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Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2008/1/21 16:35
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2009/7/27 3:53
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philasurfer wrote:

FINALLY, for the record....I do not hate dogs. That is a cheap shot. I like dogs and have had some great ones, but I just happen to like people also and think they have an ABSOLUTE right to be free of dog attacks outside their home.

Maybe I'm not paying attention but how often do these dog attacks or bites actually happen? I can only speak for myself but I got my choco lab December of 2006. He was a puppy.

I've walked him at least 3 times a day since. So let's say it's been 2 years, 730 days. I won't add January of this year because I've left him behind when I traveled so I'll subtract a month. I don't travel a whole lot.

3 times a day for 730 days, I've walked him at least 2,190 times.

He has never bitten anyone. Ever. 0 out of 2,190. And that's just me.

So relatively speaking, I think these attacks are really quite rare. You make it sound like it happens everyday. We pass dozens of dogs on the street everyday and I've never witnessed one of them biting someone.

You are afraid of dogs and that's totally fair. But pay less attention to the news and more attention to the countless responsible owners in this city. Maybe try counting how many times you get bitten while walking the streets.

There are definitely bad apples but not as many as you'd like to think.

Posted on: 2009/1/21 23:03

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2005/3/31 1:24
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lindsbinz22 wrote:
Rumor has it they were about to be evicted... Not just for the size of the dogs but apparently also because it stunk outside their apartment? Not sure the truth to that since I don't live there, I just like to gossip ;)

I think it's wicked shady to talk about these people outside the actual incident itself. To speculate on their living situation and other specific things is tacky. Bitch about their dogs all you want but to talk about the son, the address, and other personal information is uncool.

Let's concentrate on bashing each other instead!

Posted on: 2009/1/21 23:02

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2007/10/11 3:28
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elvis wrote:
seriously Phil,

you are never going to win this one. You are proposing something that will never be enforced, is a minor problem at worst, and is going to piss off every dog owner in the city. Do you honestly think, with it's multitude of real problems, JC is going to focus on passing your irrational dog laws? Just because you clearly hate dogs, doesn't mean most people do. In fact, your opinion puts you squarely in the minority. If you really hate dogs, you are in the wrong city.

And the car comparison, which you either refuse to understand or just plain do not get, is that you want to enforce a law that would inconvenience many people, so the few could feel safer. What Vigilante was doing was showing you a much bigger problem, that effects almost all of us in one way or another and is similarly not being enforced. Your priorities. They are out of whack.


Posted on: 2009/1/21 22:38

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2008/6/25 23:54
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Elvis wrote: car comparison, which you either refuse to understand or just plain do not get, i


I fully understand the car example, but Im telling you it is a useless comparison. Cars are a necessary evil, they provide a critical social function. Dogs are not necessary and do not play a critical role in people's survival. So car dangers are much easier to accept than dog dangers. That is not to say that cars should not, and are not, strictly regulated and those regulations are enforced. Unlike dog laws.

I also don't know what evidence you are using to come to the conclusion that I am in the minority in my views. If you took a poll in Jersey City that asked this question:

"Would you support stricter dog control laws if it meant less shit on sidewalks and less dog bites?"

I suspect I would be in the large majority.

Your argument about priorities strikes me as very defeatist. I get it, it is not the main priority in people's lives. But are you saying that since we have large problems, we should not solve the small ones?

Elvis wrote: you want to enforce a law that would inconvenience many people, so the few could feel safer

Let me just add that I am not trying to enforce a law so that people FEEL safer, I want to enforce a law so people actually ARE safer.

I mean its very easy to get away from the "HYSTERICAL" details, but we are talking about serious injuries to people. I mean if your child got attacked by a dog, I think you might find some inconveniences to dog owners would have been worth the effort.

FINALLY, for the record....I do not hate dogs. That is a cheap shot. I like dogs and have had some great ones, but I just happen to like people also and think they have an ABSOLUTE right to be free of dog attacks outside their home.

Posted on: 2009/1/21 22:23

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2008/4/9 19:26
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seriously Phil,

you are never going to win this one. You are proposing something that will never be enforced, is a minor problem at worst, and is going to piss off every dog owner in the city. Do you honestly think, with it's multitude of real problems, JC is going to focus on passing your irrational dog laws? Just because you clearly hate dogs, doesn't mean most people do. In fact, your opinion puts you squarely in the minority. If you really hate dogs, you are in the wrong city.

And the car comparison, which you either refuse to understand or just plain do not get, is that you want to enforce a law that would inconvenience many people, so the few could feel safer. What Vigilante was doing was showing you a much bigger problem, that effects almost all of us in one way or another and is similarly not being enforced. Your priorities. They are out of whack.

Posted on: 2009/1/21 22:05

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2007/10/11 3:28
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philasurfer wrote:
Vigilante Wrote: So you give dog owners every reason to flee the scene of an incident? Insurance is for covering medical expenses etc. but if you want to just "sue the shit" out of people it gives them every reason not to be responsible citizens.

Vigilante, man, you could not be more wrong. Owners currently have every incentive to leave the scene regardless.

With insurance, they have every incentive to stay because they are covered. Do you think having car insurance encourages people to leave the scene of an accident? Ofcourse not, they know that they are covered.

Nikkiinnj wrote: They obviously choose not to follow rules to begin with so how will adding more rules help. I just don\'t see the point.

We do agree that enforcing the current rules would be a start. I suppose the problem is there is no money for enforcement. What I am suggesting is a licensing requirement that would not only require more dog owner training, accountability, etc, but would also raise money for enforcement.

In addition, increasing the penalties for any dog related offenses would go a long way towards achieving both of our goals. The money raised through increased penalties could also add more enforcement.

BTW, I just went for a walk down my block and there was a massive, disgusting pile of dog shit in the middle of the sidewalk. (I'm not Kidding) Just thought Id share with you all!

If someone has insurance why do you need to sue? The Great Dog Crusade has begun! I'm glad you found a calling. Just don't get run over trying to cross the street.

Posted on: 2009/1/21 21:55

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2008/6/25 23:54
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Vigilante Wrote: So you give dog owners every reason to flee the scene of an incident? Insurance is for covering medical expenses etc. but if you want to just "sue the shit" out of people it gives them every reason not to be responsible citizens.

Vigilante, man, you could not be more wrong. Owners currently have every incentive to leave the scene regardless.

With insurance, they have every incentive to stay because they are covered. Do you think having car insurance encourages people to leave the scene of an accident? Ofcourse not, they know that they are covered.

Nikkiinnj wrote: They obviously choose not to follow rules to begin with so how will adding more rules help. I just don\'t see the point.

We do agree that enforcing the current rules would be a start. I suppose the problem is there is no money for enforcement. What I am suggesting is a licensing requirement that would not only require more dog owner training, accountability, etc, but would also raise money for enforcement.

In addition, increasing the penalties for any dog related offenses would go a long way towards achieving both of our goals. The money raised through increased penalties could also add more enforcement.

BTW, I just went for a walk down my block and there was a massive, disgusting pile of dog shit in the middle of the sidewalk. (I'm not Kidding) Just thought Id share with you all!

Posted on: 2009/1/21 21:51

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2007/10/11 3:28
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philasurfer wrote:
Vigilante Wrote: Yes, hysterical. Get insurance so we can sue the shit out of you? You are obviously deluded. .... It's not just dog owners, it's everyone.....2006 Automobile fatalities in US 43,000+ 2006 Dog Attack fatalities 30.


Sir, I said get insurance so that ,if your dog bites me, I can sue the shit out of you. Imagine the case where a dog bites someone and the dog owner has no insurance and no assets, the victim will be left uncompensated, likely with costly medical bills. Requiring the dog owners, the ones creating the danger, to carry insurance would ensure that dog bite victims are compensated. Can you please tell me what is "deluded" about that?

Your vehicles statistics are so useless I don't know where to begin. Millions of people use cars everyday for essential processes of life, clearly there will be vastly more car associated deaths. What does that have to do with dog deaths? Dogs are a luxury or an amusement, not an essential mode of transport. I am actually surprised that 30 people die as a result, that is way too many. It also does not include tens of thousands of injuries, including permanent scarring, as a result of dog bites.


You seem like a very responsible dog owner, and I commend you for that.

So you give dog owners every reason to flee the scene of an incident? Insurance is for covering medical expenses etc. but if you want to just "sue the shit" out of people it gives them every reason not to be responsible citizens.

Posted on: 2009/1/21 21:35

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2007/6/27 20:15
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I am in no way suggesting that dogs should take over the universe. But the fact of the matter is that 90% of dog owners follow the current regulations. Do you thinkt he 10% that don\'t are actually going to take a test, get insurance, etc.

They obviously choose not to follow rules to begin with so how will adding more rules help. I just don\'t see the point.
The problem you have with my argument is basically the same one that I have with yours. There are currently laws on the books that are not followed or enforced. So you think that by adding more laws you\'re going to get those people to comply. does not compute.


philasurfer wrote:
NikkinNJ wrote: Clearly you have a problem with dogs...bottom line is people just need to act right.

Can we look at this from the perspective of a non dog owner for just one second?

So that dog owners can have the amusement of a dog, (I exclude the case of seeing eye dogs or working dogs that serve an actual purpose) I have to deal with (1) shit and piss on sidewalks, which ultimately ends up in our rivers and streams, (2) much of the already scarce park space being reserved for or taken over by dogs, and (3) the risk, albeit small, of being attacked by someone\'s dog. Is that fair to me, the non dog owner? I mean seriously, there are two tiny parks for tens of thousands of people in all of downtown JC, and we dedicate a quarter of one of them to dogs?

I don\'t dislike dogs, I am just resisting their take over of the universe. Someone has to represent non dog owners because dog owners do a superb job of representing their interests. (for example, calling anyone who describes dog attacks for what theyare is being hysterical. It must be a rather hysterical experience to be attacked by two massive dogs outside your home, don\'t ya think?)

This idea that people need to act right, I mean, that is a wonderful thought, but that is your solution to dog bites? People need to act right? You are going to tell the victim of dog bites, well...we are encouraging people to act right?

I guess you could say \"Despite thousands of years of evidence to the contrary, eventually people will stop being irresponsible, reckless, or careless and our new policy of telling people to act right is going to work!\"

Posted on: 2009/1/21 21:07

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning - not Mastiffs
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2008/6/20 3:19
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Has anyone else noticed the ad to the right of this page? "Bite Fight." How appropriate. Any comments regarding the leashing of lycanthropes? I vote "yes."

Posted on: 2009/1/21 21:05

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning - not Mastiffs
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2006/9/1 11:45
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Stephanie wrote:
I was told the dogs were removed from the apartment this morning. They will be held at LHS pending the outcome of the hearing.

At least they're out of the hands of the owners.

Posted on: 2009/1/21 20:54

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2008/6/24 14:51
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philasurfer wrote:
skepticalhook wrote: you intend to fund your programs with TARP money?

Very I suggested I would charge high fees for licensing. In other words make dog owners pay for it.

I was joking about sending dogs to a farm. My point was to make the penalties for ignoring the leash laws so harsh that no one will ever ignore them. For example, potentially lose your privilege, the license, to own a dog.

And I agree there are more serious problems in the world, but this goes much further than just dog attacks. It is quality of life and worthy of some attention. I am not suggesting taking detectives off the beat, just set up a regulatory structure that works. Obviously the dog regulations we have were put in place before every other person in the city had a dog.

Philasurfer--good to keep an eye on the big picture. I was obviously joking as well on some of this--it is a quality of life issue, and they are important. This thread just seems to have gotten way off topic.

By the way, I am surprised that she had the dogs off leash, and wonder if that's accurate. They could have gotten away from her as well with leashes on (and I have heard that has happened in the past). Either way, uncontrollable dogs this size have no business in an urban area. That much is clear.


Posted on: 2009/1/21 20:15

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning - not Mastiffs

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2009/1/21 18:08
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These dogs are South African Boerboels, not Mastiffs. They should be owned and bred only by very experienced people, not easy dogs.

I was told the dogs were removed from the apartment this morning. They will be held at LHS pending the outcome of the hearing.

Posted on: 2009/1/21 20:13

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning

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2005/11/27 3:13
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I've had a few close calls with those dogs and my toddler on the street, and I did not realize just how close calls they really were! I am now a little freaked out that those dogs were so close to my child! Could have been us!

Posted on: 2009/1/21 20:11

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2008/9/10 13:57
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From Paulus Hook
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Rumor has it they were about to be evicted... Not just for the size of the dogs but apparently also because it stunk outside their apartment? Not sure the truth to that since I don't live there, I just like to gossip ;)

Posted on: 2009/1/21 19:26

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2005/3/21 20:01
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So, they live at 100 Dudley Street, which is the Windsor at Liberty House. They have a 40 lb limit on dogs. These people should have been evicted long ago.

Posted on: 2009/1/21 19:24

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2008/6/25 23:54
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skepticalhook wrote: you intend to fund your programs with TARP money?

Very I suggested I would charge high fees for licensing. In other words make dog owners pay for it.

I was joking about sending dogs to a farm. My point was to make the penalties for ignoring the leash laws so harsh that no one will ever ignore them. For example, potentially lose your privilege, the license, to own a dog.

And I agree there are more serious problems in the world, but this goes much further than just dog attacks. It is quality of life and worthy of some attention. I am not suggesting taking detectives off the beat, just set up a regulatory structure that works. Obviously the dog regulations we have were put in place before every other person in the city had a dog.

Posted on: 2009/1/21 19:19

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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We have learned that the dogs have been removed from the home and that it was "quite a scene".

But to comment further,

Philasurfer--you intend to fund your programs with TARP money? You're just absurd. You're going to restrict dogs to certain parts of the city? Where-Communipaw only? Who will be interviewing these hypothetical farm owners to adopt these dogs when they are "immediately confiscated because they are off leash?" How about a bipartisan committee elected by a supermarjority of the JC counsel.

I think there are problems in this city that need this kind of scrutiny, like education, violent crime, the former HCSPCA shelter (and that scumbag Hector Carbajales that stole $12K and left rotting corpses) . . . but I digress. Dog bites man, while lamentable, is not one of the top 10.

In any event, here is the website for these dogs and the damn people that, as I said, were breeding them in an apartment:

It is sooooo very much full of lies. They claim the dogs are raised in a "loving family among other dogs, kids, and cats. We stress a calm obedient temperment and a gentle loving nature."

This guy curses up a storm in front of everyone. Cops called repeatedly. There is no love, no obedience, and these dogs have no gentle nature.

Anyone looking to adopt from them, in the event they get their dogs back, better beware and look elsewhere. You will not get good dogs from these people.

Posted on: 2009/1/21 19:14

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2008/6/25 23:54
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Vigilante Wrote: Yes, hysterical. Get insurance so we can sue the shit out of you? You are obviously deluded. .... It's not just dog owners, it's everyone.....2006 Automobile fatalities in US 43,000+ 2006 Dog Attack fatalities 30.


Sir, I said get insurance so that ,if your dog bites me, I can sue the shit out of you. Imagine the case where a dog bites someone and the dog owner has no insurance and no assets, the victim will be left uncompensated, likely with costly medical bills. Requiring the dog owners, the ones creating the danger, to carry insurance would ensure that dog bite victims are compensated. Can you please tell me what is "deluded" about that?

Your vehicles statistics are so useless I don't know where to begin. Millions of people use cars everyday for essential processes of life, clearly there will be vastly more car associated deaths. What does that have to do with dog deaths? Dogs are a luxury or an amusement, not an essential mode of transport. I am actually surprised that 30 people die as a result, that is way too many. It also does not include tens of thousands of injuries, including permanent scarring, as a result of dog bites.


You seem like a very responsible dog owner, and I commend you for that.

Posted on: 2009/1/21 19:12

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2008/1/31 22:40
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@Vigilante Ultimately since someone else cleaned up all the messes, you didn't give a piss, right? (sorry couldn't resist)

Posted on: 2009/1/21 19:03
Come on and rock me Amadeus

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2006 Automobile fatalities in US 43,000+

2006 Dog Attack fatalities 30.

Posted on: 2009/1/21 19:01

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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philasurfer wrote:

I would propose dog owners must get licensing, similar to a obtaining a car license. It would involve (1) basic dog owning knowledge test, (2) evidence of insurance so that, if your dog bites someone, the victim can sue the shit out you and (3) maybe some other requirements that would be useful. People keep saying dogs have to be licensed now and I know that, but as these dog lovers love to say, it is not the dogs its the owners. So owners should need a license, as well as the dogs. Also large fees should be charged for these licenses so that more money can be put into doggy law enforcement.

As for urban areas, dog owning should be much more restrictive. In the suburbs or rural areas you can make a better argument for dog freedom, but not in a city. I would require a mandatory license to evidence that every single dog you own in a city has gone through some form of obedience training. A dog seen off a leash should be immediately confiscated and sent to live with a family on a farm. I would also only allow dogs in certain areas of the city, not on every street of the city. Some areas would be off limits to dogs.

Thats what I can say Just off the top of my head...

Re: 1 - If animals were adopted from shelters more often and less from backyard breeders, there would be much less of this problem. There are people who post on craigslist looking for puppies and dogs who don't want to pay adoption fees because they simply can't afford to own a dog but want one anyway. This is the reason why the shelters are overcrowded. Shelters screen applicants and check with landlords.

As for humans having to take a test, well that's very unlikely but there is a test for good and trained dogs - AKC's Canine Good Citizen Certification -

Re: 2 -

Re 3 - A license to own a dog? come on! Vet bills, food, medication, and everything else that is an actual part of being a RESPONSIBLE dog owner costs enough already. Dogs in only certain areas of the city is also a little unreasonable.

I don't take my dog to dog parks. Why? Because he's a Pit Bull. He's not dog aggressive, but people are afraid of Pit Bulls. Also, another dog may rub him the wrong way or provoke him, and he's a big boy. I try to think about what other people are thinking at the given moment. I understand, so I walk my dog by my side on a very short lead when I pass by people who are clearly uncomfortable. Most of these folks just cross the street anyway. Others, greet my dog and get kisses from him. Dogs are not for everyone, but for those of us who own dogs and are responsible about it, we shouldn't have to always face the consequences of these waste of life people who make my job harder to do. Yes, they are wastes of life if they allow their "baby" to come to the shelter because they took on a responsibility they can't handle.

Posted on: 2009/1/21 18:47

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2008/12/8 17:49
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Why is it so impossible to have a rational conversation about leash laws? Does it always have to devolve into some sort of absolutist retardedness, or get sidestepped with one of those b.s. "we shouldn't enforce THIS law because we should enforce THAT law" false arguments?

Constructive discourse fail.

Posted on: 2009/1/21 18:45

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2007/10/11 3:28
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philasurfer wrote:
Elvis: You do a good job of stating how you feel and the problem with other's solutions. What is your solution?

Elvis, you must want to really see dog owners lose their minds because my solutions would be highly restrictive of dog owners rights.

I would propose dog owners must get licensing, similar to a obtaining a car license. It would involve (1) basic dog owning knowledge test, (2) evidence of insurance so that, if your dog bites someone, the victim can sue the shit out you and (3) maybe some other requirements that would be useful. People keep saying dogs have to be licensed now and I know that, but as these dog lovers love to say, it is not the dogs its the owners. So owners should need a license, as well as the dogs. Also large fees should be charged for these licenses so that more money can be put into doggy law enforcement.

As for urban areas, dog owning should be much more restrictive. In the suburbs or rural areas you can make a better argument for dog freedom, but not in a city. I would require a mandatory license to evidence that every single dog you own in a city has gone through some form of obedience training. A dog seen off a leash should be immediately confiscated and sent to live with a family on a farm. I would also only allow dogs in certain areas of the city, not on every street of the city. Some areas would be off limits to dogs.

Thats what I can say Just off the top of my head...but any rules would best come out of a dialogue between dog owners and people like myself.

Yes, hysterical. Get insurance so we can sue the shit out of you? You are obviously deluded.
As for misterdude, I formerly lived in a multi-unit building at 9th. and Coles. The residents in the nearby single family homes would constantly leave shopping carts, large bulk garbage and whatever they felt like disposing of in front of our building. It's not just dog owners, it's everyone.

Posted on: 2009/1/21 18:44

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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philasurfer wrote:
NikkinNJ wrote: Clearly you have a problem with dogs...bottom line is people just need to act right.

Can we look at this from the perspective of a non dog owner for just one second?

So that dog owners can have the amusement of a dog, (I exclude the case of seeing eye dogs or working dogs that serve an actual purpose) I have to deal with (1) shit and piss on sidewalks, which ultimately ends up in our rivers and streams, (2) much of the already scarce park space being reserved for or taken over by dogs, and (3) the risk, albeit small, of being attacked by someone's dog. Is that fair to me, the non dog owner? I mean seriously, there are two tiny parks for tens of thousands of people in all of downtown JC, and we dedicate a quarter of one of them to dogs?

I don't dislike dogs, I am just resisting their take over of the universe. Someone has to represent non dog owners because dog owners do a superb job of representing their interests. (for example, calling anyone who describes dog attacks for what theyare is being hysterical. It must be a rather hysterical experience to be attacked by two massive dogs outside your home, don't ya think?)

This idea that people need to act right, I mean, that is a wonderful thought, but that is your solution to dog bites? People need to act right? You are going to tell the victim of dog bites, well...we are encouraging people to act right?

I guess you could say "Despite thousands of years of evidence to the contrary, eventually people will stop being irresponsible, reckless, or careless and our new policy of telling people to act right is going to work!"

I think people should have to pass a test and earn a license to use the internet.

Sadly, we can't always get what we want.

Posted on: 2009/1/21 18:42

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2008/1/31 22:40
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Greenvillechick wrote:
but what should we carry a bottle of cleaner with us and spray the sidewalk while were at it

It's actually much worse in the sidewalks in front of large apt/condo buildings with a high population of pets. Many of the dogs have their favorite common peeing pole/trash can/street lamp. The pee itself doesn't bother me so much, but I do feel for the building janitor who has to clean the sidewalks in the area with bleach/cleanser every week. It doesn't always just wash away into the drains. Someone actually has to clean it!

Posted on: 2009/1/21 18:30
Come on and rock me Amadeus

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2008/6/25 23:54
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Elvis: You do a good job of stating how you feel and the problem with other's solutions. What is your solution?

Elvis, you must want to really see dog owners lose their minds because my solutions would be highly restrictive of dog owners rights.

I would propose dog owners must get licensing, similar to a obtaining a car license. It would involve (1) basic dog owning knowledge test, (2) evidence of insurance so that, if your dog bites someone, the victim can sue the shit out you and (3) maybe some other requirements that would be useful. People keep saying dogs have to be licensed now and I know that, but as these dog lovers love to say, it is not the dogs its the owners. So owners should need a license, as well as the dogs. Also large fees should be charged for these licenses so that more money can be put into doggy law enforcement.

As for urban areas, dog owning should be much more restrictive. In the suburbs or rural areas you can make a better argument for dog freedom, but not in a city. I would require a mandatory license to evidence that every single dog you own in a city has gone through some form of obedience training. A dog seen off a leash should be immediately confiscated and sent to live with a family on a farm. I would also only allow dogs in certain areas of the city, not on every street of the city. Some areas would be off limits to dogs.

Thats what I can say Just off the top of my head...but any rules would best come out of a dialogue between dog owners and people like myself.

Posted on: 2009/1/21 18:25

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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You do a good job of stating how you feel and the problem with other's solutions. What is your solution?

Posted on: 2009/1/21 18:12

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2008/6/25 23:54
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2010/3/7 16:03
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greenville chick said: Which two tiny parks are you speaking of? I know of at least five in JC two of which are very big. Lincoln Park is huge.... and their dog run is all the way in the back across a bridge... so what math are you doing? As far as crap and piss on the sidewalk... ok I give you the crap part... clean up your crap! but piss?? I mean I dont allow my dog to pee in the middle of a sidewalk most dogs wont... but what should we carry a bottle of cleaner with us and spray the sidewalk while were at it? Dont just blame dogs for piss and feces in the water system thats the least of your worries... what about stray cats, birds, raccoons, possums, HOMELESS people.... your post was ignorant to say the least... and quite HYSTERICAL!

I said two tiny parks in DOWNTOWN JC, Van Vorst and Hamilton. Lincoln park is not in downtown JC. (although, I love Lincoln park, its my favorite JC park!)

I see dogs pissing on sidewalks all the time. Have you heard of the proverbial dog pissing on the fire hydrant?

I know it is scary for dog owners to hear, but not everyone thinks dogs should run the universe.

If by hysterical you mean, not wanting to be attacked by animals. Than yes, you are correct, I am hysterical.

Posted on: 2009/1/21 18:12

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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Yes, come back in the summer with your anti-cricket rant because there will be a game going on every square inch of Hamilton Park when the weather warms up.

Posted on: 2009/1/21 18:08

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