 2009
Just can't stay away
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2009/2/23 15:01
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2010/2/5 14:28
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Can anyone else tell me if their voting booths were "broken" this a.m.? I think its interesting in a town where 99% of the people are Dems; when there is a Republican primary - the machine is mysteriously down. In fact, the woman worked there made that remark. Anyone???

Posted on: 2009/6/2 13:28

Re: Primary Election - June 2, 2009
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2005/5/11 3:17
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ditto- sorry you are not running in my district!

r_pinkowitz wrote:

pchops wrote:

I would like to announce that I, Patricia (Pam) Andes, will be running for Democratic Committee Person in District 13 which covers Coles Street to Marin Blvd. from 5th Street to 3rd Street.


Best Wishes, Pchops!

(*and a major WTG from your friends in Monmouth Beach too.)

Posted on: 2009/6/2 0:37

Re: Primary Election - June 2, 2009
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2006/4/18 0:04
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pchops wrote:

I would like to announce that I, Patricia (Pam) Andes, will be running for Democratic Committee Person in District 13 which covers Coles Street to Marin Blvd. from 5th Street to 3rd Street.


Best Wishes, Pchops!

(*and a major WTG from your friends in Monmouth Beach too.)

Posted on: 2009/6/2 0:28

Re: Primary Election - June 2, 2009
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2005/5/11 3:17
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Just got word- Rodriguez, Ramos and Stack rescinded the measure to cut public library funding, due to public outrage.

This member of the public is still outraged to think they could even consider a measure such as that to support,


murican wrote:

jc_insomniac wrote:
We received our sample ballots today, too. I had no idea there was a primary election next Tuesday. The only name I recognize on this entire sheet is Jon Corzine's, but I suppose it doesn't really matter as most of the Dem hopefuls are running unopposed.

And evidently the two running for the Assembly in District 33, Ramos and Rodriguez, are not great supporters of literacy, as they and Stack support drastic cuts for public libraries-- but why would anyone want literate voters in Hudson County?

See here for more info and what you can do ... 01621&PROCESS=Take+Action

and give them a call too

Brian Stack
West New York, NJ 07093
301 45th St.
1st Floor
Union City, NJ 07087
PHONE NUMBERS: (201) 861-5091 (West New York)
(201) 558-7926 (Union City)

Ruben J. Ramos Jr. (D)
7th Floor
Hoboken, NJ 07030
PHONE NUMBER: (201) 714-4960

Caridad Rodriguez (D)
West New York, NJ 07093
PHONE NUMBER: (201) 854-0900

Posted on: 2009/6/1 23:33

Re: Primary Election - June 2, 2009

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GO Pam!!! You and Eric definitely have my vote!!

Posted on: 2009/6/1 23:08

Re: Primary Election - June 2, 2009
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2008/8/19 20:52
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Pam I think it's great your running...don't forget to bring a milk crate in so you can reach the ballot! Vote for Fleming/ Andes and all the candidates running for County Committee Member against the Hudson County Democratic Organization.Rage against the machine!


Posted on: 2009/6/1 22:49

Re: Primary Election - June 2, 2009
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2004/9/30 17:33
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Please note that you can vote for your Democratic or Republican Committee Person in your District.

I would like to announce that I, Patricia (Pam) Andes, will be running for Democratic Committee Person in District 13 which covers Coles Street to Marin Blvd. from 5th Street to 3rd Street.

I am running with Harsimus Cove President, Eric Fleming, of 5th Street. Eric is constantly at City Hall watch "dogging" development projects and is active in so many areas of the community.

As Harsimus Cove Board Member and as co-organizer of the Downtown JC Watch, I feel that I can represent my District in the Hudson County Democrat Committee.

Please vote for Andes/Fleming tomorrow.


Posted on: 2009/6/1 22:19

Re: Primary Election - June 2, 2009
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Steve Lonegan
True change we need!

Posted on: 2009/5/28 18:54

Re: Primary Election - June 2, 2009
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2005/5/11 3:17
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From Hamilton Park
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jc_insomniac wrote:
We received our sample ballots today, too. I had no idea there was a primary election next Tuesday. The only name I recognize on this entire sheet is Jon Corzine's, but I suppose it doesn't really matter as most of the Dem hopefuls are running unopposed.

And evidently the two running for the Assembly in District 33, Ramos and Rodriguez, are not great supporters of literacy, as they and Stack support drastic cuts for public libraries-- but why would anyone want literate voters in Hudson County?

See here for more info and what you can do ... 01621&PROCESS=Take+Action

and give them a call too

Brian Stack
West New York, NJ 07093
301 45th St.
1st Floor
Union City, NJ 07087
PHONE NUMBERS: (201) 861-5091 (West New York)
(201) 558-7926 (Union City)

Ruben J. Ramos Jr. (D)
7th Floor
Hoboken, NJ 07030
PHONE NUMBER: (201) 714-4960

Caridad Rodriguez (D)
West New York, NJ 07093
PHONE NUMBER: (201) 854-0900

Posted on: 2009/5/28 17:00

Re: Primary Election - June 2, 2009
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2008/10/21 23:17
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So then theres no need for all these damn Healy signs to still be hanging up is there?

Posted on: 2009/5/28 14:04

Re: Primary Election - June 2, 2009
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2005/7/13 15:03
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There is a primary election every year in June in the state of New Jersey. I assume that is the same for the state you came from if you are new to N.J. This is why you are mailed a sample ballot. I believe there are three annual elections in New Jersey, the local board of education in April, the state primary in June, and the general election in November, all taking place on a Tuesday. In Jersey City there is a municipal election every 4 years which includes the recent one for J.C. mayor & council.

Posted on: 2009/5/28 13:09

Re: Primary Election - June 2, 2009
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2006/10/21 14:18
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Jeff Boss is the guy who claims he witnessed the government plan 9/11.

He seems to run for something in every election.

Posted on: 2009/5/28 12:40

Re: Primary Election - June 2, 2009
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2004/9/12 7:13
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We received our sample ballots today, too. I had no idea there was a primary election next Tuesday. The only name I recognize on this entire sheet is Jon Corzine's, but I suppose it doesn't really matter as most of the Dem hopefuls are running unopposed.

Posted on: 2009/5/28 6:48

Primary Election - June 2, 2009
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2005/3/21 20:01
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2020/9/5 14:18
From Exchange Place
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Today, I received the official primary election sample ballot for June 2, 2009. I didn't even know there's going to be an election next week.

There are four Democratic candidates for governor. Can anyone name the other three besides Jon Corzine?

Posted on: 2009/5/28 3:34

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