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Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked

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2006/9/29 16:57
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2010/2/4 14:07
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david411 wrote:
Go drown yourself in the Hudson. Its already polluted.

Gentlefriend David:

On this Matter thou surely are Confused. A True sportsman would availe himself of this fyne body of water for recreation and leysure, or even Fishing in the manner of my freynde Izaak Walton.

Perhaps thous hast eaten of too many Fishes, and are now Brain-damag'd from the PCBs of General Electric?

Posted on: 2008/5/11 22:24

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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2008/1/28 23:20
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jclxz wrote:
I don't know if the guy posting as Dave the crazy gun store guy is really him. It sounds pretty consistent with him, but I can't say. He seems more intelligent when you walk into his store than this poster - he should be aware that what he puts in writing will be scrutinized by the community and survive forever. But someone pretending to be him to discredit him I think would do a little more severe a job of it.

The victim of an attack as he was, he was well within his right to use deadly force. This human right is even the law in most states, although New Jersey doesn't very well protect your right to defend yourself. The tiny risk to the innocent of firing into the air compared to the tiny risk to the innocent of firing at someone (and missing) isn't a big enough difference to be of concern to me. Not killing his attackers when he had the legal and moral right to is an act of generosity.

He may have incited the attack (it was not a fight - it was an attack) with racist comments. We'll never know. He may have even been the victim of racist comments and responded in kind. Of course the right to assault people in response to racist statements seems to be a one-way concept. An interesting system we have.

What concerns me about Dave is how carelessly I saw him handling BB guns, at a time when he had both BB guns and real guns in his store. He carelessly had a BB gun pointed at me when dropping the clip to show that it stores both the CO2 and the BBs. Now I knew two things - it can't possibly fire, and if it did I would not likely be injured. So I didn't get upset like I would if it was a real gun.

But I felt it a violation of proper gun handling nonetheless. And when handling BB guns and real guns all day, they should be treated with equal respect, because they look quite similar. It's not about the fact that you can do it right this time, it's about maintaining certain standards of care so that a certain class of mistake can't happen.

Again, a complete misrepresentation of self-defense laws in NJ (and most states). NJ only permits self-defense in proportional intensity to the unlawful force with which the defender is being met. Deadly force is justified in response to proportional, like deadly force, and/or if the person seeking to use self-defense reasonably believes such force is immediately necessary to defend himself. Incidentally, NJ also recognizes a civil duty to retreat.

If people who love guns bothered to understand the law better, they would make much more compelling arguments for their cause.

Posted on: 2008/5/11 19:27

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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2006/6/18 19:49
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I don't know if the guy posting as Dave the crazy gun store guy is really him. It sounds pretty consistent with him, but I can't say. He seems more intelligent when you walk into his store than this poster - he should be aware that what he puts in writing will be scrutinized by the community and survive forever. But someone pretending to be him to discredit him I think would do a little more severe a job of it.

The victim of an attack as he was, he was well within his right to use deadly force. This human right is even the law in most states, although New Jersey doesn't very well protect your right to defend yourself. The tiny risk to the innocent of firing into the air compared to the tiny risk to the innocent of firing at someone (and missing) isn't a big enough difference to be of concern to me. Not killing his attackers when he had the legal and moral right to is an act of generosity.

He may have incited the attack (it was not a fight - it was an attack) with racist comments. We'll never know. He may have even been the victim of racist comments and responded in kind. Of course the right to assault people in response to racist statements seems to be a one-way concept. An interesting system we have.

What concerns me about Dave is how carelessly I saw him handling BB guns, at a time when he had both BB guns and real guns in his store. He carelessly had a BB gun pointed at me when dropping the clip to show that it stores both the CO2 and the BBs. Now I knew two things - it can't possibly fire, and if it did I would not likely be injured. So I didn't get upset like I would if it was a real gun.

But I felt it a violation of proper gun handling nonetheless. And when handling BB guns and real guns all day, they should be treated with equal respect, because they look quite similar. It's not about the fact that you can do it right this time, it's about maintaining certain standards of care so that a certain class of mistake can't happen.

Posted on: 2008/5/11 13:24

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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2006/1/19 18:49
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2010/4/8 5:29
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david, don't listen to all these ignorant people. they are mostly fools and homosexuals anyway. god knows you are right and so does jesus and the holy ghost too. jesus died on the cross so that we could have the right to bare arms. i have a gun and so does my wife. if those black comedians called you a white boy then they are racists and it is your god given right to shoot at them until they move their car. jesus said to bad samaritan who was blocking the road with his donkey and cart "moveth thine ass for i must get to work, i have preaching to do down by the river and i'm running late. and don't calleth me white boy or i'll smite your ass with a bolt of lightning, you don't know who you're effin with".

Posted on: 2008/5/11 4:47

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked

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2006/12/8 3:52
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2008/5/11 2:57
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Hey soshin
You're an idiot.
Rawlings started racist threat at me along with his girlfriend. Then he attacked me and hit my skull 20 times, and 2 of his thugs jumped in and pounded my whole body, yelling "Kill the white boy". I'm not a racist. You have the IQ of a fire hydrant. Go down to the hudson, and jump in with bricks tied to your feet, and drown yourself. You are a puusy wimp loser asshole.
Go die somewhere and rot to hell.

Posted on: 2008/5/11 3:07

Re: Gunstore Owner vindicated on 3 bogus charges
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2005/11/3 19:44
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david411 wrote:
Hey Devbeat
Go jump in the hudson, and do America a favor, and drown yourself. You are trash.
God Damn you.

I see you're a fanatic about the second amendment... What happened to the first? I guess it's only good when the opinions are yours?

Also, (see what I just did there), you can hit the Return key two times to start a new paragraph to address another person/topic so you don't need to submit every sentence separately. It would also make you look less like a ranting lunatic.

Posted on: 2008/5/10 16:22

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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Just can't stay away

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2006/3/22 3:51
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From John Wilkes Park
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david411 wrote:
Donnell Rawlings is a pussy faggot hoodlum.

Yay, you're a homophobe as well as a racist!! You got all the bases covered! Congratulations Gunboy.

Posted on: 2008/5/10 12:41

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
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2007/4/11 2:51
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david411 wrote:
Donnell Rawlings is a pussy faggot hoodlum. He hid behind his girlfriends skirt, and held her in front of himself, so if I attacked, I hit her first. He will go to jail for aggravated assault, and HBO, Showtime, and Comedy Central will get the court documents of his conviction. His career is finished, as Executives are tired of hoodlum rap punks like him. He was fired from 105.1 radio station for calling Jews idiots, and making more anti semetic remarks. He's a "proven" racist. He came here, and he and his girlfrined were "in' the car, and said "fuck you white boy, we'll move when we want". He then got out of the car, and approached me, and said, "you want your ass kicked white boy". Thats when I got out of the car and put up my dukes, as I'm not afraid of a punk pussy like him. He's a documented liar and racist. Don't fall for the lying "I have a dream" speach he wants you to believe. He is a disgrace to all black people, as he commits racist crimes, and then says black 200 years of oppression stories, instead of taking responsibility for his crimes.
He'll end up in jail, and his career is finished. Dozens of black people come in my store, and call me their friends. Its just one bad apple like pussy rawlings that makes it bad for everyone. No worries mate!


A normal citizen would of just called the cops and not fired his gun. The cops would of got him for making terroristic threats. You apparently escalated it to a fight and then decided to inflame it further by shooting a gun.

Posted on: 2008/5/10 5:34

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked

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2006/12/8 3:52
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2008/5/11 2:57
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201 not to shy to talk
Those weren't my bullets you idiot, those came from years of shootings on Newark ave. I shot straight up at the moon, where your brain is.

Posted on: 2008/5/10 5:30

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked

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2006/12/8 3:52
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2008/5/11 2:57
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201, not to shy to talk.
You don't know what you're talking about. I had a carry permit. Concealed or not. Keep your mouth closed when you don't have your facts straight little fella.

Posted on: 2008/5/10 5:29

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked

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2006/12/8 3:52
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2008/5/11 2:57
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You are the lowlife hillbilly from JC. I tell the truth. You are a moron.
Go jump in the hudson and drown yourself.
I was attacked and beaten and blodd was pouring dowen my head. If I didn't shoot in the air, I'd be dead. Did you want me to shoot them in the head? I had the right to do it. But I showed compassion in case they had kids.
I'm a good person, and you are trash.

Posted on: 2008/5/10 5:24

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked

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2006/12/8 3:52
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2008/5/11 2:57
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Donnell Rawlings is a pussy faggot hoodlum. He hid behind his girlfriends skirt, and held her in front of himself, so if I attacked, I hit her first. He will go to jail for aggravated assault, and HBO, Showtime, and Comedy Central will get the court documents of his conviction. His career is finished, as Executives are tired of hoodlum rap punks like him. He was fired from 105.1 radio station for calling Jews idiots, and making more anti semetic remarks. He's a "proven" racist. He came here, and he and his girlfrined were "in' the car, and said "fuck you white boy, we'll move when we want". He then got out of the car, and approached me, and said, "you want your ass kicked white boy". Thats when I got out of the car and put up my dukes, as I'm not afraid of a punk pussy like him. He's a documented liar and racist. Don't fall for the lying "I have a dream" speach he wants you to believe. He is a disgrace to all black people, as he commits racist crimes, and then says black 200 years of oppression stories, instead of taking responsibility for his crimes.
He'll end up in jail, and his career is finished. Dozens of black people come in my store, and call me their friends. Its just one bad apple like pussy rawlings that makes it bad for everyone. No worries mate!


Posted on: 2008/5/10 5:20

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked

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2006/12/8 3:52
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2008/5/11 2:57
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You're an idiot. I had 10 bumps on my head after a ER exam. My left tricept was pure black. My ribs were almost broken, and my leg was badly bruised. I was attacked by 3 hoodlums, I had a right to defend myself. You are an idiot. Find you way to the hudson, and drown yourself.

Posted on: 2008/5/10 5:11

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked

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2006/12/8 3:52
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2008/5/11 2:57
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Dear Mr Bunny
The police and prosecutor worked with the criminals to prosecute me, the victim, for 08 election political gain. The criminals assaulted me, said "kill the white boy", and used their car to hold my car agaist the curb, criminal restraint. They commited 3 crimes against me, and the stupid cops let them go. Thats why those 2 cops will be fired. The prosecutor used the 3 criminals to falsley indict me, which is why prosecutor defazio and Hurley will be fired. The judge cleared me of 3 gun charges.
Clear enough for you, idiot. Go drown yourself in the Hudson. Its already polluted.

Posted on: 2008/5/10 5:07

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked
Home away from home
Home away from home

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2007/4/11 2:51
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I think you need some serious mental help!!! Guns are not for the insane!!! Stop drinking the Kool Aid P!

Posted on: 2008/5/10 5:03

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked

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2006/12/8 3:52
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No, you're the Moron. Stay out of my store, I'm running out of air freshner, you pig.

Posted on: 2008/5/10 5:01

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked

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2006/12/8 3:52
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At least I know how to write, you pig. Don't walk by my store, stay down by greene street, with all the other freaks.
Better yet, jump in the hudson, and drown yourself., and do a favor to all Americans, you moron.

Posted on: 2008/5/10 4:59

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked

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2006/12/8 3:52
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2008/5/11 2:57
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Hey Alex
Take your boyfriends tool out of your mouth and don't talk
to real Men. I bet you have a job and your boss tells you when to go to the bathroom.
I'm doing very well now, so go jump in the hudson and drown yourself.

Posted on: 2008/5/10 4:56

Re: Gunstore Owner vindicated on 3 bogus charges
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2008/1/28 23:20
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david411 wrote:
Salonthe hill
God Bless you.

OMG you are SOOOOOOOOO welcome!

Posted on: 2008/5/10 4:50

Re: Gunstore Owner vindicated on 3 bogus charges

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2006/12/8 3:52
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Salonthe hill
God Bless you.

Posted on: 2008/5/10 4:48

Re: Gunstore Owner vindicated on 3 bogus charges

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2006/12/8 3:52
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Hey Devbeat
Go jump in the hudson, and do America a favor, and drown yourself. You are trash.
God Damn you.

Posted on: 2008/5/10 4:47

Re: Gunstore Owner vindicated on 3 bogus charges
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2008/1/28 23:20
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David's lawyer is gonna be psyched when he reads this thread.

Stay classy, David Murray!

Posted on: 2008/5/10 4:46

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked

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2006/12/8 3:52
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Thanks New Heights.

Posted on: 2008/5/10 4:44

Re: Hearing delay irks gun store owner: Owner's licenses to sell and carry firearms still revoked

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2006/12/8 3:52
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Thanks Jedi!

Posted on: 2008/5/10 4:43

Re: Gunstore Owner vindicated on 3 bogus charges

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2006/12/8 3:52
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You are a complete puusy faggot loser. Stay home with your boyfriend, and read liberal fairy books. In war, a gun can be used in a 3 on 1 death attack, which you will face if you ever come to my store, you pussy #OOPS#. Tell your Mom she was good last night, you faggot! I #OOPS#ed her good.

Posted on: 2008/5/10 4:39

Re: Gunstore Owner vindicated on 3 bogus charges

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2006/12/8 3:52
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2008/5/11 2:57
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Hey stupid greenville
It was 3 of them, you idiot. Cowards are those who use 3 guys to jump one man. If you had any sense, 3x2 =6. 6 fists pounding me, I could see the blood pouring down from my head, and loss of blood from the head, you idiot, causes death. The gun sound scared them off me, to stop the beating. I'll bring 3 of my boxer friends to you house asshole, and beat you, lets see you fight them off, you cockroach. Don't talk about real Men, You are a stupid idiot who dosen't know what he's talking about. Take your boyfrinds tool out of your mouth, and come into my store and talk to me that way, faggot!

Posted on: 2008/5/10 4:35

Re: Gunstore Owner vindicated on 3 bogus charges
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2007/4/11 2:51
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David did you get the medal of freedom from GWB yet?

Forgot to mention your the biggest coward in Jersey City for pulling a gun in the fight, real man fight with their fist no matter how many people come after them!

Posted on: 2008/5/10 3:54

Re: Gunstore Owner vindicated on 3 bogus charges
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2008/1/28 23:20
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david411 wrote:
Police at the 7th st precinct perjured themselves in front of a Grand Jury, getting the misguided grand Jury to illegally indict Mr Murray on phony gun charges. Superior Court Judge Fred Theemling dropped 3 gun charges from Murray. Murrays Lawyer, Peter Willis will get the last 3 bogus charges dropped. The assailants who attaced Mr Murray 1 year ago, will face aggravateds assault charges in Superior Court soon. The FBI ,and U.S. Attornety Chris Christie, will investigate corrupt Prosecutor Ed Defazio, and his assistant, Leo Hurley, for their perjury and corruption, and see how deep in the city government the 08 corruption goes. Possible 08 election corruption, to close a gunstore to "please" the far left, anti gun Officials, which would send Defazio and Hurley to jail, along wi th the assailants who assaulted Mr Murray. In the next few months, the FBI and U.S. Attorney will be all over the Prosecutors office, and the 7th st Precinct to see the depth of the corruption. No one knows how deep it goes, but remember the Duke Rape case. This case makes the Duke case look like a picnic.

Hi, David Murray!

Does referring to yourself in the third person feel weird, or is it kind of small potatoes compared to everything else going on in there?

Posted on: 2008/5/10 3:53

Re: Gunstore Owner vindicated on 3 bogus charges

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2006/12/8 3:52
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2008/5/11 2:57
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The Liberal Jersey Journal "hid" the fact that the gunstore owner was freed of 3 bogus gun charges on page 10 of fridays paper. They also didn't give the story an appropriate heading. It was headed "3 killings". What in the world would posess them to put "3 killings' as a heading of a story where 3 charges were dropped on an innocent Man? The didn't mention the gunstore owner, to let people know it was a story about the gunstore owner! They "tricked' the public, who is tired of all the killings in the city, into thinking this was another killing story. The heading should have read "Gunstore owner cleared of 3 serious gun charges", to capture the attention of the public, to read the story. Instead, people come home, tired from work, and bypass a story they think is about a killing. That proves the far left winged, Liberal newspaper, Jersey Journal, is instructed by the Prosecutor, Ed Defazio, to print what "he" wants. When he loses a case, he tells them to shove the story on page ten, and head the story with a "tricky" heading, so people will bypass the story, and not hold Defazio accountable for his corruption. But the U.S. Attorney won't be intimidated, and Defazio will lose his job. When Murray lost his license corruplty by defazio, the Journal put it on page 3, with full color photos, and a title "Shot Down", making Defazio look great, but push Davids story to page 10, with no heading, to trick the public. Whatch out, here comes the FBI, and the U.S. Attorney, with no mercy for corrupt officials like prosecutor Defazio.
Get your resume out now Defazio, you'll be pumping gas in Atlantic City soon!
God bless America!

Posted on: 2008/5/10 3:18

Re: Gunstore Owner vindicated on 3 bogus charges
Just can't stay away
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2005/11/3 19:44
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And Lo, said the almighty Lord, for you are America; and for you make me laugh; and for shits and giggles; may the Wingnuts walk freely amongst your society, no matter how progressive you may believe your neighborhood to be. And may these Wingnuts have internet connections and access to large caches of firearms, just for the hell of it.

Posted on: 2008/5/10 3:15

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