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Re: Property Registration
Home away from home
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2004/11/6 21:13
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2023/7/17 17:42
From Hamilton Park
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JadedJC wrote:
I get the impression that entire department is staffed by patronage f*ckwits who enjoy misleading people.

Expand that to the entire city bureaucracy. I've tried to get an official to actually tell me where smoke and CO detectors need to be placed, I've gone the the FD with a floorplan of an apartment, and gotten no guidance.

Posted on: 2017/1/27 17:29

Re: Property Registration
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2008/8/12 18:31
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LoraJ wrote:
I will ignore. Thanks everyone for your advice. That guy on the phone scared me. lol.

Not to hijack the thread, but...

I think this perfectly encapsulates why some old timers fear/hate/despise "interlopers"... we stand up to the nonsense of "it's always been done this way" and the related fear / pushy tactics and we actually help each other to get more information and reach informed, educated decisions.

Posted on: 2017/1/27 16:38

Re: Property Registration
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2005/10/7 15:05
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2019/5/4 1:14
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Frinjc wrote:
Indeed. It looks like a fishing expedition where they expect the buildings to self-identify so they can decide which one meet X and Y criteria. I also received a notice years ago that I ignored. As long as you don't provide the information...
Not sure whether you mentioned it but are you in a new building? Or recently condo-ed?

Nope, old building from the 1920's that was refurbed in the mid-80's when the association was developed.

I will ignore. Thanks everyone for your advice. That guy on the phone scared me. lol.

Posted on: 2017/1/27 15:36

Re: Property Registration
Home away from home
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2007/7/4 16:37
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2021/11/4 21:55
From Hamilton Park
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Indeed. It looks like a fishing expedition where they expect the buildings to self-identify so they can decide which one meet X and Y criteria. I also received a notice years ago that I ignored. As long as you don't provide the information...
Not sure whether you mentioned it but are you in a new building? Or recently condo-ed?

Posted on: 2017/1/27 11:15

Re: Property Registration
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2006/10/23 18:47
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LoraJ wrote:

Yes, it was from the Landlord/Tenant department. I said we didn't have 5 units under rental and no one owns more than one unit and he said it didn't matter I still had to fill out the form and send in $10 per unit. And I told him nothing on the form applies to anyone in my building we are a non-profit Condo Association. And he was telling me well the owner would be the President, and I was like, ahhhh I don't think that is how it works and he told me well then I can go to court then and pay the $2500 fine. :/

Maybe I will ignore it, I do feel like I got this in the past and ignored it because of the 5 unit thing. I feel like it was worded differently this year which set off alarms.

If they want me to register my building (which I am sure it is somewhere), then it shouldn't be coming from the landlord/tenant department.

I get the impression that entire department is staffed by patronage f*ckwits who enjoy misleading people. I never got another mailing from them after I ignored the form the first time. Everyone I know (I don't know anyone who owns more than five rental units) has blown it off. They can't fine you/drag you into court for disregarding an ordinance that doesn't apply to you. If you read that form and the ordinance carefully, there is no obligation for you to do anything if you're not a landlord. I just got a very bad vibe from speaking on the phone with them - that if I unnecessarily filled out any forms for them, I will NEVER get them off my back.

Posted on: 2017/1/27 5:35

Re: Property Registration
Just can't stay away
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2005/10/7 15:05
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2019/5/4 1:14
From Hamilton Park
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JadedJC wrote:
The form only applies to owners of at least five rental units in one building. I ignored my form years ago, despite them telling me to fill it out when I called to ask about it - even though I was exempt. No repercussions for ignoring it. I just think you do yourself more harm filling it out if it doesn't apply to you. Once you do, you create some file in a city agency and I can easily see a Kafkaesque situation every year in which you're forced to prove to the city that you don't own five units in your building. Fwiw, friends who own single-family homes also got the form and ignored it as well.

Yes, it was from the Landlord/Tenant department. I said we didn't have 5 units under rental and no one owns more than one unit and he said it didn't matter I still had to fill out the form and send in $10 per unit. And I told him nothing on the form applies to anyone in my building we are a non-profit Condo Association. And he was telling me well the owner would be the President, and I was like, ahhhh I don't think that is how it works and he told me well then I can go to court then and pay the $2500 fine. :/

Maybe I will ignore it, I do feel like I got this in the past and ignored it because of the 5 unit thing. I feel like it was worded differently this year which set off alarms.

If they want me to register my building (which I am sure it is somewhere), then it shouldn't be coming from the landlord/tenant department.

Posted on: 2017/1/27 1:54

Re: Property Registration
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2004/11/6 21:13
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From Hamilton Park
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Has anyone actually been inspected by the city or FD? I haven't been inspected by anyone but the state in like 15 years.

Posted on: 2017/1/27 1:34

Re: Property Registration
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2006/10/23 18:47
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Bamb00zle wrote:
JadedJC, things may have changed recently. Nice new revenue stream for the City and Fire Department.

The property registration form may arise from Ordinance 14-117 (new since 2015) establishing a Fire Prevention Bureau in the JCFD. Requirements include registration, annual fees and annual inspections of even small multi-family properties. See sub-section ?3-88.2, et seq., for details.

?3-88.2. Non-Life Hazard Use Registration.
All premises not classified as "life hazard uses" pursuant to the Uniform Fire Code (with the exception of owner-occupied detached Use Group R-3 structures, used exclusively for dwelling purposes) shall be classified as "Non-Life Hazard Uses". Non-Life Hazard Uses shall be registered and have an annual registration fee with the Jersey City Fire Prevention Bureau, which will conduct annual periodic inspections.

Here's the link to the Ordinance: ... _ordinances?nodeId=688951

Use Group definitions (fyi): ... ads/pdf/other/Use-Occ.pdf

The OP wasn't clear which city department sent the notice. I'm aware of the fire prevention bureau and the registration fees that come with it regardless of whether you are a rental or condo building. Since the OP mentioned landlord/tenant issues, I'm assuming it was the form that was first sent out in the waning days of the Healy regime that required landlords who owned more than 5 units in a building to register with the city (I think the fee was around $10 per unit). There was even a section on the form requiring landlords to list and justify their rent increases. Ostensibly it was a way for the city to track landlord compliance with rent regulations, but in reality it was a way for the city to add some revenue to its coffers without raising taxes heading into an election year (and perhaps for Healy to score some political points with renters).

Posted on: 2017/1/27 0:47

Re: Property Registration
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2015/4/29 1:47
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2019/11/16 6:03
From DT JC
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JadedJC, things may have changed recently. Nice new revenue stream for the City and Fire Department.

The property registration form may arise from Ordinance 14-117 (new since 2015) establishing a Fire Prevention Bureau in the JCFD. Requirements include registration, annual fees and annual inspections of even small multi-family properties. See sub-section ?3-88.2, et seq., for details.

?3-88.2. Non-Life Hazard Use Registration.
All premises not classified as "life hazard uses" pursuant to the Uniform Fire Code (with the exception of owner-occupied detached Use Group R-3 structures, used exclusively for dwelling purposes) shall be classified as "Non-Life Hazard Uses". Non-Life Hazard Uses shall be registered and have an annual registration fee with the Jersey City Fire Prevention Bureau, which will conduct annual periodic inspections.

Here's the link to the Ordinance: ... _ordinances?nodeId=688951

Use Group definitions (fyi): ... ads/pdf/other/Use-Occ.pdf

Posted on: 2017/1/27 0:11

Re: Property Registration
Home away from home
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2006/10/23 18:47
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2018/2/27 0:25
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The form only applies to owners of at least five rental units in one building. I ignored my form years ago, despite them telling me to fill it out when I called to ask about it - even though I was exempt. No repercussions for ignoring it. I just think you do yourself more harm filling it out if it doesn't apply to you. Once you do, you create some file in a city agency and I can easily see a Kafkaesque situation every year in which you're forced to prove to the city that you don't own five units in your building. Fwiw, friends who own single-family homes also got the form and ignored it as well.

Posted on: 2017/1/25 23:41

Property Registration
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2005/10/7 15:05
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2019/5/4 1:14
From Hamilton Park
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Posts: 122
Did anyone else get this property registration form that must be filled out by March or you are massively fined and have to go to court.
We are a condo association, there is no sole owner, we all own our units and don't answer to an LLC.This form seems to deal with Landlord/tenant issues and we are mostly owner occupied. I called them syaing I didn't feel this form applied to us and he said all buildings must apply.

So, I guess I am just wondering if anyone else has filled out this form and could help me with it. I am treasurer for the association and no one else on the "board" is even around for this.

Posted on: 2017/1/25 16:08

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