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Waggs wrote:

chiefdahill wrote:
That's some BULLSHIT.

Steve- I got your back. I'll register and sign the petetion. I know I'm only one guy but it onlt takes one to get it started.

Matsikoudis is such a snake. I've personally met him and he's such a sneaky bastard.

Everybody complains at how corrupt JC/Hudson cty is and somebody who actually is trying and in position to make a change gets shot down so quickly (what a coincidence that they dug that up so quickly).
way to listen to the people!

That is why voting is SO important. The machine counts on people not caring enough to vote, they MUST be proved wrong.


Posted on: 2008/7/31 19:16

Quite a regular
Quite a regular

City cites case law on petition signatures
Thursday, July 31, 2008

In a last-minute move, Jersey City officials have dramatically upped the number of signatures Councilman Steven Fulop needs to collect to qualify one of two reform initiatives he is championing for the November ballot - and Fulop is crying foul.

"I met with city officials countless times to do this . now they are changing the rules of the game," Fulop fumed yesterday. "(Onetime Jersey City Mayor) Frank Hague would be proud."

For months now, Fulop and a crew of activists have labored under the impression they needed 1,506 valid signatures of registered voters to qualify each of the two ballot initiatives.

Now the city says he needs 12,227 signatures, and Fulop would rather fight than pound the pavement for more signatures.

One initiative would limit when and how much vendors who are awarded no-bid contracts could contribute to local political campaigns.

The other initiative, which is the one in trouble, would bar council members from collecting council salaries if they held other public jobs. Seven of the nine current council members have other public jobs.

The 1,506 figure was established primarily in conversations with City Clerk Robert Byrne, but also in discussions with two city attorneys, Fulop said yesterday.

Byrne readily acknowledged he based the figure on his understanding of the Faulkner Act, which governs how Jersey City operates.

The Faulkner Act sets as the standard for initiative petitions 10 percent of the number of people who voted in the last general election in which General Assembly members were elected. In Jersey City's case, that would be November 2006, when 15,055 persons went to the polls, Byrne said.

A month ago, Fulop turned in roughly 1,800 signatures for each initiative. Fulop said he collected about 3,000 for each initiative, but turned in fewer to avoid a costly special election for the city. Tuesday, Byrne told Fulop he was just over 100 valid signatures shy on each petition to qualify them for the ballot and that he had 10 days to cure the problem.

But then came the game-changer.

Corporation Counsel Bill Matsikoudis told Byrne yesterday the Faulkner Act doesn't apply when it comes to initiatives involving salaries.

Based on case law, Matsikoudis said, those petitions are governed by a broader state statute that requires 10 percent or more of all the registered voters in the city.

As of January, Jersey City had 122,271 voters. So to qualify his salary initiative, Fulop would need to turn in 12,227 valid signatures - and do so in 10 days.

Fulop said he has no plans to undertake a massive collection effort at this late date. "We are going to follow

Posted on: 2008/7/31 16:55

Re: Councilman gets ethics questions on the ballot
Quite a regular
Quite a regular



Posted on: 2008/7/31 16:53

Re: Taqueria
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

My Freinds and I LOVE this place. This is one of the best places around to eat. Fast, friendly service and great tasting food. When my sister was here a few months ago, I took her here and she went crazy for it. She used to live close to the Mexican border and she really misses the food she used to eat down there. Taqueria fit the bill for what she has been missing.
Now that I live in Hoboken and it is not right down the street from me, I will still make sure I pop in at least once a week.


Posted on: 2008/5/19 12:18

Re: Fulop releases ad pushing ethics reform
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


mrrogers wrote:
That article will be in fridays edition of the JJ and i here the City Hall insiders are none to Happy.......

They shouldn't be!
Keep up the great work, Steve.


Posted on: 2008/3/14 17:02

Re: referendum press release - Steven Fulop/Civic JC
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


scooter wrote:
Healy's for sale. There's no surprise he's squirming about the prospect of more transparent campaign financing (the only supportive quotes on him in any of the articles I read last summer about his drunk and disorderly arrest came from developers - think that one through).

What is worth noting is that he's paying some serious attention to these referendums - this cabal of corrupt City Hall parasites (the Floods, the remaining municipal judges, et al) are not going down without a fight - if you want change (sorry to nag), please go to:

and volunteer...

I could not agree with you more!!


Posted on: 2007/12/2 2:39

Re: Willie Flood hires son twice for $50G-plus ( Yes, that son )
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I wish that voters would get off thier lazy asses and vote against people like Willie Flood. It all makes me so angry.


Posted on: 2007/12/2 2:37

Re: Willie Flood hires son twice for $50G-plus ( Yes, that son )
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

It shocks me that I am no longer shocked by reading stuff like this.


Posted on: 2007/11/28 17:22

Re: referendum press release - Steven Fulop/Civic JC
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I never received a packet! I want to help!


Posted on: 2007/11/26 0:45

Re: 77 Hudson is on fire
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

It was a scary sight. Thank you to all the Fireman and other responders!

The school where we opened the shelter was like a little Noah's Ark, lots of kitties, puppies and a gerbil!


Posted on: 2007/10/9 16:50

Re: Embankment Celebration! Sat, Oct 13, 2007 12-4PM
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Can't wait! It's great to have good news to celebrate.


Posted on: 2007/10/1 16:15

Re: T-shirt making fun of Mayor Healy circulates -- sources point to Fulop's political consultant
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


stepanstas wrote:
I think that Healy is a person that made Jersey City public not just to outsiders, but to Jersey City people aswell.

When Cunnigham was arround, I did not know anything about this city. No plans, no ideas, speaches. Nothing

Its changed with Healy. BTW, he is the one who i think organized the Mayors Against Guns program.

Are you kidding? I heard about this City all the time way before I moved here...

also, I think the shirt is HEEEEEElarious and I want one. Politicians have been publically mocked since the beginning of politicians.


Posted on: 2007/10/1 16:10

Re: How to (attempt to) buy an election, Hudson county style @ $70 a vote
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


JSQ wrote:
Justiceiro's theories were also about how people who would go for citizenship came here for freedom. If Gina's take is correct (world is perfectible and you only need to do something), than most of those guys should do something in their own countries. :)
Anyway back to the Hoboken topic, what kind of ward is that? more like West Side or like Downtown?

hehehe...I said I was a pollyanna! I do believe that we can make changes.


Posted on: 2007/9/26 13:27

Re: How to (attempt to) buy an election, Hudson county style @ $70 a vote
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

People can sit around and dispair that there will be no change or they can get up and try to do something about it. Get involved where you can and try to push out the bad...gee I sound very Pollyanna this morning, but, really we do need to be involved.


Posted on: 2007/9/26 12:28

Fulop's Referendum Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Steve is planning a meeting on Oct. 3rd at LITM. It will start at 7:00. I hope that everyone who is interested will show up and discuss the referendum, express any concerns and show support.


Posted on: 2007/9/26 12:19

Re: City recoups $1M in wake of investigation of construction code office by performing a forensic audit
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Well, that is some good news anyway. Glad the funds were recovered.


Posted on: 2007/9/25 20:16

Re: Fulop: Let's tighten our ethics rules
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I can't wait till the signature gathering starts. I will certainly be helping out.


Posted on: 2007/9/25 18:47

Re: Fulop: Let's tighten our ethics rules
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


brewster wrote:

JSQ wrote:
I don't know too much about local politics.

Clearly this it the case. Perhaps you should consider this before commenting on the merits of a popular local political figure. And if you can't figure out why the Downtown JC councilman is often discussed on Downtown JCList, I can't help you.

I don't think any of us can. As I read JSQ's post I had to wonder if the words DOWNTOWN JC List were perhaps misleading in some way and the fact that we are discussing our Councilman is somehow out of line...


Posted on: 2007/9/7 20:41

Re: Fulop: Let's tighten our ethics rules
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


mrrogers wrote:
He left out the part about them not having to show up for the other job.People don't realize that a mayor from North Bergen can have more influence over our council then we do.How?

lets say north bergen wants to hook into our sewer system
(which they have) and lets say they only want to pay 8 million
for but its really worth 25 million.Since the mayor of North Bergen is Running the County Govt.He can put Pressure on our
councilmen to get this scheme approved.He holds their paychecks in his hand.Six of the nine are on the county payroll.

That is just frikin wonderfull...these people have no shame. I wish that the voters would wake the hell up and vote these creeps out of office.


Posted on: 2007/9/7 2:12

Re: Fulop: Let's tighten our ethics rules
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


callie1i wrote:

Steve has felt this way at least since his campaign for councilman so to call this "grandstanding" for a potential mayoral run is nothing but hot air coming from people scared of losing their cushy positions (and their votes against this proposal won't be "transparent", either!)

That's the truth! It is all so sicking and these people are so confident that they can continue with this crap without having to answer to anyone.


Posted on: 2007/9/6 17:12

Re: Fulop: Let's tighten our ethics rules
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Heavan forbid these people use some ethics.


Posted on: 2007/9/6 15:53

Re: Forget Whole Foods - what about a farmer's market?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


parkman wrote:

gtosatto wrote:
Is the farmer at VVP have local stuff? I am going to try to support locally grown farmer markets as much as possible. Any little thing that I can do to help is better then sitting on my ass doing nothing.

He is from Robbinsville NJ and the majority of his produce is local.

We are also trying to get an organic farm to join the market. I contacted Old Hook Farms that sells in Hoboken but they are booked for the season. If anyone knows of others, please PM me and I?ll give them a call. Thanks.

Thank you, Parkman.

Posted on: 2007/6/16 23:59

Re: Greenville Bayside Park: large brown-and-white bird found by a dog-walker is a young red-tailed
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


TaZMaNiO wrote:
Wow, I guess that fledgling hawk I saw a couple of winters ago wasn't so rare after all

You know these birds are almost as big as an eagle full grown, and I suspect they'll eat anything smaller than them - mice, rats, cats & even small dogs on their own.

If you have a outdoor cat or even small dog, I'd be careful

Are they the reason there are fewer feral cats around here?


Posted on: 2007/6/16 20:25

Re: Greenville Bayside Park: large brown-and-white bird found by a dog-walker is a young red-tailed hawk
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I'm so glad that the hawk is going to be fine!


Posted on: 2007/6/16 18:17

Re: Billboards decry gunfire -- ads displayed across Hudson County send message to prevent gun viole
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


JSQ wrote:
DeFazio said many people are unaware of a state law that requires an assailant to be charged with murder even if their victim was not the one whom they set out to harm.

This guy talks like an elected official, to hearts, not to minds. Killing people and expecting no repercussion is a sci-fi scenario, no sane person would do that. Not even the guy who pretended he shouldn't be fined because he forgot to validate the light rail ticket will pretend that he can just shoot people by mistake.

The campaign is not fit for the buses, I fail to see how can one afford a gun and not afford a car. Plainly, it's wasted money.

I'm pretty sure there are people out there who are only to happy to buy a gun and still not have a car.


Posted on: 2007/6/16 18:15

Re: Forget Whole Foods - what about a farmer's market?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Is the farmer at VVP have local stuff? I am going to try to support locally grown farmer markets as much as possible. Any little thing that I can do to help is better then sitting on my ass doing nothing.


Posted on: 2007/6/16 18:07

Re: Attorney for Jersey City charged with beating and choking his domestic violence counselor girlfriend
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


fat-ass-bike wrote:

ErinMaiden wrote:
who gave him the job? come on fat ass, i'm all for calling out the machine on hiring convicted felons or shady characters, but no one has a crystal ball.
there's no prior record talked about. So he's a scum lesson learned, but we can't blame the city for hiring him if he had a clean record

Point taken Erin, but someone who is prepared to hit a woman in the face would have some history somewhere.

ex-girlfriends, school days etc. I'd be surprised that somewhere in his past police hadn't spoken to him about violence.

You have to admit, you would have the be the biggest dumb-ass assaulting a domestic violence counselor without previous history and thinking you could get away with it!

Maybe he was never reported in the past. Unfortunatly many people take the abuse and never report it.


Posted on: 2007/6/13 16:09

Re: Attorney for Jersey City charged with beating and choking his domestic violence counselor girlfriend
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


edge wrote:
Maybe he just did it for the irony.

I am ashamed to say that you made me laugh out loud and I can't explain to my asst. what made me laugh.


Posted on: 2007/6/13 16:08

Re: Proposed change in gun bill triggers relief from Healy
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

That is a good step!


Posted on: 2007/6/9 17:21

Re: Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy to be chairman of Hudson County Democratic Organization.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


bluehorse wrote:
Unless all us idealists band together and vote.


Ross_Ewage wrote:

Idealism gets you into heaven, but not into the Mayor's chair.

exactly Bluehorse!
I'm not naive and I understand that you have to hold your nose and work with the pigs, but, you can try to keep yourself as clean as possible. Not all machines are dirty, but the one around here is as filty as you can get.


Posted on: 2007/6/9 17:06

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