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Re: Why does JC have financial problems - Start here
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2005/12/30 0:21
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2017/6/13 23:12
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philr wrote:
JC has tax problems because it's taxes are too low. Real estate should be reappraised more often at current values.

Police officers should also step up on enforcing illegally park vehicles throughout the city. Illegal parkers should be heavily fined and towed away.

Permits for parking should be much more expensive, and all parking lots in the city should charge $$ for parking, or heavily enforce short-term parking requirements.

The city could also get more tax dollars by allowing bars and clubs to stay open later. Relaxing the hours of operation would bring in more money, and more tax dollars.

We would all be so much happier then. Sigh.

Posted on: 2006/1/13 0:37

Re: Why does JC have financial problems - Start here
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2005/11/20 12:25
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2009/12/24 13:31
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Another reason: try opening a business. You'll be amazed at the lack of enforcement of regulations, favoritism and corruption that exists. And as someone previously mentioned, this is business as usual and no one tries to hide it.

Posted on: 2006/1/12 23:27

Re: Why does JC have financial problems - Start here
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2005/12/12 18:47
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2007/9/14 20:38
From Journal Square / Marion
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One reason the city is going broke is that health care insurance and benifit costs for City Workers and retired city workers are spiralling out of control. Jersey City Public employees tend to be older (and more overweight). So the city pays alot of money in healthcare premiums for complications like diabetes or expensive heart medication. Check out the article on NJ state workers below.... I am sure there are simular problems with City Workers.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ... 13514663366110.xml&coll=1


State retirees facing big hike in drug fees
Shift expected to save program $16 million
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Star-Ledger Staff
State officials yesterday adopted a change to New Jersey's retirement package for teachers and public employees that nearly doubles the maximum amount retirees must pay toward prescription drugs each year.

The decision to raise the maximum annual copayment for prescriptions from $552 to $1,000 is designed to save about $16 million a year from a health insurance program that is on track to cost $430 million next year. It was approved 3-2 by the State Health Benefits Commission, with little discussion.

Of the savings, about $9.5 million is expected to be realized by the state, which bankrolls retirement benefits for teachers and state workers. Local governments and workers will realize the balance of the savings.
The higher copayments will affect about 51,000 of the 208,000 retirees covered by the state Health Benefits Plan, state records show.

Union officials decried the change as an unfair and unauthorized erosion of negotiated benefits which, they said, targets the most vulnerable public employees for additional expenses.

"It's an 80 percent increase for retirees on fixed incomes -- totally unnecessary economically," said Alan Kaufman, a representative of the state's largest public employees union, the Communication Workers of America. "You can save a lot more money than by shifting $9.5 million onto retirees who can't handle it."

Tom Vincz, a spokesman for the Treasury Department, called the change reasonable and fair.

"This change will help mitigate the upward spiral of health care costs while protecting the most vulnerable," he said.

The change is part of a growing campaign to rein in public employees' pension and benefit costs, which are expected to rise from $2.3 billion this year to $6.7 billion within four years.

Posted on: 2006/1/12 22:49

Re: Why does JC have financial problems - Start here
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2004/2/6 23:13
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2021/7/30 1:08
From Jersey City
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Bringing this thread up per a request by a poster on the "Interesting" thread that we need not just focus on our Ward E Councilman. Though, these kind of "deals" seem to be the more run of the mill, what I found unique at the time was the willingness of these council candidates to talk freely about it to the press.

Posted on: 2006/1/12 22:34

Re: Why does JC have financial problems - Start here

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2004/8/31 18:32
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2005/6/14 12:59
From Jersey City, NJ
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Have any local papers looked into how Jersey City funds it's Pension program? I know that San Diego recently had some huge problems with a poorly run Pension Plan. It would be nice to read a Jersey Journal article about any issues.

Posted on: 2005/2/22 22:50

Re: Why does JC have financial problems - Start here
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2004/11/16 19:52
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2008/9/28 23:53
From Moved to Dallas TX
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homeowner wrote:
...This type of behavior is so common, so accepted, so prevalent...that they dont even consider it inappropriate or unethical. Therefore, why wouldn't they talk about it openly in the local paper? It would never occur to them that there is anything wrong here...
...Listen, Ive been there when groups have tried to sway the city council. They come with their signs and crowds. The 111 artist packed the place. And, sadly, where are they now? If you want to be heard the numbers have to be great and the noise has to be loud. Forget your 'appropriateness' at the door. Yell. Chant. Clap. Get Mad. Really really mad...

I agree...they are so used to the culture of corruption that they don't see anything wrong with discussing it openly. It's the way business seems to be done in Jersey City/Hudson County. It leads me to ask, what's wrong with the electorate that keeps the same people in office year after year?

Regarding the City Council...they have an air of total disdain for any of the public that comes up to speak. It's our 5 minutes and you'd think that they would at least pay attention to us and quit running around the room currying points with the people that they think will contribute to their next campaign.

I loved what Maldonado said a few weeks ago in reply to S. Fulop's query about taking developer's money...his reply was something like "you can ask any question that you want but we don't have to answer it". That's kind of telling about his attitude towards the public, isn't it.

Posted on: 2005/2/22 21:45

Re: Why does JC have financial problems - Start here
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2004/11/14 2:38
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2023/1/30 21:43
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I hope the FBI starts investigating corruption in Jersey City.

Posted on: 2005/2/22 21:32

Re: Why does JC have financial problems - Start here

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2004/10/19 2:18
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2009/2/3 19:19
From ex-JC resident
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MoparLarry wrote:
That kind of "to the victor belongs the spoils" attitude is not exclusively a Jersey City problem.
Go to the republican controlled suburban counties and you'll find a lot of people in county government also are GOP hotshots. It stems from the pay to play system in New Jersey which allows the pols in power to hand out jobs and contracts like they were candy and today is Halloween. What the public has to do is start voting the scoundrels out in bringing in independents who are beholden to no one...except the public!

And directly related to this post, we have a prime example of how (not) to conduct NJ politics:

Feb 22, 2005 2:25 pm US/Eastern
(1010 WINS) (NEWARK) Three mayors and eight other local and county officials in Monmouth County were arrested Tuesday, charged in a corruption sting by federal authorities.

Ten officials were accused of extorting cash bribes and free work from a contractor who was working undercover for the FBI, and the other official was charged with money laundering, federal prosecutors said.

Among those arrested were the mayors of Hazlet, Keyport and West Long Branch.

Secret recordings made by the FBI depicted the defendants as eager to compromise their offices for cash. One told a colleague, "Nobody watches, nobody hears, nobody sees." Another told an undercover agent posing as a corrupt middleman not to worry about getting caught because he "could smell a cop a mile away."

Posted on: 2005/2/22 20:20

Re: Why does JC have financial problems - Start here

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2004/8/31 18:32
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2005/6/14 12:59
From Jersey City, NJ
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JC has tax problems because it's taxes are too low. Real estate should be reappraised more often at current values.

Police officers should also step up on enforcing illegally park vehicles throughout the city. Illegal parkers should be heavily fined and towed away.

Permits for parking should be much more expensive, and all parking lots in the city should charge $$ for parking, or heavily enforce short-term parking requirements.

The city could also get more tax dollars by allowing bars and clubs to stay open later. Relaxing the hours of operation would bring in more money, and more tax dollars.

Posted on: 2005/2/22 17:55

Re: Why does JC have financial problems - Start here

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2005/2/21 17:04
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2007/5/6 23:47
From Jersey City - "the village"
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That kind of "to the victor belongs the spoils" attitude is not exclusively a Jersey City problem.
Go to the republican controlled suburban counties and you'll find a lot of people in county government also are GOP hotshots. It stems from the pay to play system in New Jersey which allows the pols in power to hand out jobs and contracts like they were candy and today is Halloween. What the public has to do is start voting the scoundrels out in bringing in independents who are beholden to no one...except the public!

Posted on: 2005/2/22 15:28
"Never confuse dissent with disloyality" - Thomas Paine

Re: Why does JC have financial problems - Start here

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2004/12/7 15:11
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2006/7/28 14:12
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Yes, I agree. But when I read that article, what really struck me was this: This type of behavior is so common, so accepted, so prevalent...that they dont even consider it inappropriate or unethical. Therefore, why wouldn't they talk about it openly in the local paper? It would never occur to them that there is anything wrong here. These bozo's just dont get it. And here we have, ladies and gentleman, the very definitive example of our great "Culture of Corruption". Welcome to Jersey.

Now, consider these things when we all show up Wednesday night. Do you really think that our little righteous voices will be heard? Or if heard, that they will made a difference? Jersey City has and always will be...up for sale. Billions talk. Remember George Philopolis? Look at Lloyd Goldman...he even tried to burn people alive, and they didnt even slow him down. (hmmm...wonder what ever happened to those 2 employees of his that were arrested...) scary isnt it?

Listen, Ive been there when groups have tried to sway the city council. They come with their signs and crowds. The 111 artist packed the place. And, sadly, where are they now? If you want to be heard the numbers have to be great and the noise has to be loud. Forget your 'appropriateness' at the door. Yell. Chant. Clap. Get Mad. Really really mad. They are stealing our city again. Our pot holes are canyons, our streets are becoming war zones again, the trash is building up and the stink is rising. Parts of our city are becoming drug supermarkets. The homeless are everywhere. And the city should be addressing these issues with they money from taxes of those that are developing the waterfront. My little taxes are not a drop in the bucket...but they sure love to stick it to me. Doesnt it get you mad that your paying and they arent?

Im telling you...get mad, get loud or get ready to pay.

Posted on: 2005/2/22 14:22

Re: Why does JC have financial problems - Start here
Quite a regular
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2004/11/16 19:52
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2008/9/28 23:53
From Moved to Dallas TX
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"When he asked me, I said that I would definitely think about it, but there were certain conditions that we had to work out beforehand," said Richardson. One of those conditions was that Richardson's son-in-law, an employee of the city's Division of Commerce would be considered for the position of director when former director Lenny Grenier stepped down on Jan. 31. But the position ended up going to another person.

"We met, and he asked me if I would run with him," she said. "I agreed, but I wanted to make sure that the young people who worked on my campaign would be offered some kind of employment since they worked for no money." Flood said the employment would either be on a city or county administrative level.

Hey, you gotta give Willie and Viola points for being honest. That's why our finances are in the shape that they are...graft and nepotism. They're not the only ones...most of these guys are neck deep in this stuff. Forget what you's who you know that matters here.

When do we, the voters who pay for these friends and relatives start taking back our city and tax dollars? It won't change until we send a message to City Hall that this will not be tolerated any longer.

Posted on: 2005/2/22 12:20

Why does JC have financial problems - Start here
Home away from home
Home away from home

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2004/2/6 23:13
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2021/7/30 1:08
From Jersey City
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Where do our tax dollars (and abatement PILOT) money go, lets start here as published in the 2/20 JC Reporter:

Ah, the political season has begun

Announcements for mayor, council seats spur intrigue
Ricardo Kaulessar
Reporter staff writer

Councilwoman Viola Richardson:

Richardson said she was contacted by Healy three weeks before the announcement about joining his ticket, but it didn't work out.

"When he asked me, I said that I would definitely think about it, but there were certain conditions that we had to work out beforehand," said Richardson. One of those conditions was that Richardson's son-in-law, an employee of the city's Division of Commerce would be considered for the position of director when former director Lenny Grenier stepped down on Jan. 31. But the position ended up going to another person.

Former Councilwoman and elected member of JC Board of Education Willie Flood:

Flood said at the luncheon that a deal was made with Healy in the months after the November special election, allowing for her to run on his slate.

"We met, and he asked me if I would run with him," she said. "I agreed, but I wanted to make sure that the young people who worked on my campaign would be offered some kind of employment since they worked for no money." Flood said the employment would either be on a city or county administrative level.

Posted on: 2005/2/22 0:51

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