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Current state of public school system
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Just can't stay away

Daughter of a friend is moving to the Harsimus Cove area and asked how the public school system is. We've no children so have little idea and I don't recall seeing recent posts on the topic. Just asking for general impressions, whether things are improving or not, etc.

thanks in advance.

Posted on: 2012/9/14 20:30

Re: Hamilton Park / 6th Street
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Just can't stay away

Lived on that block (6th between Erie and Jersey) for eight years now. Absolutely fine. Parking not a real problem unless you come home late, several good eateries within easy walking distance, *very* quiet block interior.

Posted on: 2011/11/1 11:43

Re: Savas - Polish Cafeteria Opens on Grove Street
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Just can't stay away

Sava does make a cold borscht, the virtues of which she was extolling the last time I was there. However, since beets fly through my system with nary a pause at the intervening digestive organs, I passed.

Posted on: 2009/8/28 18:50

Re: Embankment- Update Thread
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Just can't stay away


Xerxes wrote:
IF it was absolutely determined that over the next 50 years NOTHING would be done to the "Embankment" in any way, would you support leaving it stand as is?

I'm across the street from it and, yes, I'd love it to remain as is. It's like having a Smithson or Heizer in your neighborhood. I admire those fantastic, raw blocks every day, love the mini-stalactites on the Erie cut. Walked through the Coles-Jersey alley between 5th and 6th the other day--more gorgeous wall, ivy, etc.

One of my favorite things in the area. As is.

Posted on: 2009/8/26 12:16

Re: Filipino channel
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Just can't stay away

You mean I won't have to endure endless hours of WaWaWee the next time the in-laws are over?


Posted on: 2009/6/4 13:03

Re: Savas - Polish Cafeteria Opens on Grove Street
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Just can't stay away

Agreed. Yesterday was the first evening it felt cold enough for some Sava, so I went and got a couple days worth of chicken livers, pork ribs, cabbage (which is great!), kraut and pierogis. Good stuff.

Posted on: 2008/11/19 18:16

Re: Any thoughts? Most of California's Black & Latino Voters Backed Gay Marriage Ban
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Just can't stay away

The over-riding issue that tends to get ignored and implicitly accepted is whether the government has any sort of business handing out marriage licenses, period. It doesn't, imho. A legal contract could be sanctioned by either religious institutions (pro or con on gay marriages--if the latter, then the couple would have a decision to make) or law offices.

A much better tack by the gay community (whose ability to marry I support 100%) would be to challenge the legitimacy of any government body issuing marriage licenses in the first place. When you cede power to a political body, it's tough to be shocked when it makes decisions based on political expediency or pressure.

Posted on: 2008/11/7 17:34

Re: Whole Foods in JC?
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Just can't stay away


Bill463 wrote:
I heard that Wegmans is coming to Jersey City!

Good! We need a source for quality photos of Weimaraners.

Posted on: 2008/10/22 18:26

Re: Time to Root Out This Rats Nest!!
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Just can't stay away

Was sure OP was referring to British interns.....

Posted on: 2008/8/27 15:36

Re: Weirdest Street Names in JC?
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Just can't stay away

3rd St.

Cracks me up every time I walk or drive by. I start going into Beavis and Butthead mode: " said '3rd St.'"

Oh, mercy.


ansky, when we rented at Manila & 9th from 2001-2003, more than half of that group of townhouses between 9th and Pavonia were owned and/or occupied by Filipinos. My wife (a filipina) was kinda annoyed by this fact.

I think all of those large and rather gross houses on the west side of Manila from 1st to Pavonia were originally made available to Filipinos as part of the "sister city" program that also resulted in the change of the street name. Though some have changed hands in the interim, just by walking by I'd guess that 1/4 to 1/3 are still Filipino-occupied.

Posted on: 2008/8/16 15:59

Re: What Jersey City Restaurant Do You Miss the Most?
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Just can't stay away

Melt. Especially with Go gone, I miss having a conveniently located (to me) sandwich place aside from Basic to hop over to on a moment's notice.

Posted on: 2008/6/8 15:39

Re: The Embankment Restaurant
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Just can't stay away

Went back for the second time, first since their opening weekend when I wasn't thrilled with the place. Much better experience this go round.

Sat outside (preferable, imho, even with Erie traffic). The pea soup wasn't particularly tasty, though very green. But the pork belly in a maple-syrupy sauce ($21) was fantastic, one of the best dishes I've had in JC in a long time, super tender, fatty the way it should be and a great combination of flavors. Linda's shrimp salad sandwich, of which I took a nibble, was also very good.

A bit pricey to be a regular stop but the pork belly will lure me back.

Posted on: 2008/6/7 13:30

Re: Mysterious Wooden Thingy on Erie St....
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Just can't stay away

The subject came up before, a couple years back I think, though I forget if there was any resolution. Always struck me as Balinese or Javanese. Very cool piece, though, all the more so for being something that I bet most people in the area have never noticed.

Posted on: 2008/6/4 18:13

Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

There's a large spool with inch-thick cable on Jersey & 7th.


Posted on: 2008/5/22 19:44

Re: Jazz great Walt Dickerson passed away today - he was a great vibe player
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Just can't stay away

Had a classic duo album with Sun Ra....

Posted on: 2008/5/20 19:36

Re: Read Any Great Books Lately?
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Just can't stay away


nikyrob wrote:
Thought I'd bring this thread back.

I'm trying to find a new book to read but am being very indecisive. Has anyone read "Drown" or "The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao" both by Junot Diaz? Any opinions?

I read "Drown" a while back, maybe as much as ten years? I recall enjoying it but my aging brain can't remember why. I've been intrigued by "Oscar Wao" but have yet to pull the trigger.

otoh, over the last couple of months, I've belatedly discovered the writing of the late W.G. Sebald which is very beautiful.

Posted on: 2008/4/14 20:37

Re: Favorite NYC Italian Restaurant?
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Just can't stay away

Thirds on Otto.

Mmmm...Olive oil gelato.....

Posted on: 2008/4/2 18:57

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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Just can't stay away


JCbiscuit wrote:
was she 6'4" and carrying a bike?

Don't know what it is with JC door-blockers. I get off the 6 train at Grand Central each morning where there's inevitably a large crowd of people waiting to board. As a rule, they politely make an alleyway through which departing passengers can exit. I go home and get off at Grove where, again, there's generally a bunch of people waiting and they have a strong tendency to just stand there, gazing with bovine intensity at the car's interior, blithely ignoring anyone trying to get out while chewing their cud. Something in the air here....

Posted on: 2008/3/13 19:33

Re: Parking - FIRE HYDRANTS!
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Just can't stay away

Do not park within 50 ft. of a Stop sign??

Posted on: 2008/3/5 19:38

Re: Buon Appetito - new restaurant on Grove Street
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Just can't stay away

Stopped in last night for the first time. Looked pretty basic and the pizza sitting out on the counter, unwarmed, didn't appear too appetizing, but I ordered an eggplant parm sandwich and, I must say, it was excellent, a cut or two above the norm. The eggplant slices were thick, juicy and flavorful, the bread fresh and chewy. $7, not bad at all.

Posted on: 2008/2/21 14:17

Re: motorcycle dudes unite
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Just can't stay away


djh101 wrote:
Let me guess? Southwest corner of 7th and Jersey? The Harley with the ultra-loud pipes? Yep, that's the guy.

It really is excessive and downright ignorant. I was never hardcore, although I did ride for leisure for a few years ---- and I can assure you that there is an etiquette, and this chap has none.

Hah! When I saw the thread title, this is the guy I immediately thought of. I'm a block away but every time I walk past I think of how much I'd hate living right near this idiot. If he's a renter, you might want to complain to the building owner. Otherwise maybe a few well placed nails.

Posted on: 2008/2/19 15:40

Re: Savas - Polish Cafeteria Opens on Grove Street
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

trp3, sure, I totally understand and didn't take it so seriously. It's not like you only encounter that view among Poles.

justjoe, as I implied, I received a tinge of that also, her difficulties going forward in keeping the place going. Unfortunately, I have a feeling it's going to be tough. This kind of food, good as it is, isn't high on most yuppies' list, I'm afraid. And given the dwindling Polish population in the area...well, it ain't gonna be easy.

Posted on: 2008/2/12 13:33

Re: Savas - Polish Cafeteria Opens on Grove Street
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Went in for the first time this evening. The proprietress greeted me warmly (I was the only customer there).

"Welcome! Come in! Are you Polish?"

"Well, half. My dad's Polish, mom's German."

"Do you speak Polish?"

"No, dad was born here in Greenpoint and he speaks some, but the kids never learned it."

"Oh, too bad! But you know Polish food?"

"Yes, a bit."

"Are you married?"

"Um, yes."

"Did you marry a Polish girl?"

", my wife's filipino."

"Oh! Why did a tall, handsome Polish boy like you marry a filipino?!?!"

I know she meant well, but I didn't feel like explaining the grievous sin I'd committed by not extending the royal Polish bloodline.

She went on to worry about the lack of business there. I explained (knowing it was likely useless) about this list and the generally positive reactions her place had received, for which she was grateful apart form having only a vague notion of this Internet thing.

Anyway, I got two meals, pork chops with sauerkraut and rice and stuffed cabbage with beans and "mashies", plus an order of potato and cheese pierogis.

The pierogis were excellent. I had the sizable chop this evening which was fine, a tasty breading and moist meat. The sauerkraut was also very good, the rice edible.

$17 for the three, not bad. They have chrusik, always good to know and she says they carry packzis a couple times a week.

Posted on: 2008/2/12 3:07

Re: Ron Paul for President
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Just can't stay away

AMo wrote: Bolew, I agree that force is an ambiguous term. That is exactly why laws are required to flesh out what a violation of one's property rights is and why some type of enforcement mechanism is needed. The libertarian utopia simply can't work. Much as the communist utopia, it isn't based on what we know humans to be but on what we wish they were.
Right, but most libertarians, at least those who don't subscribe to anarcho-libertarianism, acknowledge the necessity for at least some minimal government which includes a judicial system to determine rights infringements, etc. (as described, among others, by the late Robert Nozick in books like "Anarchy, State and Utopia", though he mitigated his beliefs in later years.) I'm guessing that most serious libertarians don't think of Paul as such in toto even though he promotes more libertarian-oriented positions than most elected politicians. He's wildly inconsistent, however. For instance, he's a proponent of relegating the question of the legality of abortion to the states whereas the right of a woman to her own body is a basic libertarian premise, one that no governmental body could deny. I daresay any self-respecting libertarian believes in evolution as well.

Posted on: 2008/1/3 2:41

Re: Ron Paul for President
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Just can't stay away

AMo wrote: You see, Anonymous, Libertarianism really does stand for leaving individuals to slug it out between themselves (peacefully in theory) without intervention from the state. Laws on the environment, worker safety etc. that I have talked about would be seen as infringements on the individual's rights. It's really that simple.
Well, it's not that simple. Initiation of physical force needn't be limited to violent interaction between persons on the level of fistfights or guns. If I'm, let's say, burning trash in my backyard and the smoke and fumes are entering your house across the way, that's physical force. A corporation issuing toxic fumes is in the same boat. A certain amount of environmental issues can (theoretically) be resolved via property rights acknowledgment and enforcement. It's exceedingly complex though and getting from here to there is a tough thing to figure out as is delineating where matters are more appropriately handled by government. There are plenty of things, relatively speaking, I like about Paul but a number of others I don't (the evolution bit is just plain embarrassing for him) . It's good to have him up there as a gadfly if nothing else, particularly on the Rep side for his admirable opposition to all things pro-Iraq invasion. But yes, he does come off as crackpot-ish on some issues, that is to say he doesn't appear to have thought some of these issues all the way through.

Posted on: 2008/1/2 16:48

Re: the most profound movie that will blow your mind
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Just can't stay away

"Truthers" I love it.

Gosh, of all the things one might ask--The towers were fairly large objects, correct? "Wiring them for demolition" would have been no small project, I think we can safely assume. Probably require a sizable team of demolition planters working for a long time in areas accessible to non-government-stooge workers (engineering crews, etc.) Yet nothing of the sort was observed and, more astonishingly, not a single one of those dozens or hundreds involved has spilled the beans. Not a one! But these guys can blithely toss off a phrase liked "wired for controlled demolition" without bothering to get into the details of exactly how that would have taken place, who would have done the wiring, when and how they would have done so, how all the explosives would have remained undetected by building and insurance inspectors for so many years, etc.

Unless.....oh my god! Every single employee at the WTC was part of the conspiracy!!!


Every large-scale event generates conspiracy theories. So will the next one.

Posted on: 2007/12/23 2:20

Re: Barack Obama for President
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Just can't stay away


Kermit42 wrote:

As for Sullivan's naive essay,

I think perhaps you underestimate the power of the visual image around the world. It often trumps explicit policy in the minds of many. Unfortunate, but true.

I'm not overly fond of the guy myself as far as explicit policy goes; I think he's largely a hack Democratic politician as witness his support for corn mega-corporations in southern Illinois. But if it's him vs. some horror like Romney or Huckabee, no contest.

Posted on: 2007/12/12 23:43

Re: Barack Obama for President
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Just can't stay away

Andrew Sullivan had an interesting article in Atlantic on why he supports Obama, including this paragraph, something I don't see referenced much elsewhere:

Consider this hypothetical. It?s November 2008. A young Pakistani Muslim is watching television and sees that this man?Barack Hussein Obama?is the new face of America. In one simple image, America?s soft power has been ratcheted up not a notch, but a logarithm. A brown-skinned man whose father was an African, who grew up in Indonesia and Hawaii, who attended a majority-Muslim school as a boy, is now the alleged enemy. If you wanted the crudest but most effective weapon against the demonization of America that fuels Islamist ideology, Obama?s face gets close. It proves them wrong about what America is in ways no words can.

In an objective sense, it's sort of silly that someone's mere visage could carry such weight, but something like this could actually be more important than other aspects of his candidacy.

Posted on: 2007/12/12 18:53

Re: Sawadee Thai Restaurant
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Just can't stay away

Hey, I like Sawadee very much myself, but that's one awfully written review. It's like the restaurant equivalent of a real estate tout.

"Many of their drinks are infused with fresh fruits and ingredients"

Yeah, I hate those ingredient-less drinks.

Posted on: 2007/11/15 13:46

Re: Skinner's Loft... delish!
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Just can't stay away

Second meal there this evening. Excellent ribs, extremely tender 'n' tasty. Asawa had two apps, the tempura and the empanada trio. I sampled the former and thought the batter was a bit soggy and uninteresting. She liked the latter.

Posted on: 2007/9/9 0:12

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