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Re: Why Stay in Jersey City?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Along with what the others have said, downtown will definitely give you more to enjoy, much more. I moved here from NY and at first I was bored out of my mind but more things have popped up over the past 3 years that I've been here and will continue to do so.

Plus being so close to the PATH, I'm often inclined to just go into Manhattan which is a short ride and quite cheap, especially downtown NY which I love and am used to.

Stay on this side!

Posted on: 2009/7/27 3:59

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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Quite a regular

Very interesting Vigilante, I didn't even catch that.

I never said dog attacks don't happen, I'm not out of touch with this country. But to call my experience with my personal dog misleading and useless is just silly. I've never been hurt and no one else has been hurt due to my dog. I don't find that useless at all.

The point I was originally trying to make is that nothing is concrete so I think it's wrong to generalize anything. You are afraid of dogs and that is going to push your argument in the direction you choose. Confirmed bias.

How many times have you personally been attacked by dogs? Because you really speak as if you're attacked every day you leave your house.

Statistical breakdowns are very important, otherwise the stats are useless. Car accident stats don't mean anything unless you know if drinking was involved, if someone slid on black ice, if someone ran a light or if someone was trying to dodge a child in the street.

That's why sweeping laws are wrong. Laws are usually just opinions made official.

Posted on: 2009/1/21 23:54

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
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Quite a regular


philasurfer wrote:
Fair question, so I decided to look it up. The results are worse than I thought:

- there were 4.7 million dog bite victims annually in the USA.

- 1,000 Americans per day are treated in emergency rooms as a result of dog bites.

- In 2007 there were 33 fatal dog attacks in the USA.

-Most of the victims who receive medical attention are children, half of whom are bitten in the face.

- Nationwide, U.S. Postal Service carriers suffered 3,423 dog attacks and bites in 2003.

- According to the American Medical Association, dog bites are the second leading cause of childhood injury, surpassing playground accidents. ... cs/DogBiteStatistics.html

The issue with these numbers is that they don't describe the situation, motive or context which to me is extremely important.

A silly teenager antagonizing a dog might get bit. Or a burglar.

Animal shelter workers get bit all the time but they keep coming back for more.

And of course you have the illegal dog fighting incidents, gross.

As for the postal workers, I feel for those guys. But that's usually just a dog protecting its property, not off leash biting random people on the street.

Now see if you can find these incident stats connected to JC. And also how many dogs are in ownership compared to these incidents. That would be interesting to see.

Posted on: 2009/1/21 23:19

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


philasurfer wrote:

FINALLY, for the record....I do not hate dogs. That is a cheap shot. I like dogs and have had some great ones, but I just happen to like people also and think they have an ABSOLUTE right to be free of dog attacks outside their home.

Maybe I'm not paying attention but how often do these dog attacks or bites actually happen? I can only speak for myself but I got my choco lab December of 2006. He was a puppy.

I've walked him at least 3 times a day since. So let's say it's been 2 years, 730 days. I won't add January of this year because I've left him behind when I traveled so I'll subtract a month. I don't travel a whole lot.

3 times a day for 730 days, I've walked him at least 2,190 times.

He has never bitten anyone. Ever. 0 out of 2,190. And that's just me.

So relatively speaking, I think these attacks are really quite rare. You make it sound like it happens everyday. We pass dozens of dogs on the street everyday and I've never witnessed one of them biting someone.

You are afraid of dogs and that's totally fair. But pay less attention to the news and more attention to the countless responsible owners in this city. Maybe try counting how many times you get bitten while walking the streets.

There are definitely bad apples but not as many as you'd like to think.

Posted on: 2009/1/21 23:03

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I too know these dogs very well. The owner (the woman) used to frequent the Peninsula with them and the male is quite a handful.

He had a certain fascination with my chocolate lab and mounted/hurt him over and over. The problem is that this dog is enormous and it took 3 of us, grown adults, to take him down and put him on his back to calm him down. When doing so, the owner said "he's scared" and "don't do it again please", to us, which I thought was funny.

To her credit, the owner seemed to try her best to control him but I was very surprised that he hadn't broken one of her bones with the way he dragged her around, she's close to 60.

I've seen this dog in action, he doesn't need someone to give him a reason, he just goes for you.. the scariest part of all is that he's still a puppy and absolutely does not listen. She must be losing her mind to let him off leash with all the incidents he's had with other dogs and people.

The dogs should be taken away, especially if it's true they're being hit and kicked around by the male owner.

Posted on: 2009/1/20 20:03

Re: Is the rental market downtown crazy slow?
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Quite a regular

Has the rental market slowed? Absolutely, as everything else has. Crazy slow? No, I don't think so. Rentals are much harder to track than sales are since the majority of them are not on the MLS so it's always hard to say.

But I definitely have noticed that now that lending has tightened and less and less people can get loans, more are renting. History has shown that the rental market *usually* goes in the opposite direction of the sales market, which makes sense. People still need to move, it's just a matter of which is smarter at the given time, renting or buying.

In addition to that, though there are a lot of people still shopping around, the kicker is that many are not moving on anything. It's kind of like things have halted in many degrees and most people say they're waiting to see how things pan out on Wall street and of course the election. Consumer confidence is incredibly low right now.

But as always, things priced to market are moving. We sent out our October report and it was a stronger month than September especially in terms of volume. Unlike a lot of places where NOTHING is moving AT ALL, correctly priced property is moving in downtown and especially in Hoboken. But 2005 is long gone and hopefully won't ever come back.

Posted on: 2008/11/7 3:29

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


brian_em wrote:

I agree, I don't think the "luxury" housing BS will stand the test of time.

Why is that? Just curious.

Posted on: 2008/10/21 17:12

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I still can't believe some threads on this board are created with the sole purpose of putting someone else down.

Posted on: 2008/10/21 12:46

Re: Steve Fulop
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I concur. He attended our new neighborhood association meeting (Liberty Harbor) and definitely had a lot of important things to share. I see him around a lot, definitely a class act in my book.

Posted on: 2008/10/20 21:14

Re: Monthly Home Sales for Downtown Jersey City
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


JC_Man wrote:
Why not post like the past months??

I explained it in the private message. If you're really interested in the report, I'll gladly send it over to you. No spam, no soliciting business.

Shoot me an email at for anyone interested.

Posted on: 2008/10/20 17:01

Re: Monthly Home Sales for Downtown Jersey City
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


JC_Man wrote:
Actually Jimmy I put a dollar in becuase I know times are tough now for realtors!!

We're still hanging in there! I sent you a private message for the report, feel free to get back to me so I can send it out to you.

Posted on: 2008/10/20 14:38

Re: Monthly Home Sales for Downtown Jersey City
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


designknob wrote:

JC_Man wrote:
Where's Jimmy B when you need him??

Probably begging for spare change at the PATH station.

And thank you for that quarter!

Posted on: 2008/10/20 14:10

Re: Hey! It's Jersey City.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

"the beauty of the lots"

HAHAHAHA! Classic!

Posted on: 2008/10/20 14:09

Re: Frank, the pizza man is running for city council ( Frank's Famous Italian Pizzeria on Monmouth )
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

He just drove by my office. It kinda sounded like the teacher in the Peanuts cartoons.

Posted on: 2008/10/9 18:20

Re: Mayor Healy was just on CNBC
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Red-Deutsch wrote:
?Normally to do capital improvements, fix our parks, fix our buildings, those types of expenditures...(the city will) go out for bonds. Right now we?re hearing that market?s going to dry up...So we and every other government?(are) probably going to have to tone down (our) expectations for capital improvements.?

To tell the people of JC to tone down their expectations of anything is downright depressing. How much worse can it get? At least have the common decency to lie to me and tell me it's going to get better, come hell or high water. False hope is better than no hope at all. That's how I see it, anyway.

He did say no jobs have been lost as of yet, which is probably a little better than "no hope at all".

Posted on: 2008/10/8 21:53

Re: New York Times: New Jersey Offers a Preview of Possible Economic Woes to Come
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Debt has become too common and almost accepted. Trying to pay off multiple credit cards has become something of a sport. It really wasn't all that long ago when we (Americans) lived without credit, at least not personal credit.

I canceled one of my cards today and the woman on the other end was almost irate with me.

Posted on: 2008/10/6 21:28

Re: Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley: Playing It Safer
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I was in the elevator with a neighbor who works for Morgan Stanley this evening and she said "we take deposits now like any other bank, wild huh?".


Posted on: 2008/9/22 23:23

Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley: Playing It Safer
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley: Playing It Safer
Business Week: September 22, 2008

From now on, the chastened investment banks will act more like conventional big banks, prudent and risk-averse

With their historic moves to become commercial banks, Goldman Sachs Group (GS) and Morgan Stanley (MS) have ducked the financial disaster that befell bankrupt Lehman Brothers (LEH) and led to panic sales for Bear Stearns (JPM) and Merrill Lynch (MER), but the firms will never be the same. The swashbuckling, risk-taking, and financially ingenious investment banks that produced stellar returns for years?and turned Wall Street into a stunningly lucrative place for even the most junior staffers?are fast becoming distant memories. Instead, Wall Street observers say, these firms will now operate like conventional big banks whose bywords will be prudence, far more careful risk management. and less of the financial inventiveness that spawned the subprime crisis and its myriad toxic offspring.

"It's the end of an era of extraordinary leverage," says Sherry Cooper, global economist strategist for Toronto's BMO Financial Group. "The U.S. financial system is deleveraging, and the 25-to-1 or 30-to-1 leverage ratios at those institutions are just not tolerated any longer by the financial markets. Now, under traditional banking regulation, they have to have more capital and less leverage. So their proprietary trading desks won't be nearly as active or taking as much risk as before."
Way Less Rewarding

Read the rest here: ... +-+temp_news+%2B+analysis

Posted on: 2008/9/22 23:22

Re: Suggest a Dentist?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Dr. Cohen for sure, absolutely fantastic.

Posted on: 2008/9/22 16:48

Re: How many people does Lehman Brothers employ in Jersey City?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Fairly positive, hopeful news. Good!

Posted on: 2008/9/22 13:31

Re: How many people does Lehman Brothers employ in Jersey City?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


greenville wrote:

Foreign buyers? This is a worldwide mess!!! Why would would they invest in a market that is going down the drains when their economies are being affected too!

Maybe I should have said "was" increasing rapidly? We'll have to see, that's why I said it all depends.

Posted on: 2008/9/16 21:47

Re: How many people does Lehman Brothers employ in Jersey City?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


jcmj wrote:
"Lopez, who declined to say who he worked for, said he thought it would take two or three years for a recovery."

What is this going to do to the housing sales for downtown jc that are always listed, the development of the neighborhood as a whole, and the general optimism of the immediate future for DJC that seems to be a common thread for this forum?

Certainly not downplaying the job loss for those effected by today's events; just acknowledging the fact that the finance industry investing here has been a big engine driving a lot of the growth and concerned that this may be at the least a temporary "road closed for further repairs" sign that may not be fixed that quick.

It's certainly a crap shoot. A lot of it depends on the foreign buyers, a pool that is increasing rapidly.

Posted on: 2008/9/16 21:24

Re: Curious Matter: New Gallery Opening Today, Downtown at 272 Fifth Street
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

That is too funny because I was just thinking that I had to stop by to that gallery today and then you posted this. I used to live across the street at 279 and they are great guys. I highly recommend checking it out.

Posted on: 2008/9/14 14:19

Re: Newark Avenue Redevelopment
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


GrovePath wrote:


nickie wrote:
...some development is better than none, but what came first the chicken or the egg?

If Newark Ave between Jersey Ave and Brunswick was redeveloped, wouldn't it "get less seedy?"

Especially with the new Fields housing project on Newark just across from It's Greek to Me, in full swing, you would think they'd want to continue the development westward. Brunswick is a definitive stop to Newark Ave in terms of the downtown area, it would look strange if the redevelopment ended at Jersey.

I have to agree. In a perfect world, what would you like to see happen? I'm always curious to hear the ideas the locals have. I mean, we live here right?

Posted on: 2008/9/14 13:36

Re: Downtown Jersey City site to become Hilton Hotel & 470 more condos (333 Grand St. @ Jersey Ave.)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


fat-ass-bike wrote:
This said, the PATH and the crap Holland tunnel can not accommodate the increase of residents - once NY gets the toll going to enter the city, plus the tunnel toll itself, fuel increases and parking demand, the only way across the Hudson is the PATH and it sucks during peak hours.
I will assume that the ferries must be a bitch in winter and is just too expensive for such a short commute.

I live very close to the ferry stop at Liberty Harbor and it's quite amazing how many people take it in the morning but mostly commuters from the 'burbs.

Posted on: 2008/9/12 13:50

Re: Newark Avenue Redevelopment
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The real kicker is that the owners of the land have plans for a 6-story building with retail on the bottom and new apartments above.

Posted on: 2008/9/11 20:37

Re: Newark Avenue Redevelopment
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


icechute wrote:
Close to Grove or not, it is a great idea. I've got some background in this and it would replicate something akin to the alleyways of Europe, where some of the best urban spaces are the small 'leftover' ones between buildings. If the newly exposed facades of the buildings on each side were opened up with shopfronts and a restaurant went in there with some outdoor seating in the passage, it would be a beautiful little spot. If they can get shopfronts on CCD, then another connector between it and Newark would just make the area that much more pedestrian friendly.

I don't think it's an entirely bad idea but frankly, until the area really cleans up, I'm afraid it'll just be another sleeping area for the homeless. They sleep on the park benches during the day, imagine an alleyway that shields the weather. They are hoping to have it complete in a year's time and I don't know if that's enough time.

Posted on: 2008/9/11 19:43

Re: Newark Avenue Redevelopment
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

As far as I can tell, the plan only runs down Newark and Columbus from Grove to Jersey. That's what was on the map I saw at the HDSID meeting this past Tuesday.

It was mentioned that the idea of a one-way Newark was nixed, as well as closing off Newark after 6pm to make it a pedestrian walkway for PATH commuters coming home.

I thought they were pretty good ideas.

Posted on: 2008/9/11 18:40

Re: Downtown Jersey City site to become Hilton Hotel & 470 more condos (333 Grand St. @ Jersey Ave.)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


SammyTheT wrote:
This has been planned for about 9 years.
It is a beautiful Hilton Hotel with 470 condos.
The property is south of the light rail station at Marin - directly across from Liberty Harbor Marina - NOT at Grand and Jersey.
Tramz Hotel, Inc. will build and own the hotel - it will be a Hilton.

Correct. It will be south of the rental building planned by Applied on Marin (if that indeed is still planned).

Posted on: 2008/9/11 17:54

Re: Newark Avenue Redevelopment
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


chiefdahill wrote:
A detailed plan to revamp the area around Newark Avenue is up for a final vote before the City Council
The Newark Avenue Redevelopment Plan promotes changes including an outdoor passageway connecting Newark Avenue to Christopher Columbus Drive, and storefronts looking out on Christopher Columbus Drive.

Has anyone heard anything about this? I didn't realize that they had plans to open up a passageway and stores on Columbus?

I also heard that they are planning to do away with all parking on Columbus and make it more like a highway/thoroughfare. Have you heard about this? This is not really a good thing, it will make the street like a highway.


The eliminating of parking idea was nixed, or so I heard.

The Plan does indeed call for a paseo walkway, created on the lot of the building that burned down. So it seems the city would, if voted to do so, take that land by eminent domain and use it for the paseo.

I personally would like to see Barrow street closed off and used as a paseo, since it's already a traffic nightmare. That vacant land they are trying to take seems way too close to Grove street and not all that needed.

Posted on: 2008/9/11 17:50

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