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Re: Mayor Healy Says we don't need more open space

That land under the turnpike extention belongs to the turnpike authority and the city has at least 2 baseball fields developed next to it, by the public school off third street and another nicer baseball complex near off Brunswick near Pavonia.
A lot of Liberty State park was originally the Jersey Central railroad yards for it's passenger trains (hence the terminal building).
LIke the reservoir, the embankment is raw land located in a neighborhood which makes it so important to save and use for a park. Liberty State is great and we owe the farsighted individuals like Sam Pesin (sorry if the spelling is off) and others who saved it. But for most residents, it is a light rail or car ride away.
Those who are fighting for the embankment have the same vision as those who fought for LSP..
And BTW, I have Liberty State park license plates, where a slice of the registeration fee goes to the park. Anyone who enjoys it, should do the same. You can get them from the DMV online when you renew your registration and don't have to set foot in a DMV agency. It's a good way to support your local park.

Posted on: 2007/4/15 17:04
"Never confuse dissent with disloyality" - Thomas Paine

Re: Crime Site investigation at end of Second Street??

Thanks for the info. I suspect we are going to hear something about this on tonight's news. There is a chopper hovering overhead as a type this. (I'm a block away). Sad about about that poor little kid....

Posted on: 2007/4/3 19:36
"Never confuse dissent with disloyality" - Thomas Paine

Crime Site investigation at end of Second Street??

The end of Second street (right under the turnpike extention and along side the PATH tracks) looks like a scene out of "CSI: Jersey City." There are tractors doing some digging by the side of the tracks, a NJ State Police van on the site and detectives are sifting dirt like archeologists on a dig. This is the third time there has been a police presence at that site (once was at night). Can anyone shed some light on what is happening? Thanks.

Posted on: 2007/4/3 19:30
"Never confuse dissent with disloyality" - Thomas Paine

Re: Downtown Jersey City Watch-Updates Thread

Thanks for all your hard work and If I'm not stuck at work I'll be there.
Some good news was the police were at Basic last week investigating an attempted break in.The officer there was very helpful and answered some of our questions about break-ins and he said they have made some arrests in some of the burgalaries. The police are paying attention, but clearly the more eyes which are watching in the neighborhoods, the better.


e-eff wrote:
Thanks JC-i, and adding Neener's neighbor's robbery makes it quite a horrible weekend.

Next DTJC meeting is on Monday 9/11, if you can make it please come, 7 pm at Grace Church on Erie.

Posted on: 2006/8/28 2:46
"Never confuse dissent with disloyality" - Thomas Paine

Re: One of Jersey City oldest houses -- Circa 1840 -- was illegally destroyed

People, should this be a surprise in a city where developers rule? Fines? The developer will file suit and bully the city into a settlement ala 110 and 11 first street. The precident has been set and the development community knows the city has the spine of an overcooked noodle.
Except when it comes to enforcing parking laws against its residents ;)


GrovePath wrote:
Historic building gone
Saturday, August 19, 2006

Jersey City said it issued stop-work order

Jersey City lost one of its oldest houses when two 19th-century buildings were recently demolished on Sherman Avenue.

The house closest to the street, built in the 1870s, was demolished legally over a week ago and the second structure, of Dutch-influenced architecture and believed to have been built 20 to 40 years earlier, was illegally destroyed on Wednesday, city officials said yesterday.

After the demolition of the first structure the city issued a stop-work order to prevent the destruction of the older building when it was discovered that it may be more than 150 years old, said Barbara Netchert, acting director of the city Department of Housing, Economic Development and Commerce. A city ordinance prohibits demolition of houses more than 150 years old without the approval of City Council.

Because the age of the building was in doubt, the city issued a stop-work order until it could be determined, but demolition went ahead anyway, Netchert said.

The property owner, Bob Sacks of Sacks Realty, could not be reached for comment yesterday. Calls to his attorney were also not returned.

Netchert said the city is now trying to determine what to do next.

Jacob Morgan, who lives next to the demolished site, said he first saw demolition notices about a month ago.

"I am unhappy because that house cannot come back again," he said. "It was a greedy act to knock down history."

Joshua Parkhurst, president of the Jersey City Landmarks Conservancy, said that he would like to see construction of a similar building.

"A stop-work order is not enough. We have laws, but people just break them," he said. "More needs to be done to preserve history."

Posted on: 2006/8/20 15:58
"Never confuse dissent with disloyality" - Thomas Paine

Re: Special City Council Public Meeting - Open Space or Truck Terminal


Pisces1979 wrote:
ummm..... they did not advertise this meeting well. If they had, then I bet you would have a lot more people, it is mostly the people over by broadyway and sip avenue that will be affected, because the trucks are going to take shortcuts through residental streets.

wonder why a low turnout? here's why:
All of this discussion is preceding a possible City Council vote on Wednesday, August 16th at 10am
This is a favorite trick of government not just in JC but all over the state. Schedule the meeting when most people are at work or in the throws of commuting. That way you keep down the opposition and say that you satisfied the letter of the law by holding a meeting the people didn't show up to.
Except the projects supporters
Who probably were bused in
At taxpayers expense
Now that should be a reality TV show!

Posted on: 2006/8/20 15:47
"Never confuse dissent with disloyality" - Thomas Paine

Re: Healy to decide on $8 million state aid request - Fulop feels aid shows a lack of pride.

What you're thinking of is called zero based budgeting, which forces department to start from scratch instead of lumping more money on the amount they got last year.
Granted it will take a lot of political will to implement it and make sure everyone sticks to it. But somewhere along the line it has to be done.

As for turning down $8 million in state money, well it's past the point of pride. Residential taxpayers are at wits end. I refer to the NY Times story of last week that showed property taxes grew many times the rate of taxpayer's salaries. Unfortunetely (except for Steve Fulop) most of the council never seems to have met an abatement it didn't want to grant and now we are paying for it. Quote:

jc_insomniac wrote:

Mayor Glenn D. Cunningham pulled Jersey City out of the program because he didn't think the $2 million the city received was worth the hassle - or the label of a "distressed city."

Ward E Councilman Steve Fulop said he agrees.

"I think the distressed cities program shows a lack of pride," Fulop said. "And from my point of view Jersey City is not a distressed city.

"The first thing we should pursue is cost-cutting, which hasn't been done at all to any great degree," he added.

I agree that the city needs to cut costs, but since this is something that our current administration doesn't seem to prioritize, I believe that the $8M state aid is worth the silly label that will be slapped on JC. Besides, our city has been called worse.

The best part about receiving the aid, besides the obvious, is the necessary checks and balance that will be instituted as a condition for receipt of the monies:


The biggest drawback to receiving the aid, now called "Special Municipal Aid," is that hiring and promotions would have to justified to and approved by the state Local Finance Board, Healy said.

What could be better than the admin having to justify its hiring and promotions? How quickly can we get this aid?

Posted on: 2006/8/17 5:02
"Never confuse dissent with disloyality" - Thomas Paine

Re: Three 40-plus story towers on 110 and 111 First Street sites.

Welcome to how development really works in New Jersey! Step 1 ...developer comes in with plan that doesn't conform to local zoning. But thats OK, this plan is so good for the city, it will make this place Paris on the Hudson and might even cure cancer.
Step 2... Residents oppose it. That's Ok. during public hearing, developers "experts" will tesify that, OK so this doesn't conform to your zoning, but it's the best thing since sliced bread. Our project will provide a lot of temporary construction jobs for people who don't live here and might cure cancer. We'll make the building look likesomehting everyone adores, like "My Little Pony"
Step 2.5 The experts will wave their degrees and a lot of reports in front of the city board and say "don't listen to the residents, they're not experts, we are. Oh sure we're being paid by the developer, but come on, look at this snappy degree!!!!"
Step 3. Developer dangles incentives in front of town. We'll provide moderate cost housing for the scruffy artsist who urban homesetaded this place (most places and the state require this under the COAH laws anyway) We'll build you a park, Sure it won't accomodate the extra people we're bringing, but hey! It's a park!!!! We'll name after someone on the board who everyone likes.
Step 4. Ask for a tax abatement. Come on, all the kids are doing it. Don't you want to be a cool city, too?
Step 4. Board denied the application. Now it's time for the "other" attorneys to come in. Instead of the happy applicant's attorneys, enter the stern faced litagators. Oh and city, don't call me applicant anymore, it's plaintiff to you.
See you in court. Bring the municipal budget.
Step 5. City soils itself when plaintiff/developer demand the whole city budget and the mayor's skin as damages. "God bless the civil court process for giving my client the ablity to be made whole and do you like this new designer suit?,'' litigator tells the local paper.
Step 6. Entire planning board and other city official suddenly lose their spines. Pictures of missing spines appear on milk cartons. Board and city officials bend into impossible positions trying to settle with developer/plaintiff.
Developer/ Plaintiff accepts terms and drops the suit, says it's best for residents. Developer/plaintiff then asks board members and city officials to walk down a set of stairs like a "Slinky" toy as as show of good faith.
Step 7. Bulldozers & construction crews arrive, traffic, congestion and people who've never lived here follow and complain that the city needs more stuff like they had where they used to live. Like a tiny park named for someone on the planning board.
Disclaimer: The names have been changed to protect the innocent, who can no longer afford to live here and have moved to Pennsylvania. Any resemblence to persons living or dead is really, a fluke.

Posted on: 2006/6/27 8:46
"Never confuse dissent with disloyality" - Thomas Paine

Re: Advice to a 'soon to be' resident of downtown JC

Welcome. I'm one of the rare people who moved here from the burbs and still work in the burbs. So I have a car. Since you don't i'll spare you the parking enforcement rant (selective, especially when the city is lacking for $$$$ for minor offenses.)
So if you can avoid a car, do so, although it isn't half as bad as Hoboken parking.
I've been here for 6 years and commute everyday to Neptune, (down the shore, not outer space) so I guess I like it here.
Downtown JC, especially my neighborhood here in the Village, reminds me of Queens, when I was a kid. For a city, it is pretty quiet.
Great mix of people, although the old timers are either moving or dying. A shame because I love hearing their tales of old JC and what used to be here. Stop and talk to the long timers.
Anything is pretty much in walking distance or busable, including the Shop-Rite, Newport mall, etc. But don't pass up the small stores on Newark Street. Downtown Hardware is a gem and they always seem to have what you need. Downtown Vets also are a good place if you have pets.
You'll never go hungry here unless you want to.
Grove street PATH is walkabale or their are busines and min-buses to take you. Cab ride late at night is $3-4.

Dislikes: It's still a city folks and there is crime. Three car break ins and my building twice, so take appropriate steps.
We lost our live music club (Uncle Joes) and that is a loss. Some places have tried to fill the void, but we need our Jersey City version of Maxwells back.
Ditto for struggling art life. We have galleries and plenty of artists working in various spaces (take the artist tour when it's announced. Downside was we lost the 111 Fist St. artists building, which was a mistake as far as reviving downtown.
The school system is still under state control, which is what I think leads to the Hoboken syndrome (young 20 somehting move in, meet, marry, have kids and head for the burbs when kids get to be school age).
What you will find is a city in transition, a place with a charcater of the old and an emerging identity, which is still a work in progress. it's like Hoboken was about 15-20 years ago before it became a developers wetdream.


Chama wrote:
Greetings to all fellow forum members!

I've been reading a lot of the postings in for the past few weeks and decided to join the forum. We will hopefully become official residents on downtown Jersey City in June (we are purchasing a condo 3 blocks away from Hamilton Park, can't wait to move!!). We were not familiar with the downtown area of Jersey City until over a month ago, when we went for an 'Open House' tour with some friends. We really liked the area and were fortunate enough to find the kind of condo we were just looking for.
The forum has been a wonderful and colorful source of information to learn more about the community, resources, politics, and the idiosyncrasy of the residents. I look forward to participating in the forum discussions myself.

As a 'soon-to-be-resident' to the area I wanted to get a feel for what things you like the most about downtown Jersey City, and what things you like the least. What excites you about this place? What worries you? Just to get you started, we presently live in midtown Manhattan, in an area that is not really residential. It is very convenient to get to work (we walk everywhere pretty much) and get to see all kinds all people, any time of the day or night. However, the noise on the streets (like garbage and demolition trucks during the day and late night) is simply unbearable! The taxes are killing us, and forget about thinking of buying a condo here (and I can't stand the co-op philosophy on residential buildings). The city is just too busy and too noisy for us. We are longing for a more residential, quieter, charming place to live, where we can find a sense of community and stability... and, of course, with a convenient commute to NYC.

Anyway, feel free to share your thoughts, and any advice on how to prepare for our new 'home' city will be greatly welcome. Thanks so much in advance!!

Posted on: 2006/4/30 22:50
"Never confuse dissent with disloyality" - Thomas Paine

Re: Should Downtown Jersey City Secede?

New Jersey already suffers from the fact that it has too many municipalities. (566) Plus what ever downtown is called, it would have to assume a porrtion of Jersey City's existing debt if it did secede and form it's own municipality.

Posted on: 2005/3/12 5:44
"Never confuse dissent with disloyality" - Thomas Paine

Re: Legal Grounds - Coffee Shop on Grand Street

What is the nearest cross street so I can find Legal Grounds?
I'm waiting to road test their brew!

Posted on: 2005/2/24 2:26
"Never confuse dissent with disloyality" - Thomas Paine

Re: Why does JC have financial problems - Start here

That kind of "to the victor belongs the spoils" attitude is not exclusively a Jersey City problem.
Go to the republican controlled suburban counties and you'll find a lot of people in county government also are GOP hotshots. It stems from the pay to play system in New Jersey which allows the pols in power to hand out jobs and contracts like they were candy and today is Halloween. What the public has to do is start voting the scoundrels out in bringing in independents who are beholden to no one...except the public!

Posted on: 2005/2/22 15:28
"Never confuse dissent with disloyality" - Thomas Paine




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