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Re: Bike signs all over town
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We already have bike lanes in Jersey City, it's called the sidewalk. It is too dangerous to ride in the street, especially on JFK boulevard and Christopher Columbus drive where drivers often drive fast and recklessly. Like on JFK, it is physically impossible for a bicyclist to ride, because during rush hour, the cars are packed to tightly, and during the rest of the day, people drive at 60 mph in a 25 mph zone. Most of the bicyclists ride on the sidewalk, so I think the city should decriminalize riding on the sidewalk for safety reasons.

Posted on: 2007/9/2 18:49

Re: Harwood Closes on Journal Square Parcel
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Most likely, the real price will be 1000 per month....the luxury lofts recently constructed a couple of years in JSQ across from rite-aid are only 800-900 per month for a studio. I think the owners of the new tower will iniatilly offer the Apartments at 2k then quietly lower the price after 6 months

Posted on: 2007/5/23 2:32

Re: A letter to Fulop addressing the concerns of education in JC
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I remember reading somewhere that the former Mayor of Jersey City Frank Hague, back in the 1920's and 1930's, had an agreement with the Catholic church, where public schools were delibratly underfunded, so that parents would get fed up and send their kids to Catholic school instead.
Also, lots of poor working class Jersey City kids go onto to College look at Jersey City University...

Posted on: 2007/3/5 2:18

Re: New York magazine article on downtown Jersey City
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I am glad New York Magazine is doing an article on Jersey City. I noticed they are getting very Snarky and bloggy sort of like, so they are posting new content more often.
Maybe this will encourage other nightlife, entertainment, and culture guides Like TimeOutNY or Gothamist to cover New Jersey, they have reviews for a bunch of obscure places in the distant parts of Queens and the Bronx, but not a single listing for New Jersey. Also, there is a TimeOut Beiruit, why does a a bombed-out tiny city in a failed terrorist state get to have it's own Timeout guide, but not Jersey City, which is now one of the world's top financial centers with Goldman Sachs and all.

Posted on: 2006/11/17 21:03

Re: New York magazine article on downtown Jersey City
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I hope they include Journal Square in the article. Journal Square is filling up with 20 something Artists and Young Profesionals priced out of Downtown J.C. and Hoboken, and there are new cafes, restaraunts etc., opening up there all the time.

Posted on: 2006/11/14 20:38

Re: New Redevelopment Plan comming for downtown???
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Just can't stay away

Hey you guys should contact the Castle Coalition, they are a nonprofit group that sued and won an injuction against the City of Long Branch, New Jersey when the city tried to take away an entire African American neighborhood by eminent domain so that it could be redeveloped as luxury condos and shops. It turns out that Long Branch used a very loose definition of "Blighted" in a biased Blight study to take the homes of middle class people to give away to corrupt and connected developers.

"Castle Coalition: Citizens Fighting Eminent Domain AbuseA national coalition of citizens fighting against eminent domain abuse. FAQ, success stories, news and resources."

We need to pass an amendment in the Jersey City Charter to protect property from eminent domain abuse like this.

Posted on: 2006/11/14 19:51

Re: Re-Developers have to hire the Jersey City Housing Authority as hiring consultants.
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Just can't stay away

People can't "move out" out of assisted housing because of the recent rent increases in Hudson County. Even if they are working a full time job. You used to be able to rent a 3 bedroom for 800 bucks now you would be lucky to find a studio in Jersey City for the same price.

Posted on: 2006/10/23 21:43

Re: Want property tax reform? Consider municipal consolidations mergers- Jersey City, Hoboken & Bayonne?
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Just can't stay away

If I am correct there is something like 500 plus independent muncipalities in New Jersey, that all have there own police, fire, ambulance, school etc. services.
This is why cities like Newark fell apart.
Orginally Newark consisted of most of Essex county before the oranges, irvington, bellville ,etc. split off into their own cities in the late 19th century. It was Newark's failure to consolidate all it's suburbs that led to it's downfall. So Newark was left with a huge expensive infrastructure to pay for all the suburban commuters, without the tax base to support it. Basically New Jersey went the opposite route of New York City, and split up into increasingly smaller towns.
If all of Hudson County, Bayonne, Jersey City, Union City and Hoboken got together and merged into one City - let's call it Hudson City, then people's average tax bills would go down signifigantly, because the cost of maintaining the infrastructure would go down. However, I think you are right, Hoboken would never give up their mayor and school system, even though it would be less expensive for Hoboken Taxpayers...

Posted on: 2006/10/20 15:36

Re: Eminent Domain -- Jersey City Redevelopment Agency -- Jersey City plans to buy or seize properties
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Just can't stay away

I think the whole block should be razed and turned into an open green park... that would revitalize the square. Maybe put in some basketball courts and a playground and a dog run. Right now, you have a windswept plaza, fountain and several falling down properties. The neighborhood needs a park.

Posted on: 2006/10/18 15:07

Re: What would happen in Jersey City if a radioactive "dirty bomb" was detonated in Wall Street?
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Just can't stay away

What is Jersey City going to do with all the refugeees from manhattan? Many of them will be contaminated with radioactive dust on their clothing and it their hair and on their skin.
We need a plan to contain and isolate these New Yorkers in Liberty state park and/or in parking lots near the holland tunnerl, where they can be washed down by decomination teams, and kept away from the uncontaminated Jersey City people.
The worst scenario would be having a bunch of paniked New Yorkers covered in Radioactive Plutonium dust wandering around downtown, contaminating downtown and putting our people at risk for radiation poisioning.
Even a little bit of plutonium or uranium dust could be fatal or cancer causing, especially if you are a child or senior citizen.
For example if someone covered in plutonium dust was to walk into your bodega, you would have to rip out all the flooring, throw out all the goods, and spend thousands of dollars having your property decontaminated, also we would have to especially keep the New Yorkers away from our hosipitals because they will poision the doctors and nurses and patients with the dust.

Posted on: 2006/8/22 17:23

Re: 9.3 million just allocated for Hudson County Parks.
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Just can't stay away

I hope they buy the 41 acres next to Lincoln Park. It makes no sense having building an industrial area right next to a park, and we all know that the jobs generated by such a project will be given to out-of-towners, regardless of what polticos promise. Once the land is built then it is gone forever. The City needs as much open green space as possible, and there is a need for more athletic facilities.
How about a stadium so we can have a pro-sports team at least?

Posted on: 2006/8/22 17:14

Re: Jersey City ranked one of the least angry cities in America -- though you can't tell it from JCLIST!
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"1. Orlando, FL

2. St. Petersburg, FL

3. Detroit, MI"

- So, the area around disneyland is angrier than detroit. I guess epcot center lines = rage.

Posted on: 2006/8/18 17:27

Re: Healy to decide on $8 million state aid request - Fulop feels aid shows a lack of pride.
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"The biggest drawback to receiving the aid, now called "Special Municipal Aid," is that hiring and promotions would have to justified to and approved by the state Local Finance Board"

There is nothing wrong with that, you hear stories about people in 100K no-show jobs in New Jersey municipalities all the time. This might mean that people might get promoted based on their abilities not on how much money they kick back or who they are related too.

Posted on: 2006/8/17 15:24

Re: Special City Council Public Meeting - Open Space or Truck Terminal
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Just can't stay away

How much do you want to bet that most of the jobs created by this warehouse will go to people from outside of Jersey City. Evertime there is a development you hear "job, jobs, jobs", but none of the jobs ever seem to go to Jersey Citizens, or too Jersey City companies. The construction companies from Jersey City get freezed out while the contract goes to some "connected" contractor from sussex county or somewhere, who buses in workers from out of the city.

Posted on: 2006/8/17 15:13

Re: Dollar Buses
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Just can't stay away

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I would have the buses load and drop off at the World Trade Center Transportation Hub and Fulton Street Transit Center. It is a bus terminal, you can build one very cheap and quickly. Basically a glorified parking lot.
It would help lower manhattan revitalize. Lots of people in suburban new jersey live close to bus stops, so it would be very convienent for them to take a one seat bus ride direct to lower manhattan without having to transfer to the PATH or Ferry, which adds another fare and 15-30 minutes onto commute. It would relieve the overcrowding on the PATH train, and take cars off our roads - all those people who drive to PATH stations from far essex and middlesex counties could take one seat bus ride to lower manhattan.
Plus, the bus terminal would connect to ferry, PATH, and subway, and take NYC transit buses as well as NJ transit buses, so you could transfer to NJ transit buses from NYC transit buses, and vice-versa


Bobblehead wrote:

Pisces1979 wrote:
I think NJ transit should use the holland tunnel as well, a bus line running through the holland tunnel would give people in the heights, union city, and other areas a one seat bus ride to manhattan. It is crazy that NJ transit only uses the lincoln tunnel.

I think the reason NJ Transit only uses the Lincoln Tunnel is because of what's on the other end--the Port Authority Bus Terminal. Without something similar downtown, a bus ride into Manhattan would be pretty difficult--bus gets out of Holland Tunnel and goes . . . where? Let them off and pick up curbside? Where do you buy tickets outbound? Where do you stand while waiting for the bus? And if you send them up to the PA Bus Terminal, then it would take longer than going through the Stinking Lincoln.

Posted on: 2006/8/16 16:55

Re: Dollar Buses
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Just can't stay away

I think NJ transit should use the holland tunnel as well, a bus line running through the holland tunnel would give people in the heights, union city, and other areas a one seat bus ride to manhattan. It is crazy that NJ transit only uses the lincoln tunnel.

Posted on: 2006/8/16 15:37

Re: Dollar Buses
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Just can't stay away

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"Bus rapid transit (BRT) is a broad term given to a variety of different transportation systems that, through infrastructural and scheduling improvements, attempt to use buses to provide a service that is of a higher quality than an ordinary bus line. Each BRT system utilizes different improvements, although many improvements are shared by many BRT systems. The goal of such systems is to at least approach the service quality of rail transit while still enjoying the cost savings of bus transit. The expression "BRT" is mainly used in North America; elsewhere, one may speak of Quality Bus or simply bus service while raising the quality.".

What about a Bus Rapid Transit system to replace the jitney buses? A light rail system would take ten years to implement and build, while a bus rapid transit system could be built in only a year. You take a wide long boulevard, like JFK boulevard for example, and you dedicate a lane in each direction for buses only, and you rebuild the bus stations on each side so that they are more like the light rails stations, and you install sensors in the traffic lights to give buses right of way. This way the bus can bypass all the traffic jams, making the bus run more like a subway or light rail system.

Posted on: 2006/8/16 14:48

Re: Heights: Home Invasion at Gunpoint -- Three sleeping roommates woken by two gunmen
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Just can't stay away

I think there is more to this story.

I will bet you the kid who got robbed went at out at 4:30 AM looking for drugs. Or, this kid had bought in the past and knew them, or maybe the kids who got robbed where drug dealers themselves. Dealers often rob other dealers.

What if these robbers were white, hispanic, or asian?

Maybe that is the reason why race it is not mentioned...

Posted on: 2006/8/15 20:36

Re: Dollar Buses
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Just can't stay away

I see NJ transit running these huge diesal buses with 3 passengers, and I see these dollar jitneys packed full.
It is a waste of money for NJ transit to be running these big, asthma causing buses on the same routes the dollar vans take.
Also, the dollar vans are quick and they run on a regular basis...much more reliable than NJ transit.
Plus, those little buck vans are much more manuverable than the long NJ transit buses, which when turning are a hazard to drivers and pedestrians.
I think NJ transit should lease out the bus routes to private operators and retire the big buses.
I think if the dollar vans where legitimatized then they could stop at the Journal Square bus terminal instead of stopping 3 blocks away at 5 corners, and they could use the NJ transit bus stops. It would totally improve transportation.

Posted on: 2006/8/15 15:30

Re: Special City Council Public Meeting - Open Space or Truck Terminal
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Just can't stay away

ummm..... they did not advertise this meeting well. If they had, then I bet you would have a lot more people, it is mostly the people over by broadyway and sip avenue that will be affected, because the trucks are going to take shortcuts through residental streets.

Posted on: 2006/8/11 20:02

Re: Not just Downtown - Port Liberte is another example of Jersey City's scorching real estate market
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Just can't stay away

Don't forget the orginal concept and early of construction of what became Port Liberte and it's canals with the canals started in the 1980's long before the light rail was built.
Before the developers went bankrupt of course.
I think the developers thought at the time that everyone was going to be taking ferries....

Posted on: 2006/8/7 21:09

Re: COMING SOON: A Sea of Concrete
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Just can't stay away

Resized ImageCheck out the car lift above from San Francisco
Neighborhood parking lifts are a better idea, smaller parking garage of maybe 3 stories, 100 cars, you get the idea. You basically can doouble or triple the amount of parking without a huge ugly concrete parking garage.
You get the added neighborhood security of having a 24 houyr security guard and cameras.
Also, what about passing an ordinance allowing for the construction of these instead of encouraging everyone to pave over their front yards.

Posted on: 2006/8/7 21:03

Re: COMING SOON: A Sea of Concrete
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Just can't stay away

That is not good, in Boston you have whole historic victorian neighborhoods where the landlords paved over the front yards to make parking. Also, this will only make the Asthma problem here much worse. It will lower property values. I think having parking garages makes alot more sense.

Posted on: 2006/8/4 21:04

Re: Study: Diversity rises in suburbs - whites increasing in urban areas.
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Just can't stay away

Most of the "minority" suburbs int Nassau county have been around since the 1960's, and they were delibratly created as "minority" suburbs, by the real estate companies and authorites back in the '60s.


AlanSommerman wrote:
Thanks for posting - this stuff fascinates me. The questions that remain to be answered for me are: are we creating minority suburbs (Nassau County certainly has them), are the "benefits" of the suburbs like better schools and less crime being left behind as well, etc. There is also the issue of low life developers who lure people out to the burbs with unrealistically low cost of living expectations and shoddy product. The Poconos have this problem - large number of foreclosures among minorities coupled with enormously long commutes that have impacted family life.

Posted on: 2006/8/4 17:12

Re: Is there enough affordable housing?
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Affordable Housing = Middle Class Housing
Middle Class pay taxes unlike the rich and the poor.

Posted on: 2006/7/30 18:47

Re: New face of public housing - 72 homes in the Lafayette section of Jersey City
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Just can't stay away

Don't forget they have to pay for dental visits for the kid and supplemental health insurance (because medicare sucks-- if you can get it), and possibly a car to get to work in the 'burbs. Don't forget costs for baby clothes, baby formula, cell phone bills, food costs etc. Also, you get withholdings on payroll taxes. I doubt they can hire an au pair. Also, you need to be able to put at least 10 percent of your income into savings in case you lose your job.
Also -- for example their are unexpected costs, a 200 dollar parking ticket or summoneses for working people can be ruinous, because if you can't pay you then go to jail and lose your job etc., or if you do pay to stay out of jail you are then late on rent.
Also their are 2 bedrooms, and you are proposing the married couple cram themselves and their baby into one bedroom while the aupair gets one for herself? Also, Au Pairs seem to be the province of upper-middle class types from Westchester, I have never heard of an Au Pair being placed with an urban working class family, unfortunatly.
I think that's what drags working class people into family is having a family, you can survive and do very well here if you are without kids, but as soon as you start a family in this city you can find yourself quickly in debt and poverty. That is why these subsidized housing developments are important, because even a deposit of 100 dollars a month in a savings account can be the ticket to a better life.


Jsquare wrote:
Sorry about the math, I didn't look up the NJ minimum wage. Yup, they are earning so much more than $5.15 and hour that they can hire an au pair and she/he can live in the second bedroom with the child.

Has anyone read Life and Death of Great American Cities?
I love Jane Jacobs. This apartment complex seems to be born of her ideas for mixed use/mixed income neighborhoods.



Jsquare wrote:
It costs over 30% of a minimum wage monthly income.

Woodsy wrote:

Actually, assuming the $300 a month rent cited in the article, it costs about 28.14% of gross salary (NJ's minimum wage is currently $6.15/hr) and as of October 1, 2006 (when the rate rises to $7.15/hr) it will cost about 24.2%. Of course that's ONE person with a minimum wage job and for the TWO bedroom.

Posted on: 2006/7/28 18:50

Edited by Pisces1979 on 2006/7/28 19:05:47

Re: Best pizza in JC????
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Just can't stay away

Nico's Pizza on westside is good. Very nice crust, and not too greasy.

Posted on: 2006/7/27 22:36

Re: New face of public housing - 72 homes in the Lafayette section of Jersey City
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Just can't stay away

I think the right work is Classism. I don't see one mention of the word welfare on the whole article. Anyways back in the day in Jersey City they used to describe Italian, Irish, and Jewish immigrants in the same terms that you guys used to decribe the residents of this complex.

The reason why public housing is messed up is years of federal government interference with local and state housing. After WW2, the feds passed a law saying that all public housing that recieved federal funds had to be built in such a way that made it unattractive to middle class tenants, and then they switched to the fraud-enabling system of housing vouchers instead of directly building housing.

You also have a system with ridicoulously low income cutoff points. So if you have someone who makes above minimum wage, they lose their public housing apartment, but they are not making enough money to get a private apartment.
Also, many people would like to buy the apartment in the projects where they grew up, but they are not allowed too.

Also, the current system doesn't allow people to move from one project to another to be closer to their job, cementing poverty permanently.

You have a system that discourages middle class people from staying in the projects they grew up in, which totally destabilizes neighborhoods.

These policies where put into place very delibratly, it was not some misguided bleeding heart liberal sceme, it was openly racist and classist elements - both left and right wing - of the US government, who saw a way to control and opress people.

Let's not forget that Blacks and Latinos and all Women in Jersey City are blatantly underpaid for doing the same jobs as white people and men.

Posted on: 2006/7/27 22:08

Re: FBI: Violent crime up in majority of NJ's biggest cities
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Check out the headline this week from

"Paterson murder rate up 100%"

Source - ... sN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXk2OTQ3ODYy

Posted on: 2006/6/15 16:37

Re: The New York Times: LeFraks Envision Even Bigger Skyline Across Hudson
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I just hope that any new development will maximize the use of the land. Unfortunatly, alot of the land in Newport is not used efficiently, because back in the 1980's the land was relativaly cheap. Alot of the devolpment's design comes from the California School of modern urban design, where everything is car orientated, very spread out, big wide concrete plazas, and out of scale --- this was very popular all over the country in the 80's. It is also a tremendous waste of land. I am sure if Lefrak had done the development today, he would not have gone and plopped a public parking garage right on the waterfront.
I also hope that all the parking garages will be underground, and there will be a nice big public park on the north end of the development.

Posted on: 2006/6/8 21:09

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