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Re: Bergen Lafayette -- Cops: Man shot in the back without warning
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2006/11/8 20:49
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From Chilltown, NJ
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Borders have always been disputed in Jersey City as long as I can remember and what makes it more confusing is alot of these neighborhoods have been changed. Me personally I never heard of alot of the borders and new neighborhoods until the light rail was built. For example harsimus cove, I grew up in that area but never heard of that name until the signs went up after the light rail was built. When I was younger we always considered the Lafayette area and Booker T part of Downtown but alot of new residents dont. Bergen/Lafeyette was just something that it used to say on the buses to describe what areas they head to we never considered the Bergen area and Lafayette area as one neighborhood. We would refer to Greenville as "the hill" and Journal Square and McGinley Square as Uptown.

Posted on: 2007/9/10 20:41

Re: Bergen Lafayette -- Cops: Man shot in the back without warning

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2005/8/13 21:08
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2013/6/12 18:12
From Bergen-Lafayette
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There was some talk about renaming a section of BL. I think Pacific Ave. or Garfield Ave. South-West to the LSP Light Rail, "Morris Canal." This would help the stigma in this particular area of BL which has drastically improved in the last 5 years. Sort of like not saying, "South Central" in Los Angles anymore. Now they (press, cops....)say, "South" Los Angeles.

Posted on: 2007/9/10 18:53

Re: Bergen Lafayette -- Cops: Man shot in the back without warning
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2007/6/27 20:15
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I think that we can all agree that crime travels. I've seen and heard so many different descriptions of the neighborhood boundaries since I moved here and they continually seem to be changing.

Slight O/T but why isn't Country Village considered its own section/neighborhood of JC on the maps?

Posted on: 2007/9/10 18:08

Re: Bergen Lafayette -- Cops: Man shot in the back without warning
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2006/11/17 21:06
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2016/7/7 21:36
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Hmm. So it seems when viewed from the correct angle, Bergen-Lafayette, NOT Greenville, is the "war zone" of Jersey City. Nevertheless, I never saw any advantage in trying to scapegoat Greenville as THE bad neighborhood, even though it is arguably less crime-infested and industrial than Bergen-Lafayette (isn't that where the corpse was found dumped some weeks back?). Same goes for scapegoating Bergen-Lafayette. I live in the general area, and am distubed that these events occur at all, and don't feel physically or financially protected by boundary lines drawn on a map.

Posted on: 2007/9/10 17:55

Re: Bergen Lafayette -- Cops: Man shot in the back without warning
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2007/6/20 16:38
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2007/10/3 3:46
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devbeep wrote:

City boundary map can be found here.

MLK & Claremont is in Bergen Lafayette.. sorry if this takes your property values down a notch buddy.

The boundaries described by CubanMark in his first post are (more or less) the boundaries of the "Lafayette" neighborhood, but not the entirety of what has come to be known as Bergen-Lafayette, which is (pretty much) accurate on the city district map listed above.

The Northern edge of Greenville doesn't begin until the NJCU area. It was its own municipality for a long time before become a part of Jersey City. The rest of the area of Bergen-Lafayette that doesn't fall within the boundaries of the traditional Lafayette neighborhood is pretty much considered to be "West Bergen". Thus it makes sense that it's called "Bergen-Lafayette".

Regardless, Claremont and MLK is definitely not in Greenville. Ask Councilwoman Viola Richardson, that's her ward.

Posted on: 2007/9/10 17:47

Re: Bergen Lafayette -- Cops: Man shot in the back without warning
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2007/2/17 17:53
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CapnJon wrote:
ever notice with all these stories that the victim (usually) was "minding their own business" and they happened to be attacked/shot/hacked with machetes??

suuuuuure he has no idea why the shooting started... drug deal gone bad? lovers quarrel? jclist posting???

Here a piece of Trivia for everyone.

Back in the early Spring during the JC One Gun a Month Ordnance debacle I sat down and read the 2000 ATF Gun Crime Report for Jersey City .

One fascinating fact of Gun Crime in Jersey City was that 85% of the people getting Shot in JC had a Criminal Record.

So much for ?minding their own business?


Posted on: 2007/9/10 17:46

Re: Bergen Lafayette -- Cops: Man shot in the back without warning
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2005/11/3 19:44
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City boundary map can be found here.

MLK & Claremont is in Bergen Lafayette.. sorry if this takes your property values down a notch buddy.

Posted on: 2007/9/10 17:27

Re: Bergen Lafayette -- Cops: Man shot in the back without warning
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2007/4/11 2:51
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CubanMike wrote:
I see. Well, then, I should start referring to Bergen-Lafayette as "Downtown" or maybe even "water front" to help real estate values.... Grove Path... please take note for future.

According to the city, this part of the city is called Bergen-Lafayette. GO READ THE CITY BOUNDARY SIGNS DUMMY!!! The eastern part of BL is ok, but the western part is full of crime. BTW, Bayview Ave is the dividing line between BL and Greenville, not Communipaw. What you read in Wikipedia ain't always true you know.

Posted on: 2007/9/10 16:19

Re: Bergen Lafayette -- Cops: Man shot in the back without warning

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2007/8/2 15:34
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2008/4/1 18:35
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I see. Well, then, I should start referring to Bergen-Lafayette as "Downtown" or maybe even "water front" to help real estate values.... Grove Path... please take note for future.

Posted on: 2007/9/10 15:34

Re: Bergen Lafayette -- Cops: Man shot in the back without warning
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2007/6/27 20:15
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CubanMike wrote:
No, people call it Bergen-Lafayette because it is a neighborhhod of Jersey City. No different than Hamilton Park, Paulus Hook or Harismus Cove.

You misunderstood my post. Let me clarify. Realtors are calling the area that is mentioned in the article Bergen-Lafayette even though its outside the boundaries to make it seem like its part of the developing area.

I'm not saying Bergen-Lafayette doesn't exist as a neighborhood.

Posted on: 2007/9/10 15:32

Re: Bergen Lafayette -- Cops: Man shot in the back without warning

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2007/8/2 15:34
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No, people call it Bergen-Lafayette because it is a neighborhhod of Jersey City. No different than Hamilton Park, Paulus Hook or Harismus Cove.

Everything west of Kennedy Blvd and south of Communipaw is "West Bergen".. this includes 440, Country Village and Society Hill.

I left out West Bergen, Journal Square and the Heights.. I can give you boundaries for those as well, it's just that I was specifically identifying the boundary difference between Bergen-Lafayette and Greenville.

Posted on: 2007/9/10 15:29

Re: Bergen Lafayette -- Cops: Man shot in the back without warning
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2007/6/27 20:15
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2012/10/17 23:54
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CubanMike wrote:
\"Greenville\" is everything west of Garfield Ave and south of Communipaw.... and for the most part..... your warzone.

That\'s not entirely true either. Your definition would include the West Side as part of Greenville.

I think the issue is that realtors call the area in the article Bergen Lafayette to leverage the development thats occurring in the area that you identified.

Posted on: 2007/9/10 15:11

Re: Bergen Lafayette -- Cops: Man shot in the back without warning

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2007/8/2 15:34
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2008/4/1 18:35
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How is this considered Bergen-Lafayette? Where are you getting your neighborhood boundary information? I am sick and tired of you giving my neighborhood a bad name.

I also own many properties in Bergen-Lafayette and I cringe every time you post a crime in that area only to look at the location and see it is actually in Greenville. MLK Blvd and Claremont is not Bergen-Lafayette... it's the heart of Greenville!!!!!!!

The real Bergen-Lafayette, is the area contained by the following: Liberty State Park Light Rail on the east, to Garfield/Grand on the west , to Grand/Pacific on the north, to Caven Point on the south. It's principal streets are: Pacific Ave, Communipaw Ave, LAFAYETTE ST, Halladay St, Monitor St, Woodward St, Pine St, et al.

Bergen-Lafayette has come a long way and is truly turning into a great neighborhood. I hope your map indifference does not deter nice people from continuing to move into the area!

And for the record, "Bergen-Hill" is the area north and west of Summit Ave up to the Hospital and east of Kennedy Blvd.
"Greenville" is everything west of Garfield Ave and south of Communipaw.... and for the most part..... your warzone.

For the love of God, stop posting all this crime in "Bergen-Lafayette" becuase someone from out of the area would think it's a horrible place to live!

Posted on: 2007/9/10 14:34

Re: Bergen Lafayette -- Cops: Man shot in the back without warning
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2005/9/21 13:53
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2015/8/5 3:20
From Jersey City Heights
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ever notice with all these stories that the victim (usually) was "minding their own business" and they happened to be attacked/shot/hacked with machetes??

suuuuuure he has no idea why the shooting started... drug deal gone bad? lovers quarrel? jclist posting???

Posted on: 2007/9/10 10:19

Bergen Lafayette -- Cops: Man shot in the back without warning
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2004/9/15 19:03
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Cops: Man shot in the back without warning

by Charles Hack
Sunday September 09, 2007, 7:26 PM

A 19-year-old man was shot in the back while fleeing an unknown gunman last night, police said yesterday.

Police responded to reports of shots fired at Martin Luther King Drive and Claremont Avenue at 10:57 p.m., police said.

When they arrived, cops said they found a large group of people surrounding a man lying in the middle of Claremont, just west of King Drive. The man was alert but bleeding from his lower back, reports said.

The victim, of Orient Avenue, told investigators he was walking toward King Drive when he saw a male approaching him, police said. Without warning, the stranger began shooting at him, he said.

He attempted to run but stopped when he realized he was shot by one of three that were fired, reports said.

He was taken to the Jersey City Medical center for treatment of the gunshot wound to the base of his spine, police said, and there was no visible exit wound. He was listed in a stable condition, police said.

Posted on: 2007/9/10 5:49

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