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Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining building
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2006/4/18 0:04
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Taino871 wrote:
r_pinkowitz Thank you It's People like you that make me keep my faith in humanity! Thank you So Much! If I can ever help you send me a Email I install Boilers and A/C Units for a living! I do plenty of FREE Work for chuches,Temples,etc...A 76 year old Jewish man taught me my trade and he always told me to " Pay it Forward" and Lord knows I do! God bless L.Colon Taino871

TY, that's sweet.

Taino, Can you give us any updates to what is being done by the builder and his contractors?

Did they have all valid permits etc?

Posted on: 2007/8/24 19:27

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining buildings

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2007/8/21 1:25
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2007/8/24 19:14
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r_pinkowitz Thank you It's People like you that make me keep my faith in humanity! Thank you So Much! If I can ever help you send me a Email I install Boilers and A/C Units for a living! I do plenty of FREE Work for chuches,Temples,etc...A 76 year old Jewish man taught me my trade and he always told me to " Pay it Forward" and Lord knows I do! God bless L.Colon Taino871

Posted on: 2007/8/24 19:19

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining buildings

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2007/8/21 1:25
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2007/8/24 19:14
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The house to the left of my parents was the one that was being sold. My dad loves that little house. It really kills him cause when we bought in 1976 it was in very bad shape and he fixed evrything in it! Not because it's my parents home but it really is pretty! Small yes! But very well kept!

Posted on: 2007/8/24 0:24

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining buildings
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2007/3/12 19:22
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so which ones were for sale about 4 years ago? your parents house or the ones that they just knocked down?

Posted on: 2007/8/23 21:36

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining buildings
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2006/4/18 0:04
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Taino871 wrote:
r_pinkowitz Thank you we really appreciate it! And for the record My mother is staying at my sisters home in Hillside N.J.
she is not in Puerto Rico! Where did that come from? r_pinkowitz Thank you again!

Taino~ I sent you a PM

Posted on: 2007/8/23 1:32

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining buildings

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2007/8/21 1:25
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2007/8/24 19:14
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r_pinkowitz Thank you we really appreciate it! And for the record My mother is staying at my sisters home in Hillside N.J.
she is not in Puerto Rico! Where did that come from? r_pinkowitz Thank you again!

Posted on: 2007/8/23 1:14

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining buildings
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2004/9/15 19:03
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span wrote:
...there's nothing wrong with a home, literally leaning on the others to stay standing,

These four homes were all built together as one building so it is more like tearing down half a house and have the other half adversely affected.


span wrote: well as an 8 foot slope from front to back!

As for the lean towards the rear it seems likely that the endless decades of flooding downtown greatly impacted the foundation of the structure, as well as the fill that it was built on top of.


span wrote:
...We're talking serious, serious homeowner neglect. That is THEIR FAULT and THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE.

It seems likely that the demo crew will be held responsible for this.

Posted on: 2007/8/22 3:21

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining buildings
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2005/9/6 15:48
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span wrote:
You're standards are way to high! I mean, gosh...there's nothing wrong with a home, literally leaning on the others to stay standing, as well as an 8 foot slope from front to back! This has nothing to do with cosmetics...we're not talking about just a paint job here! We're talking serious, serious homeowner neglect. That is THEIR FAULT and THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE.

Take a good look at the block of brownstones on the east side of Grove St. between York and Grand.
Maybe someone should tear them down, too.
Something tells me you won't be in favor of that, though.

Posted on: 2007/8/22 2:43

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining buildings
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2006/11/13 18:42
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Call the Mayor

Posted on: 2007/8/22 1:46
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining buildings
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2006/4/18 0:04
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2/8 9:16
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Taino871 wrote:
Colettas was across the street from my house, Across from 207 1/2 Brunswick st! And to the gentleman that claims to have been inside those homes you are DEAD WRONG My mom and Dad's house is beautiful! I don't know which house you were in but it wasn't my Mom and Dads house! Colletas served Cheeseburgers on Italian rolls for 2 bucks and we would leave Holy rosary school for lunch and get our burgers! It was in this order Ayala, Colon, Bolden,Rushentag,Morales Morales house caught fire in 1981 and was torn down 2 years later I was there! Next to the Ayala house was Majors Candy store! I REALLY Did live in that house And MY Parents were not offered that much!.

I called Councilman Fulops office to see what is being done and found out he is on vacation until the 26th. I spoke with his office 201-547-5315 and Tracey will let Councilman Fulop know what has happened. I suggest you call his office and leave all of the numbers for him to contact you or your parents.

Posted on: 2007/8/22 1:24

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining buildings

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2005/8/15 1:22
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You're standards are way to high! I mean, gosh...there's nothing wrong with a home, literally leaning on the others to stay standing, as well as an 8 foot slope from front to back! This has nothing to do with cosmetics...we're not talking about just a paint job here! We're talking serious, serious homeowner neglect. That is THEIR FAULT and THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE.

PS. Also heard from a neighbor that after all this drama, these owners decided to go to Puerto Rico. So let me get this're house is condemned and your think it's a good idea to handle the potential law suit against the construction crew from Puerto Rico? Something just doesn't sound quite right.....
r_pinkowitz wrote:
You blame the owners that do not have homes that fit your ?standards?, how sad is that!

Posted on: 2007/8/21 23:59

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining buildings
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2007/7/22 9:10
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Coletta's at 208 Brunswick St was converted to 5 loft condos. They still have pictures of the old restaurant and function room hanging in the hallway. Number 3 is for sale at the moment with Weichert. (Very nice loft for $419K)

Those frame houses over the road were leaning very badly (backwards) to the west. (Even 10 years ago, when I lived in the area) I'm not sad to see them go.

I'm very sorry that the owners may be inconvenienced and left out of pocket - but they were nearing the end of their useful life. The ham-fisted demolition of the adjacent property must have pushed them beyond the limits of their structural integrity. I hope that the owners receive adiquate insurance compensation.

Posted on: 2007/8/21 23:53

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining buildings

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2007/8/21 1:25
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2007/8/24 19:14
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Colettas was across the street from my house, Across from 207 1/2 Brunswick st! And to the gentleman that claims to have been inside those homes you are DEAD WRONG My mom and Dad's house is beautiful! I don't know which house you were in but it wasn't my Mom and Dads house! Colletas served Cheeseburgers on Italian rolls for 2 bucks and we would leave Holy rosary school for lunch and get our burgers! It was in this order Ayala, Colon, Bolden,Rushentag,Morales Morales house caught fire in 1981 and was torn down 2 years later I was there! Next to the Ayala house was Majors Candy store! I REALLY Did live in that house And MY Parents were not offered that much!.

Posted on: 2007/8/21 22:57

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining buildings
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2006/4/18 0:04
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These families had the right to not have there homes comprised by construction next door. You blame the owners that do not have homes that fit your ?standards?, how sad is that!

Let?s take the house on the corner of Sussex and Van Vorst where the new owner did a ?purpose neglect? move to make the home be on the verge of collapse, which almost took down the brownstone attached to it. Bdlaw also gave a recent example, there has to be a better accountably and system in place to monitor all of these projects. For the
owner on Sussex, he was young and very in tune to what was happening. He was fortunate enough to be knowledgeable of the warning signs. These owners on Brunswick Street are older; they may not have a home worth 900+ thousand, but is just as entitled as anyone else to have this NOT happen!

Posted on: 2007/8/21 21:05

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining buildings
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2007/4/25 19:51
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Do you mean these four shacks?

I haven't been down there in a while. There used to be a family of feral cats, some 'kind neighbor' would feed them, and tennants renting parking spots would leave signs complaining about the scratches all over their parked cars.

Yeah, $250k for a knockdown? Sound fair. Take the money and run.

- Loser

Posted on: 2007/8/21 19:05

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining building

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2005/8/15 1:22
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I wish the one couple residing among the 4 units would have taken the offer for 250K and gotten out. That was a more than generous offer. They would be in a much better situation right now. Yes, the constrution company did a terrible hack job, no question about it.

I'm sure the couple will be able to sue for damages...However...what's important to remember is that these places were so terribly unstable, it's amazing they weren't condemned by the city before any construction took place! They looked as if they were going to topple over by themselves at any given moment!

What I don't have sympathy for is why any homeowner would let their home slip into such deplorable condition. A homeowners responsibility is to MAINTAIN their property. If they cannot, for whatever reason, then they should be renting and letting a landlord shoulder the maintenance responsibility.

Posted on: 2007/8/21 17:39

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining building
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2004/11/7 7:24
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fat-ass-bike wrote:

Now imagine if a billionaire had the same attitude and empathy towards others and wanted to remove a building that was erect, not generating his expected millions ($) but worthless and a health hazard!

You mean Goldman?

On the one hand: what he did was really awful.

On the other hand: at least the people in his building had time to get their stuff out. What really kills me about this story is the bit about the woman having to rush back in to get photos.

What if she forgot about one bag of photos? Or what if she rushed back in and the building collapsed on her head at that particular time?

At some level, OK, photos are just inanimate objects. Nothing lasts forever, and all that. But this is really awful.

Posted on: 2007/8/21 14:23

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining building
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2004/11/7 7:24
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edge wrote:
i've seen the inside of those places. they should be torn down.

That might be true. But what's really awful about this sort of thing is that it sounds as if it's really hard for people to get their personal belongings out.

If all that was happening was that a building was being knocked down -- well, that happens.

But if the buildings are knocked down in such a way that people lose some of their photographs, or grandma's sofa or grandpa's old desk, then that's the part that really gets me.

If landlord just neglects a building and lets it decay into decrepitude (e.g., the Clam Broth House in Hoboken), that's bad, but it just seems as if knocking people's home down in front of them, for essentially random reasons, is unbelievably evil.

Also: Even though I'm not a fan of the death penalty for anyone, I'm not seriously trying to suggest that the law should go easy on serial killers. I just think that what these demolition people (and the people who hired them) did was unspeakably awful.

Posted on: 2007/8/21 14:19

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining buildings
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2005/9/21 13:53
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don't you people know it's all part of a conspiracy between the young black kids wearing white shirts, and Bush's 9/11 team?

Posted on: 2007/8/21 13:14

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining building
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2006/11/13 18:42
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alb wrote:

GrovePath wrote:
Homes threatened with collapse
by Michaelangelo Conte

Resident Cynthia Amaya said people ran out and were shouting to the demolition workers to stop "but they just kept going."

To me, this is an example of why we really need the death penalty and why the way we apply it is so messed up.

Clearly, sane people who grew up in nice, loving families and intentionally, calmly, sanely go about destroying people's homes, in public, are much, much more deserving of a lethal injection than pathetic guys who go around killing people because of subtle organic brain problems (such as damage to the amygdala or hippocampus).

But, unfortunately, we go around executing victims of brain damage left and right and, at most, will make intentional home destroyers spend a few week in some minimum security country club jail.

Now imagine if a billionaire had the same attitude and empathy towards others and wanted to remove a building that was erect, not generating his expected millions ($) but worthless and a health hazard!

Posted on: 2007/8/21 10:59
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining building
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2007/3/12 19:22
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i've seen the inside of those places. they should be torn down.

Posted on: 2007/8/21 3:35

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining building
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2004/11/7 7:24
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GrovePath wrote:
Homes threatened with collapse
by Michaelangelo Conte

Resident Cynthia Amaya said people ran out and were shouting to the demolition workers to stop "but they just kept going."

To me, this is an example of why we really need the death penalty and why the way we apply it is so messed up.

Clearly, sane people who grew up in nice, loving families and intentionally, calmly, sanely go about destroying people's homes, in public, are much, much more deserving of a lethal injection than pathetic guys who go around killing people because of subtle organic brain problems (such as damage to the amygdala or hippocampus).

But, unfortunately, we go around executing victims of brain damage left and right and, at most, will make intentional home destroyers spend a few week in some minimum security country club jail.

Posted on: 2007/8/21 3:24

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining building
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2004/9/15 19:03
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Are you sure you have the right house?

Coletta's Restaurant was at 332 2nd Street (closed)

The place that was destroyed by the demolition of adjoining building is on Brunswick Street off Eighth Street.


Taino871 wrote:
...I really loved that house Great memories of Collettas restaurant bar across the street!

Posted on: 2007/8/21 2:06

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining buildings

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2007/8/21 1:25
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2007/8/24 19:14
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This home is where I grew up! That is My mom and Dad's Home! I grew up in that house, I really loved that house Great memories of Collettas restaurant bar across the street! David Bolden and I lived next to each other and he taught me how to swing a bat in that little yard of ours! And Here it is big Company ruined our memories! My Mother is destroyed! And So is my Dad! He poured Blood into that house! I now live in Newark with my wife and Children yet this really cut me deep! Jersey City don't let Mom and Dad twist in the wind! Please step up! Thank you Leonardo Colon

Posted on: 2007/8/21 1:33

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining building
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2004/9/15 19:03
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Maybe it's a conspiracy.


bdlaw wrote:

...I'm convinced they were damaging my building as well (there's a thread about this somewhere).

I called the police because my building was literally shifting a good 3" back and forth as the demolition was going on. They sent out an officer who did... nothing...

Posted on: 2007/8/20 18:34

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining buildings
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2006/2/9 14:13
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2 buildings on my block were condemned due to damage caused by the laying of under-pinning for Columbus Plaza.

While they were tearing them down, I'm convinced they were damaging my building as well (there's a thread about this somewhere).

I called the police because my building was literally shifting a good 3" back and forth as the demolition was going on. They sent out an officer who did... nothing.



Posted on: 2007/8/20 18:09

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining buildings

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2005/8/15 1:22
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My senior neighbor, a resident of 7th Street whom has lived here for 40 years, informed me that the same situation occured years ago on Monmouth Street. There were 4 attached row homes in poor condition. A developer attempted to take down 2, and the other 2 collapsed. The remaining 2 had to come down.

I live across the street from this disaster....and I'm hearing all kinds of different stories from other neighbors. One story is the developer didn't have permits...

Also hearing that that the couple who lived in the only inhabitated home was offered $250K for the property, and they refused. This owner was the only one who didn't accept the offer.

All I do know is the JC police aren't allowing residents to park on Brunswick Street between 7th and 8th. Understandably, they don't want vehicles or people becoming injured in case these homes topple over.

Posted on: 2007/8/20 18:00

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining buildings
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2007/8/11 4:06
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I just moved here to JC and this is just around the corner from me. All I have to say is that you have to see it to believe it. It looks like someone took a chain saw and cut the building in half. Now there are cops there 24/7 to make sure nobody goes in.

Posted on: 2007/8/20 3:42

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining building
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2004/8/24 15:08
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
Any half-assed demolition crew would want to look at existing building plans held with city hall before they knock down anything or build anything - these guys obviously have no ass!

City hall doesn't have plans for a lot of buildings. Doesn't excuse the poor planning though.

Posted on: 2007/8/19 13:25

Re: Brunswick & Eighth: Homes threatened with collapse -- caused by demolition of adjoining buildings
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2006/11/13 18:42
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Some more cowboys at work! [img][/img]

Posted on: 2007/8/19 10:43
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