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Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams
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2004/11/5 17:59
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I find it sad reading these posts about Morton's. Because they offer FREE parking in the GARAGE! All you gotta do is spend a min. of $10. and get the parking ticket validated when you checkout.

It's a wonderful store and these posts are not going to deter me from shopping there. It is the best store in town. Hands down!

Posted on: 2008/8/8 13:29

Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams
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2007/10/1 1:03
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M-W has just lost my future business too. Not that it matters, I didn't know about them in the first place until I read this thread.

Posted on: 2008/8/8 4:43

Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams
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2006/4/18 0:04
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From Jersey Cxxx
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I did find out that there was an amendment to the ordinance that went into effect on June 15th raising the rates of the towing fees. Although there is some other serious issues that are a direct violation of the city code and has been sent to the Commerce dept. in JC government.

If anyone has been a victim of what the feel is any illegal practices should contact Maynard Woodson at the Commerce Dept.
Here is the link:

Posted on: 2008/8/6 20:39

Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams
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2006/4/10 13:29
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2024/5/15 1:51
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If everyone is upset over this, then perhaps you should convince the city to seize the streets through imminent domain.

I for one just see this as yet another reason to simply avoid Newport and businesses in Newport.

Posted on: 2008/8/6 2:23

Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams
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2005/2/28 1:48
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I walked past the area in question this evening, no where could I find the hours of metered parking posted. The inference can be made that meters must be fed 24/7/365 but it would be considerate for this expectation to be clearly posted on a street sign or indicated on the meter.

Related to the aforementioned it doesn't seem reasonable that the penalty for a meter not fed or expired is an impound of your vehicle. This seems to be extraordinarily heavy handed enforcement; I'd be interested to know if anyone is aware of a similar practice, either on private property or by local municipality.

Posted on: 2008/8/6 1:57

Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams
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2006/4/18 0:04
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kster wrote:
I was in a metered spot, but I didn't feed the meter - that was my big mistake.

Still, a fine of 152 dollars, plus cab fare, etc. doesn't that seem excessive to you?

Shouldn't others be warned?

I haven't been to Morton Williams and I don't have a visual on the layout. Are these meters maintained by the JCPA (Jersey City Parking Authority) or by the owner of the private street?

Something seems so not right with all of this, and I totally believe the poster, I'm questioning the legality of all of this.

Posted on: 2008/8/6 0:47

Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams
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2006/4/18 0:04
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r_pinkowitz wrote:

kster wrote:
Well you can add Morton Williams to the list of JC stores that are towing away their customers.

Today, Sunday, I parked in front of Morton Williams at about 6 PM, by 6:25 the car had disappeared.

After returning my groceries, I had to find a cab, and then fork over $152 (cash only, of course) to retrieve my car from the EZ Towing garage.

So that certainly was not the luxury shopping experience I had hoped for.

Buyer beware.

Why was the bill $ 152.00 and why cash only? I need to dig a bit deeper, but I recall back in the late 90's there was an issue brought before council re: a towing company and I'm almost sure they can't demand cash only, I will look into this a bit further.

Here is the code on what a private towing coming can charge:

? 319-17. Removal of vehicles parked or abandoned on private property; fees.

A. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:4-56.6, the owner or other person in control or possession of the private property on which a vehicle is parked or left unattended as described in the definition of ?disabled vehicle? above may remove and store or hire another person to remove and store the vehicle. It shall be the obligation of the owner of the vehicle to pay the costs for the removal and storage before he shall be entitled to recover the possession of the vehicle. If the owner of the vehicle refuses to pay such costs or fails to make a claim for the return of the vehicle within 90 days after such removal, the vehicle may be sold at public auction in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2A:44-20 et seq.
B. Whenever a licensee, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:4-56.6, removes a vehicle parked or left unattended on private property as described in the definition of ?disabled vehicle? above, he shall, within one hour, report to the police district from within which the vehicle was removed the following information:
(1) License plate number and description of vehicle removed.
(2) Location where the vehicle is stored.
(3) Location from which the vehicle was removed.
(4) Identity of the person claiming to own, control or be in possession of the private property from which the vehicle was removed.
C. The maximum charges for towing and storage of vehicles so removed from private property shall be the same as set forth in ? 319-11 above.

Here is the code on fees:

? 319-11. Schedule of maximum prices; disclosure.
A. Maximum fees to tow, transport, convey or move vehicles.
(1) No tower shall charge more than the following maximum fees to tow, transport, convey or otherwise move a vehicle from one location within the City of Jersey City to another location within the City of Jersey City:
(a) Class I vehicle: $80. In the event the vehicle is towed to the city?s impound yard, the eighty-dollar fee shall include a thirty-dollar administrative fee.
(b) Class II vehicles: $120.
(c) Class III vehicles: $225 per hour (minimum two hours).

(2) In addition to the above charges, recovery of an overturned vehicle, uprighting it or removing it from a hill, ditch or other similar precarious position will be charged no more than the rate of $50, $125, and $225 per hour for vehicle Classes I, II and III, respectively. If an issue arises as to these charges, it shall be the burden of the tower to provide documentation in the form of photographs as to the particular circumstances requiring the additional charges, i.e., position of the vehicle.

(3) No charge shall be imposed on a rotation list tow for waiting time, clean-up, yard fee or any other service not specifically authorized under this chapter.

(4) The above fees are chargeable once a vehicle is hooked-up by the tower.
B. Maximum fees for vehicle storage.
(1) No tower owner shall charge more than the following maximum fees per day, or portion thereof, for storage of a disabled vehicle towed away pursuant to this chapter:
(a) Class I vehicles: $20 per day.
(b) Class II vehicles: $50 per day.
(c) Class III vehicles: $100 per day.
(2) No vehicle shall be released from storage by a tower unless proper owner and vehicle identification are shown.
C. Each driver of a tower shall have a schedule of the maximum prices when responding to the scene of a disabled, abandoned or other vehicle.
D. Before performing any service pursuant to this chapter, the licensee shall furnish the owner or driver of the vehicle with a copy of the schedule of prices. In the event that the owner or driver is incapacitated, the licensee shall furnish such schedule to the owner?s authorized agent as defined herein before such person pays for the services rendered.

Okay, so if I'm reading your post correctly something is not is the code on forms of payments, did they say "CASH ONLY"?


? 319-6. Principal licenses; supplemental licenses.
A. Principal license.
(1) Only one principal license shall be issued to a person as defined herein.
(2) The principal license shall pertain to the initial towing vehicle of the licensee.
(3) The principal license shall bear a serial number which will be assigned to that licensee. Said serial number shall be issued on all subsequent renewals of that principal license by that particular licensee and shall not be assigned to any other licensee.
(4) The principal license shall contain on the face thereof all the information and data required by the New Jersey Division of Motor Vehicles on an application for a registration certificate issued by said state agency.
B. Supplemental license.
(1) If the holder of a principal license intends to operate more than one tower, said licensee shall apply for a supplemental license for each additional tower which the licensee intends to operate.
(2) The fee for a supplemental license shall be the same as the fee for the principal license.
(3) The supplemental license shall bear on the face thereof the same serial number as the principal license followed by a dash and the number 1 for the first additional tower and the number 2 for the second additional tower, etc.
(4) The information to be placed on the supplemental license shall be the same information required on the principal license, except that the information shall pertain to the particular additional towing vehicle for which the supplemental license is issued.
C. The business of a Class A licensee shall have no connection, directly or indirectly, in any way, with the business of any other licensee.
D. No Class A licensee shall share storage facilities, office space, telephone or any other business facility or equipment with any other licensee.
E. No licensee shall rent or lease any of the above facilities or equipment to any Class A licensee.
F. No Class A licensee shall utilize the storage, office space or telephone or other business facilities and equipment of any other licensee, nor shall a licensee permit or allow any other Class A licensee to utilize such facilities and equipment of the licensee.
G. For the purposes of the rotation system hereinafter provided, a licensee shall be enTitled to only one place on the rotation list, no matter how many licensed towing vehicles the licensee shall operate.
H. As a condition of receiving a tower?s license under this chapter, a licensee shall at minimum arrange to accept payment by Visa, MasterCard, American Express, cash and money order from the owner or driver of a vehicle for any towing, impoundment and storage fees. Personal check or other methods of payment will be at the option of the licensee. If payment is made by personal check, the licensee may require identification in the form of a valid major credit card in the name of the owner or driver of the vehicle. In appropriate cases and for good cause shown, the Division Director may waive the requirement of payment acceptance by credit card as to any tower who provides evidence of an unsuccessful but good faith attempt to make such arrangement. The licensee must provide an itemized receipt, including the licensee?s name, address and telephone number, listing all fees charged. The payment options available shall be posted in a conspicuous place near the place of payment and shall be on the rate schedule required to be given to the owner or driver of vehicles. The wording and placement of the payment options shall be approved by the Director.
I. Any violation of the requirements of this section shall be grounds for the suspension or revocation of the principal license and all supplemental licenses issued to the license.

So at quick glance there is something that is wrong and I've called our resident "legal eagle" G_Elkind to look at this when he gets home, just in case I may be mistaken....but I don't think I am.

Posted on: 2008/8/6 0:25

Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams
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2004/8/24 15:08
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Where in that does it say only cash?

Posted on: 2008/8/6 0:17

Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams
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2006/4/18 0:04
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From Jersey Cxxx
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kster wrote:
Well you can add Morton Williams to the list of JC stores that are towing away their customers.

Today, Sunday, I parked in front of Morton Williams at about 6 PM, by 6:25 the car had disappeared.

After returning my groceries, I had to find a cab, and then fork over $152 (cash only, of course) to retrieve my car from the EZ Towing garage.

So that certainly was not the luxury shopping experience I had hoped for.

Buyer beware.

Why was the bill $ 152.00 and why cash only? I need to dig a bit deeper, but I recall back in the late 90's there was an issue brought before council re: a towing company and I'm almost sure they can't demand cash only, I will look into this a bit further.

Here is the code on what a private towing coming can charge:

? 319-17. Removal of vehicles parked or abandoned on private property; fees.

A. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:4-56.6, the owner or other person in control or possession of the private property on which a vehicle is parked or left unattended as described in the definition of ?disabled vehicle? above may remove and store or hire another person to remove and store the vehicle. It shall be the obligation of the owner of the vehicle to pay the costs for the removal and storage before he shall be entitled to recover the possession of the vehicle. If the owner of the vehicle refuses to pay such costs or fails to make a claim for the return of the vehicle within 90 days after such removal, the vehicle may be sold at public auction in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2A:44-20 et seq.
B. Whenever a licensee, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:4-56.6, removes a vehicle parked or left unattended on private property as described in the definition of ?disabled vehicle? above, he shall, within one hour, report to the police district from within which the vehicle was removed the following information:
(1) License plate number and description of vehicle removed.
(2) Location where the vehicle is stored.
(3) Location from which the vehicle was removed.
(4) Identity of the person claiming to own, control or be in possession of the private property from which the vehicle was removed.
C. The maximum charges for towing and storage of vehicles so removed from private property shall be the same as set forth in ? 319-11 above.

Here is the code on fees:

? 319-11. Schedule of maximum prices; disclosure.
A. Maximum fees to tow, transport, convey or move vehicles.
(1) No tower shall charge more than the following maximum fees to tow, transport, convey or otherwise move a vehicle from one location within the City of Jersey City to another location within the City of Jersey City:
(a) Class I vehicle: $80. In the event the vehicle is towed to the city?s impound yard, the eighty-dollar fee shall include a thirty-dollar administrative fee.
(b) Class II vehicles: $120.
(c) Class III vehicles: $225 per hour (minimum two hours).

(2) In addition to the above charges, recovery of an overturned vehicle, uprighting it or removing it from a hill, ditch or other similar precarious position will be charged no more than the rate of $50, $125, and $225 per hour for vehicle Classes I, II and III, respectively. If an issue arises as to these charges, it shall be the burden of the tower to provide documentation in the form of photographs as to the particular circumstances requiring the additional charges, i.e., position of the vehicle.

(3) No charge shall be imposed on a rotation list tow for waiting time, clean-up, yard fee or any other service not specifically authorized under this chapter.

(4) The above fees are chargeable once a vehicle is hooked-up by the tower.
B. Maximum fees for vehicle storage.
(1) No tower owner shall charge more than the following maximum fees per day, or portion thereof, for storage of a disabled vehicle towed away pursuant to this chapter:
(a) Class I vehicles: $20 per day.
(b) Class II vehicles: $50 per day.
(c) Class III vehicles: $100 per day.
(2) No vehicle shall be released from storage by a tower unless proper owner and vehicle identification are shown.
C. Each driver of a tower shall have a schedule of the maximum prices when responding to the scene of a disabled, abandoned or other vehicle.
D. Before performing any service pursuant to this chapter, the licensee shall furnish the owner or driver of the vehicle with a copy of the schedule of prices. In the event that the owner or driver is incapacitated, the licensee shall furnish such schedule to the owner?s authorized agent as defined herein before such person pays for the services rendered.

Posted on: 2008/8/6 0:13

Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams
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2004/8/24 15:08
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ChiefCommunipaw wrote:
I too was \"scammed\" in front of Morton Williams this past Sunday evening. As has already been mentioned, all of the \'greater Newport\' area parking, south to Pavonia north to Newport Parkway includes FREE metered parking on Sundays. The measly little sign when approaching the Lefrak private road from the Duane Reade direction is approximately 12 inches by 8 inches, surely not intended to stand out and appropriately WARN nor INFORM the public that they enter at their own risk. (I was only made aware of it AFTER the fact by the tow truck operator; it would\'ve been funny if the entire charade wasn\'t so pathetic.) Furthermore, the parking signs are made to look like (read: MIMIC) city-issued signs...they are in red and green lettering with red & green bordering, lending the \'appearance\' that this metered-parking is \'similar\' if-not-the-same as the other metered parking in the area. Lastly, the meters...absolutely shameful if not hysterical that our ill-informed city fathers would sell their souls to allow the Lefrak\'s to install these o the streets...and most likely have trained their security people to NOT warn unsuspecting \'shoppers\' in the area to feed the meters.

So, in additon to the pay-off by EZ Towing to Lefrak for the privilege (the tow truck driver said \"service\"; LOL!) to tow cars from those metered parking spots (btw, it\'s your word against his as to whether you fed the meter or not; when I asked him to prove it, he simply smiled and shrugged his shoulders!!!), one could suspect that there are others who have their palm greased as they call EZ towing to say, \"We have another sucka for ya, hurry up and get down here and take this car!\" I watched as security guards stood, mouths shut, not warning drivers to feed the meter. And to the a-hole who is \"defending\" this practice on this thread...he\'s either a) a Lefrak employee (perhaps it\'s Fermin?) LOL, b) a security guard there, or c) a JC polictician who allowed this in the first place.

More often when there are \'new initiatives\' in an area, proper warnings are indicated and a period of appropriate education is performed, without penalty...until such time has passed and the community has been briefed. I live in this community...I was not made aware. IT IS A SCAM! And as such, I will be taking my business elsewhere, never to shop at Morton Williams again...nor at the eye doctor next door. This is my only recourse against Lefrak. If enough people do the same, he\'ll cease this practice and reimburse me my $152. Short of that...hello A&P, Shoprite, et al.

BTW, ALL of those other stores abutting M-W were closed that evening...there was no encumbrance nor harm to my parking there while running into M-W for a few minutes. Why must the vehicle be towed?

To all others who were scammed, contact Steve Fulop...we\'ll get this changed, and this Lefrak scam too shall pass.

C\'mon Dan, get with the program!!!

p.s. - after I retrieved my car from one of the most dangerous sections of the city - Grand Street near the junction; if you are a woman and your car is towed, DO NOT go to retrieve it alone!!! - I returned to the area and fed meters the rest of the evening and warned other unsuspecting drivers to do the same! The tow truck operator who circled all night WAS PISSED!!! LMAO!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
p.p.s. - Sadly, one other car that was towed that night also was that of an 80 year old man, with disability parking stickers and certification hagning from his rear-view mirror...tow truck driver couldn\'t care less and off he went with this poor old fella\'s car. SHAMEFUL.

Cool, our own parking meter fairy.

Why doesn't everyone here call John

105 River Drive - Jersey City


or email

Posted on: 2008/8/6 0:03

Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams
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2005/7/13 15:03
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ChiefCommunipaw wrote:
Oh, almost forgot the irony I returned to the scene of the scam to warn my fellow downtown neighbors and visitors, I drove past Starbuck's and the 'town square park'...there were at least 30 - 40 ILLEGALLY parked cars surrounding the square. No tow truck drivers in parking authority agents in scooters, no JCPD issuing tix or moving the cars along, no JCFD alarmed by the hazard this could create. Ironic???

So, what's the split of the $152 ya think??? Lefrak gets 40%, EZ towing 40%, someone in the city office responsible for approving traffic patterns, giving private streets to developers and the like gets 10%, and security detail gets a taste too for a) not warning folks...and b) calling it in to EZ? I mean, it's just a thought.

Next time you witness this write down the plate number and model of the vehicle go down to the municipal court house on Summit Ave. and Newkirk St. swear yourself in and write them a ticket for illegal parking.

Posted on: 2008/8/5 14:57

Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams

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2008/8/5 13:40
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2008/8/12 18:35
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Oh, almost forgot the irony I returned to the scene of the scam to warn my fellow downtown neighbors and visitors, I drove past Starbuck's and the 'town square park'...there were at least 30 - 40 ILLEGALLY parked cars surrounding the square. No tow truck drivers in parking authority agents in scooters, no JCPD issuing tix or moving the cars along, no JCFD alarmed by the hazard this could create. Ironic???

So, what's the split of the $152 ya think??? Lefrak gets 40%, EZ towing 40%, someone in the city office responsible for approving traffic patterns, giving private streets to developers and the like gets 10%, and security detail gets a taste too for a) not warning folks...and b) calling it in to EZ? I mean, it's just a thought.

Posted on: 2008/8/5 14:36

Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams

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2008/8/5 13:40
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2008/8/12 18:35
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I too was \"scammed\" in front of Morton Williams this past Sunday evening. As has already been mentioned, all of the \'greater Newport\' area parking, south to Pavonia north to Newport Parkway includes FREE metered parking on Sundays. The measly little sign when approaching the Lefrak private road from the Duane Reade direction is approximately 12 inches by 8 inches, surely not intended to stand out and appropriately WARN nor INFORM the public that they enter at their own risk. (I was only made aware of it AFTER the fact by the tow truck operator; it would\'ve been funny if the entire charade wasn\'t so pathetic.) Furthermore, the parking signs are made to look like (read: MIMIC) city-issued signs...they are in red and green lettering with red & green bordering, lending the \'appearance\' that this metered-parking is \'similar\' if-not-the-same as the other metered parking in the area. Lastly, the meters...absolutely shameful if not hysterical that our ill-informed city fathers would sell their souls to allow the Lefrak\'s to install these o the streets...and most likely have trained their security people to NOT warn unsuspecting \'shoppers\' in the area to feed the meters.

So, in additon to the pay-off by EZ Towing to Lefrak for the privilege (the tow truck driver said \"service\"; LOL!) to tow cars from those metered parking spots (btw, it\'s your word against his as to whether you fed the meter or not; when I asked him to prove it, he simply smiled and shrugged his shoulders!!!), one could suspect that there are others who have their palm greased as they call EZ towing to say, \"We have another sucka for ya, hurry up and get down here and take this car!\" I watched as security guards stood, mouths shut, not warning drivers to feed the meter. And to the a-hole who is \"defending\" this practice on this thread...he\'s either a) a Lefrak employee (perhaps it\'s Fermin?) LOL, b) a security guard there, or c) a JC polictician who allowed this in the first place.

More often when there are \'new initiatives\' in an area, proper warnings are indicated and a period of appropriate education is performed, without penalty...until such time has passed and the community has been briefed. I live in this community...I was not made aware. IT IS A SCAM! And as such, I will be taking my business elsewhere, never to shop at Morton Williams again...nor at the eye doctor next door. This is my only recourse against Lefrak. If enough people do the same, he\'ll cease this practice and reimburse me my $152. Short of that...hello A&P, Shoprite, et al.

BTW, ALL of those other stores abutting M-W were closed that evening...there was no encumbrance nor harm to my parking there while running into M-W for a few minutes. Why must the vehicle be towed?

To all others who were scammed, contact Steve Fulop...we\'ll get this changed, and this Lefrak scam too shall pass.

C\'mon Dan, get with the program!!!

p.s. - after I retrieved my car from one of the most dangerous sections of the city - Grand Street near the junction; if you are a woman and your car is towed, DO NOT go to retrieve it alone!!! - I returned to the area and fed meters the rest of the evening and warned other unsuspecting drivers to do the same! The tow truck operator who circled all night WAS PISSED!!! LMAO!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
p.p.s. - Sadly, one other car that was towed that night also was that of an 80 year old man, with disability parking stickers and certification hagning from his rear-view mirror...tow truck driver couldn\'t care less and off he went with this poor old fella\'s car. SHAMEFUL.

Posted on: 2008/8/5 14:16

Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams
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2005/10/6 16:42
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From Paulus Hook
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Now for people actually interested in parking you can read more about this situation over at the Newport Voice: ... p?t=3829&highlight=towing
That thread is fun to read. One said, "We are well aware of it. Meter price is also very high, it's 5 cents for 10 minutes, although most of Jersey City is 25 cents for 30 minutes", and the other said, "I noticed those streets with the parking meters (.25 cents for 10 mins) has a sign saying private street.", and again, "the next one took .50 cents to give me 10 mins".

Posted on: 2008/8/5 2:21

Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams

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2006/4/18 16:18
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"Ahole?" That's your witty retort? Pathetic. Raise your game. Now for people actually interested in parking you can read more about this situation over at the Newport Voice: ... p?t=3829&highlight=towing Meanwhile, I'm just going to sit back and eagerly await the next bon mot from my new compadre. Heh.

Posted on: 2008/8/5 1:51

Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams
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2004/11/8 3:36
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kster wrote:
07310 wrote:

"So your warning should be don't be cheap feed the meter and pay attention, read the signs?"

Um, yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying.

Thanks for pointing out the obvious there, troll.

I guess you weren't smart enough to do it the first time.
No big surprise there


Posted on: 2008/8/5 1:44

Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams

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2006/4/18 16:18
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07310 wrote:

"So your warning should be don't be cheap feed the meter and pay attention, read the signs?"

Um, yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying.

Thanks for pointing out the obvious there, troll.

Posted on: 2008/8/5 1:21

Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams
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2005/5/26 17:24
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From Morgan Lighthouse
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I was biking by there the other day.

I was wondering why there was a street sign that says "Private Property", yet there was no Security Booth in the vicinity.

Now I know.

Posted on: 2008/8/4 19:56

Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams
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2006/4/10 13:29
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2024/5/15 1:51
From Mars
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Yes, two or three of the newest roads in Newport are not dedicated to the City, and are therefor private. The Shore Club owners have been ranting about this as apparently it is a scheme to force their guests into paying Newport property either through meters, or parking garage fees, or through towing. Most city meters are free on Sundays-- but these are private Newport meters, not city meters. Newport enforces the meters not through tickets, but through towing. Basically, this is just another big #OOPS#you from the Lefraks to the people of Jersey City. Hugs and Kisses.

Posted on: 2008/8/4 18:06

Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams
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2006/6/15 1:56
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Hey - since when do we need to feed the meters on Sunday??? I thought that Sunday was a free day.

Also where is Morton Williams?? I've never seen it. Im sorry that you had to go thru that aggravation. It's hard to have to pony up 150 bucks to a bunch of dolts that just wait around to prey on the innocent or unaware.

Posted on: 2008/8/4 17:24

Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams
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kster wrote:
I was in a metered spot, but I didn't feed the meter - that was my big mistake.

Still, a fine of 152 dollars, plus cab fare, etc. doesn't that seem excessive to you?

Shouldn't others be warned?

So your warning should be don't be cheap feed the meter and pay attention, read the signs?

Posted on: 2008/8/4 16:07

Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams

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2006/4/18 16:18
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I was in a metered spot, but I didn't feed the meter - that was my big mistake.

Still, a fine of 152 dollars, plus cab fare, etc. doesn't that seem excessive to you?

Shouldn't others be warned?

Posted on: 2008/8/4 15:47

Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams
Home away from home
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kster wrote:
Yeah, but since this was the first time I had ever been there I didn't know that they validated parking - I didn't see any signs to that effect.

Of course I didn't see the towing sign either...

And you missed the metered parking spots on both sides of the building?

Posted on: 2008/8/4 14:54

Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams
Not too shy to talk
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kster wrote:
Well you can add Morton Williams to the list of JC stores that are towing away their customers.

Today, Sunday, I parked in front of Morton Williams at about 6 PM, by 6:25 the car had disappeared.

After returning my groceries, I had to find a cab, and then fork over $152 (cash only, of course) to retrieve my car from the EZ Towing garage.

So that certainly was not the luxury shopping experience I had hoped for.

Buyer beware.

Rule of thumb: avoid parking on the newer streets down there. Definitely not car-friendly. There are signs alerting (warning) you that you're entering private property and the parking times/regulations read as if pulled out of someone's... well you know.

Sorry you had to deal with that :(

Posted on: 2008/8/4 3:22

Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams

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2006/4/18 16:18
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2009/10/26 18:40
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Yeah, but since this was the first time I had ever been there I didn't know that they validated parking - I didn't see any signs to that effect.

Of course I didn't see the towing sign either...

Posted on: 2008/8/4 1:34

Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams
Home away from home
Home away from home

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2004/11/8 3:36
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There is free parking in the garage at MW, all you have to do is have the checkout clerk validate you garage ticket.

Posted on: 2008/8/4 1:30

Towing: Now at Morton Williams

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2006/4/18 16:18
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2009/10/26 18:40
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Posts: 11
Well you can add Morton Williams to the list of JC stores that are towing away their customers.

Today, Sunday, I parked in front of Morton Williams at about 6 PM, by 6:25 the car had disappeared.

After returning my groceries, I had to find a cab, and then fork over $152 (cash only, of course) to retrieve my car from the EZ Towing garage.

So that certainly was not the luxury shopping experience I had hoped for.

Buyer beware.

Posted on: 2008/8/4 1:27

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